Warden Rogard Hammerfell

Ralkana's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks Hawkmoon ^^

Little up ^^

What about the next wave of class decks ?

elcoderdude wrote:


I see everything fine using Chrome on Windows 10 on my personal laptop at home (ISP: Verizon).

I don't see any images using Chrome on Windows 7 on my work laptop at work. Nor using Chrome on my Android phone (T-Mobile).

This is interesting.

Same thing but with Firefox ^^

I can't see the pictures too ^^

Any news about the Mummy's Mask PACG set to Gencon ?

Is there any information on the selling's mechanic ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Do what the card says" is a basic rule of the game so you automatically close the location and resolve the "when permanently closed".
That's what I understand ^^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
iMonkey wrote:
The cover art on the box looks awesome. Who is that man in the back with the fiery hands and a staff of sorts?

he looks like Ezren ^^

I'm trying to create my own card but I can't reach the finalize step. The "Next" button doesn't work ...

What news about the next PACG expansion ?