Chronicles of the Divine

Friday, November 22, 2024

Hey, everyone! Luis Loza here!

Yivali Working, artist Ivan Koritarev : An image of the nosoi Yivali, a psychopomp that resembles a raven wearing a white mask. Yivali is in a library writing notes on a scroll with a quill. Other nosois fly around, cataloging scrolls and tomes.

Illustration by Ivan Koritarev

Did you hear? Lost Omens Divine Mysteries is available now! The book is the best source for all things related to deities and the divine, featuring insights into the workings of divine power, new character options for characters of all kinds, and of course, details on the various gods of Golarion.

Speaking of gods, there were actually too many gods to fit in the book! Once you cover the core deities of the Inner Sea, other notable gods of the regions, demon lords, empyreal lords, monitor demigods, and the rest, it turns out your book is fully packed! Even with 328 pages, we didn’t have enough space for every god featured in Pathfinder Second Edition! Even with the many gods we’ve featured in the game so far, we didn’t want to leave some of you without an option to worship your favorite god under our remastered rules.

Luckily, Yivali, the psychopomp author of Divine Mysteries, is very thorough in her work and was able to collect a listing of all the gods she encountered in her research! If you wanted to know the sanctification for Balumbdar or needed to see if Ragdya’s favored animal is the monkey (it is), then this web supplement is for you. Any god that has been featured in Pathfinder Second edition so far is included here! The supplement also contains all of the gods featured in Divine Mysteries to help make this a convenient source for all things divine. We hope you enjoy the fruits of Yivali’s labors!

Download the Lost Omens Divine Mysteries Web Supplement!

Luis Loza
Creative Director, Rules & Lorer

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Soralyon's edicts include

Soralyon wrote:
craft golems and artwork from stone

Even though 'golem' is no longer used for constructs in Paizo content.

Elfteiroh wrote:
Arqueros, Knights of Lastwall

He's right where he belongs, second in the empyreal lords section.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I am a little perplexed why, of all gods, Acavna and Amaznen are not in the In Memoriam section. True, they're not exactly recent deaths, but then neither is Aroden.

Radiant Oath

You know, I'm sure it would've been unlikely, but it would've been cool to see T'chekuth here. Him and the Iblydan Hero gods would be my "missing picks." Not too big of a deal of we don't see them, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kydonia wrote:
You know, I'm sure it would've been unlikely, but it would've been cool to see T'chekuth here. Him and the Iblydan Hero gods would be my "missing picks." Not too big of a deal of we don't see them, though.

I hope we get all of those weirdos from that Tyrant's Grasp backmatter article in 2e when it's time for a trip back to Iblydos.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
autumndidact wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
Arqueros, Knights of Lastwall
He's right where he belongs, second in the empyreal lords section.

Indeed... when I typed all the deities manually, I typoed him as "Arwueros". xD And for some reason, everytime I double and triple checked in the PDF, I must have typoed his name, AND his title, every times... *sigh*. Thanks for notifying me! xD

Fixed my Spreadsheet. Sadly way too late to fix my previous post. U_U

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Note for upcoming errata: Neshen's entry here has the same mistake as in the Divine Mysteries book (page 308) where his edicts are repeated as anathema.

Liberty's Edge

alas, my beloved Kroina, still not mentioned in 2E...


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Elfteiroh wrote:
BotBrain wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
[Snipped this post by Elfteiroh to limit tunneling]
Feronia did get a name drop in RoE if memory serves, but no "stat block".

Yeah, hard to spreadsheet lore mentions without doing TONS of reading across literal hundreds of books. :P

So yeah, all these numbers are only related to deities available for character options.

You know that makes a lot of sense. I don't know why i assumed the knowledge sprang free from your head.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Have a Champion Nagaji who follows the Nagaji god Nalinivati that I cannot find

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loslobos5 wrote:
Have a Champion Nagaji who follows the Nagaji god Nalinivati that I cannot find

She's in the Tian Xia deities.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Luis Loza wrote:
The Dragon Reborn wrote:
Luis Loza wrote:

We tried our hardest to include every 2E god released up to this point, but if we're missing anyone or if any of the info seems wrong or contradictory, please let us know!

Happy gaming! :)

There are superscript foot note markers on entries like Ragathiel (t), Cong, some weapons and domains but the handout doesn't include the footnotes. I assume in Ragathiel's case it means "so cool we put him on the back cover."
Those are at the very top of the document, right above the core gods.

Ahh! Footnotes at the top. So clever! Good perception roll.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Lost Omens Divine Mysteries page 23

" True Gods are not alwasys the oldest, though all those-like you, my Lady-that are so ancient as to have existed before the Age of Creation appear to fall into this category. Among these are Abadar, NETHYS, Sarenrae, Calistria, Gozreh, Asmodeus, Torag, Gorum, and that horror Rovagug. But the Ascended-Iomedae, Cayden Cailean, and Norgorber-are quite young and yet must also be counted among true gods because they are so powerful."

Nethys is supposed to be an ascended together with Irori and also one of the young gods? not before the age of creation.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Dammerich has Truth as both a Domain and an Alternate domain. Presuming the alternate domain should be None?

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BylethEisner wrote:

Lost Omens Divine Mysteries page 23

" True Gods are not alwasys the oldest, though all those-like you, my Lady-that are so ancient as to have existed before the Age of Creation appear to fall into this category. Among these are Abadar, NETHYS, Sarenrae, Calistria, Gozreh, Asmodeus, Torag, Gorum, and that horror Rovagug. But the Ascended-Iomedae, Cayden Cailean, and Norgorber-are quite young and yet must also be counted among true gods because they are so powerful."

Nethys is supposed to be an ascended together with Irori and also one of the young gods? not before the age of creation.

Confirmation that Nethys is actually an ancient god that pretend to be an ascended human so he can hang out with the younlings?

Explain why he seems mad, the incarnation of all magic must have no idea how mortal actually act.

But in all seriousness, I think they intended for either Desna or Erastil to be here instead of Nethys. It is interesting tho that apparently Gozreh is so ancient, when I always though that he was born along with golarion ecosystem (and thus, after Rovagug's cage was closed).

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Scarablob wrote:
BylethEisner wrote:
Nethys is supposed to be an ascended together with Irori and also one of the young gods? not before the age of creation.
Confirmation that Nethys is actually an ancient god that pretend to be an ascended human so he can hang out with the younlings?

No, it's just at the moment of ascension he broke magic and himself (and time a little) so much that he was always here from the start. Neat trick.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Funnily, I don't think we know when Nethys ascended..? All I can find is that humans, and Golarion, were created (and thus existed) during the Age of Creation... and that he was already a deity around the time of the Age of Anguish, before the creation of Osirion. So he ascended during this roughly potentially infinite span of time. xD (Infinite, as the Age of Creation have no set times coordinates, and could as much be 10 million years before recorded history or 1 million billion trillion (etc) years before. xD ... heck, with deities, could be both.)

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The goblin gods are just the best

Just cross-referencing Arshea's entry here with their recent remaster write up in Curtain Call - their level 1 cleric spell is listed here as jump instead of mystic armour and they've lost their alternate change and repose domains - can someone help me make a call on which is well 'more' official so I can guide any Arsheans at my table?

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Ritunn wrote:
It's nice to see Set get the option for Holy and Unholy and some much kinder anathema. I know one of my players was quite sad to see the deity all evil, but it seems he got a more neutral take on his character now!

Him and Sobek. I was surprised they could have have holy priests.

Easivra is missing.

Should Curchanus be in the dead gods?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
scary harpy wrote:
Ritunn wrote:
It's nice to see Set get the option for Holy and Unholy and some much kinder anathema. I know one of my players was quite sad to see the deity all evil, but it seems he got a more neutral take on his character now!
Him and Sobek. I was surprised they could have have holy priests

To be fair, Sobek was CN in 1e. And ooooo, I hadn't noticed those changes to Set. I like that much better than what we had before!

Liberty's Edge

21 people marked this as a favorite.
Xenocrat wrote:
TLocke95 wrote:
Just cross-referencing Arshea's entry here with their recent remaster write up in Curtain Call - their level 1 cleric spell is listed here as jump instead of mystic armour and they've lost their alternate change and repose domains - can someone help me make a call on which is well 'more' official so I can guide any Arsheans at my table?
AP stuff is where Paizo gives freelancers the opportunity to scribble with a crayon for rules additions in the backmatter of their book, and the developer only checks only to make sure it’s not an obscene drawing before they publish. Everything is more official than AP rules stuff.

What a dismissive and hurtful way to describe many people's hard work.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

28 people marked this as a favorite.
Xenocrat wrote:
TLocke95 wrote:
Just cross-referencing Arshea's entry here with their recent remaster write up in Curtain Call - their level 1 cleric spell is listed here as jump instead of mystic armour and they've lost their alternate change and repose domains - can someone help me make a call on which is well 'more' official so I can guide any Arsheans at my table?
AP stuff is where Paizo gives freelancers the opportunity to scribble with a crayon for rules additions in the backmatter of their book, and the developer only checks only to make sure it’s not an obscene drawing before they publish. Everything is more official than AP rules stuff.

That's incredibly insulting and reductive and nonconstructive. If you're not a fan of the content in Adventure Paths, there are countless more constructive ways to convey that sentient without being so cruel. I flagged the post for being bating, because obviously it worked, but I couldn't just say nothing without defending the hard work and passion the authors we work for on the Adventure Paths have put into the project for years longer than the Pathfinder RPG game has even existed.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
TLocke95 wrote:
Just cross-referencing Arshea's entry here with their recent remaster write up in Curtain Call - their level 1 cleric spell is listed here as jump instead of mystic armour and they've lost their alternate change and repose domains - can someone help me make a call on which is well 'more' official so I can guide any Arsheans at my table?

To offer a more productive and fact-based response here:

The article for Arshea was written and developed and edited while Divine Mysteries was still being worked on. In cases like this, we do cross check and cross reference forward, and do our best to make sure that "preview" content like this that we know is going to be in an upcoming product will match, but sometimes late changes to the later project make this impossible. In Curtain Call, Arshea's devotee benefits map closely to what they were in previous OGL versions, which at the time were, to my understanding, what was heading into Divine Mysteries. Personally, I feel like mystic armor and those two alternate domains are flavorful choices that match the faith very well. I'll look into the table in Divine Mysteries to try to investigate whether the table makes deliberate changes or if they're typos, in any event, but in the meantime, go with the version you prefer for your table.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Mystic Armor is already on the divine list, which is likely why it got replaced in Divine Mysteries.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Scarablob wrote:
BylethEisner wrote:

Lost Omens Divine Mysteries page 23

" True Gods are not alwasys the oldest, though all those-like you, my Lady-that are so ancient as to have existed before the Age of Creation appear to fall into this category. Among these are Abadar, NETHYS, Sarenrae, Calistria, Gozreh, Asmodeus, Torag, Gorum, and that horror Rovagug. But the Ascended-Iomedae, Cayden Cailean, and Norgorber-are quite young and yet must also be counted among true gods because they are so powerful."

Nethys is supposed to be an ascended together with Irori and also one of the young gods? not before the age of creation.

Confirmation that Nethys is actually an ancient god that pretend to be an ascended human so he can hang out with the younlings?

Explain why he seems mad, the incarnation of all magic must have no idea how mortal actually act.

But in all seriousness, I think they intended for either Desna or Erastil to be here instead of Nethys. It is interesting tho that apparently Gozreh is so ancient, when I always though that he was born along with golarion ecosystem (and thus, after Rovagug's cage was closed).

I mean, one of the prime tenets of modern Christianity is that Christ is BOTH eternal, and has always existed, AND that he incarnated as a man who was born and died. The Arians disagreed, and were excommunicated for it. If the rules around gods can be a bit wibbly, then it's entirely possible for Nethys to have been a mortal in Northern Garund imbued with nascent divinity who apotheosised by (re?)discovering the Three Riddles after Azghaad slew Ulunat as his first miracle, AND that Nethys has existed as long as magic has and just solidified what he stood for, or made himself known to universe, through Azghaad.

For that matter, Pharasmin doctrine holds that Pharasma herself is the only survivor from the previous universe, and that her daughter Atropos will be the only survivor of this current one. If that's true, then where do Abadar, Sarenrae, Gozreh, etc. come from if not that previous universe? The Asmodeans claim Sarenrae wasn't even a god initially, but an angel who ascended after the death of Ihys, a version that seems reinforced by one of the Godsrain Prophesies, but the death of Ihys happened after the creation of the universe (if it happened). And if other gods DID survive the last universe, does that mean some other gods might survive this one now that the power of the prophesies that said otherwise has been sundered by Aroden's death?

I guess my specific point is, I hope this isn't an error, but another variant to add to the mix. For a fictional pantheon, the more myths there are, and the more contradictions there are, the more interesting it becomes both as someone who engages with the fiction and as a DM who might want some plot hooks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TLocke95 wrote:
Just cross-referencing Arshea's entry here with their recent remaster write up in Curtain Call - their level 1 cleric spell is listed here as jump instead of mystic armour and they've lost their alternate change and repose domains - can someone help me make a call on which is well 'more' official so I can guide any Arsheans at my table?

Why not combine them? Like someone pointed out above me, Mystic Armor is already on the divine list.

And alternate domains are more of a flavor mechanic than anything else. I like that there doesn't seem to be any attempts to grant "more powerful" deities more domains than smaller gods; it's purely based on whether that domain fits the deity in question. If you think Arshea's faith fits both Change and Repose then I'd say just let your players have them as options.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

A wonderful book and a wonderful collection of gods. My girlfriend and I are both players of Pathfinder and we both adore all these new gods.
The only thing we are slightly curious on was we were hoping for info on the five Yenzir demigods and really hoping to find out the rest of Dahak's siblings, as the existence of Otilaz and Garhaazh. Is there any hope of them being included in this expanded list?
Sincerely, a first time poster and fan since 2014.

Are the pantheons from Knights of Last Wall, among other aource books here.

Liberty's Edge

Morhek wrote:
Scarablob wrote:
BylethEisner wrote:

Lost Omens Divine Mysteries page 23

" True Gods are not alwasys the oldest, though all those-like you, my Lady-that are so ancient as to have existed before the Age of Creation appear to fall into this category. Among these are Abadar, NETHYS, Sarenrae, Calistria, Gozreh, Asmodeus, Torag, Gorum, and that horror Rovagug. But the Ascended-Iomedae, Cayden Cailean, and Norgorber-are quite young and yet must also be counted among true gods because they are so powerful."

Nethys is supposed to be an ascended together with Irori and also one of the young gods? not before the age of creation.

Confirmation that Nethys is actually an ancient god that pretend to be an ascended human so he can hang out with the younlings?

Explain why he seems mad, the incarnation of all magic must have no idea how mortal actually act.

But in all seriousness, I think they intended for either Desna or Erastil to be here instead of Nethys. It is interesting tho that apparently Gozreh is so ancient, when I always though that he was born along with golarion ecosystem (and thus, after Rovagug's cage was closed).

I mean, one of the prime tenets of modern Christianity is that Christ is BOTH eternal, and has always existed, AND that he incarnated as a man who was born and died. The Arians disagreed, and were excommunicated for it. If the rules around gods can be a bit wibbly, then it's entirely possible for Nethys to have been a mortal in Northern Garund imbued with nascent divinity who apotheosised by (re?)discovering the Three Riddles after Azghaad slew Ulunat as his first miracle, AND that Nethys has existed as long as magic has and just solidified what he stood for, or made himself known to universe, through Azghaad.

For that matter, Pharasmin doctrine holds that Pharasma herself is the only survivor from the previous universe, and that her daughter Atropos will be the only survivor of this current one. If that's true, then where do Abadar, Sarenrae, Gozreh, etc....

According to Pharasmin doctrine, all the other deities, while ancient, were created / appeared within the new current universe.

Except for the Outer Gods and similar entities from beyond reality.

And, now that prophecy is gone, anything indeed might happen in the future.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Elfteiroh wrote:
Funnily, I don't think we know when Nethys ascended..? All I can find is that humans, and Golarion, were created (and thus existed) during the Age of Creation... and that he was already a deity around the time of the Age of Anguish, before the creation of Osirion. So he ascended during this roughly potentially infinite span of time. xD (Infinite, as the Age of Creation have no set times coordinates, and could as much be 10 million years before recorded history or 1 million billion trillion (etc) years before. xD ... heck, with deities, could be both.)

Interestingly, this might imply he's ascended more than once... the story of Nethys' ascension that I'd first heard was that he appeared more or less out of the desert to Azghaad as a purple-skinned, golden-eyed stranger, declared himself the latter's "god and king" and granted him power that led to the founding of Osirion... and only then after being the shadow ruler of Osirion for several years did he actually ascend to divinity.

On the one hand, the fact that he granted Azghaad power might imply that he was already a god at this point, but on the other, things like the godling mythic destiny and the nature of witch patrons show that this is not necessarily the case. Of course, any source that shows Nethys acting as a god before -3470 AR would suggest that this might not have been his first outing, if the information is reliable.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but...if you were already statting out canonically-dead gods, WHERE'S DESKARI?!

Guy making a Wrath of the Righteous conversion.

In all seriousness, though, I finally feel like I've been heard regarding the number of deities whose "granted" spells were already on the divine list, because EVERY ONE of them have been rectified!

I did notice a couple things, though:

Kerkamoth, Otomens, and Valmallos are not reprinted here. Valmallos I kinda get, since he's an inevitable and those...kinda aren't a thing anymore. The other two are weird, though.

The gods Thremyr and Vavaalrav list their Divine Skill as Religion, which...doesn't really make sense. Most of the time that a deity's Divine Skill is granted to a creature they already are trained in Religion (see clerics and champions). They are literally the only two deities that have Religion as a Divine Skill.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
TLocke95 wrote:
Just cross-referencing Arshea's entry here with their recent remaster write up in Curtain Call - their level 1 cleric spell is listed here as jump instead of mystic armour and they've lost their alternate change and repose domains - can someone help me make a call on which is well 'more' official so I can guide any Arsheans at my table?

To offer a more productive and fact-based response here:

The article for Arshea was written and developed and edited while Divine Mysteries was still being worked on. In cases like this, we do cross check and cross reference forward, and do our best to make sure that "preview" content like this that we know is going to be in an upcoming product will match, but sometimes late changes to the later project make this impossible. In Curtain Call, Arshea's devotee benefits map closely to what they were in previous OGL versions, which at the time were, to my understanding, what was heading into Divine Mysteries. Personally, I feel like mystic armor and those two alternate domains are flavorful choices that match the faith very well. I'll look into the table in Divine Mysteries to try to investigate whether the table makes deliberate changes or if they're typos, in any event, but in the meantime, go with the version you prefer for your table.

Thanks so much for the insightful response!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
KingTreyIII wrote:

Kerkamoth, Otomens, and Valmallos are not reprinted here. Valmallos I kinda get, since he's an inevitable and those...kinda aren't a thing anymore. The other two are weird, though.

The gods Thremyr and Vavaalrav list their Divine Skill as Religion, which...doesn't really make sense. Most of the time that a deity's Divine Skill is granted to a creature they already are trained in Religion (see clerics and champions). They are literally the only two deities that have Religion as a Divine Skill.

Those three are all inevitables, which is why they were quietly phased out (Or in Otolmens's case, omitted from the in memoriam section).

The skills seem like an oversight that needs addressing. While you can get a deity's divine skill via Raised by Belief, that's still just awkward for clerics and champions.

Edit:Themyr's divine skill is athletics in Divine Mysteries, actually, so that's just an error. They did give Vavaalrav Religion, so that's "correct" at least.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Squark wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:

Kerkamoth, Otomens, and Valmallos are not reprinted here. Valmallos I kinda get, since he's an inevitable and those...kinda aren't a thing anymore. The other two are weird, though.

The gods Thremyr and Vavaalrav list their Divine Skill as Religion, which...doesn't really make sense. Most of the time that a deity's Divine Skill is granted to a creature they already are trained in Religion (see clerics and champions). They are literally the only two deities that have Religion as a Divine Skill.

Those three are all inevitables, which is why they were quietly phased out (Or in Otolmens's case, omitted from the in memoriam section).

The skills seem like an oversight that needs addressing. While you can get a deity's divine skill via Raised by Belief, that's still just awkward for clerics and champions.

Edit:Themyr's divine skill is athletics in Divine Mysteries, actually, so that's just an error. They did give Vavaalrav Religion, so that's "correct" at least.

Clerics and Champions aren't the only ones who can take the background though, so it's not really an issue? They just choose a different skill like any other background.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
FallenDabus wrote:
Squark wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:

Kerkamoth, Otomens, and Valmallos are not reprinted here. Valmallos I kinda get, since he's an inevitable and those...kinda aren't a thing anymore. The other two are weird, though.

The gods Thremyr and Vavaalrav list their Divine Skill as Religion, which...doesn't really make sense. Most of the time that a deity's Divine Skill is granted to a creature they already are trained in Religion (see clerics and champions). They are literally the only two deities that have Religion as a Divine Skill.

Those three are all inevitables, which is why they were quietly phased out (Or in Otolmens's case, omitted from the in memoriam section).

The skills seem like an oversight that needs addressing. While you can get a deity's divine skill via Raised by Belief too, that's still just awkward for clerics and champions.

Edit:Themyr's divine skill is athletics in Divine Mysteries, actually, so that's just an error. They did give Vavaalrav Religion, so that's "correct" at least.

Clerics and Champions aren't the only ones who can take the background though, so it's not really an issue? They just choose a different skill like any other background.

Raised by Belief isn't the issue. A Cleric/champion receives training in Religion and their deity's skill... Which for Vavaalrav is also religion. This probably still falls under the category of a class making you trained in a skill you're already trained in (Instead pick another skill of your choice), but it's a weird case and as far as I can tell unprecedented. Giving Vavaalrav's followers Society (learning about funeral traditions and keeping the memory of those who have died) or crafting (building mausoleums and other graveyard edifices) would make things easier.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Squark wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
Squark wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:

Kerkamoth, Otomens, and Valmallos are not reprinted here. Valmallos I kinda get, since he's an inevitable and those...kinda aren't a thing anymore. The other two are weird, though.

The gods Thremyr and Vavaalrav list their Divine Skill as Religion, which...doesn't really make sense. Most of the time that a deity's Divine Skill is granted to a creature they already are trained in Religion (see clerics and champions). They are literally the only two deities that have Religion as a Divine Skill.

Those three are all inevitables, which is why they were quietly phased out (Or in Otolmens's case, omitted from the in memoriam section).

The skills seem like an oversight that needs addressing. While you can get a deity's divine skill via Raised by Belief too, that's still just awkward for clerics and champions.

Edit:Themyr's divine skill is athletics in Divine Mysteries, actually, so that's just an error. They did give Vavaalrav Religion, so that's "correct" at least.

Clerics and Champions aren't the only ones who can take the background though, so it's not really an issue? They just choose a different skill like any other background.
Raised by Belief isn't the issue. A Cleric/champion receives training in Religion and their deity's skill... Which for Vavaalrav is also religion. This probably still falls under the category of a class making you trained in a skill you're already trained in (Instead pick another skill of your choice), but it's a weird case and as far as I can tell unprecedented. Giving Vavaalrav's followers Society (learning about funeral traditions and keeping the memory of those who have died) or crafting (building mausoleums and other graveyard edifices) would make things easier.

Eh, right. Fair point, although pick a different skill does resolve it easily.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Are the pantheons from Knights of Last Wall, among other aource books here.

Pantheons are not in this chart at all. This chart is just singular deities.

Squark wrote:
Those three are all inevitables, which is why they were quietly phased out (Or in Otolmens's case, omitted from the in memoriam section).

Are all three inevitables? Quick googling So they are. I just knew Valmallos was an inevitable off the top of my head because of the Wrath of the Righteous DLC, haha.

Squark wrote:
Edit:Themyr's divine skill is athletics in Divine Mysteries, actually, so that's just an error. They did give Vavaalrav Religion, so that's "correct" at least.

So it is. I went through the supplement before the book proper since this supplement had a lot more in it. Kinda weird that that typo is there.

Some gods doubled its entry. Why?

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Laclale♪ wrote:
Some gods doubled its entry. Why?

Nyarlothep is worshipped in four different aspects, each of which has its own entry. Lissala is presented with both her original aspect (still worshipped in that capacity in parts of New Thassilon) and her later, corrupted self. If there's another example, it's probably for similar reasons.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Shouldn't we have four entries for Norgorber then? His different aspects are his whole thing.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

His aspects don't change his statblock.

KingTreyIII wrote:

Spoiler reason?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Laclale♪ wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:
Spoiler reason?

[Poe Dammaran]Somehow…Deskari returned.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My first reaction to this: Wow, after all that research, I'm impressed!

Second Thoughts: I'd still like to see a statblock for Ghenschau. Ah well, omitting ol' Breezes-Still-and-Ripples-Cease does help simplify things a bit, which is a part of his faith.

Third Thoughts: I would like to see Edicts/Anathema for the Peacock Spirit, even though printing it would count as blasphemy.
Since it's most likely a dead faith at this point, I'm guessing it'd be

something like:

EDICTS: Hone your body and mind, paint with vibrant colours, keep secrets
ANATHEMA: Explain the Peacock Spirit to outsiders, become drab or boring, allow an insult to the Peacock Spirit or to yourself to go unaddressed.

Luis Loza wrote:

We tried our hardest to include every 2E god released up to this point, but if we're missing anyone or if any of the info seems wrong or contradictory, please let us know!

Happy gaming! :)

Are there any plans to add Deskari? :0


The Shifty Mongoose wrote:

My first reaction to this: Wow, after all that research, I'm impressed!

Second Thoughts: I'd still like to see a statblock for Ghenschau. Ah well, omitting ol' Breezes-Still-and-Ripples-Cease does help simplify things a bit, which is a part of his faith.

Third Thoughts: I would like to see Edicts/Anathema for the Peacock Spirit, even though printing it would count as blasphemy.
Since it's most likely a dead faith at this point, I'm guessing it'd be ** spoiler omitted **

To be fair, Edicts and Anethema can exist outside of the world so I don't think it's nessercarily blasphmeny.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ive now had a chance to sit down with my copy.
I really like the chapter intro art in this book.
The 4 pages devoted to describing different aspects of inner sea gods was a great choice. I also own a copy of gods and magic where inner sea gods received two pages where 1/3 on the first page was devoted to the character art of the god. That looked nice presentation wise but I think i am happier with the additional space devoted to providing more information.
I also appreciate the divine connections section but if I was to make one change there it would be excluding Rovagug from the map. He has no allies and since hes enemies with everyone else it makes it harder to quickly spot other enemy relationships.
Kazutal had great art before in gods and magic but in this book its even sharper.
Glad to see the battle harbinger there giving an option for a more martial focused cleric.
Great job with the new champion oaths.

There really is a lot in this book to discover as I get more time to look at it.
I appreciate the work that went into it.

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