![]() ![]()
![]() Both 2-5 and 2-6 were a ton of fun.
I gave some feedback to Tanis. There were two especially harsh scenarios in 2-6. I will be interested to hear how everyone approaches them. I have retired grazzle (Tier 8) as I played that character in the special also. ![]()
![]() Hi all!
Season of the shackles- never finished due to lack of organized play in my area
Degree of difficulty- not sure I have really noticed a sifnificant difference between seasons. Some adventures have been more difficult than others.
This is coming from someone who has a number of characters in orgainized play (20 now) ![]()
![]() The goblin adventure RULED!!!
With that reward not sure what to play in the special Zarlova or Grazzle Tough choice now that Grazzle has the boon. Such difficult choices ! ![]()
![]() Kudos to all the Paizo staff, I had a great time playing PACG all weekend long.
Thanks to the wonderful and kind TANIS we were able to borrow a box and played until midnight.
My suggestion would be to allow for play to continue in another gaming area? Obviously for those not attending the banquet. Two years running at this point and already making sure I have vacation time for next year :) ![]()
![]() I have bought two paladin class decks. One from my subscription and one from the local shop ( in order to support them as we play there bimonthly). The subscription deck was just fine but the one I bought from the store was missing a number of cards. All the level b and level 1 armors were not in the deck. To whom should I direct this issue for its resolution? Thanks :) ![]()
![]() Kudos to the entire card guild staff for preparing and running the open. It was a TON of fun. I had the pleasure of playing a wizard for the very first time in the quarterfinals and then a second time in the semi's.
I believe we did very well (finished 3rd I guess since we were alternates for the final round). especially since the 4 of us had never played together before. For me that was the best part getting to play with a group of people and learn. ![]()
![]() We played at Paizocon and origins as if that location is closed. I believe the reason the scenario states dont flip the location is due to the fact that it represents all the locations. As such some of the others may actually still be open. This way you wouldnt flip the card after closing one location and not then encounter the soldier at one of the other "open" locations. I do believe that was the ruling at the time.
![]() Having played adventure 2 in OP at origins that is not an error. The henchmen I believe is a barrier. Has a total of 6 possible checks to defeat and each character must make a different one. There are repeats among them sometimes so two characters may opt to do the same check if it is listed more than once. ![]()
![]() Tanis O'Connor wrote: I just want to thank everyone who came out to Origins to play with us! I got some very valuable playtest feedback for Adventure 2 and it sure seemed like a lot of people had a lot of fun. I had a great time. got through adventure 2. did some adventure 1. really liked the reward for finishing adventure 2 ;) ![]()
![]() Just got back last night from Paizocon was a great time. I personally played PACG the whole time. Almost always had at least 3 people usually 4 per table.
I played one game with 6. there is one scenario that ok to play 6 otherwise that is usually too many (IMO). I got three characters through the first adventure and one more just needs the last scenario. I really never had a bad experience with any of the groups but I did gravitate towards some of the same people to play with that were fun and cooperative minded. Hope to see them at origins :) If you have a character from S&S. You should read the guide regarding conversion of the character to the new season. Only had one experience with a player going "rogue" and unfortunately it did lead to a player death at the table :( KUDOS to Tanis and the whole team for making the PACG a absolutely outstanding experience. P.S. except for the death in the playtest :/
[PaizoCon 2015] Season of the Righteous Adventure 1 Scenario A - Friday morning, 8:00-10:00 am, 2015
![]() This will be my first Paizocon, and just read about the event lottery. Not sure how this works. I am attending with the goal of playing non stop PACG all weekend. I did this at Gencon and had an absolutely outstanding time. One of the best cons of recent memory for me( I have been attending Gencon since 1992). Any further explanations of how the lottery works would be greatly appreciated. I have already bought my airfare and made a hotel reservation so kind of committed but just curious as to what expectations I should be bringing with me. Thanks ![]()
![]() I still am unable to register one of my characters from GenCon. There is not ability to register Jirelle on the website. Before you ask yes I did complete the adventure path which opens up that character for OP with the Rogue deck ( actually completed the path with 2 different characters at GENCON that's how much I enjoyed the game). Just curious
![]() I had a great time playing with a variety of different people. I never really had an unpleasent game but some were more fun than others. I am relatively new to the Pathfinder society so need some help trying to find out if there are any local events/players for the PACG. What is the best way to find these groups/people? What is the best way to find out if there are any locally planned events? If i get enough lead time i can usually arrange my schedule to accomodate these events. I would love to continue to play and expeiernce the next set of scenarios. Also loved meeting all the peeps involved between the PFS staff and the players it was one of the best GENCONS for me in along time, and i have been going since the early 1990's. For all you old timers yes i do remember going to Milwaukee for Gencon. :) ![]()
![]() Hi all!
All the staff did an OUTSTANDING job creating a great experience. From mustering to playing to being just fun! I was able to complete the adventure path twice.
Also played
And the Coup de grace was playing Jirelle twice as a reward for completing the path. I look forward to playing more hopefully a local group will take up the organized play. Sign in to create or edit a product review. |