Hoary Muntjac

AbsolutGrndZer0's page

Organized Play Member. 1,235 posts (3,404 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

I'm really sorry for being one of those absent players.

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Hey yea I'm gonna take some time and read up on what I've missed, then hopefully try to return this week or next.

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Just sent you the PDF links, save those links as I just overwrite them when I do updates, so as long as you make sure you are seeing the latest version on the site, it will be my latest.

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

Hey sorry again. I'm just totally unable to focus on much of anything that takes thinking beyond point and click still, only thing keeping me halfway sane is my friend Gen.

As for current stats, yea I'm still level 4 with an azimuth pistol, but she would definitely upgrade to a corona if given the chance.

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17 Does NOT include the Aid Another bonus

As for the undercover name for the ship, Captain Quinn would probably go with Mistress of the Salmon Salt. She has to keep with that Blue Oyster Cult naming convention haha. Actually did this with a character in the Star Trek MMO. All her ship names are BOC songs.

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

Actually good news... I called my friend when the car yet again wouldn't start because I knew my cousin was annoyed and I don't have the money for towing anyway so I prayed it would start so at least I could drive it home... but he'd said that he would come by in the morning and see if we could jump it, and if not he'd have it towed to his house. Well, it started so I decided to drive it to his house, and then got a ride home. After a few days with the car, he realized what was going on.

See, the car starts fine. I drive it, I park. I go in the store, I return and.. it won't start. Next time, it starts fine but as soon as I turn it off, it won't start again. So, he got a stopwatch and timed it. 20 minutes after the car is turned off it will start. Once. Then you have to wait another 20 minutes. After some Google Fu, he figured out it's the crankshaft sensor. So, as a birthday/Christmas present he bought a crankshaft sensor for my car (not all that expensive) and installed it for me... and lo and behold the car starts and restarts just fine. :P

Now, the question you might have is, why didn't the mechanics do this? Because mechanics rely on their code sensors to tell them what is wrong with a car and the crankshaft sensor doesn't throw out codes. The car starts, all the codes say everything is working... no problem. So, they turned off the engine and called us to say "Yep, we started the engine just fine, no bad codes" then by the time I got there to pick up the car, it'd reset and started fine for me, which I then drove home and went inside my house until a few days later when I went shopping again and didn't take enough time for it to reset, so yet again it won't start... but it's finally fixed. Yay.

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

So good news my car is fine, the mechanic got it started just fine. So weird.

Dark Archive

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So last night around 915pm (CST), YouTube's 'Next up' played a song by Night Club... I liked it, so I listened to a few more of their songs... and then it happened...

I've had THIS on repeat for almost six hours now, and it's all Cosmo's fault!

Dark Archive

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Yqatuba wrote:
I have had several. Sara Sidle from CSI was my biggest. Right now I am into Abby from NCIS (which I just started watching).

Dude, Abby is the only reason I watched NCIS haha. I'm totally with you!

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

haha whoops just realized my last post here was as Zelda not as Quinn lmao good thing it was discussion and not the gameplay thread llol

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1
Malavine wrote:
I'm still expecting it to implode any minute. It's been down at least once today.

Press in Dire Situations!

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

Hey! Finally able to post again! I haven't been able to post or PM or anything (PMs sometimes worked, but then they didn't again... so frustrating) for like a week or so...

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

I dont' think it's a good idea to tell Pharasma's priests about my... condition. Haha.

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

I'm thinking I'll go straight Oracle from now on, next revelation will be Darkvision so I can save on having to waste my Witchwolf form on that.

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Yea I'm still here!

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

From what little I have seen, it doesn't look very compatible (at least not very much... how compatible do you find Starfinder with Pathfinder? As from what I understand Starfinder is kind of the direction they are heading with Pathfinder 2). I hope I am wrong. Either way, it's going to mean rebuying a bunch of books I already have. Nope. There has only been 3 times in my 30 years of gaming I've felt a new edition was worth rebuying it all again.

Shadowrun 2nd --> 3rd (which may not even count since it wasn't me that made the decision, it was my GM that had every single 2nd ed SR book and bought most of the 3rd ed books before we finally stopped playing.)

D&D 2nd --> 3rd.

GURPS 3rd --> 4th.

Oh and Goblins will be a core race and Alchemist will be a core class. I've never known anyone to play an Alchemist, and goblins as a core race? That makes no sense they are universally hated by everyone else as a bunch of evil mischievous monsters... but I guess they are retconning them to be friendly enough for player characters?

Not only that, but am I seeing right that in order to get the playtest you need to buy it? Tell me that's just silly and not how they're doing it.

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1


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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

Yea perform is a profession skill in Starfinder (which is Dex, Cha, or Int depending on the profession), basically. So, I went with Profession: Courtesan to reflect pretty much anything a "courtesan" would do.

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens
rando1000 wrote:
I said I'd leave the RP of Vera up to AbsolutGrndZer0 (Quinn's player), but maybe I should make a GM version of Vera so I can do quick one-off responses now and then.

Yea, that works.

SerpentViolet wrote:

Does the Gemini AI appear as a hologram or is she merely a voice?

I want to add an Alarm to her, triggered when someone tries to hack her. How do you guys want it to work? Does she appear or speak (see above) to notify us? Do we get an alert on our comms? Both? Klaxons throughout the ship?
Guys, your thoughts are appreciated.

As for being a hologram, no. At least, not yet. Originally she had an android body because that's what she was, she just copied her mind and personality into the ship's AI and kept herself connected to it. (Kind of like Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda only in reverse, if you have seen it. While I can't say for sure that's what I was thinking when I originally designed Quinn and Vera, rewatching the show I'm realizing I probably was.) So, if you haven't seen that great show, you should, at least a few episodes so you can get a feel for how Andromeda and her "ship's avatar" is handled (although, like I said, in Vera Gemini's case, the android came first.)

However, since the 'accident' Quinn had while Vera was on a solo mission, the android Vera is cut off from the Ship AI version. Now that the 'real' Vera is gone, a hologram might be something for us to look into for the future.

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Zelda casts a spell.

Spellcraft DC 16:
Inflict Light Wounds on herself: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Also, don't think it matters cause the scorpion probably isn't cold resistant, but black blood is cold, not acid. Just clarifying for the future when it might matter.

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Female Aasimar (Musetouched) Mystic (Star Shaman) 4 | SP 24/24 HP 28/28 RP 4/4 | EAC 13 KAC 14 CMAC 22 | F +1 R +3 W +6 | Coordinated Shot: Allies gain +1 ranged attack vs. foes she threatens

Eeek! I didn't realize the game had started!

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MannyGoblin wrote:
Re:White Haired Witch. A WW with good support can be pretty boss, 'Shadows Over Westcrown' AP adventure on the boards has a WW who used 15' of hair to trip and grapple while the ranger and rogue laid down stabbings from the front rank. Ass in magic spell for support and she was very effective.

Yep, remember also that when a white-haired witch grapples you with her hair, SHE IS NOT GRAPPLED like normal grappling rules. Though I've now remade her as a star shaman in Starfinder, the original version of this character was a gunslinger 5/White haired witch 15 who would grapple you with her hair, pull you in close, then "shoot you in the face." Not only does she hit touch AC but you're grappled so you lose your Dex bonus. All those nasty rogue talents just add insult to injury.

Dark Archive

15 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay, so there was a thread years ago about this, but no 'official' consensus was ever reached... so then they are more than likely played in PFS, so how do they work?

Hedge Witch wrote:

Spontaneous Healing (Su): A hedge witch can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The witch can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower, even if she doesn’t know that cure spell. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 4th level.

Empathic Healing (Su): A hedge witch can minister to a diseased or poisoned target, redirecting the affliction into herself. For a poisoned target, the witch must tend to him as a standard action; he makes his next saving throw against the poison as normal, but the witch suffers the effects of the failed save instead of the poisoned creature. For a diseased target, the witch must tend to the sick person for an hour; he makes his next saving throw against the disease as normal, but the witch suffers the effects of the failed save instead of the diseased creature. The witch does not actually become poisoned or diseased (and is not contagious and does not need to be cured), but suffers the effects of the affliction as if she had been. The witch normally uses this ability to extend the life of someone near death, giving him time to recover. This ability has no effect if the witch is immune to disease or poison. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 8th level.

I bolded the important parts. Now, note that it doesn't specify what level the hedge witch gets the ability, so would that not mean that you get it at level 1? All hedge witches can do this? BUT, it then says it replaces the hexes at 4th and 8th level respectively. So to some players, this means you don't actually get the abilities until 4th and 8th level.

My take in home games is that the witch gets them at level 1, but if a player tries to abuse the rules and 'dip' I'll smack them (not literally) but I know that kind of ruling doesn't work in PFS.

So, what's the 'official' way to do it in a PFS game, both if I ever play one or if I run a game where a player is one?

Dark Archive

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My recommendation would be http://paizo.com/products/btpy91dq?Pathfinder-Player-Companion-Blood-of-the -Moon for the alternates of the base skinwalker, though be sure to note the changes they made in Inner Sea Races that made their abilities not limited per day.

So, if they really wanted to they could do like Zelda here does and just stay in 'wolf' form when she's out adventuring. Bite attack and Claws (she has the Extra feature feat)

Dark Archive

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So, I originally posted this in the "Other RPGS" section since it most recently happened with a non-Paizo game, however that forum doesn't get as much traffic, plus I HAVE had this issue with a Pathfinder game too, so I'm reposting it here..

Okay, so this has never been an issue before, but lately I'm running into players that seem to think that games should take place day-to-day like a soap opera (vs. like a TV show like for example, Lucifer on a recent show we found out that it's been about a year or so since Lucifer first met Chloe, whereas if it was day to day with each episode being a day, it would only two months) where each game session picks up where the last one left off and there is NO downtime or anything... one 'story' ends and the next one springs literally off that one or else if it doesn't then... uh... how was your date last night with the princess?

I'm kinda confused, as I've been gaming since the 80's and never have I ever played or ran in a game like that that wasn't specially intended to be so (and they got boring as **** fast)

So, what's the deal? Why am I getting so many players APALLED that I would 'skip a few days or weeks' for the players to train, etc before the next 'adventure'?

Dark Archive

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@stroVal wrote:
The Thing From Another World wrote:
Star Wars d6 reprint.

Yes, awesome news.:D

Although I am not sure why they didnt chose the second edition from 1996 (I prefer the covers on both the '92 and '96 version)

Yea, I was much more a fan of the 2nd Edition, but STILL this is amazing.

Dark Archive

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Zhayne wrote:
The wizard's Spellslinger is pretty rotten, which is a shame, because it has awesome style to it.

Oh, I definitely disagree. Do you lose more schools? Sure. But, you can enchant your gun(s) super easy and cast spells through your gun using your gun's critical multiplier. As for the idea of dipping or not, I definitely agree it's amazing for a dip as none of it's abilities specifically say 'wizard' or even 'arcane' spells, but I think if you are going full wizard, it's still workable. Take the right opposition schools and okay so you won't be buffing, but you're the blaster. Let someone else do the buffing.

I'd say the worst is Geisha (not to be confused with the lotus geisha, that is actually useful.) I mean seriously, that Tea Ceremony? What, in the middle of the dungeon before the boss fight, we're going to take ten minutes to have tea? After having fought our way through his dungeon, you think the Lich is going to let us? The only way that works is if the GM is completely going full comic book villain where the enemy is so confident they will let you have your stupid little tea ceremony because they know it won't help you one bit.

Not to mention they lose all weapon and armor proficiency except a single monk weapon, and they lose bardic knowledge for a bit of social skills?

Seriously, they take worthless to a whole new level.

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

Ack I just read the Star Shaman and have now totally changed my mind again... Going back to Captain Quinn, but OMFG Star Shaman Mystic...

Dark Archive

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Female Witchwolf (Bite Attack 1d6, 2 Claw Attacks 1d4 | +2 Wis) Oracle (Black-Blooded) 4 Wizard (Spellslinger) 1| HP: 9/27 | AC: 14 (+4 Armor) / T: 10 / FF: 14 | Fort: +3, Ref: +2 (Wolf: +3), Will: +5 (Shifted: +6) | CMB: 3, CMD: 13| Init: +0 (Wolf: +2), Perception: +0 (Shifted: +1) (Darkvision 60ft) | Grit: 1/1

I think Pathfinder could be used, but I still kinda like Starfinder's take on things. I think it will be a lot better once they get some splatbooks for new archetypes and such. I WILL say I do like how archetypes are more generic it seems, so you can get the new abilities they add regardless of your base class if you like them.

I think I'm almost done with Captain Quinn and then I'll post her. :)

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Gilfalas wrote:

SF Character Auto Calculation, Fillable Sheet

SF Starship Auto Calculation, Choosable Component Sheet

Since some of the links in previous posts broke I figured I would repost them here.

If you find any bugs with these please PM me and I will address them ASAP.

These sheets were made and tested with Adobe on a Windows machine. Using them with other OS's or apps are used at your own risk as I have no way to test or debug them with those.

Beautiful! :D

Dark Archive

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Wow, I think actually Ryksy kinda said it best... While I know JJ isn't the one for rules, I definitely agree that in this case his being the creative director of Golarion means the rules should say they must be evil...

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Female Changeling (Sea) Witch (Hedge, Sea) 4 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 (+2 Dex +2 Natural) Touch 12 Flatfooted 12 | Saves F +0 R +2 W +3 | Init +2 | Darkvision 60; Perc +1, Sense Motive +0 | Allies within 10 feet get +1 morale bonus vs. fear (as long as she is conscious)

As she's already started drinking, Baltzar giggles inappropriately when Johara mentions handling balls... then again when she mentions wrist motion.

Dark Archive

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Yeah, that's one of those cases of bad wording... There is no rational reason why a 1st level character can be reincarnated and a 2nd level character cannot.

It's a case using common sense about what must have been the intent...

Dark Archive

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Isn't that part of the point of having Use Magic Device, though? If the command word is Hassenfrass, why does it matter if the pseudodragon can't say Hassenfrass? That's the whole point of UMD, he doesn't have to... he just has to try... then make his UMD roll. Same as a wizard who didn't even know the command word in the first place would.

Not to mention, especially if you are crafting wands yourself, just make the commmand word a certai combination of barks and chirps or something from the pseudodragon and then bam he knows the command word.

As for Decoy, a pseudodragon can't take that archetype. Most familiar archetypes replace "Speak with Others of their Kind" which Mark Seifer (the writer) said he specifically did so that Improved Familiars would not qualify.

Dark Archive

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Thanks to everyone that answered the question without personal bias. No offense, but whether you would allow it or not doesn't really matter to the question, is it legal by the rules? I say this because anything has to be run past the GM first, the GM could say straight up no paladins allowed if he/she wanted... and things having to do with the deity not being about vengeance doesn't matter because that's all still up to myself and/or the GM based on the character's background and reasons for having the 'rage'. It could have nothing to do with her deity choice. Not to mention that you are assuming that this isn't a case where *I* am the GM and just wish to clarify rules.

Dark Archive

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Thanks, yeah. My concept for the character I'm making (mythic game) is that she's technically a half-orc by blood, however she was blessed in the womb by the empyreal lord Lymneris and 'called' to be his paladin, so she's instead an angelkin aasimar. So, to reflect her 'orc' blood I also gave her "scion of humanity' and took the feat Racial Heritage: Orc and Mythic Heritage Orc (for the orc's ferocity trait), but I also want her to be able to rage alongside her actual half-orc twin brother (who has the Orc Atavism alternate trait), hence the wanting to VMC with barbarian. Kinda complicated but I think it will be superfun, especially her having to explain how she has an 'orc' for a twin brother.

Dark Archive

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I still think it would be funny if a Paizo employee came in here, said "I win" and locked the thread.

Dark Archive

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Actually, for the 3rd creature, you could use the counterpoised template (normally it's meant for the Summon Neutral Monster feat but I think it would be cool to also use here to keep the 'balance' theme.)

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Veteran of the Psychic Wars

Blue Öyster Cult

Dark Archive

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Hythlodeus wrote:

4d6 drop the lowest.

roll 18 times keep the highest 6
because point buy is unnecessarily stupid

Why is it "unnecessarily stupid" to have characters equal? I have players who always roll high and players who always roll low... even with the 18 rolls keep the highest 6 I have players that would end up with mostly 12-14 range and players that would have an 18 in every stat.

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Female Human Witch 6 | 18/18 HP | Init: +1 | AC: 12 (Touch: 12 FF: 11) | Fort: +1 Ref +2 Will +4 Per +2

Maria says what sounds like a prayer, "San Francisco, por favor, danos tu favor y protégéos en nuestro tiempo de necesidad."

Yes, Maria has also summoned a hound archon!

Maria's Hound Archon Charge Attack!: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Maria's Hound Archon Damage!: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 3 = 7
Maria's Hound Archon Critcal Hit Verification!: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Maria's Hound Archon Critical Hit Damage!: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 2) + 3 = 8
Funny thing is, I didn't fully realize Isagoras was using Hound Archons until after I decided to summon mine LOL

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In my games I allow all bloodlines to be taken, however if it's a Wildblooded bloodline it's considered rare and you better have a damn good story why you have that rarer version. Also, Sylvan would be the one that you still couldn't take, for the reasons stated in the FAQ... EH doesn't give you the bloodline arcana, therefore you can't get the animal companion.. however the blood arcanist as far as I know should be fine. Again, this is my games, I know it's not official.

Dark Archive

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How about a video?

Using a SCARF as a WEAPON

Granted, his is shorter and isn't bladed, but the technique would be similar.

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Well, yes but another example of a time it's told to me the most is when I am looking for advice on how to balance something in my own games that I have created or such, and even after I make this intent clear (more so lately), someone will usually tell me to ask my GM... it's like... didn't I just say that I am the GM looking for advice and opinions?

Dark Archive

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I figured I'd start a thread here in the discussion area about this question, which has quickly become a sort of pet peeve of mine on these forums.

Invariably someone will ask a question, and someone will find it in their great wisdom to tell them to ask their GM.

The problems with this nearly worthless statements are:

1. They could be a GM looking for advice for other players on a ruling that isn't 100% clear to them.
2. They could be a player looking to learn the rules before they present a flawed character to a GM, wasting his/her time.
3. [Insert your own reason for asking a question on the forums rather than just asking your GM with a doctorate in Pathfinder that you have on call 24/7.]

So, who else finds this answer annoying and on the other foot, who here thinks it's a 100% valid answer (to all or just some questions?)

Also let's all try to keep this civil, so that we can discuss it without getting anything deleted or the thread locked.

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Female Human Witch 6 | 18/18 HP | Init: +1 | AC: 12 (Touch: 12 FF: 11) | Fort: +1 Ref +2 Will +4 Per +2

Later today hopefully I will get my laptop power cord back so I can get Maria off my old laptop and I can get her fully updated to.

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Female Human Witch 6 | 18/18 HP | Init: +1 | AC: 12 (Touch: 12 FF: 11) | Fort: +1 Ref +2 Will +4 Per +2

Yeah, I for one can't wait. I already have been trying to do a bit of it myself for awhile. I have a space pirate kind of Robin Hood character that I made in Pathfinder as she 'crashed' on Golarion... So she's a mythic Marshal/Archmage (dual path feat, Marshal is primary) gunslinger (techslinger) / White Haired Witch (though her hair is blue... lol she's a musetouched aasimar) known as Captain Olivia Quinn (although those that really know her are aware that the only part of her name that is real is Quinn, which is actually her first name. Even they don't know her real surname anymore, except her husband who until recently thought she was dead. However, with her not even using her 'legal' name, and the fact that name is legally dead, there's not much he can do except harass her... and then there is the fact that she hasn't even been born yet... see below.)

So, yeah will be awesome to have actual 'space' rules for her, either past story or later when she finally gets off the backwater planet she's currently stuck on.

Her long story short is that she was fighting/on the run from Old God cultists, most specifically Cthulhu's cultists, whom she kinda made mad when she dropped their "God" into a black hole essentially getting rid of him forever as far as anyone is concerned (my story is that Cthulhu's existence is a sort of bootstrap paradox) except she's not done that yet technically since she was flung into the past same as Cthulhu... which is why they are after her... they are trying to kill her before she does it in the future (they aren't really even time travelers, Cthulhu is whispering to them from his prison!) She has to escape Golarion before she is born, or else they will be able to kill her as a baby, thus finally freeing Cthulhu from the bootstrap paradox he's stuck in! That would be bad...

Dark Archive

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

I think it will discourage people from trying out a new class by using a pregen. I think it will hurt our newest players. I think it will punish the helpful players who want to balance their team. I know that it is making me question whether I really want to play Maelstrom's Rift, a game that I have been looking forward to ever since it was announced. Yes, I want to play a dragon bard. But not if it means potentially killing off my real bard, Jasmine and her Wu Chai Tea Empire.

Even more disturbing is the question of what raising lethality will serve. Why punish someone for playing a class that they've never tried before in a special? How does additional lethality help us all Explore, Cooperate and Report??? I've heard some people say that if there is no chance of death, the game becomes less fun. I understand some of the thinking behind this philosophy, but I disagree. Character deaths are a bummer that can cause good players to decide that it's not worth playing anymore.

PFS has always had different factions within it. There are the people who want hard-mode and the adenaline thrill. There are also people who thrive on the teamwork and roleplay of PFS.

If we want to curb abuse, I think we need to find another path because this solution will not fix it. If we want to increase risk... Is this the way we really want to do this? Who might we be driving away? Who will we be hurting?

I think that this decision was flawed, and I humbly request that the triumverate reconsider.

This sums up my thoughts much better than I could have put into words, especially the part I put in bold text. So, if I want to play this character... so what if you don't need another sorcerer... under these new rules, I will NEVER play a pregen for any reason.

Dark Archive

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burkoJames wrote:
Zelda Marie Lupescu wrote:

Okay, so Mythic Monsters have their own abilities, they don't get the same tiers as players normally, but they do still get their choice of feats.

SO, I have two questions, but first a request.

Please don't say "Ask your GM" or any such thing. That's not helpful to anyone, especially not when odds are a person asking a question in this forum is either a GM themselves or they are in some way needing an answer from someone other than 'their GM'

Now, first of all can a Mythic Monster take the Dual Path feat and get one of the special powers from a player path?

Then second, while I realize that by the RAW it can only be taken once even by players, could a monster take "Extra Path Ability" to gain either a Universal power, or if they already had Dual Path above, a player tier power?

Firstly, if you are designing a mythic monster, id assume you are the GM. its a GM question. And therefore you shouldn't get the Ask your GM statement but the corralary "You're the GM. What you say goes". If you want a mythic vampire with Player tier powers, go right ahead. You make the rules, remember.

If you aren't the GM, why aren't you using player rules?

Now, I disagree with your take that Ask your GM is a bad answer. Its a great answer. a lot of the fuzzy questions players ask on these boards are subject to table variation, and no answer they get from the boards will be strong or definitive. If a GM is open about the fact that he is soliciting advice on how to handle the rules question, instead of just stating the rules question, he'll get a lot less "ask your GM" and the like and a lot more serious advice, because people will know who and what they are talking to.

The question you asked is a player question, namely "Do the rules allow me to do this generic thing which the rules are ambiguous about?" That's a classic Ask your GM, because ambiguity is best settled by the GM. But since you aren't using the player mythic rules, you must be a GM, and therefore you...

No, if someone comes to these forums with a question, odds are they want advice from other players, or whatever. So "Ask your GM" or "You are the GM" is still WORTHLESS.

Also, the rules state that a character with Mythic Tiers that becomes a vampire loses all Mythic Tiers and gains an equal number of Mythic Rank as a Mythic Vampire. That's not ambiguous, nor does it say 'this is not for players' any more than the base vampire template already is not for players. So, I very well COULD be a player and still have this question... I'm not a player, but I could be. So again, your insistence to be a jerk and tell me why I should be happy to receive the answer of "Ask your GM" or "You're the GM" really just pisses me off.

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Female Human Witch 6 | 18/18 HP | Init: +1 | AC: 12 (Touch: 12 FF: 11) | Fort: +1 Ref +2 Will +4 Per +2

I can take the tarrasque alone with my tar... AH CRAP I missed!