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Organized Play Member. 527 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Adventure Card Game Designer

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Ron Lundeen wrote:
I'm going to be at GenCon, but I'm not signed up for any specific ACG events--I instead plan to just drop in with generics whenever I can play for a bit. That worked fine last year. Is that something I'll be able to do again this year (assuming I don't come by when the ballroom is wholly overrun with the RPG players, like in the evening interactives)?

Yup, you absolutely can. There are even tickets available for the Cosmic Captive ACG event, so you should be able to hop into that as well.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Witch added to first post; Gobbos will come next week.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Autoduelist wrote:
Going forward, are there plans to make the add-in cards available in a more timely fashion from DriveThru Cards? I think having new cards up on DriveThru within a month or two after the last installment of the Adventure Card Guild Path is released seems reasonable (it'd be 8 months since the scenarios are released monthly and there are 6 Adventure Paths).

It's the goal.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
The other piece of information that I would like to know it whether they are going to limit our number of feats. Characters that play through most of Season of the Righteous have more Skill feats (and more feats overall).

If your character is legal for ACGuild play at Tier 1-Tier 6, you can play it. The Base Set for this adventure is Runelords, so there will be no mythic paths. Just bring some characters and play one; I don't understand why knickers seem to be in a twist.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Nohwear wrote:
Ak basically wins by invoking pity, doesn't he?

Pity and the ability to be killed slightly slower than everyone else.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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James: HA
James: [redacted] is an awesome name
James: And it would take gamers about 3.7 seconds to corrupt it into [filthier redacted], of course.
Tanis: Yeah, I already did that.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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James Jacobs wrote:
With upmost respect, I get that, but folks who deflect the situation and turn it around to make the problem about themselves or changing the subject are not helping the situation. Think of it from the reverse—if you were in a situation where you saw a large group of people hating on and tormenting someone who was diabetic, and someone else came along and said something to the effect of "It's tough for me too, because I have a different condition that makes life hard for me." Doesn't help the diabetic who's being attacked. When someone is being attacked, the right thing to do isn't to deflect things and seek pity or aid for yourself, but to step in and help the person being attacked, regardless of your own situation. Because doing so means that the person being attacked is supported, feels safe and welcome, and therefore is in a MUCH stronger position to come to the aid of someone else who's being attacked.

Just jumping in quickly to thank James for being an excellent human/lizard hybrid and colleague.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Mike Selinker wrote:
We say it like this.

I was about to post this. Well done.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Hi! The schedule in the sticky thread has been updated. We're going to release entire adventures at one go for the rest of the season, since the schedule has been so extremely delayed. I want to personally apologize for that, by the way. I'm doing my best to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Adventure Card Game Designer

UPDATE: Apparently due to construction, ACG is now in the vicinity of the Delaware room. I will ask the community team to update the blog.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Compton: Don't poop in my sub.

Adventure Card Game Designer

James McKendrew wrote:
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Inquisitor added.


First question: Is a Potion of Wisdom supposed to be a Potion of Vision? (I'd be willing to believe I failed to notice a new card in my Inquisitor deck...)

Well, since I did this *at* PaizoCon, I'll take a single error. Yes, PoVision.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Inquisitor added.

Adventure Card Game Designer


Adventure Card Game Designer

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:

So I feel the need to come here and observe that I was originally underwhelmed by CD Alahazra, but after playing her, I have realized that she is a BOSS. I've played her twice now, and she is right up there with S&S Alahazra in characters I enjoy playing.

Load her up with scouting boons and a Seer's Headdress, and she's scouting decks like a pro. Her last power helps her move around and scout more decks---as well as letting her move to a different location after closing one. I was hesitant about her "discard the top card of your deck" power, but I've realized it means I can freely explore after a hand wipe, because I have a combat option against anything that's not immune to fire or attack.

The only downside I find to playing her is the max 3 item slots. There are so many good item boons in the oracle class deck that it's really hard to pick just a few.

Very glad to hear it!

Adventure Card Game Designer

zeroth_hour2 wrote:
Does the Cosmic Captive PFSACG portion have a character Tier (or other) requirement?

It does not. My intention is to have available a high-tier option and a low-tier option, so 1-3 could play low and 4-6 could play high. Tier 6 is the hard cap, though.

Adventure Card Game Designer

I'll let Tonya give our decision on 8-00 play, but I wanted to agree with ryric that for anything but the Open and 8-00, you can probably walk up and play. We do take generic tickets.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Codcake wrote:

I only really had one question about the Goblin table. If I am the only one at a location and roll a 4 "A random character at your location encounters the bane instead. That character does not roll on this table."

We played it as, "Well, there's no one else here so here I go!" and "Yay! A 4!".

Is this correct? (I hope it is, we won based on rolling a bunch of 4's on the scenario that we actually completed)


Adventure Card Game Designer

Parody wrote:

That'd certainly be better than the current choices of either 8 or 11 PM on Thursday. :)

Added Question: Can you play 8-00 twice, once with an RPG character and once in the ACG?

(For those who don't play in the PFS RPG: you can normally only play a scenario for credit once.)

Good question! We'll discuss and get back to you.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Tonya is attempting to work some magic with the event schedule. If she's successful, We Be Card Goblins will have its own tickets, and Open quarterfinals will be Thursday night/Friday morning, with semifinals Saturday afternoon and a Sunday 9 am final.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Keith Richmond wrote:
I can't un-see Pete Davidson, personally.

...darn it.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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OmegaZ wrote:
I see a lot of Eddie Redmayne in Varril, was that intentional? Love the idea, always fun seeing interesting class/deity combos like inquisitor of Shelyn.

Please to read caption. :)

Adventure Card Game Designer

Stickied and locked. :)

Adventure Card Game Designer

cosined wrote:
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
In the meantime, I present some get-psyched music.
Mike Doughty! So under appreciated! His post-Soul Coughing stuff, while different, should not be overlooked!

Agree completely, though I still love SC best. I was at a Flula Borg show last weekend and the house music was SC's El Oso album. I was the only one singing along.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Hey, look, a US iTunes link...

Adventure Card Game Designer

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here's an iOS store link

here's an Android store link

Adventure Card Game Designer

Hold that thought.

Adventure Card Game Designer

zeroth_hour2 wrote:
Tanis, what is "use" in this context? He can discard the card for damage, sure, but he can't play the spell at all (even just to banish it and to roll 3d4 for his Combat check) due to his power.

It means I misunderstood your concerns. I'll modify the deck list.

Lightning Touch->Cure

Adventure Card Game Designer

James McKendrew wrote:
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Alchemist also added.


Point of interest: Wouldn't it be better to give Tier 1 Damiel two Cures (since the deck includes two) and Brilliance since he can't play spells with the Attack trait? Lightning Touch is a dead card for him. (Similarly, Tier 5 Damiel can't use Paralyze [unless he's a Mindchemist], so he might be better off with a Cure or some other non-Attack spell as well.)

He can still use the spells. Not all choices are optimal.

Adventure Card Game Designer

First World Bard wrote:
I was playing the Tier 3 Amiri pregen a pickup Card Guild scenario at PAX East this weekend. I noticed a slightly odd thing about her deck in Tier 3: She has Magic Chainmail as one of her armors, but doesn't yet have Heavy Armor Proficiency. I was wondering if it would make sense to substitute that with one of the other armors in the deck.

Good eye! It shall be replaced anon.Magic Chain Mail has become Magic Padded Armor, for added comfort.

Alchemist also added.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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This will be clarified in the upcoming upcoming version of the Guide to reflect what I said before.

Those responsible have been sackedtickled.

(Sorry about that.)

Adventure Card Game Designer

So awesome!

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Myfly wrote:
Keith Richmond wrote:
Sorry, my NDA limits me to one three letter answer this calendar year, and it's used up.

So then I assume Tanis has the same right to answer one question for this year.

So the question for Tanis is, how many more Pathfinder sleeves should i buy NOW for beyond MM products?


Adventure Card Game Designer

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Parody wrote:
I hear that after Puppy's Mask comes Curse of the Crimson Dot, where your team of kittens attempts to discover a way to capture the constantly escaping Crimson Dot (secretly under the control of Queen Ilemeowsa).

10/10, would play again.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Think about how bad the goblins have it; they keep exploding at the strangest moments.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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fuji6100 wrote:
Very excited about this one! My wife has pointed out, "You have been excited about all of them," but the design team has really been coming out with some fun and creative mechanics in recent sets.

Glad you like! We've been having fun doing the work, which generally means the design will end up fun.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Joshua Birk 898 wrote:

Big booms are great! And I suppose that Damiel shines when using the second power. I think I just got thrown by "He can also throw alchemy bombs as kickers to his Ranged attacks," and was trying to find a way to make that true.

I probably had S&S Damiel in front of me while writing that, honestly, and missed it in revisions. Mea culpa.

Joshua Birk 898 wrote:

Your blog posts are wonderful, I just need to remind myself that they aren't canonical rules.

Oh, good heavens, please do remind yourself of that early and often.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Joshua Birk 898 wrote:
It seems odd to pair him in the preview with a card he cant really use all that well.

but . . . it's a cannon. It goes boom. yay, boom!

Adventure Card Game Designer

Slacker2010 wrote:

but the oracle class sheets have not been added to the Class deck download.

Also, Tier 5 Alahazra does not have her role card called out like the others.

Good catch; she's the Bride of the Sun. Character sheet creation is under the community team, and they are quite backlogged at present. They will get to it as soon as they can, I promise.

In the meantime, I present some get-psyched music.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Oracle added.

Adventure Card Game Designer

No, it's designed so you can strategize who gets the dragon, and plan turn order accordingly.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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James McKendrew wrote:

vi mummy's_mask.txt



This is an emacs shop, sir.M-x get-that-vi-garbage-outta-here

Adventure Card Game Designer

Mike wrote:
Season of the Shackles was Tanis's "set": adventurous, clever, mildly strange

This is the second-nicest thing Mike has ever said about me.

Adventure Card Game Designer

James McKendrew wrote:
Dave Riley wrote:
Seeing the Oracle deck's Fortune Teller bumped up from an AP1 ally to an AP6 just about broke my heart! D:
That happened in the first class deck EVER! (Bard)

That ally was actually designed for the Bard deck, and the Wrath team used it again in Wrath 1. We have a lively debate about its merits. :)

Adventure Card Game Designer

James McKendrew wrote:
So, now that the Oracle deck is out, I can't help but notice that Cogsnap has a clockwork butterfly on his shoulder. Awesome card!

Nice catch!

Adventure Card Game Designer

Indeed. I was trying to move the mountain, but unfortunately it'll be early next week for both 2A and the Adventure 1 bundle.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Now I've got 3 applications pending for over a week but I'll probably just end up finding someone with free kittens. The adoption method would save me money, but at this point it just isn't worth it. Have human beings been so cruel to cats that this is where we are as a society? It makes me sad to think so.

To become happy again I shall go play some pathfinder adventure card game.

It's a mix of geographic demographics and local demand that causes situations like this. Your area probably has several no-kill cat shelters, a low feral population, and mostly-empty animal control centers, too. In Seattle, you basically can't adopt a dog from the pound because demand for dogs is so high. So the rescues and no-kill shelters want to make sure they place cats with people who won't return them/abandon them/declaw them/put them on Craigslist.

<end cat-shelter-volunteer spiel> #themoreyouknow #spayandneuteryourpets

Anyway, I approve of your coping mechanism.

Adventure Card Game Designer

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I cannot express how happy the design team is with Tup. There was a great deal of giggling.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Season of the Example is my one-stop shop for trolling you folks. Glad to see it's working. :)

Adventure Card Game Designer

Dunesparrow wrote:

Thank for all the responses

So to summarise, in OP you can play any character that has a Class Deck, such as:

Paladin, Monk or Druid.

You can not use a character, that does not have class deck (unless unlocked), such as:

Adowyn Hunter
Crowe Bloodrager


Exactly right.