Aubrey's Eberron campaign.
Game Master
Aubrey the Malformed
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
I must not be seeing all of the map. My number coordinates stop at 25.
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1
Map updated. I took the liberty of placing Kaz and Gil.
Arcane ballista 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Gil 23
Rodergo 19
Janosz 16
Haladon 14
Kazadar 10+
Arcane Ballista 10-
Ez 5+
Lightbringer 5

79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
Finally on a computer so I can see the entire map, sorry. Placement for Gil is fine.
What sort of ballista is it? My default image is an enormous spear-throwing crossbow, but in checking my mental definition, I see the definition is broader than that. I'm picturing this being a device that throws its missiles long and flat rather than high arcs. Does it have a clear shot at the rest of the party - that will alter my plan below.
I picture the standard pose for someone using a flight spell is upright, essentially standing or walking, rather than prone like Superman or most other superheroes. She's going to do it a bit differently now.
To those that can see her invisible form, Gil appears to dive from her 30' height down and to her right, skimming the surface of the ground as she continues. Half-speed to descend the first 30'? Then finish out her double-move of 90' per move? That should allow her to easily reach AS21, hovering prone just behind the glass about 6 inches off the ground.
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
for the Fly spell, descent is at double speed and ascent is at half speed. also when going diagonally in that way you don't count every other square as double when going diagonally relative to the Y axis.
79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
That's what I thought. I ended up moving less than my available movement, anyway, because I wanted to use the glass for cover.
79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
Upon further review, I would like to modify her move. Can someone place her on the near side of the glass a square or two left of directly between the party and the ballista? Same position - prone behind the glass for cover. When I get back to a computer, I'll call it if no one else does.
The ballista is effectively a giant crossbow.
Map updated.
Rod, then Janosz.
hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
As the invisibility sphere is centered on LB and everyone probably wants to stay within its area at this point, do we all need to delay / sync our initiatives to Lightbringer?
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
Yes. Good point. So the ballista is up, then LB, then the rest of us in whatever order we are able to post as we come out of delay.
The ballista tracks Gil as she flies but she drops down into cover before it can fire. The guards begin to stir, clearly noting the ballista's movements but unable to see what it was targeting. The ballista then shifts targets, lifting up and firing across no-man's land. The nearby troops immediately begin to raise the alarm.
Ballista shoots at Janosz.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 to hit, damage 4d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 6) + 3 = 24 plus 1d6 ⇒ 6 fire damage
79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
Rats, I was afraid of that.
Updated initiative
Gil 23
Arcane Ballista 20+
Lightbringer 20-
Rodergo 19
Janosz 16
Haladon 14
Kazadar 10+
Ez 5+
Map updated.
Given the above conversation I've amended the initiative order. So it's LB, then everyone else next.
hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
Everyone in this group is on foot (except Ez who is flying) but hasted, is that correct? The plan changed a couple of times, so just want to make sure we are on the same page. This puts the group’s speed at double that of the slowest members (LB and Kaz at 20), making it 40 (although some can move faster). LB will double move directly forward if that suits everyone? This presumably puts Lightbringer at N24, with Rod staying just behind him at N25. If anyone wants a slower advance (to cast spells, make ranged attacks or what have-you), let me know, or if I have the speed situation incorrect adjust the end point accordingly.
Map updated.
I've moved everyone up as directed above in a double-ish move - please let me know if characters want to deviate from that. Otherwise, it's Gil.
OK, I've assumed that everyone is doing a double move with LB, but if not please let me know. Assuming that everyone is happy, since no one has said otherwise, it is Gil's turn.
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
On the next round I'll cast my own invisibility and split off.
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
I misjudged Gil's position when I requested her placement. If I can retcon, please place her in AF15 effective last round and I will take my turn.
If I cannot retcon, I will put it down to a poor choice and my action will change somewhat. Rather than confuse, I will wait to see which decision branch to follow.
79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
Gil casts obscuring mist, causing a mist to seemingly rise out of the ground and create a small ground-bound cloud between the ballista and the rest of the party.
You probably already know, but it is 20' radius, 20' high and, if left alone, will last 12 minutes.
Staying low to the ground (and invisible), she flies out of the cloud to X13.
Male Human Ranger 7/Eldeen ranger (Gatekeeper) 5/Fighter 1
Just to clarify, are we all airwalking (the exceptions being Gil and Ezreal, who are under the effect of proper flight spells)?
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
That's right. No one is on foot at ground level or you wouldn't be invisible. Also if you break away from LB you will become visible.
79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
Alas, I failed to remember that when I tried to provide that visual screen. I hope you are low enough that the ballista has lost line of sight.
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
Kaz provided Airwalk if needed
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
Haha. Yes, you cast it. It is the only reason I didn't teleport us in. Airwalk was preferred in order to reserve teleport for a possible escape.
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
If Gil has cast obscuring mists, it is the arcane ballista and then then rest of us.
79/79 hp, 0 nonlethal; Effects: ; Perception +16, vs traps +20; Guise: Non-descript male gambler
Sorry for my silence.
As the fog billows up it blocks the arcane ballista's view, and it cannot target anything. The conjured fog bank draws arrow fire from the soldiers, but Gil is long gone.
Arcane ballista can't find a target, so it is the group again.
Map updated.
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
Ezreal quickly grants himself personal invisibility and veers off from the group. "I need to put a little distance between us before I give away your position with casting. Get ready."
SA: Cast Greater Invisibility
MA: Fly to S21, low enough elevation to put the glass spikes coming out of the trenches as cover blocking line of sight to the arcane ballista.
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
Kazadar quietly intones a prayer to Dol Dorn, granting himself Righteous Might
hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
Lightbringer continues to airwalk forward at a steady pace so as to allow his companions to remain within the invisibility sphere should they so choose. LB airwalks forward to N17, staying fairly low at the moment – how high is the glass shard wall by the way?
Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk
Rodergo moves forward behind Lightbringer, casting Righteous Might on himself as he goes. [/ooc]Ending up in N18 to O19.[/ooc]
The shard wall is about 6' high, with the shards tilted inwards and with lower bits a bit like crenellations so the besieging troops can fire over it with their bows.
Rod, Janosz and Kaz need to state their positions otherwise they will fall outside the circle of invisibility.
Map updated.
Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk
As above, Rod is in N18, N19, O18, O19.
Haladon keeps to Lightbringer's flank while he quickly intones a prayer for the Silver Flame's favor before readying his shield.
Swift Action: cast divine favor.
Move Action: move to O17 and ready shield.
And just to be sure on what spells we're under effect:
Gil 23 Invisibility, Fly, Bless, Extended Haste
Rodergo 19 Airwalk, Invisibility Sphere, Bless, Righteous Might, Extended Haste
Janosz 16 Airwalk, Invisibility Sphere, Bless, Gravity Bow, Longstrider, Extended Haste
Haladon 14 Airwalk, Invisibility Sphere, Bless, Divine Favor, Extended Haste
Kazadar 10+ Airwalk, Invisibility Sphere, Bless, Righteous Might, Extended Haste
Arcane Ballista 10-
Ez 5+ Greater Invisibility, Overland Flight, Bless, See Invisibility, Arcane Sight, Extended Haste
Lightbringer 5 Airwalk, Invisibility Sphere (centered), Bless, Bull's Strength, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Extended Haste
A little belatedly, need a position from Kaz and Janosz. I think Vatters is taking a break from the boards so someone take Janosz's turn, please.
Map updated.
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
Kazadar intones the words of Divine Power before moving up next to Rodergo. PQ 19/20
I think Kaz will need to be on LB's left (LM 17/18?) to remain within the radius of the invisibility spell. Janosz will remain in the lead, moving to O16.
He will delay so everyone can move together. "Well, let's get this party started, what do you say?"
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
AinvarG wrote: I think Kaz will need to be on LB's left (LM 17/18?) to remain within the radius of the invisibility spell. Janosz will remain in the lead, moving to O16. ah, then i do that
The arcane ballista still cannot get a target, so it's Ez.
Map updated.
HPs: 96 / 96, APs: 11/8 Effects: Karnnathi Wizard (Universalist) 12 / Cataclysm Mage 1
It seems like there is enough distance between Ezreal and the warforged, not to mention the wall of glass shards and invisibility, so he begins to summon something as discretely as he can.
Greater Invisibility 2/13
hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
LB's planning to attack, which will end the invisibility sphere effect; ok with all parties?
OR he may not attack this round, to give anyone else who wants it one more round of invisibility to move into position.
Aubrey, is it possible, as we are airwalking, to charge the warforged titan over the top of the normal troops and catapult from this position?
Yes, you can do that. You might even qualify for the +1 to hit for being higher up.
hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
Does anyone want another round of positioning / spellcasting before becoming visible?
Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
i should be in a good enough spot.
My thought as sub-Janosz was to give everyone that chance to synchronize attacks, but he's ready to open up a world of hurt one someone.
hp 73 of 156; AC 23 (29); Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +13 Warforged Paladin 9 / Exorcist of the Silver Flame 4; Effects: Bless, Airwalk, Weapon of Awe, Ironskin, Bull’s Strength
Lightbringer is going to delay slightly so that anyone who wants to take an action now that will break the invisibility effect for them can do so, but anyone who wants to remain invisible a while longer can indicate so to him; ie, he'll act after Kaz, Haladon, Janosz and Rod unless they indicate otherwise to him.