Gen Con, Baby!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This week is just a quick data dump ahead of Gen Con's event registration on Sunday to let you know what we've got on tap for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game at the show. I am both excited and terrified to let you in on some secrets today.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild

We've got tons of material on tap for organized play fans at this year's show. First, the known info: Season of the Runelords, our third season of the Adventure Card Guild, wraps up in August 2016, and avid players will be able to triumphantly complete the season in the Sagamore ballroom. You'll be able to play any or all of the scenarios in SotRu at the show, and we'll even keep a copy or two of Season of the Righteous and Season of the Shackles tucked away for folks who want to catch up or try some new adventures.

We'll also be debuting a mini-season, affectionately known in-house as WE BE CARD GOBLINS! This two-adventure "seasonlet" will take players through a PACG adaptation of the events of the Free RPG Day adventures We Be Goblins and We Be Goblins Too!. Birds will be crunched, toads will be licked, and many, many things will be exploded. This mini-season will bridge the gap between Season of the Runelords and Season of the Mummy, which will launch in October when we release the Mummy's Mask Base Set. I didn't get the We Be Card Goblins event listing to Gen Con on time (Bad Tanis!), so it's not listed in their event system—just buy a Season of the Runelords event ticket and we'll form parties on the fly. (This seems like a good time to mention that the Goblins Fight! and Goblins Burn! decks will be available for purchase at the show.)

To bury the lede, I should mention that our promo goblins, Ranzak, Ekkie, and Tup, will be PFACG-legal starting in August!

To further bury the lede, I am thrilled to elaborate on a little nugget that Pathfinder Society OPC Tonya Woldridge dropped in her blog yesterday:

This year's special, titled #8-00: The Cosmic Captive and authored by Matt Duval, starts at 8:00 PM on Friday night. In past years, we ran 160 Roleplaying Guild tables, spanning levels 1 through 11. This year, we are keeping 160 Roleplaying Guild tables and adding 20 Adventure Card Guild tables. All 180 tables will work together to achieve common goals, and the actions of one effect the outcomes of others.

You read that right: ACG and RPG tables working together to [redacted] [redacted] the [redacted]! I could not be more excited for this event. Working from Matt Duval's excellent adventure, the whole PFS team will be coming together to craft an exciting interactive for the whole PFS community. The Cosmic Captive will feature a mix of custom cards and cards from various base sets, and the deck will (eventually) be available for download or purchase if you want to run the event at your local convention.

ACG Open 2: Son of ACG Open

In case that wasn't enough work for me fun for you, we've also got a new Adventure Card Game Open in store. See if team "On the Dot" can continue its reign, or maybe the upstart team "Don't Trust Tanis" will take them out! Or maybe YOUR team of four will be the victors! The ACG Open is a team vs. team advancement tournament played in 3 rounds. Quarterfinal matches will happen Thursday and Friday, the semifinal rounds on Saturday, and a final on Sunday. Last year's final was attended by most of the ACG design team and was quite exciting, and the winners each got a full Adventure Card Game Base Set, Character Add-On Deck, and Adventure Decks signed by the designers.

But Wait! There's More!

Even though Mummy's Mask won't be out until October, we will be running continuous MM demos at the Paizo booth during floor hours. Just show up, take a seat, and try not to get cursed too badly. And don't miss the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game seminar on Thursday at 2:00 PM—even we have no idea what secrets we might reveal!

Our friends at Obsidian will also be on hand to show off Pathfinder Adventures. I'm going to assume that if you're reading this blog and you have an iPad or an Android tablet, you're already playing this digital edition of the PACG, so all I need to tell you is that you'll have the opportunity to ask the Obsidian crew what's coming up next. You'll also want to check out the seminar "Pathfinder & Obsidian" on Friday at 1:00 PM.

Come join us at Gen Con for the Best Four Days in Gaming!

Tanis O'Connor
Adventure Card Game Designer

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2016 Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society
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Or is the better question, should I stay away from any events, b/c I may not/will not have "experienced" characters.

Trying to decide how to finish building my GenCon wish list.

Inquisitor60504, are there PFS ACG events in your area? You'd have a couple months to give it a try locally and build a character deck or three.

Regardless, if you're interested in giving it a try I wouldn't stay away just because you're new. There'll be other folks in the same boat.

Grand Lodge

A lot of people are trying Organized Play for the first time at GenCon, Inquisitor60504. Try it and see if you like it.

Grand Lodge

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Got everything I wanted so far pertaining to Pathfinder. yay.

Glad you got what you wanted.

FWIW, I never worry about getting PFS tickets; outside of the Interactive Special they're my final fallback and there's always stuff available.

At the time of this writing they've only sold out of the top two tiers of Interactive tickets and a few scattered others.

ACG Interactive is at less than half capacity right now

(I got my tix to it yay)

I screwed it up; I wanted tickets for 7-8 but (after a couple trips through the wishlist for various reasons) got 5-6.

Good thing I have a lot of characters. :)

So has anyone heard what decks / characters we will be using or need to bring for the the ACG Interactive?

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

The Usual Suspect wrote:

The time blocks on Sunday for the ACG do not match the times in the volunteer request blog from last Jan. Did the Sunday time blocks for the card game change?


I'm not following. ACG Vols arrive at 0830, games start at 0900 and 1200, we finish at 1400. How does this not match up?

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

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JDragon_ITTS wrote:
So has anyone heard what decks / characters we will be using or need to bring for the the ACG Interactive?

Anything legal for Guild Play :P

Tanis has plans for both low tables (Tier 1-3) and high tables (Tier 4-6) so bring what you wish.

Have you decided if we can play both sides for credit?

Grand Lodge

Parody wrote:
Have you decided if we can play both sides for credit?

Do you mean when it's released?


Anything legal for Guild Play :P

Tanis has plans for both low tables (Tier 1-3) and high tables (Tier 4-6) so bring what you wish.

Sounds good. So would if you are using a character from Season of Wrath will they have their Mythic abilities as well? (I would guess no, but figure it doesn't hurt to ask.)

Now to figure out what characters to play over the next few months to have ready.

I'm going to go with No as well.
The adventure path states, "For the rest of the Adventure Path, when you play a scenario in Adventure 2 or higher, the card you chose is your mythic path card." which means that you only have it while playing something from that Season.

Waiting to see what the schedule looks like once the Open tickets are available.
I'm playing a decent amount of the Seasons at Origins, and couldn't get anyone interested in the Goblins Mini-Season (blasphemy, I know), so right now I have no ACG tickets. Which feels weird, but we got in twice last year with generics, so I'm pretty sure it'll pass.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Parody wrote:
Have you decided if we can play both sides for credit?
Do you mean when it's released?

It's a bit hard to play the RPG and ACG sides at the same time, at least if you want to do a good job! :P

See also where I asked this question above; Tanis eventually said it's up to Tonya, and (as far as I have seen) it hasn't been answered yet. Based on the conventions I attend I'll have plenty of chances to play the ACG side, and may have to play to help fill in tables even if it's not for credit. It'd just be nice to know. (It would have been nicer to know before Gen Con event registration, but I'm sure everyone's busy. :)

Grand Lodge

Well, Parody, when the ACG portion of the special was originally put up in the events, there was a Thur afternoon session ... some how. It was taken down along with the ACG portion happening during the special. That's why I asked it that way. And, yes, it is difficult to play both.

As far as the Mythic Path, no, you wouldn't be able to use the Mythic Path as that is only applicable to the AP you're playing. Now if the special has a Mythic Path available, then I'd expect to see my answer change. (I'm hoping no.)

I'm sure we'll find out more about the Special as time goes one ... if they're going to make sure our characters have so many Skill Feats, Power Feats and Card Feats.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Well, Parody, when the ACG portion of the special was originally put up in the events, there was a Thur afternoon session ... some how.

I think we both knew it was an error, though. I certainly assumed so. ::shrug::

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
I'm sure we'll find out more about the Special as time goes one ... if they're going to make sure our characters have so many Skill Feats, Power Feats and Card Feats.

They've said they're dividing it up by Tier, which restricts what you'll have available to ranges that are still pretty wide. It'll be interesting to see how well it works.

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

I'm following up on the PFSACG Open. We submitted the event to Gen Con weeks ago. We had to make a few changes, but those were done early last week. So I'm getting an answer and will post here.

We requested the following:

1st Round -
Thurs 5 pm
Thurs 8 pm
Fri 8 am
Fri 11 am

2nd Round -
Sat 11 am
Sat 2 pm

3rd Round -
Sun 9 am

Thank you for the update.

How many tables will you be running for each session of Round 1?

Cool. It's good to spread things out. :)

JDragon_ITTS: FWIW, it was 3 before.

Grand Lodge

Tonya, are we able to use Season tickets for the Open since I still don't see the events? And the Season tix correspond to the times you've mentioned.

Gen Con Policy is that you can use tickets for any event for any other event as if they were generics. What they don't do is reserve a place for you. (Also don't expect change. :)

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

Talked to the people at Gen Con and worked out what happened to the Open - darned email filters. Been quite a learning curve this year, as it is my first interfacing with the event system and planning the overall layout of the Con. Which is why there were two interactive for a time. I submitted a whoops event.

We decided to open the ticket sales for the Open next Sunday, May 22nd, at 1200 pm Eastern (9 am Pacific). This allows people to arrange their schedule and be ready for the tickets.

There are 2 tables open in each session. If you are a single rider, that is fine. Just by your 1 ticket and you will be grouped together with others in that session.

As posted above, the sessions will be:

1st Round -
Thurs 5 pm
Thurs 8 pm
Fri 8 am
Fri 11 am

2nd Round -
Sat 11 am
Sat 2 pm

3rd Round -
Sun 9 am

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

Parody wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Parody wrote:
Have you decided if we can play both sides for credit?
Do you mean when it's released?

It's a bit hard to play the RPG and ACG sides at the same time, at least if you want to do a good job! :P

See also where I asked this question above; Tanis eventually said it's up to Tonya, and (as far as I have seen) it hasn't been answered yet. Based on the conventions I attend I'll have plenty of chances to play the ACG side, and may have to play to help fill in tables even if it's not for credit. It'd just be nice to know. (It would have been nicer to know before Gen Con event registration, but I'm sure everyone's busy. :)

Talked to the PFS team. The decision was that a player could earn credit for 8-00 The Cosmic Captive three times - once in RPG, once in ACG, and once in Core.

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Talked to the PFS team. The decision was that a player could earn credit for 8-00 The Cosmic Captive three times - once in RPG, once in ACG, and once in Core.

That's awesome. Thanks! :)

Grand Lodge

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Talked to the PFS team. The decision was that a player could earn credit for 8-00 The Cosmic Captive three times - once in RPG, once in ACG, and once in Core.

Silly question, Tonya, does #8-00 require the ACG portion to run it? (I do want to talk to Bobby Harring about running the special at Save Against Fear. I would be running the ACG side if there is interest in that portion, but in case there isn't, wouldn't want to hold that up.)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

@Theryon: If you're running it, I'll be there, so there will be interest. :-D

Looking at the website, looks like Save Against Fear is October 14-16 in Harrisburg, PA, where my in laws live. I shall talk to my wife about a family trip that weekend.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Yep, and it's only a 2 hour drive for me, so a day trip is doable. :-D

Silver Crusade

And I'm planning on going, too! Party in Harrisburg!

Grand Lodge

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Don't worry, as long as it's released and Bobby is up to running it, I'll be running the ACG portion. I'll be running PFSACG the rest of the time. Eliandra can't wait for Season of the Goblin! Either way I'll keep you guys up-to-date.

Grand Lodge

I work Saturdays, so I prolly won't make it. I've been using all my vacation as I earn it, and I'd like to bank a few weeks (especially after burning a week for GenCon).

So, the Open is listed now on the GenCon site. When I try to get tickets I get the message "Ticket could not be added - event is not open at this time." (This is a different message than you get if it's already run out of tickets.)

So what's the deal? Will it be open at some point?

From Tonya's post above:

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
We decided to open the ticket sales for the Open next Sunday, May 22nd, at 1200 pm Eastern (9 am Pacific). This allows people to arrange their schedule and be ready for the tickets.

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Looking at the website, looks like Save Against Fear is October 14-16 in Harrisburg, PA, where my in laws live. I shall talk to my wife about a family trip that weekend.

Looking at making it out to this event.

We are still determining what the requirements will be for 8-00. As soon as we decide, will let organizers know!

So, I see there are 8 tickets available for each open slot when they go on sale. Does this mean there will only be 32 players allowed for the Open?

If I get an Open ticket somehow, do I need to have both Semi final slots open just in case?

Will groups be assigned based on experience? I haven't played in an open before and don't want to let down a group of experienced players.


Scarab Sages

Save Against Fear is close; I can do close. And October is after some other commitments are done...

Malafar wrote:
So, I see there are 8 tickets available for each open slot when they go on sale. Does this mean there will only be 32 players allowed for the Open?

Sounds about right. It's three rounds, so 8 teams/4 teams/2 teams.

Malafar wrote:
If I get an Open ticket somehow, do I need to have both Semi final slots open just in case?

My guess is that you'll only need to know the one assigned to your qualifier's time slot. For example, the Thursday qualifiers might advance to Saturday at 11 and the Friday ones to Saturday at 2.

Malafar wrote:
Will groups be assigned based on experience? I haven't played in an open before and don't want to let down a group of experienced players.

It's only two groups of four per qualifier, so the amount of group selection available is pretty low.

Last year I was by myself, dropped in with some good players, and had a fun time even though we didn't advance. It's still the card game, complete with random draws from decks and seeing exactly how many 1s you can roll for a check, so don't get too wrapped up in it. :)

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

At this time, 32 players is the limit. IF we sell them out, we can look at adding tables.

You need to have the earlier semi slot (if you qualify on Thursday) or the later semi slot (if you qualify on Friday)

Teams are put together onsite, somewhat randomly.

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

Just a reminder - tickets go on sale tomorrow for the Gen Con open!

Scarab Sages

Tickets for the Gencon card game open are live but are going very fast.

Ticket purchased! :-D

Darn, The 1 minute that my submitted wish list processed was not fast enough and they were all gone. I guess I will show up with generics and see if they will open more groups to play.

congrats to those that got a ticket!

When I checked yesterday an hour after they were made available only about half of them were gone. As of this posting there's 6 tickets left, so there's still spots available if you want one.

There's no reason to use Wish Lists at this point, BTW. Just add to cart and go.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I managed to snag a spot for my group. Looking forward to seeing some of you there!

Yeah, those are for Friday morning. I have volunteer commitments those times. Thursday was the only day I could play.

I will definitely come watch and learn.

Friday 8:00am 2 tickets left, 11:00am 3 tickets left

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