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ah, some discussion with some players i know earlier today. sounds A LOT like 5e. A LOT.
Yeah, I kinda got that vibe too.
I get the commercial imperative, I'm just a bit disappointed (like Ithers, I have a lot of money invested in PF). That said, the 3e stuff can be quite confusing in places (all the vague spell descriptions). I was somewhat amused by the comment re how good the SF book is, as I actually found it confusing and a bit boring, though to be fair SF disappointed me a tad anyway as it wasn't proper science fiction roleplaying but science fantasy instead.

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Yeah, its the past 10 years of investing in PF products (and the heaps of 3rd and 3.5 stuff I still have about) that will probably keep me from being too interested in the new edition.
The current edition certainly isn't perfect, but from my point of view it ain't broke, so ...

AinvarG |

Send some of that snow westward, we'll take all you got. Sorry to hear it's knocked you off schedule.
And minor or not, I hope the Mrs.' little procedure leads to a speedy recovery. I had good fortune with mine - everything healed well. The follow-up physical therapy for mine wasn't fun, but at least it was something I could do something about.

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Yeah we have high hopes for the orthopedic thing. It looks like it has repaired a shoulder injury she has been living with for nearly 20 years but we'll see once she can actually move that arm again.
Anyone see this that was semi viral a couple days ago? That's our general area and the pic at the bottom must be from within a few streets of us. The trick with driving in snow/ice here is that each township does things their own way and I passed through a couple that were just fine on the way to work. Then on the immediate left turn that I made crossing the line into another township i couldn't see in the dark that it wasn't properly cleared/salted. I slid and hit a curb, blew out a tire, bent the rim and jacked the alignment up. Too much fun before 6am for one day. But overall it was relatively minor as far as something like that goes.

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OK, disappointingly, it looks like we have lost Mothy (again) and Ithers. They were the last two original players in the game. We are running slightly short-staffed as it is, with five PCs plus Rod and Janosz as NPCs, and this will bring things down to three PCs.
I'm slightly at a loss as to what to do. We can recruit, but we are ten years into this campaign, with all the campaign knowledge and character history and motivation to go with it. I don't want to drag around a host of NPCs since they are a pain for everyone to run, but three PCs is too few for it to work well. I'd like to get this story told, but we still have years to go, and I'm not sure we can really carry on like this. I'd like to know what people think.

Green Giant |

Before we derailed Aubrey’s adventure to go save Lightbringer, we were originally going to escort the kalashtar and the shards to Adar. We rescued Lightbringer and now it is time to continue with the main mission.
We’ll need to take the PCs with us in the event Mothy, Ithers, etc. return to the game. For sure we need to take Ez since he has the shards in a Leomund’s secret chest somewhere. The kalashtar need to come as our guides. We’ll need to hire Captain Marrius and his Crimson Eagle airship for transport. So unless Aubrey has a line of encounters for every mile from Khorvaire to Adar, there shouldn’t be much problems. Maybe we can swing by Valenar and pick up Runzyl. ;) Once at Adar, Rod, LB, Janosz, and Ez can fade into the background until their players return. You could recruit another player if you wish, Aubrey. But as it is, we have a paladin, a cleric, and a beguiler. That should cover most of the roles that may be needed in further adventures.
Incidentally, Aubrey, we need loot especially coin to pay for the airship. What were the baddies carrying? We can leave the oil of repairs and some weapons with the warforged Faith and Warforged 773 to defend their charges. Hopefully they’ll be fine until LB returns and launches a crusade against the Lord of Blades.

Gil |

Good points, GG. I said this elsewhere, but I hate to give up on someone, but there does come a time when you have to stop waiting for them. Some limbo-status that allows them to return would be preferable, in my mind, and I think what GG is saying is reasonable as long as it doesn't derail the threat of the game further.

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OK, if we can keep going with three players and you are happy to continue in this manner, then let's do it (makes for a quicker game to some extent). I might have to trim my plans for some of the more epic combats I had in mind, but hey, sometimes less is more.
That said, I might ask some of the existing players in the other games if they are interested, since they are good players and understand the approach. Would you be happy with that?
On the loot front, you offed a load of baddies equipped as NPCs (i.e. higher loot levels) so hopefully resale values will be adequate. We can get to that anon.

Gil |

Nor Gil, but as GG stated, we are likely going to need funding to proceed with the story. There's a lot of items in that list, so that hopefully gets us closer to where we need to be financially.
For the record, one thing that interested her was the wand of deeper darkness.

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OK, for those interested in joining this game, a few rules. This campaign is the very first one I ran on these boards, currently pretty high level (12 or so), and has been running for ages (just over a decade). So there's a ton of backstory, both for the characters and the campaign in general. The players have generally suggested that they don't want a major influx of new characters, and there is the possibility some previous players could return, but we are currently down to just three and this could be an issue if we lose any more due to unforeseen circumstances. So at this stage, I'm willing to countenance ONE more PC in the game. (Please note that this may change as things go along, depending on how things work out, so this isn't necessarily a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.)
Normally I don't like making things competitive, since people showing an interest is always nice and should be the main criterion, and if they seem to like the style of play then I'm happy for them to come in. But due to the circumstances outlined above, this will be more of a competition as more than one person has displayed an interest. So here's what I would like those who are interested to do: please come up with a few paragraphs of character background, so I and the other players can see what you have in mind. Since this is quite plot-driven campaign, you will get brownie point for making it relevant to the broader campaign (i.e. why do you want to go adventuring with these people specifically). Then we will chose one. Any questions, please raise them in the discussion thread.

Storyteller Shadow |

DOT. I'll do some research and get a submission up by Saturday. Thanks for the opportunity, I've lurked on this one for a quite a while :-)

Green Giant |

OK. By the way, the Runelords game is effectively in the same situation. If GG wants to consider branching out into that game, he is more than welcome.
Just read this and I was going to throw my hat in the ring but I saw you already got somebody joining. Let's spread your evilness...uh, I mean your cunningness to new blood. ;)

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I've only wanted to join this game for a decade or so.... I was in your "other" Eberron one that died.... As you know, my posting this week isn't up to much, and I'll also need to some time to catch up, but I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.

Storyteller Shadow |

By the way, if you are not already familiar with the game and want to read it a bit, we'll give you some time (it is f&&&ing long!).
Indeed. I am hoping to be done with skimming by Sunday and post a concept by Sunday night.

Storyteller Shadow |

Dreamscarred psionics. The Paizo occult classes don't really work in the context of Eberron in my view, given the prominence of psionics.
Only 20,000 posts to go and I've caught up!

Green Giant |

Let's see if this is a fair split -
Fort Galliard
+1 kukris
Masterwork +4 STR composite longbow
2 belts of giant strength +2
3 cloaks of resistance +1
2 rings of protection +1
Masterwork quarterstaff
Amulet of mighty fists +1
+1 adamantine guisarme
Masterwork dagger
Masterwork shortsword
four doses of large scorpion venom
three doses of sassone leaf residue
+2 heavy steel shield
alchemist's formula book
Headband of inspired wisdom +2
Rodergo's Reavers
+1 kukris
Amulet of natural armor +1
2 belts of giant strength +2
2 cloaks of resistance +1
Ring of protection +1
Bracers of armor +2
+1 adamantine guisarme
2 boots of striding and springing
+2 light mace
Headband of mental prowess (INT/WIS) +2
Silver unholy symbol
Wand of deeper darkness (9 charges)
+2 light crossbow
Headband of vast intelligence +2
+1 human-bane flaming burst two-handed sword
If Fort Galliard doesn't have an alchemist, the Reavers will take the formula book to sell. Left the poisons with the Fort, didn't want to get caught with them back in Sharn. Also, if anybody wishes to take one of the items, feel free. Leave the 2-handed sword though, that'll give us the most in sell value to get coin for the trip.

Green Giant |

An airship trip from Sharn to Honsaa in Adar is about 9500-9750 miles through the Dragonreach as the crow flies. Let's round it up to 10,000 miles as we'll want to skirt some areas such as Argonnessen and Syrkarn. Using airship travel times, that's about 21-22 days of travel. If we charter the Crimson Eagle, that's 21-22,000 gp to get us there.
All told if we sell the items we kept we'll have 50,678 gp 5 sp.
Edit: the greatsword alone will give us 16,175 gp by itself.

mellowgoth |

Folks, for your consideration:
A number of the Quori share a deep interest – one might say an obsession – with the anceint battelgrounds of Xen’drik, where the last iteration of the Dreaming Dark actually physically invaded Eberron. The empire of Riedra has invsted considerable resources in investiagting the ruined continent – and where the Inspired plot, the Kalashtar must needs oppose them.
Kidistenharath left Adar nearly forty years ago, tracking the empty vessels and Inspired of the city of Dar Ulatesh as they launched a major expedition to Xen’Drik. He arrived in Sotrmreach, via Adar and Sharn, nearly a year after, and began a wide search, eventually fidning the Ulateshi exploring a set of ruins near Bazek Mohr. For over a decade, he hunted, scouted, investigated and, where he could, hindered the servents of the Dreaming Dark, eventually making allies among the rougues, scoundrels and explorers of the outlands. Eventually, he bceame close to a half-drow guide and smuggler named Shifara, and, in due course, their son was born.
Kidistenharath had never explained the nature of the kalashtar in great detail, so the boy’s apearance and nature were a bit of a surprise for Shifara. Other than a bit of odd coloration – Vaisyrhrath has platinum-blonde hair and darker sin than most kalashtar – he was the image of his father.
Vaisyrharath grew into his father’s work, studying the works of the Quori that had gone before, the psychic and magical might of the giants that coutnered it in the ancient war, and the intrigues of the Riedrans of the presnt day. Quite apart from the deadly servents of the Dreaming Dark, Xen’drik is s lethal envrionemnt all on its own. Vaisyrharath’s mother died before he was ten, never returning from a raid into a rumoured storm giant lich’s tomb. His father was evetually cornered by the Riedrans, exactnig a heavy toll while hoe forced them to kill him, but gone nonetheless.
Since his eighteeth year, Viasyrharath has been largely on his own. He is a known figure in the netwrok of exploreers, smuggelrs, rogues, and guides working the ruins – ostensibly a half-elf from Stormreach. He made occasional journies to Stomreach to meet and report to kalashtar there, and, once, crossed the Thuder Sea to Sharn, spedning a month among his kin there.
He has been carrying on his father’s work – Harath’s work, the Path’s work – for over fifteen years, now. The harsh environemnt has made him formidible, but the pervasive dangers and necessary paranoia have made him a bit brittle.
Recently, there was a great stir in the Inspired encampment. Several senior agents – deadly old foes, better known to him than family – were aburptyl recalled , literally vanishing into thin air – before he had a ahcne to get close enough to trace their psychoportation. With the allies he had close to hand, and all fo the Inspired and the msot powerful Empty Vessels gone, Viasyrharath was able to finally crush the expedition. But it did not seem that the excitement in the camp had been caused by anything that they discovered in the ruins.
With a dreadful feeling that something big was up, Vaisyrharath turned the ruins over to his allies and made for Sdtormreach. There he discovered a number fo Inspired had left the Riedran embassy – abruptly and with no explaination beyond a vague “Riedran matters of State…” His kin in Stormreach had no further information, so he booked passage on a lyrander elemental galley bound for Sharn.
He arrived there a day or two after Rodegro’s Reavers batteld the Horned Guard in the presence of half the royalty of Khorvaire. His elders have informed him of the errand, and its potential import to the Path and all of Eberron. Vaisyrharath was already packing when they asked if he would lend his assistance…
Kalashtar (Xen'drik) psion 13 (Ultimate Psionics 49)
N Medium humanoid (kalashtar)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 78 (13d6+24)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +9; +2 racial bonus vs mind-affecting spells and effects.
Defensive Abilities no dreams
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 psychokinetic longsword +7/+2 (1d8+1/19-20+1d4 ectoplasmic)
Psion Powers Known (power points 186, ML 13th; concentration +31)
7th—bend reality, crisis of life (DC 21)
6th—aura alteration, defer fatality, disintegtration (DC 20), sustained flight
5th—catapsi (DC 19), mind probe (DC 19), psychic crush (DC 19), shatter mind blank (DC 19), tower of iron will
4th—correspond, deadly fear (DC 18), detect remote viewing, memory modification (DC 18)
3rd—dispel psionics, eradicate invisibility (DC 17), guarded sleep, psychoport (DC 17)
2nd—brain lock (DC 16), cloud mind (DC 16), compelling voice (DC 16), thought shield
1st—detect compulsion, force screen, mind thrust (DC 15), mindlink
0 (at will)—conceal thoughts, crystal light (DC 14), detect psionics
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Access Psionic Talent, Combat Manifestation, Expanded Knowledge, Extra Power Known, Greater Power Penetration, Light Armor Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword), Open Minded, Power Penetration, Psion Weapon Proficiencies, Telepathic Link
Traits suspicious, telepathic talent
Skills Autohypnosis +10, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +11 (+13 to impersonate a human.), Intimidate +3, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (planes) +14, Knowledge (psionics) +20, Knowledge (religion) +8, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +9, Survival +10; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate, social interaction
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Quori, Riedran
SQ discipline (telepathy [telepath]), dual spirts, human looking, mental intrusion, mindlink, naturally psionic, talents, telepathy
Other Gear +3 lamellar (leather) armor[UC], +1 psychokinetic longsword, 122,475 gp
Tracked Resources
Mindlink (1/day) (Ps) - 0/1
Special Abilities
Access Psionic Talent Gain five talents.
Combat Manifestation +4 to Concentration checks to manifest power while on the defensive.
Dual Spirts +2 racial bonus vs mind-affecting spells and effects.
Expanded Knowledge (Psion, Psychoport) Add to your powers known one additional power of any level up to one level lower than the highest-level power you can manifest.
Extra Power Known (Psion) You know an additional psionic power.
Human Looking +2 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to impersonate a human.
Mental Intrusion (Ex) At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, increase the save DC of any mind-affecting power you manifest by 1 for every 2 power points you spend augmenting the power, provided the augmentation does not already increase the power's save DC.
Mindlink (1/day) (Ps) Psi-Like Abilities: Mindlink (1/day). This ability is like the power manifested by a wilder of 1/2 the kalashtar's Hit Dice (minimum 1st level).
If you are not using the Ultimate Psionics in your game, use this description of
Naturally Psionic (Ps) Gain 1 extra power point per character level, regardless of whether you choose a psionic class.
Note: This ability works with Ultimate Psionics that can be found in the Community 3PP Pack.
No Dreams Immunity to the dream and nightmare spells
Open Minded You are naturally able to reroute your memory, mind, and skill expertise.
Power Penetration +4 / +8 vs PR Bonus on ML checks vs PR is +4 when focused and +8 when expend focus.
Social Interaction (Ex) Kalashtar are masters of social interaction, influencing others through their commanding presence and subtle psychic powers and gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Talents You may learn 3 "talents" (level 0 powers) as well as detect psionics.
Telepathic Link Your experience with joining minds has progressed to the point that you are now able to maintain a permanent telepathic connection with others.
Prerequisites: Manifester level 3rd, ability to manifest mindlink.
Benefit: As
Telepathy (Su) You gain telepathy out to 450 feet. While maintaining psionic focus, detect others using telepathy within 30 feet.
Telepathy (Telepath) A psion who chooses the discipline of telepathy is known as a telepath. He is the master of powers that allow mental contact and control of other sentient creatures. A telepath can deceive or destroy the minds of his enemies with ease.