Deadly Intrigue in a Land of the Dead!
The ghost king of Geb rules a nation where the living and undead work uneasily side-by-side. The power behind the throne, and the true rulers of Geb, are the Blood Lords: a scheming group of undying necromancers whose whims affect millions. Joining the Blood Lords isn’t easy, but your band of less-than-good-hearted troubleshooters is destined to ascend their ranks for exposing a dangerous plot to the nation.
The danger increases once your characters become Blood Lords, as the intrigues of the undead rulers are fiercest against each other. Powerful factions and ancient secrets are all playthings in the deadly trickery. Your Blood Lords must fight from the borders of the nation to the sepulchral halls of power to claim their authority over the land of the dead!
Inside the Blood Lords Player’s Guide you’ll find player-friendly, spoiler-free information and tips to help you make an exciting new character perfect for the Blood Lords Adventure Path.
This player’s guide contains details and advice about:
- Graydirge, the ossuary-city in Geb’s hinterlands where the characters begin their rise to power.
- Geb’s Factions, presenting a short summary of the key power groups that run Geb’s economy. Your characters gain (and lose!) influence with these factions as they grow in prominence, so knowing about these power players is a must!
- Character suggestions, including recommendations for alignments, ancestries, classes, languages, skills, and feats well suited for this Adventure Path.
- New backgrounds to inspire your character’s past connections with Geb’s factions, including Corpse Stitcher and Propaganda Promoter.
Start your adventure today.
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Introducing the Blood Lords Player’s Guide
Wednesday, June 29, 2021