Leveling Up!

Monday, March 12, 2018

With the Pathfinder Playtest, we're looking to level up the entire Pathfinder game. And that means leveling up... leveling up! Gaining new levels and the toys that come with them is a core part of Pathfinder First Edition, and we want to make it more rewarding in the new edition. So how do you level up?

Well, first you're going to need some Experience Points. You can get those XP by fighting monsters, encountering traps, solving puzzles, and accomplishing goals. Once you hit 1,000 XP, you level up! (That's for every level, so whenever you have 500 XP, you'll always know you're halfway to leveling up again! And if you have any extra Experience Points after leveling up, they count toward the next level.)

Once you have enough Experience Points to level up, you'll increase your proficiencies, then get some more Hit Points (8 + Constitution modifier for a cleric, for example), and then get to make the choices for your new level. What choices? Those are all covered on your class's class advancement table. For instance, at 2nd and 3rd levels, the cleric gets the following:

2Cleric feat, skill feat
32nd-level spells, general feat, skill increase

(Wait... what if I multiclass? We'll cover that in a future blog, but let's just say you'll still be referencing only one advancement table.)

One thing we knew we wanted to include in the new edition was a good number of choices for all characters. In first edition, this could be pretty unequal. Even though over time, the game incorporated more ways to customize any type of character, we wanted to build in more robust customization into the structure of every class. That's why every class gets specific class talents (which include spells for spellcasters) at 1st level and every other level thereafter, increases to skills every other level, and feats at every level!

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

Feats Feats Feats!

How does gaining feats at every level shake out? Every class has special feats just for them, which you gain every other level. When your cleric hits 2nd level and gets that cleric feat, do you want to become a better healer? Learn another of your deity's domains? Turn undead away from you? Your class feats give you these options, so you're not locked into the same path as every other cleric.

On any level when you don't gain a class feat, you gain a skill feat to change the ways you can use skills, a general feat that's useful to any character regardless of class, or an ancestry feat that reflects the training or advantages of your people. Skill feats are part of the general feat category, too, so if you really want to invest in your skills, you can drop 15 feats on improving them!

Many of your feats—especially class feats—give you new actions, activities, and so on that you can use. They have a special format to tell you how they work with your three actions and one reaction. Formatting them this way means that it's easier to tell whether a feat is something you can always do or a special action you can take. In Pathfinder First Edition terms, this would be like the difference between Weapon Focus and Vital Strike.

One of our goals with feats was to make them easier to choose and to use. Most feats require very few prerequisites, so you won't need to worry about picking a feat you really don't want in order to eventually get one you do. Any prerequisites build off your level, your proficiency, and any previous feats the new feat builds onto.

The Best of Your Ability

You'll also amp up several of your ability scores every 5 levels. The process might be familiar to those of you who've been playing Starfinder for the last several months! There are, of course, a few tweaks, and we made all ability boosts work the same way instead of being different at 1st level. Learn it once, use it in perpetuity.

Second Chances

So you get all these choices. Let's say you make a few bad ones. It happens!

Retraining your abilities is now in the game from the get-go, covered by the downtime system. You can spend your downtime to swap out choices you made for other ones. (Though you can't swap out ones that are a core part of your character, like your ancestry, unless you work out a way to do so with your GM.

Some classes give you ways to retrain your choices automatically. For instance, some spells get less useful as you go up in level, so spontaneous spellcasters get to replace some of the spells they know with other ones when they get new spells.

Leveling in the Playtest

The playtest adventure will have you playing characters at various levels, and tells you when to level them up (or tells you to create new characters for certain chapters). Our goal has been to make your options expansive and satisfying, but not overwhelming. We look forward to you telling us which decisions you're making, trading tips with fellow players, and agonizing over two feats when you really want them both.

Logan Bonner

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"There are, of course, a few tweaks, and we made all ability boosts work the same way instead of being different at 1st level."

I don't get what this is saying. Ancestry modifiers after point buy or something?

Liberty's Edge

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Thinking more on this, the design this reminds me the most of is the Zealot Vigilante - only, without the Inquisitor as competition.

Sounds like we'll get to choose whether our Clerics get to channel at all, and when we actually get access to that!

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I like the idea that any magical ability is a spell and any non-magical ability is a feat. Helps keep it all organized and you always know how an ability is treated.

That "works like invisibility" ability? You know it's a spell and will always be treated as that for anything in the game that effects spells.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Lady Firebird wrote:
Sounds like we get plenty of options, and I really like the idea of ancestry feats. Because I always want to be an Elfier Elf!

On the positive side of things, that also means dwarfier dwarves. And I admit, that DOES sound exciting

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I really like the idea of classes being modular like this. No two clerics or rogues or fighters need be the same. For this alone I want to make PF2 my main game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Seems pretty good so far. However my biggest concern is ability scores. I'm not in favour of Starfinder's ability score system.

Is it still one to one point buy with nothing for dump stating? What about the universal stat ceiling at level one? I like point buys I don't like the rest.

I'm neutral on the ability score advancement at higher levels in Starfinder.

No rolling for hp...well done! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Lemartes wrote:

Seems pretty good so far. However my biggest concern is ability scores. I'm not in favour of Starfinder's ability score system.

Is it still one to one point buy with nothing for dump stating? What about the universal stat ceiling at level one? I like point buys I don't like the rest.

I'm neutral on the ability score advancement at higher levels in Starfinder.

No rolling for hp...well done! :)

There was something about how Charisma, the most popular dump stat of all, is now directly tied in to how many magic items you can use.

I laughed when I read it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
Phantasmist wrote:
Is it just me or is naming everything feats confusing anybody else?
I agree as well. They should be renamed to talents!

Because naming everything talents would be less confusing? or alternatively giving these functionally identical abilities different names would be less confusing?

It doesn't seem that confusing, and the alternatives look at best the same if not worse on the face of it.

Paizo Employee Designer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Dαedαlus wrote:
"Okay, so I have 12,500 XP, so I'm halfway to level 13"

Actually, it's "Okay, so I have 500 XP, so I'm halfway to level 13." ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Logan Bonner wrote:
Dαedαlus wrote:
"Okay, so I have 12,500 XP, so I'm halfway to level 13"
Actually, it's "Okay, so I have 500 XP, so I'm halfway to level 13." ;)

Thank you so much for this. Thank you.


24 people marked this as a favorite.
Hythlodeus wrote:
Lady Firebird wrote:
Sounds like we get plenty of options, and I really like the idea of ancestry feats. Because I always want to be an Elfier Elf!
On the positive side of things, that also means dwarfier dwarves. And I admit, that DOES sound exciting

In one of our high level playtests, we accidentally had a poison with a DC that was way too high (so we fixed it, of course). But the coolest part was that the dwarf was so dwarfy by that point that despite the fact he couldn't make the save, he just toughed it out to the end and was still pretty much fine afterwards.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Instead of Feats call it 'Stuff'?

Fighter 'Stuff' Cleric 'Stuff', etc?

Paizo Employee Designer

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Asurie wrote:

So, Starfinder has an interesting quirk in their ability score buying math that the +1 stat bonus from Themes ends up being functionally useless. This is the result of the fact that bonuses come in groups of +2 (except for going from 19->20 which only gets you a +1) and the fact that ability score pre-reqs are mostly gone (except for Dex 15 if I recall).

Will this be the case if we are now taking their ability score system and porting it to Pathfinder, or will changes be made to address this?

As mentioned in the article, the ability boosts you get at higher levels are the same as in Starfinder, but the boosts you get at 1st level aren't.

Logan Bonner wrote:
Dαedαlus wrote:
"Okay, so I have 12,500 XP, so I'm halfway to level 13"
Actually, it's "Okay, so I have 500 XP, so I'm halfway to level 13." ;)

Still just a numbers game. It has no impact on gameplay.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Subparhiggins wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Seems pretty good so far. However my biggest concern is ability scores. I'm not in favour of Starfinder's ability score system.

Is it still one to one point buy with nothing for dump stating? What about the universal stat ceiling at level one? I like point buys I don't like the rest.

I'm neutral on the ability score advancement at higher levels in Starfinder.

No rolling for hp...well done! :)

There was something about how Charisma, the most popular dump stat of all, is now directly tied in to how many magic items you can use.

I laughed when I read it.

I don't think I have an issue with that.

Granted there should be away to get more item use through feats for grumpy wizards. :)

I should add actually the ability score advancement in Starfinder needs some tweaking so I guess I'm not neutral on it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have zero qualms with the information in this Blog Post(at least as I understand it).


Couple questions:

Will there be capstones(AKA Level 20 prerequisite Class Feats)?

Will we be able to use feats to emulate other classes?

For example, I like playing gishes, so could my fighter get a feat to learn to cast magic, or could a sorcerer get a feat to learn how to fight better? Or is this going to be reserved solely for multiclassing?

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

38 people marked this as a favorite.
Dαedαlus wrote:
race (seriously, why?) ancestry feat

One advantage of using the term "ancestry" is that the same rule category can then cover both race/species, as well as ethnicity or subrace. It opens up a huge design space for very specific ancestries (maybe someday we'd have a book about noble lineages) that would have required an additional subsystem in 1E.

Shadow Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Subparhiggins wrote:
Lemartes wrote:

Seems pretty good so far. However my biggest concern is ability scores. I'm not in favour of Starfinder's ability score system.

Is it still one to one point buy with nothing for dump stating? What about the universal stat ceiling at level one? I like point buys I don't like the rest.

I'm neutral on the ability score advancement at higher levels in Starfinder.

No rolling for hp...well done! :)

There was something about how Charisma, the most popular dump stat of all, is now directly tied in to how many magic items you can use.

I laughed when I read it.

That is an absolutely awkward way to try and make Charisma relevant and useful.


7 people marked this as a favorite.

The change to XP seems very player-friendly! (I use milestone leveling instead in my home games, but I’m interested in seeing if this system tempts me back to XP tracking.) Standardizing how class features are selected also seems very player-friendly. And I love that there was a design goal of fewer prerequisites!


17 people marked this as a favorite.
thflame wrote:

Will there be capstones(AKA Level 20 prerequisite Class Feats)?

The best part of that kind of capstone is that you get to choose your capstone! Not everyone was always well-served by the capstones in PF1 (for instance, omnikinesis, the ability to use any wild talent in the game, is a very powerful capstone, but it doesn't necessarily fit a fully focused kineticist, even though the class lets you build a fully effective single-element kineticist up to that point).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Hythlodeus wrote:
Lady Firebird wrote:
Sounds like we get plenty of options, and I really like the idea of ancestry feats. Because I always want to be an Elfier Elf!
On the positive side of things, that also means dwarfier dwarves. And I admit, that DOES sound exciting
In one of our high level playtests, we accidentally had a poison with a DC that was way too high (so we fixed it, of course). But the coolest part was that the dwarf was so dwarfy by that point that despite the fact he couldn't make the save, he just toughed it out to the end and was still pretty much fine afterwards.

Yay, dwarf love!

How easy would it be to reskin this ancestral feats as regular feats for PF1?


35 people marked this as a favorite.
Kate Baker wrote:
The change to XP seems very player-friendly! (I use milestone leveling instead in my home games, but I’m interested in seeing if this system tempts me back to XP tracking.) Standardizing how class features are selected also seems very player-friendly. And I love that there was a design goal of fewer prerequisites!

The best part for GMs like you is that you can much more easily give out XP for non-combat milestones without having to delve through math, and we give advice for how to do that in the playtest CRB. For instance, you could decide to give the PCs 100 XP each for a momentous RP social event and know that you've advanced them 1/10 of the way to the next level. This allows for rule-of-thumb numbers you can memorize, without need for a chart even.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Demon Lord of Paladins! wrote:
Likely far more complex then I like and this screams "bloat", but it is interesting

Then go play a rules light system? Its this thats going to turn me off of P2E. The oversimplification for an audience they dont need.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm digging that art of Harsk with paired axes, no lie...

And I embrace and adore the new XP system.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

May I request that Feats be sorted in the final book based on what Classes/Ancestries/etc. they apply to as opposed to strictly alphabetical order?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hythlodeus wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Hythlodeus wrote:
Lady Firebird wrote:
Sounds like we get plenty of options, and I really like the idea of ancestry feats. Because I always want to be an Elfier Elf!
On the positive side of things, that also means dwarfier dwarves. And I admit, that DOES sound exciting
In one of our high level playtests, we accidentally had a poison with a DC that was way too high (so we fixed it, of course). But the coolest part was that the dwarf was so dwarfy by that point that despite the fact he couldn't make the save, he just toughed it out to the end and was still pretty much fine afterwards.

Yay, dwarf love!

How easy would it be to reskin this ancestral feats as regular feats for PF1?

Some of them are riffs or more powerful versions of alternate race abilities already in PF1 (Advanced Race Guide and elsewhere), so I bet you could mod them and call them "Improved XX" or make up a name when they share a name. The awesome poison one our dwarf had probably would take some work due to poison not working the same way in PF1, but it shouldn't be too hard to get similar functionality.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
thflame wrote:
May I request that Feats be sorted in the final book based on what Classes/Ancestries/etc. they apply to as opposed to strictly alphabetical order?

I agree please put them in different sections. At the very least they'll be separated by charts, but having a 1, 2, 3 kind of set up with each type would definitely be easier for players to sort through.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Kate Baker wrote:
The change to XP seems very player-friendly! (I use milestone leveling instead in my home games, but I’m interested in seeing if this system tempts me back to XP tracking.) Standardizing how class features are selected also seems very player-friendly. And I love that there was a design goal of fewer prerequisites!
The best part for GMs like you is that you can much more easily give out XP for non-combat milestones without having to delve through math, and we give advice for how to do that in the playtest CRB. For instance, you could decide to give the PCs 100 XP each for a momentous RP social event and know that you've advanced them 1/10 of the way to the next level. This allows for rule-of-thumb numbers you can memorize, without need for a chart even.

That sounds awesome!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, so now the big question of Class Feats has been answered, in that they're effectively talents for every class. Still though, that's not a great name for them, calling them talents, or tricks, or abilities, or zarglepoofs would be better than calling them feats if they're going to be a completely separate thing from the feats people are used to.

Also, how's XP going to work if it's a flat 1000 per level? Are GMs going to have to do XP calculations to figure out the right percentage for lower-level encounters or what?

Gallyck wrote:
Demon Lord of Paladins! wrote:
Likely far more complex then I like and this screams "bloat", but it is interesting

Then go play a rules light system? Its this thats going to turn me off of P2E. The oversimplification for an audience they dont need.

I likely will, I have not played PF in years. But, I will look at the playtest stuff and give my input. But over complex just to be complex is not a good thing in my experience costs players.


31 people marked this as a favorite.
Subparhiggins wrote:
thflame wrote:
May I request that Feats be sorted in the final book based on what Classes/Ancestries/etc. they apply to as opposed to strictly alphabetical order?
I agree please put them in different sections. At the very least they'll be separated by charts, but having a 1, 2, 3 kind of set up with each type would definitely be easier for players to sort through.

We have some ideas about how to order things. My absolute favorite for ease of building was Jason's idea to put the class feats by level instead of alphabetically (with a sidebar giving them all alphabetically). That way you can directly compare the newest feats at your new level (not that you can't go back and take a lower-level one if you like) and that single change more than tripled the speed at which I can choose my class feats.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Subparhiggins wrote:
thflame wrote:
May I request that Feats be sorted in the final book based on what Classes/Ancestries/etc. they apply to as opposed to strictly alphabetical order?
I agree please put them in different sections. At the very least they'll be separated by charts, but having a 1, 2, 3 kind of set up with each type would definitely be easier for players to sort through.
We have some ideas about how to order things. My absolute favorite for ease of building was Jason's idea to put the class feats by level instead of alphabetically (with a sidebar giving them all alphabetically). That way you can directly compare the newest feats at your new level (not that you can't go back and take a lower-level one if you like) and that single change more than tripled the speed at which I can choose my class feats.

I like this! Though I also would say change them from feats to something else. Like talents. xP

Mark Seifter wrote:
Hythlodeus wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Hythlodeus wrote:
Lady Firebird wrote:
Sounds like we get plenty of options, and I really like the idea of ancestry feats. Because I always want to be an Elfier Elf!
On the positive side of things, that also means dwarfier dwarves. And I admit, that DOES sound exciting
In one of our high level playtests, we accidentally had a poison with a DC that was way too high (so we fixed it, of course). But the coolest part was that the dwarf was so dwarfy by that point that despite the fact he couldn't make the save, he just toughed it out to the end and was still pretty much fine afterwards.

Yay, dwarf love!

How easy would it be to reskin this ancestral feats as regular feats for PF1?
Some of them are riffs or more powerful versions of alternate race abilities already in PF1 (Advanced Race Guide and elsewhere), so I bet you could mod them and call them "Improved XX" or make up a name when they share a name.

Good to hear

Mark Seifter wrote:
poison not working the same way in PF1

so, another thing to convert in future APs. unfortunate

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It might just be me, but I get the feeling this is a quite modular approach to classes.

If so, that would make introducing the 'hybrid' classes (brawler, hunter, etc.) quite a bit easier. I could see something like picking the ranger 'chassis' at first level, giving you the base ranger stuff, and then grabbing the 'Slayer' class feat/talent/whatever at the first opportunity which then gives you access to Rogue feats/talents/whatevers in addition to your ranger ones. Maybe only a sub set of those.
You could easily make that go both ways as well, allowing you to build a 'Slayer' from either a Ranger or a Rogue chassis, depending on preference.

Heck, you could even open it up further, allowing you to mix with any other class. Spellcasting could be finicky, though you could say you are limited to the casting of your 'chassis'.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
Dαedαlus wrote:

So then, are all feats gained through class advancement then? Or are there still the independent spots for general feats that P1e has?

General feats are also listed in the class advancement chart for your ease of reference just so you don't have to flip back and forth between two places.

If Multiclassing gets feats off total levels rather than the General Feats, listing them in both places is likely to cause confusion. If they are only gained from advancement in a class, there is no reason to list them in a general chart.

Are there any abilities other than feats and spells gained after first level? Or are we completely free to customize after that point?

Edit: I guess having the ability to cast spells and weapon and armour proficiencies might be the only things we get at first level that aren't feats or spells too.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So streamlining actions to make 7 different kinds of action down to action and reaction, but making almost everything with about leveling into categories of feats. Not sure if this is really streamlined. Feat choices are one of the things that turns my wife away from playing much.
I think it has potential, but I hope the playtest can refine this.

Looking forward to Friday's skill blog, and also info on multiclassing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Dαedαlus wrote:
race (seriously, why?) ancestry feat
One advantage of using the term "ancestry" is that the same rule category can then cover both race/species, as well as ethnicity or subrace. It opens up a huge design space for very specific ancestries (maybe someday we'd have a book about noble lineages) that would have required an additional subsystem in 1E.

I guess that's fair. While I have no real issue with replacing 'race' with a different word (other than convention and tradition), using 'ancestry' instead just seems more like saying,

"Oh, my character has Elf ancestry"
"Ah, so a half-elf?"
"No. I'm a full-blood elf"

It just feels like something you would say to refer to having your great-great-great grandfather being a dragon than the fact you were born a dwarf, raised a dwarf, and live like a dwarf.

Edited for clarity and to remove a random tangent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So every class will now receive the full HP of their Hit Dice at every level? That is, cleric gets 8 HP, fighters gets 10 HP, barbarians get 12 HP, and so on?

Will know every encounter of the APL reward 400XP for a group, APL+1 600XP, APL+2 800XP and APL+3 1200XP?

What about call the "general feats" as feats, and the "class feats" as (the name of the class) talents? Just like rogue talents, cleric talents, fighter talents... Seems more player-friendly.

Bruno Mares wrote:
So every class will now receive the full HP of their Hit Dice at every level? That is, cleric gets 8 HP, fighters gets 10 HP, barbarians get 12 HP, and so on?

Hasn't it always been like that?...

With Ancestry Feats are they part of the class advancement or are they a category of general feat? I am abit apprehensive about having to take ancestry feats considering I use non-golarion fluff for all the races in my campaigns.


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Hythlodeus wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
poison not working the same way in PF1
so, another thing to convert in future APs. unfortunate

Honestly in many cases, if the name of the poison is the same, you can just convert black lotus extract to the old black lotus extract and so on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
poison not working the same way in PF1, but it shouldn't be too hard to get similar functionality.

As a toxicologist, I have to know: more gamey or more realistic?

Gamey is fine, I've gotten used to no game ever having realistic poison rules. :)

Mark Seifter wrote:
Dαedαlus wrote:

So then, are all feats gained through class advancement then? Or are there still the independent spots for general feats that P1e has?

General feats are also listed in the class advancement chart for your ease of reference just so you don't have to flip back and forth between two places.

As long as it's clear that it is repeated. You know you will get people claiming they get two general feats...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Hythlodeus wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
poison not working the same way in PF1
so, another thing to convert in future APs. unfortunate
Honestly in many cases, if the name of the poison is the same, you can just convert black lotus extract to the old black lotus extract and so on.

thank you very much, that makes it easier

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scias Starset wrote:

Are there any abilities other than feats and spells gained after first level? Or are we completely free to customize after that point?

I do prefer to class have some specific fixed features (like druids' trackless step or some of the paladins' auras, for instance). If not this way, we can just transform everything in class feats/talents/whatevernameittakes and bye bye archetypes and anything like that.


4 people marked this as a favorite.
BretI wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Dαedαlus wrote:

So then, are all feats gained through class advancement then? Or are there still the independent spots for general feats that P1e has?

General feats are also listed in the class advancement chart for your ease of reference just so you don't have to flip back and forth between two places.
If Multiclassing gets feats off total levels rather than the General Feats, listing them in both places is likely to cause confusion. If they are only gained from advancement in a class, there is no reason to list them in a general chart.

To clarify: the way we avoid flipping back and forth between two places is that there are not two places. It's all in the class chart for ease of reference and ease of visualizing all your character's choices.

EDIT: Ah, it's the word 'also.' I meant they, in addition to class feats, are in the class chart. Not that they are in the class chart in addition to somewhere else. Ah ambiguities of language!

Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
Bruno Mares wrote:
So every class will now receive the full HP of their Hit Dice at every level? That is, cleric gets 8 HP, fighters gets 10 HP, barbarians get 12 HP, and so on?
Hasn't it always been like that?...

No? Current PF is half + 1. So 5 for Clerics, 6 for Fighters, 7 for Barbarians etc.

Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:
Bruno Mares wrote:
So every class will now receive the full HP of their Hit Dice at every level? That is, cleric gets 8 HP, fighters gets 10 HP, barbarians get 12 HP, and so on?
Hasn't it always been like that?...

We just roll it or use the average result (rounded up) here. (4,5 to d8, 5,5 to d10, 6,5 to d12, and so on) :D

Milo v3 wrote:
With Ancestry Feats are they part of the class advancement or are they a category of general feat? I am abit apprehensive about having to take ancestry feats considering I use non-golarion fluff for all the races in my campaigns.

How is that really any different? All the PF1 races had the same basic fluff in the CRB as they did in the setting, and any racial option with more than a small modicum of fluff could have the fluff ignored.

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