The Demoness looks formidable with her entourage around her, but her threats ring hollow to you now. You look at her and feel like a titan looking at an ant. Overwhelming, all-conquering power fills you. What, that little demoness? Those irritating hordes of the Abyss? The gods themselves are your only equal now.
Taken from a paragraph in page 177 of Lost omens Tian Xia World Guide. "However, even the COMMONFOLK of Quain are skilled practioners of martial arts.
Are these Mythic FEATS which will be shown in the Tian Xia character Guide? In addition to what is stated on the post above?
keftiu wrote:
Tian Xia World Guide page 9 6542 IC : Birth of Hao Jin in Goka: Her Death and Resur...... (equivalent to 4042 AR)
Reading Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide. --Hao Jin born in 4042 AR. Pathfinder Society Year of the Sky Key From Under Ice page 18 Hao Jin teleported a majority of the town Naldak's Point(location in Irrisen) and the dwarves into the magical tapestry. This was during Baba Yaga's Invasion in 3313 AR. Did Hao Jin just time travel?
Pathfinder Lost Omens Firebrands page 48 last paragraph "Garnering more support among Tessa's Free Captains will require doing a few favors for that cantakerous lot,
Should it be Port Peril or Quent which are in the Shackles? |