Varmints in the Vaults

Wedensday, February 1, 2023

Purepurin, a white scaled kobold with a dagger sitting on their hip

“Whoa, you’re here already? Are you the Magaambya delegation or the group from the Pathfinder Society? Either way, one moment.”

The white-scaled kobold snatches a bandolier off a nearby hook and hurriedly fills its pouches with a variety of rune-covered daggers from a nearby weapons rack.

“This is the weapons vault, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Normally I’d have greeted you before you got this far, but Ziik’s having a little bit of a rat problem and the boss says if the ratcatcher can’t deal with the rats himself, then he should probably just let the rats eat him so she can find a better ratcatcher.”

With the bandolier filled with weapons slung over her shoulder, the little kobold quickly tucks a variety of other items into her kilt pockets before thrusting one tiny hand into the air seeking a handshake.

“Name’s Purepurin. I’m the steward of the vaults, and it’s my job to keep the items clean, the inventory logs up to date, and the ratcatchers uneaten. Please follow me for the time being and, uh, stay about ten feet back and try really hard not to step in front of me if it looks like I’m pointing at something.”

Instructions complete, Purepurin quickly leads the way through a twisting series of tunnels. The farther the little kobold gets from the weapons vault, the louder and angrier a constant, chittering squeal becomes, a rising crescendo of rodent clicks and cries. Purepurin holds up a hand as she reaches a sharp corner, the dancing light of distant torches indicating a much larger room just around it.

“Ziik really is a good ratcatcher, you know.” Purepurin calmly runs her fingers across the hilts of the daggers sheathed in her bandolier until her grip settles on a ghastly blade, its hilt wrapped in what appears to be the dead gray skin of some humanoid creature. She draws it carefully. “The problem is that sometimes one of the really smart rats nibbles through the protective fulus and gets ahold of an item in the special vaults that turns it into something that’s just a little bit too much for your average kobold. Case in point…”

Purepurin’s gesture to peek around the corner leads to a truly horrific sight: hundreds of black-furred, white-tailed, red-eyed rats swarm around a large stone well with a wooden steeple. Perched atop the steeple is a lone elderly kobold, desperately fending off the occasional encroaching rodent with a gnarled walking stick. Seething through the furry hordes, a slick wet mass displaces rats like a leviathan shedding water as a rodent of unprecedented size emerges. Still-smoking scars and other remnants of recent battles indicate that the monstrous creature has mounted several unsuccessful attempts to devour the stranded ratcatcher, whose panicked expression seems to indicate that he has no more tricks sufficient to stall the beast.

With a quick wink, Purepurin hurls her dagger into the middle of the roiling mass of rats, skewering one with a single flick of her wrist. The other rats around the skewered target begin to squeal and scatter as a foul stench emanates from the slain rodent. As the smaller rats choke and disperse, Purepurin calmly walks into the relatively clear space, drawing an item from her pocket. The oversized rat turns toward the new challenger, placing its back to the old kobold and the well upon which he perches. With a wicked grin, Purepurin levels what looks to be an elaborate seashell at the rat.


A geyser of twisting water suddenly erupts from the “seashell,” slamming into the rat monster with enough force to send the creature up and over the edge of the well and down into its murky depths. Wasting no time, Purepurin gestures furiously for assistance, chasing rats away from a heavy, steel-shod wooden cover clearly intended for the well. With some assistance from Ziik and the visitors, Purepurin seals the well, the rat monster apparently unable to climb up quickly enough to secure its escape. The old ratcatcher, Ziik, grumbles about needing to march all the way to vault 47 for clean water. As he places protective paper talismans around the edge of the well, Purepurin recovers her thrown dagger and smiles widely.

“Too much for the average kobold, but not for yours truly!” Purepurin calmly waves a beckoning claw as she exits the room through a different doorway than the one she used to enter. “If you think that was scary, wait’ll you meet the boss!”

Thrower’s Bandolier — Item 3

Conjuration, Invested, Magical
Price 60 gp
Usage worn; Bulk L

This bandolier is covered in straps and pouches capable of holding up to 2 Bulk of one-handed thrown weapons. A thrower's bandolier has a +1 weapon potency rune etched into it, and it can be etched with runes as though it were a one-handed thrown weapon. When you invest the thrower’s bandolier, you can attune it to all the weapons sheathed in it (this ends any previous attunements made with the bandolier). Whenever you draw a weapon from the bandolier, the bandolier's runes are replicated onto that weapon. Any runes already on the weapon are suppressed, and any runes previously replicated to a different weapon in this way are removed, returning it to normal.

Activate [two-actions] envision, Interact; Effect All weapons attuned to the bandolier, not including any weapons you're currently wielding, return to the bandolier.

Ghast Stiletto — Item 3

Magical, Necromancy
Price 60 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

A ghast stiletto is a +1 dagger wrapped in the still-undead skin of a ghast. While you wield the dagger, you gain a +1 status bonus to all saves against paralysis.

Activate [one-action] command, Interact (divine, necromancy, olfactory); Frequency once per hour; Effect The ghast stiletto afflicts the next living target struck by the dagger with a terrible wound that emits the foul stench of the grave. For the next minute, the target creature, as well as any creatures within a 10-foot emanation, must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (plus slowed 1 as long as it's sickened on a critical failure). While within the emanation, the creature takes a –2 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.

Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include skin from a ghast.

Torrent Spellgun (Lesser) — Item 3

Attack, Consumable, Evocation, Magical, Spellgun, Water
Price 12 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [two-actions] Interact, Strike

Carved of seashell, a torrent spellgun is damp to the touch, and seaweed wraps around its grip. You Activate the spellgun by aiming it at one creature and making your choice of a spell attack roll or a firearm attack roll against the target’s AC. This spellgun has a range increment of 30 feet. The spellgun blasts a powerful jet of water that deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage, then disintegrates into sand.

Critical Success The target takes double damage and is knocked back 10 feet.

Success The target takes full damage and is knocked back 5 feet.

Michael Sayre
Design Manager

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Huzzah! Me orc, me wants!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not saying that Purepurin is my favorite NPC, but that's partly because "wizard that got tired of people bothering him and went to go live on the sun" set such a high bar.

Great fiction, and the bandolier will make a lot of people happy!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok, cool new items. I know a LOT of people have been looking for the Thrower’s Bandolier and spellguns sound cool.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

finally a bandolier

2 bulk is 20 starknife

that will look interesting

will the 2 bulk limit stay for gun version

because some gun are 1 or 2 bulk and isn't even stronger than light bulk gun

this would mean 1 big boom gun or 2 pepperbox or 20 dueling pistol

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

All the throwing weapons. I was expecting to need a greater version for property runes but happy to be wrong.

Scarab Sages Design Manager

13 people marked this as a favorite.
QuidEst wrote:

I'm not saying that Purepurin is my favorite NPC, but that's partly because "wizard that got tired of people bothering him and went to go live on the sun" set such a high bar.

Great fiction, and the bandolier will make a lot of people happy!

The bandolier in the story is probably not actually a thrower's bandolier since the daggers Purepurin put in it were already runed up, but it was a relatively high-profile item I figured people would be excited about so I kind of cludged the stat block in for the blog. I think these are the last crunch teasers before release, hopefully they've whet everyone's appetites for the release later this month!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yooooo that bandolier looks amazing! My prayers have been answered!

Also hype for the spellgun, I hope we see higher level versions of items like this

Alchemic_Genius wrote:

Yooooo that bandolier looks amazing! My prayers have been answered!

Also hype for the spellgun, I hope we see higher level versions of items like this

spell gun can not run on the striking math at all might be a problem

quicksilver mutagen would give fighter and gunslinger a plus 4 advantage over caster maybe a problem too

1 person marked this as a favorite.

bandolier also might creat a talisman problem

talismanic sage are extremely powerful level 14 feat

but now 20 throwing knife can have fear gem on them and can be used in a single fight

maybe add a rule that talisman must be placed on bandolier not weapon in it

25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

bandolier also might creat a talisman problem

maybe add a rule that talisman must be placed on bandolier not weapon in it

I see nothing about the Thrower's Bandolier duplicating talismans onto multiple weapons.

But in any case, that is probably a topic to bring up on the rules forum.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
breithauptclan wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

bandolier also might creat a talisman problem

maybe add a rule that talisman must be placed on bandolier not weapon in it

I see nothing about the Thrower's Bandolier duplicating talismans onto multiple weapons.

But in any case, that is probably a topic to bring up on the rules forum.

I assume they mean that they put 1 talismans per weapon in the Bandolier: before you'd only get to use 1 for a returning thrown weapon.

Wayfinders Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I loved the story Michael! Thank you for this!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
breithauptclan wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

bandolier also might creat a talisman problem

maybe add a rule that talisman must be placed on bandolier not weapon in it

I see nothing about the Thrower's Bandolier duplicating talismans onto multiple weapons.

But in any case, that is probably a topic to bring up on the rules forum.

20 talisman on 20 different base weapon

low level talisman are so cheap bulk buy is not a problem

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25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:
Alchemic_Genius wrote:

Yooooo that bandolier looks amazing! My prayers have been answered!

Also hype for the spellgun, I hope we see higher level versions of items like this

spell gun can not run on the striking math at all might be a problem

quicksilver mutagen would give fighter and gunslinger a plus 4 advantage over caster maybe a problem too

I mean, a Fighter or Gunslinger using quicksilver has a +4 over any spell attack on a caster, so I don't see that as an issue; at least not one that isn't already there (if you're on the team that believes spell attacks should have an item bonus)

It does give casters a pretty flavorful way to spend an action to deal damage though; and spell attacks are more favorable than a normal ranged weapon strike, so casters are still benefitting from the new toy

Alchemic_Genius wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:
Alchemic_Genius wrote:

Yooooo that bandolier looks amazing! My prayers have been answered!

Also hype for the spellgun, I hope we see higher level versions of items like this

spell gun can not run on the striking math at all might be a problem

quicksilver mutagen would give fighter and gunslinger a plus 4 advantage over caster maybe a problem too

I mean, a Fighter or Gunslinger using quicksilver has a +4 over any spell attack on a caster, so I don't see that as an issue; at least not one that isn't already there (if you're on the team that believes spell attacks should have an item bonus)

It does give casters a pretty flavorful way to spend an action to deal damage though; and spell attacks are more favorable than a normal ranged weapon strike, so casters are still benefitting from the new toy

true it is nothing new

basically how eldritch archer work for years now

if spellgun stay at cantrip damage level the only thing can upset the balance would be additional effect like knockback on hit

activation not cast spell prevent fighter use it with shadow signet but may also be count as disadvantage for caster to use it

still far better than any other weapon for caster

25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

true it is nothing new

basically how eldritch archer work for years now

if spellgun stay at cantrip damage level the only thing can upset the balance would be additional effect like knockback on hit

activation not cast spell prevent fighter use it with shadow signet but may also be count as disadvantage for caster to use it

still far better than any other weapon for caster

Maybe; idk if the knockback is any stronger than a runed up weapon; true this is a level 3 weapon vs the level 5 cunning rune, but an enigma bard very well may prefer a +1 striking cunning shortbow strike to a 2d6 + knockback since that free action recall knowledge is pretty good

That said, I don't hate that spellweapons (please dont leave it at just guns, although imo guns are super cool, but so are hypothetical spellswords and spellwhips and spellslings and...) are generally better for a caster than a mundane weapon; they ARE made to work with the caster's magic after all

Cool items!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Rodents of unprecedented size? I don't think they exist.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I wonder if it's intended that the Bandolier lets you put runes on non-Quick-Alchemy Bombs? Because by RAW it seems like it does, and it would be cool as hell if that actually worked. So many builds opened up, for Alchemist and otherwise.

Sovereign Court

Loved the story to accompany these items! Can't wait to get this book!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

At first I was thinking that this cool bandolier was lowkey a worse version of the returning rune because you have to draw each new weapon... then I realized that if you fill your bandolier with 10 cold iron daggers and 10 silver hammers, you have almost any damage type you could want at your finger tips. That seems fairly well worth the trade, especially if you have Quick Draw.

(though, that does lead me to another question... since some special materials like cold iron are resistant to runes, does that have any effect on weapons the bandolier's ability to apply runes?)

Still, very cool and exactly the kind of thing I think 'throw a bunch of junk' character concepts have been needing. Especially with the minor but thematically cool ability to conjure your weapons back to your at the end of the fight.

Property runes on bombs now?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
dmerceless wrote:
I wonder if it's intended that the Bandolier lets you put runes on non-Quick-Alchemy Bombs? Because by RAW it seems like it does, and it would be cool as hell if that actually worked. So many builds opened up, for Alchemist and otherwise.

...and spending 6 infused reagents on alchemical bombs as a bomber gets you 18, leaving .2 bulk for whatever else you might want to put in there. Meanwhile, there's not even any extra feat tax, because bomb-throwing alchemists all take Quick Bomb already.

Alchemic_Genius wrote:
That said, I don't hate that spellweapons (please dont leave it at just guns, although imo guns are super cool, but so are hypothetical spellswords and spellwhips and spellslings and...) are generally better for a caster than a mundane weapon; they ARE made to work with the caster's magic after all

The fact that they're consumable and take 2 actions takes some of the bloom of that rose, though.

Spellguns seem cool for gunslingers to have some extra utility options they can use their massive attack modifier with. Hopefully there's a bunch more we've yet to see.

25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

bandolier also might creat a talisman problem

talismanic sage are extremely powerful level 14 feat

but now 20 throwing knife can have fear gem on them and can be used in a single fight

maybe add a rule that talisman must be placed on bandolier not weapon in it

This wasn't a particularly notable feature of the Gunner's Bandolier, and thrown weapons have historically been a fairly weak specialization in general, especially without Returning. Might be a problem with these since you can Quick Draw them, but we'll have to see. ¯\_('v')_/¯ Still a drain on resources, and spamming the same talisman constantly probably isn't the best way to use it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Having just looked at talismans for the idea of using them with bombs? They're not amazing. You might get some mileage out of having a bunch of shurikens or similar and including a few talismans in there for special cases (good damage, ghost touch, and so on) but it's not al that big a deal as a way to turn money into power. If being able to buy and prep 20 talismans was great, then that would mean that buying and prepping your first talisman would at least be worthwhile... and a lot of people don't bother to do that. There's a reason.

I hope there's some more good low level talismans in TV too. This seems like a perfect way to use them to their fullest.

Bombs already come with increased dice and item bonuses to hit so fundamental runes aren't too exciting on them, but other runes like flaming or fearsome etc are a notable increase in power.

In theory you've always been able to enchant bombs to do this but it's always been so ludicrously expensive that it didn't matter. Now, this feels like it makes it possible.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Pirate Rob wrote:

Bombs already come with increased dice and item bonuses to hit so fundamental runes aren't too exciting on them, but other runes like flaming or fearsome etc are a notable increase in power.

In theory you've always been able to enchant bombs to do this but it's always been so ludicrously expensive that it didn't matter. Now, this feels like it makes it possible.

The etching rules have actually prohibited this - as was pointed out to me in another thread.

Ooooooooh, spellguns? Gimme gimme gimme!

The spellgun and other potential spell weapons are intriguing. With their consumable nature, I assume they'll function like weird scrolls with a non spell effect for casters, and work like weird scrolls you don't need to trick for martials. Still, it's nice that they seem to usable by anyone.

Envoy's Alliance

Could you add a Striking rune to the bandolier? I don't see anything preventing it and *that* would be a game changer for bombs.

Evindal Mog wrote:
Could you add a Striking rune to the bandolier? I don't see anything preventing it and *that* would be a game changer for bombs.

You can add striking runes. Wether or not that would apply to bombs is another thing. Probably not because they have defined damage dice. Or sometimes none or sometimes multiple different dice like blight bombs.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Not to be a party pooper here, but bombs techically don't have the thrown trait, which means rules as intended might not have them them work with the bandolier. I hope they do, but, well yeah

Envoy's Alliance

Hmm, well I can definitely see the argument that a striking rune wouldn't do anything for a bomb that doesn't have damage dice, but for those that do - an alchemist's fire, say - it's hard to see - raw - why they wouldn't apply. Of course normally you would never bother putting a striking rune on a bomb because who wants to spend the gold for it and then blow it up on a consumable, but in this case it would (finally) give bombs some more oomph. But I'm not sure that this is what the designers were intending. It would be great to get some official clarification before this spawns a hundred rules lawyer tables.

aobst128 wrote:
The spellgun and other potential spell weapons are intriguing. With their consumable nature, I assume they'll function like weird scrolls with a non spell effect for casters, and work like weird scrolls you don't need to trick for martials. Still, it's nice that they seem to usable by anyone.

Yeah. I'm always excited to see more universal options. I especially like ones like this, items that let you make a spell/firearm attack for example, that take caster and martial disparity into account.

I'm really hoping there's an archetype that takes advantage of these, or some class feats. They kind of feel like magical gadgets, and gadgets are fun.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I'm super happy to see this bandolier. Though I do wish we got some non-consumable spellguns. Guns and Gears had way too few beastguns for such a cool concept.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm curious what proficiency the spellguns will use - perhaps just highest casting and simple weapons?

Xethik wrote:
I'm curious what proficiency the spellguns will use - perhaps just highest casting and simple weapons?

Well, it just asks for firearm proficiency so that's everyone. Everyone except wizard. But they've got a spell attack anyways.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
aobst128 wrote:
Xethik wrote:
I'm curious what proficiency the spellguns will use - perhaps just highest casting and simple weapons?
Well, it just asks for firearm proficiency so that's everyone. Everyone except wizard. But they've got a spell attack anyways.

Firearm is a weapon group but not a weapon proficiency (which are unarmed, simple, martial, advanced). Everyone except wizard is proficient in simple weapons including simple firearms so it is a bit of a moot point, but it is curious wording that is probably clear in the trait.

Xethik wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:

Bombs already come with increased dice and item bonuses to hit so fundamental runes aren't too exciting on them, but other runes like flaming or fearsome etc are a notable increase in power.

In theory you've always been able to enchant bombs to do this but it's always been so ludicrously expensive that it didn't matter. Now, this feels like it makes it possible.

The etching rules have actually prohibited this - as was pointed out to me in another thread.

Neat, found that link in the other thread. Thanks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alchemic_Genius wrote:
Not to be a party pooper here, but bombs techically don't have the thrown trait, which means rules as intended might not have them them work with the bandolier. I hope they do, but, well yeah

It says they are here:

"Bombs are martial thrown weapons with a range increment of 20 feet."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alchemic_Genius wrote:
Not to be a party pooper here, but bombs techically don't have the thrown trait, which means rules as intended might not have them them work with the bandolier. I hope they do, but, well yeah

It says they are thrown weapons here:

"Bombs are martial thrown weapons with a range increment of 20 feet."

And this fulfills all the requirements of the Thrower's Bandolier.

DemonicDem wrote:
Alchemic_Genius wrote:
Not to be a party pooper here, but bombs techically don't have the thrown trait, which means rules as intended might not have them them work with the bandolier. I hope they do, but, well yeah

It says they are thrown weapons here:

"Bombs are martial thrown weapons with a range increment of 20 feet."

And this fulfills all the requirements of the Thrower's Bandolier.

The runes won't function, though, because runes only work on permanent items. Bombs are consumables instead of permanent items.

QuidEst wrote:
DemonicDem wrote:
Alchemic_Genius wrote:
Not to be a party pooper here, but bombs techically don't have the thrown trait, which means rules as intended might not have them them work with the bandolier. I hope they do, but, well yeah

It says they are thrown weapons here:

"Bombs are martial thrown weapons with a range increment of 20 feet."

And this fulfills all the requirements of the Thrower's Bandolier.

The runes won't function, though, because runes only work on permanent items. Bombs are consumables instead of permanent items.

"Runes must be etched onto permanent items": where is the bandolier etching anything on the weapons it holds?

"Whenever you draw a weapon from the bandolier, the bandolier's runes are replicated onto that weapon.": So, where is the stated limitations for runes to be replicated? Thrower’s Bandolier doesn't have wording like other items [like doubling rings] like this that requires the weapon "meets all the prerequisites for a given rune". Doubling rings also mention replication of runes and it says that means it "gains the benefits of those runes", not that it etches the runes into the second weapon.

25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

bandolier also might creat a talisman problem

talismanic sage are extremely powerful level 14 feat

but now 20 throwing knife can have fear gem on them and can be used in a single fight

maybe add a rule that talisman must be placed on bandolier not weapon in it

You can't Quick Draw and activate the talisman at the same time, so to draw a weapon and using a fear gem is a 3 action routine. I don't think I am super worried but we'll see I guess.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Every other rune transferring item requires the target item be be a viable candidate to have the rune etched on it; so that's a pretty big reach to play the "it *technically* doesn't use this exact verbiage, so it works!" card

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Onkonk wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

bandolier also might creat a talisman problem

talismanic sage are extremely powerful level 14 feat

but now 20 throwing knife can have fear gem on them and can be used in a single fight

maybe add a rule that talisman must be placed on bandolier not weapon in it

You can't Quick Draw and activate the talisman at the same time, so to draw a weapon and using a fear gem is a 3 action routine. I don't think I am super worried but we'll see I guess.

Depends on the Talisman, and its specific action(s) and trigger.

Alchemic_Genius wrote:
Every other rune transferring item requires the target item be be a viable candidate to have the rune etched on it; so that's a pretty big reach to play the "it *technically* doesn't use this exact verbiage, so it works!" card

IMO, it's the opposite: because every other item has that verbiage, it seems a reach to say it a complete accident that this one doesn't mention anything about it. When the boilerplate is missing, it's a jump to assume that there isn't a reason for it not to be there and say 'of course it should be there' or "bombs technically don't have the thrown trait" when they are called "martial thrown weapons" [which is you trying to use a technicality on the other side of the argument but then you turn around and complaining about others using technicalities :P]. As such, all we can to is judge it on what it actually says.

Myself, I figure they didn't add anything because there is a restriction on what weapons the item can empower [one-handed thrown weapons] and can only be etched with runes for [one-handed thrown weapons] so it'll be redundant to say that the for most options: now even if bombs might be an unintended combination, we have no idea if/when it'll be altered/errata'd especially as it doesn't seem overly powerful [item bonuses don't stack]. Seems better to debate an item on what if actually does as opposed to what we think it might have been intended to do.

Vigilant Seal

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Am I the only one that now wants a 3-6 repeatable based on cleaning varmints out of the vaults? Should probably be a Vigilant Seal scenario.

The concept is absolutely amazing and I can see a lot of fun being had with such a story line. Something light-hearted but challenging.

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