Happy Cosmic Birthday!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It’s time to celebrate! Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday is the first full-length playtest module for Starfinder Second Edition, and it tells the story of a disastrous surge of eldritch energy that disrupts Absalom Station and threatens to throw a community into chaos! The player characters are going about their typical adventuring lives when they suddenly find themselves shunted to the Ghost Levels, a strange dimension filled with occult threats and mysteries. Can they find other survivors and escape the Ghost Levels? And, if they manage it, what will they find once they return to Absalom Station? Things aren’t going so well for the people of the Little Akiton district. The PCs have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to help the community back on its feet, learn the truth behind the strange power surges, and get things back to normal!

artist Ivan Koritarev: A group of aliens celebrating a young aliens birthday with a large cake with pink frosting

It wouldn’t be a very good cosmic birthday without a cosmic birthday party!
Illustration by Ivan Koritarev

Playing this adventure, you’ll not only be directly involved in a major event in the Starfinder setting, but you’ll have a chance to playtest characters (or GM encounters) using the brand new Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook! You’ll start by creating a level 1 PC, and you should reach level 4 by the end of the adventure—and we want to hear all about your play experiences! Keep an eye on the Starfinder Playtest website for more news about our playtest feedback surveys, which we’ll use to help fine tune the final version of the Starfinder Second Edition rules.

artist, Pixoloid Studios: A gremlin dressed in a space suite, holding a wrench as big as their body

A space station gremlin is here to… help?
Illustration by Pixoloid Studios

A Cosmic Birthday, by Jenny Jarzabski, is an epic adventure that tells the story of our heroes as they battle occult horrors, explore the community of Little Akiton, investigate strange occurrences, and ultimately confront a dangerous cosmic being that threatens Absalom Station. This softcover adventure module takes PCs from 1st to 4th level and includes a mix of new and iconic Starfinder creatures, memorable characters, and bonus content related to the creation of a new core Starfinder deity: the Newborn.

Make your mark on Starfinder history by playing the adventure and participating in the feedback process. Happy birthday!

— The Starfinder Team

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition
Community and Social Media Specialist

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm so excited about this! I'm sure it's going to be a perfectly normal birthday with nothing going on, right? RIGHT?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yay! Very excited to have something horrible crawl out of a birthday cake :D

Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

Dark Archive

OMG the Space Gremlin is ADORABLE!

Verdant Wheel

Will this adventure come with a player's guide? Don't know if Starfinder modules are the same structurally as Pathfinder

Wayfinders Contributor

I am so excited for this! And I love the happy birthday image!

Scarab Sages

I'm sure it doesn't make sense for a playtest adventure but any info if starfinder 2e adventures in the future will receive Foundry virtual tabletop treatment similar to most of the newest pathfinder 2e adventures?

Paizo Employee

5 people marked this as a favorite.
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

Maybe instead of years the candles count the number of victories they had in the prior year?

This is not canon and is just meant as an amusing idea.

Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Zambadi wrote:
Will this adventure come with a player's guide? Don't know if Starfinder modules are the same structurally as Pathfinder

This is a standalone, and must like PF standalones, they don't usually have full players guides like APs do. That said, they are structurally similar usually, the only difference is we get less pagecount so our plots are more condensed, which is good for them, usually.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ozymandeus wrote:
I'm sure it doesn't make sense for a playtest adventure but any info if starfinder 2e adventures in the future will receive Foundry virtual tabletop treatment similar to most of the newest pathfinder 2e adventures?

Well, on that topic, they've said that while A Cosmic Birthday and Empires Devoured are playtest adventures, they're also full, I'll-call-it "real" adventures they hope people continue to play long after playtesting has come and gone.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Dustin Knight wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

Maybe instead of years the candles count the number of victories they had in the prior year?

This is not canon and is just meant as an amusing idea.

"It is upon this day, young Sarangali, that we gather to note the anniversary of your birth, and to celebrate your many victories. From the tests you have conquered, to the foes crushed beneath your might upon the courts of dodgeball, your accomplishments are many and worthy of praise. Now, fetch the celebration doshco and slay this cake that we may feast!"

Do we know if a playtest pdf is on the way?

CyberDaka wrote:
Do we know if a playtest pdf is on the way?

Originally I thought a PDF was coming out Aug 1st, but I'm not seeing that now, just the printed rulebook that you can order.


Dustin Knight wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

Maybe instead of years the candles count the number of victories they had in the prior year?

This is not canon and is just meant as an amusing idea.

What if canons had been used in all the victories? Could we then call it a canon victory cake?

Scarab Sages

Hyped to run this!

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Driftbourne, your pun is appreciated, but you mean "Cannons".

Also, I love this head-canon. Vesk care less about age, but more about Victories for cake candles. But here's a follow-up: What counts as a Victory for a Vesk that young?

Community and Social Media Specialist

CyberDaka wrote:
Do we know if a playtest pdf is on the way?

It is indeed! The Playtest PDF will be available to download for everyone Aug 1st!

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sunny bones just lookin at different Akitonian Solar wear, wondering if he should take a trip there, and trying to ignore the stares he gets as a skeleton.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

They just made a cake that looks like a human one, didn't know what the candles were meant to signifiy.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
WatersLethe wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?
They just made a cake that looks like a human one, didn't know what the candles were meant to signifiy.

"The cake that human Timmy got only had seven candles. Our little one's lung capacity is far more impressive! She shall have thirteen candles!"

Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
WatersLethe wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?
They just made a cake that looks like a human one, didn't know what the candles were meant to signifiy.
"The cake that human Timmy got only had seven candles. Our little one's lung capacity is far more impressive! She shall have thirteen candles!"

Vesk Prime year = 0.538 Golarion/Absalom Station years? But then the StarfinderWiki entry for Vesk Prime says 1 Vesk Prime year = 3 Pact Standard years. And the StarfinderWiki entry for Vesk lists them maturing at about the same rate as Humans (although starting military training earlier).

"Congratulations on your conquest of the year gone by... and good luck 0n your assault upon the year to come."

Also, yay little Akiton! Hopefully it'll be the sort of interesting place inside a place full of little interesting bits and lovable characters that can be used as a touchpoint for campaigns to return to as their characters mature.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What do you go to little Akiton for? LIke what kind of cuisine is there, what kind of businesses are run out of homes, what do you go down to Little Akiton for?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dustin Knight wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

Maybe instead of years the candles count the number of victories they had in the prior year?

This is not canon and is just meant as an amusing idea.

Too late! It's now firmly set in my headcanon, just like Absolom Station being an ever-expanding nonEuclidean space (station), with new areas and sectors being found all the time.

(And somewhere in the unexplored depths is a passage back to Lost Golarion...)

Paizo Employee Senior Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This thread made me smile.

Happy Birthday! :)


Just waiting when can mix and match pathfinder and starfinder characters..

Parse The Potatoes wrote:
Dustin Knight wrote:
TheTownsend wrote:
Baby Vesk! is turning… Thirteen? Bit of a runt for her age but who am I to judge?

Maybe instead of years the candles count the number of victories they had in the prior year?

This is not canon and is just meant as an amusing idea.

Too late! It's now firmly set in my headcanon, just like Absolom Station being an ever-expanding nonEuclidean space (station), with new areas and sectors being found all the time.

(And somewhere in the unexplored depths is a passage back to Lost Golarion...)

Absolom station being effectively an ever expanding non-euclidean space is, in fact, a major aspect of this adventure.

Golarian being somehow stuffed into the Ghost Levels is a pretty reasonable theory actually.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
AnimatedPaper wrote:

Absolom station being effectively an ever expanding non-euclidean space is, in fact, a major aspect of this adventure.

Golarian being somehow stuffed into the Ghost Levels is a pretty reasonable theory actually.

Oooh, here's an idea for the Gap conspiracy theorists to gnaw on: Someone used the Starstone to preserve Golarion within itself, similarly to how the Kryptonian city of Kandor was preserved in a jar in the Superman comics. This could possibly be the result of a Starstone test gone horribly wrong--or very right, because the alternative was the planet's annihilation? (Maybe Rovagug finally got loose?) Either way, the Gap was the fallout. And now, to restore Lost Golarion, some new aspiring god-hero will need to pass the Test of the Starstone. And naturally, just as in the original Absalom, the Test becomes more challenging with each attempt made, whether successful or not.

(Hmm. I think I may have the start of a 2E witchwarper concept there...)

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