"I Also Attack Butt-First"—PaizoCon 2015 and the Adventure Card Game

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Another PaizoCon is in the books, and I'm happy to say we mostly survived (R.I.P., Sad Ezren). This was the biggest con yet for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild. More people then ever are getting involved!

Adventure Card Guild Launches Season of the Righteous

Several hundred players jumped into the new Season of the Righteous with bared blades and a fierce sense of adventure. This week, those of you who play in the Adventure Card Guild at your friendly local game store will be able to launch the new season with Scenarios 1-1A (Cloven Trail) and 1-1B (Instant Inquisition). You'll get your first introduction to your patron and friend, the Herald of Iomedae.

If you're a little nervous that we're giving you such a helpful cohort right away... you should be.

Adventure Card Game Announcements

Adventure Card Game panel attendees put up with a fair amount of ridiculousness from the panelists to get their questions answered. Vic Wertz added to the legend of the bunyip. Liz Spain provided a colorful anecdote about African porcupines that only have quills on their hindquarters: When they become aggressive, they can run backwards at a predator to stab it. I then took the opportunity to inform the room that... well, read the headline.

Banquet attendees at the PaizoCon Preview Banquet got a sackful of good tidbits. I announced the launch of a Class Decks monthly subscription through paizo.com (coming next month) and the names of some upcoming Class Decks: the barbarian and the alchemist. Mike talked about various awesome bits of Wrath of the Righteous and then announced the next base set: it's Mummy's Mask!

PACG Playtesting

The design team also got an opportunity to test out some new material on enthusiastic victimsconvention-goers. We'd like to thank Sarah Bull, Eric Ruocco, Alejandro Valdivia, Denise Panciera, Rob Zemlicka, Jennifer Pesek, Darran Caldemeyer, Michelle Caldemeyer, Daniel Powell, Jason Windham, Michael Huguenard, James Wronowski, Sarah Lehmann, and many others for their feedback on the Adventure Card Guild Open tournament format and some scenario testing for Mummy's Mask. Here's a note on the Open: We plan to release some more tickets for the ACG Open. We'll let you know on the blog when that's going to happen.

The "Best Character Ever" debate returns next week with designer Liz Spain's argument. Until then, I leave you with this.

Tanis O'Connor
Adventure Card Game Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Thanks for such a great experience. Not only was it awesome to have Wrath at PaizoCon be my first experience with Pathfinder ACG, but it was an absolute blast to play with you and Lisa. Too bad Ranzak die :(

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Only 1/3 of Ranzak die. Maybe it how Ranzak get wood leg?

Sovereign Court

That... Cohort... I'm afraid to ask what hellspawn could possibly warrant giving that card to the heroes.

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I also enjoyed all the ACG at PaizoCon. In fact I enjoyed it so much I passed on the Sunday night PFS special to get a chance to play test the Open Tournament format as well as several other events for the chance to play more ACG.

I want to put out a huge thank you to Tanis, Vic, the rest of the Paizo ACG staff and all the great volunteers that made the events so much fun.

Now to go find my local group so I can keep playing.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Andrew L Klein wrote:
That... Cohort... I'm afraid to ask what hellspawn could possibly warrant giving that card to the heroes.

Short answer: Demonic Horde and Arboreal Blight.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Andrew L Klein wrote:
That... Cohort... I'm afraid to ask what hellspawn could possibly warrant giving that card to the heroes.

You should be afraid to ask why you don't get that card when you play out of the box.

Oh SNAP!! This is the first time I've heard mention of the Alchemist Class Deck! If it's going to be fifth of the new class decks (to be released in December?) I will love you forever!! Assuming Damiel will be part of Mummy's Mask, since he's on the box, I'm sure Alchemist will be amazing to play through Season 2 of Organized Play.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think that herald is needed because there were too many incidents of people dying after their characters died in OP... :)

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I wasn't sure I was allowed to say the class deck name, but since Tanis mentioned it, I get to say I got to playtest the Alchemist class deck with Liz. First World Bard's fiancee and him got to play with the deck as well. Thanks so much for taking the time to do it!

It's a lot of fun, all three characters play very differently, and you'll love them.

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Thanks for the insight on the Alchemist deck. I kind of regret passing on the last few playtests, but I'd been way to busy to commit to them lately. Although there is a certain draw to getting the final product completely fresh, I'll consider answering the next call for playtesters if my level of free time improves by then.

But for now, I look forward to agonizing over which alchemist to use as my main Guild character during Season 2. :)

You might want to consider just allowing some generic walkins for the open tournament.

The cover art on the box looks awesome. Who is that man in the back with the fiery hands and a staff of sorts?

iMonkey wrote:
The cover art on the box looks awesome. Who is that man in the back with the fiery hands and a staff of sorts?

Can't say for sure, but I'm thinking it's likely the iconic Kineticist from Occult Adventures.

Speaking of occult iconics, with about a month and a half until the OA release, are we going to start seeing new "Meet the Iconics" blog posts soon like we did for the Advanced Class Guide?

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iMonkey wrote:
The cover art on the box looks awesome. Who is that man in the back with the fiery hands and a staff of sorts?

he looks like Ezren ^^

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I want the glowing-demonic-mummy cat on the right side of the box. It looks cute. And like it would eat souls. Which is cuter.

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TFGenesis wrote:
I want the glowing-demonic-mummy cat on the right side of the box. It looks cute. And like it would eat souls. Which is cuter.

Don't all cats do that?

Ralkana wrote:
iMonkey wrote:
The cover art on the box looks awesome. Who is that man in the back with the fiery hands and a staff of sorts?
he looks like Ezren ^^

Oh of course, duh. Well ... maybe. The staff is definitely Ezren-y. But this guy looks a bit too nimble to be Ezren. Maybe that's just me.

Also ... Where's Waldo? Alahazra?

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

How does one get the Herald of Iomedae card? Is it an actual promo card sent to the retailers that get the base game? Or is it "print and play"?

Michael Murillo wrote:
How does one get the Herald of Iomedae card? Is it an actual promo card sent to the retailers that get the base game? Or is it "print and play"?

It's marked as part of deck 1, so I'm assuming it comes with the game as part of adventure box 1.

The Herald is only for the truly desperate. Reminds me of Safe Haven. Good way to lose the game.

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You'll have to print and play it. Herald is on the actual scenario.

We tended to use a Cohort that would never come into play as a proxy eg Padrig. Since you display it to make it work, it should never be in someone's hand past the first turn.

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Herald works great with a healer in party. They sack card you heal then they heal. This allows party to not have to be at location of healer. Those that survived the original 1-1A should be given a medal. It was a tough fight. Interested in seeing how it was changed. Need to download new one.

Nice to meet Tannis and rest of crew. Enjoyed playing over weekend. Hail Ekkie!

iMonkey wrote:
Ralkana wrote:
iMonkey wrote:
The cover art on the box looks awesome. Who is that man in the back with the fiery hands and a staff of sorts?
he looks like Ezren ^^
Oh of course, duh. Well ... maybe. The staff is definitely Ezren-y. But this guy looks a bit too nimble to be Ezren. Maybe that's just me.

Wow, yeah, I was fooled, too. The totally is Ezren. Although the lighting is different, those are definitely his robes. I feel a little dumb now.

iMonkey wrote:
Also ... Where's Waldo? Alahazra?

She's hiding behind the sarcophagus.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Damn son don't tease us give us numbers! how many etc etc.

Scarab Sages Contributor

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A quick question: I helped run the demo at Paizocon (and had a blast - there was one kid whom we hooked on the game that wasn't even there for the con!), and will it be given to distributors along with scenarios 1-1A and 1-1B?

Adventure Card Game Designer

In case there's any question: The cover shows Damiel, Ezren, Zadim, and Alahazra in a fight with (REDACTED) and her pet (REDACTED).

The title of this blog may or may not have started with Tanis saying "I also attack! But first..."

And the side panel clearly shows Seelah (with her hair done up again; the wild "let down" look from WotR's cover art is awesome though.)

So, provided that the pattern of seven new and four returning holds, the returners would appear to be Damiel, Ezren, Alahazra, and Seelah.

Zadim, and I think a sylph was mentioned, would be two of the new.

I'll guess Kess and Quinn will make the cut for MM. Hakon and Hayato, being viking and samurai, could be the wrong flavour; and it'd surprise me to no end to see Reiko before Jade Regent.

That means there's room for a few other non-iconics. This is exciting.

UllarWarlord wrote:
A quick question: I helped run the demo at Paizocon (and had a blast - there was one kid whom we hooked on the game that wasn't even there for the con!), and will it be given to distributors along with scenarios 1-1A and 1-1B?

Your local stores can get a free box if they make sure they click ACG option. I'm sure Tannis can give better details then me but the store needs to make sure the right boxes are checked to get their free box.

Sandslice wrote:

And the side panel clearly shows Seelah (with her hair done up again; the wild "let down" look from WotR's cover art is awesome though.)

So, provided that the pattern of seven new and four returning holds, the returners would appear to be Damiel, Ezren, Alahazra, and Seelah.

Zadim, and I think a sylph was mentioned, would be two of the new.

I'll guess Kess and Quinn will make the cut for MM. Hakon and Hayato, being viking and samurai, could be the wrong flavour; and it'd surprise me to no end to see Reiko before Jade Regent.

That means there's room for a few other non-iconics. This is exciting.

According to this person, it was announced at PaizoCon that there will be the Sylph, three Occult Adventures iconics, and a character from the Pathfinder fiction. Adding Zadim to that and the four returning characters (if the box is to be trusted), there seems to be only room for one more character.

Balazar is also in front of Seelah on the side panel. Though I'm not sure if we should assume non-finalized cover art indicates who is actually in the adventure path.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Balazar is also in front of Seelah on the side panel. Though I'm not sure if we should assume non-finalized cover art indicates who is actually in the adventure path.

That's true, of course. Just going off what's visible so far.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Duncan7291 wrote:
UllarWarlord wrote:
A quick question: I helped run the demo at Paizocon (and had a blast - there was one kid whom we hooked on the game that wasn't even there for the con!), and will it be given to distributors along with scenarios 1-1A and 1-1B?
Your local stores can get a free box if they make sure they click ACG option. I'm sure Tannis can give better details then me but the store needs to make sure the right boxes are checked to get their free box.

Oh, I know about the free box - I'm going to ask my distributor tomorrow about it!

All I want to know about is the demo, as it was a good way to introduce people to the game.

Adventure Card Game Designer

You should not assume Seelah and Balazar are in Mummy's Mask.

Mike Selinker wrote:
You should not assume Seelah and Balazar are in Mummy's Mask.

Good to know. I thought it would be kind of weird to have Seelah have her fourth iteration before some characters have even had their first.

So does this mean it is safe to assume the four characters on the front of the box will be part of Mummy's Mask, then? (really, I mainly just care about Damiel, but the others would be nice to know, too)

Adventure Card Game Designer

Yes, that is a safe assumption. But as always, the box is not final till it's in your hands.

Grand Lodge

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Don't forget, Merisiel was one of the main four on the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path and she didn't make the cut for the card game, so no one is safe until the list is final. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The mockup box cover does feature the actual artwork, but the images on the sides are placeholders only, and in no way reflect the contents of the product.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The demo scenario will be released as a free scenario, probably sometime next week—not just to retailers, but to everyone.

What about 1-0? Will that be released next week as well?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
zeroth_hour wrote:
What about 1-0? Will that be released next week as well?

I was under the impression that 1-0 *was* the demo scenario. At least that's what I was doing on Monday morning of PaizoCon.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1-0 is the demo scenario. It can be played either as a full scenario with all the regular rules, or as a shortened demo with pregenerated character decks, 4 locations with 3 cards each, and a smaller blessings deck.

Scarab Sages

So this is exciting.

Will the new Class Decks subscription come with its own set of promo cards?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

There are no promos planned to accompany Class Decks at this time.

Well, there is the 1-0 scenario but there is also the demo script which was separate in season 0. Are both of those coming out next week? When I ran the demos we only had Excel spreadsheets of the setups.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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We'll release them together.

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Vic Wertz wrote:
The demo scenario will be released as a free scenario, probably sometime next week—not just to retailers, but to everyone.

Scenario 1-0A/Demo now available.

Thanks for the link, been waiting for this.


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