Gen Con 2016 Call for Volunteers!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

As we gear up for this year's convention season, it's time again to solicit volunteers!

Paizo is once again a co-sponsor of Gen Con 2016. As with last year, we will have a booth & card game demos in the Exhibition Hall, seminars in the Convention Center, and Pathfinder Society running in the Sagamore Ballroom.

Last year saw the culmination of several years' growth, during which Pathfinder Society at Gen Con expanded from a side room to all of the Sagamore Ballroom. While we aren't adding any space this year, we're changing up some of the programming. The Adventure Card Guild (ACG) will have 20 tables in its own area of the ballroom, where they are going to run Season of the Runelords. In addition, the ACG Open returns to test the mettle of our Card Guildees, and the Friday night interactive will include an ACG component. There are a few other programming related plans to finalize, and we'll reveal more information on those on the blog sometime in Febraury.

On the Roleplaying Guild (RPG) side, we're offering scenarios covering the second half of Season 7 and the first few of Season 8, as well as bringing back a few favorites. We have several special events planned, including an all-new interactive on Friday evening! In addition, a new series of quests will debut, and there are a few other things up our sleeve to be announced in February.

One of the biggest changes this year is the new "Pathfinder Society Academy" (PSA). Encompassing the Kid's Track offered in prior years, it expands to a third lesson track focusing on transitioning to full scenarios. With 10 tables in their own area of the ballroom, the PSA includes space for our younger GMs and players to have an experience tailored just for them. Games in PSA are family-friendly and sure to bring a smile to our younger players' faces.

The Gen Con lead volunteers and the PFS team worked together to determine a scheduling method to cover volunteer needs for slots while also maximizing free time (allowing folks to join in some of the fantastic Gen Con activities). One of the changes you'll see is the additional of a break between the morning and afternoon slots. This year, games in the Sagamore Ballroom will be run in three slots (8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM), with the exception of Sunday (9:00 AM to 2:00 PM). The Exhibition Hall demos will be run from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with the exception of Sunday (10:00 AM to 4:00 PM).

Volunteer slots are scheduled as follows:

SlotRPG/ACG GMsPFS HeadquartersAdventure Card Game Demos
Thursday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Thursday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Thursday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Friday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Friday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Friday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Saturday Morning7:30 AM to 1:00 PM7:30 AM to 4:45 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Saturday Afternoon1:30 PM to 7:00 PM1:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Saturday Evening7:30 PM to 1:30 AM4:15 PM to 1:30 AM
Sunday Morning8:30 AM to 2:00 PM8:30 PM to 5:30 PM9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Sunday Afternoon12:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Based on the above schedule, volunteer time commitments are:

TierRPG/ACG GMsHeadquarters VolunteerAdventure Card Game Demos
Tier 18 Slots5 Slots7 Slots
Tier 27 Slots
Tier 36 Slots4 Slots6 Slots
Tier 45 Slots3 Slots5 Slots
Tier 54 Slots2 Slots4 Slots
Tier 61 Slot1 Slot

The breakdown of what benefits are available for each tier are:

TierBadgeHotelHardcover BookT-ShirtsStore CreditBoon/Reward
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6

The details of each benefit are as follows:

  • Badge—A free 4-Day Gen Con 2016 badge
  • Hotel— 1/4 of a room at the Westin in downtown Indianapolis
  • Hardcover Book—A free copy of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures
  • T-Shirts—4 limited release t-shirts in purple (GMs)/orange (HQ) for new volunteers
  • Store Credit— store credit per slot volunteering ($10 per slot GMed slot and $20 per HQ slot)
  • Boon/Reward—An exclusive tier-based boon (RPG) or reward (ACG)

Gen Con badges go on sale Friday and the housing lottery starts Sunday. As in prior years, housing in downtown Indianapolis is at a premium. Gen Con works to house as many people as possible through their housing lottery. We are opening registration today so attendees that plan on volunteering may plan badge purchase and housing lottery involvement accordingly. All folks that complete the registration process by midnight Saturday will have an answer before the lottery goes live Sunday morning.

To register for volunteering, complete this Gen Con questionnaire. You can send any questions to

Thank you to all our volunteers and players who make the Pathfinder Society so fantastic! The team and look forward to seeing you at Gen Con 2016! Let's roll some dice!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

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I would love a ratfolk option....goblin as well (but I know that one will never happen....guess I'll have to stick with my once every other year We Be Goblins option)



Just volunteered to gm 4 slots. My tax return is going good-bye for this but I will see you all there.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

This somehow flew entirely under my radar!


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I personally am hoping for a Kobold. But I have been hoping for a kobold since my first GenCon

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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still waiting to see if I was accepted. I just hope Paizo does not pull on me what they did last year.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

captnchuck67 wrote:
still waiting to see if I was accepted. I just hope Paizo does not pull on me what they did last year.

What did they pull on you? And if you wish to GM PFS at GenCon, you might want to start GMing elsewhere to gain some experience. I'm not seeing any GM Stars on your profile.

The Exchange 5/5

James Martin wrote:
captnchuck67 wrote:
still waiting to see if I was accepted. I just hope Paizo does not pull on me what they did last year.
What did they pull on you? And if you wish to GM PFS at GenCon, you might want to start GMing elsewhere to gain some experience. I'm not seeing any GM Stars on your profile.

No offense intended, but having stars or not having stars isn't an indicator of being a GM :) Just someone who may not have GM'd much.

I'm sure anyone of any experience level will be welcome to join the ranks of Gencon GMs, we all had to start somewhere

Grand Lodge 4/5

I started with the Grand Convocation.

Dark Archive 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
James Martin wrote:
And if you wish to GM PFS at GenCon, you might want to start GMing elsewhere to gain some experience. I'm not seeing any GM Stars on your profile.

Maybe you can phrase that a little better, as could his own phrasing which did seem a bit belicose. Certainly having some con experience is definitely a plus and can only help but the Society stars are hardly the sole indicator of how good a game master has the potential of being.

I have been DM'ing since 1986, about four years after I started playing, this will be my tenth Gen Con and about my 23rd large game convention.

I have been a part of Paizo's exemplary team of volunteers for a decade as a Tier 1 or 2 volunteer and helping run an incredibly organized and successful Gencon these last few years has been a privilege. It started with helping Nick Logue briefly before Pathfinder was even PFS then a year later Josh Frost at the PFS HQ for the first two official PFS Gen Cons and one NeonCon, and after that with Mark Moreland and Liz Courts when it was their turn at bat. And of course all of Mike Brocks years as well. I have also coordinated smaller but well attended gaming events both at the San Diego and New York Comic cons on several occasions. I also assassinated Tim Hitchcock during a Gen Con special.

I actively help Josh Frost solicit Venture Captains the first year the call was made and I think I know almost all the original Venture Captains. Since the start of Year 0 I was active preaching Society play in New York and the Tri State area. Fortunately for me, I still have many friends from this time. For a year I even hosted GMs in my area to run a Slot 0 so they themselves got to play scenarios.

I think I have completed 63 slots as a volunteer for Paizo and I still have one star to my name. But while I am not the rules lawyer some are, I would like to think any player who sits at my table has had at least as good a time as I had running it for them.

Just saying.

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Indeed, I could have phrased it better! Chalk it up to a Monday.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

James Martin wrote:
Indeed, I could have phrased it better! Chalk it up to a Monday.

I volunteered to be a level 1 HQ as I was new to PFS and wanted to help and learn last year. I been in the hobby from 1982. Have done similar stuff at other cons before,ie working booths handing out tickets and other stuff.

Was told not needed was like okay. Then 2 weeks before Gen Con I was contacted and told "Hey,we had people bail on us would you do the level 1 but we can't give you the hotel room." I was like um can you compensate me any other way and was told no. So I was like sorry but can not help you guys out.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I don't see how anyone "pulled" something on you last year?
Tier 1 filled ahead of you. It happens. There is a very limited roster for HQ volunteers.
We have people bail right before the con. It happens. For most, real life is more important than playing games.
We tried to find replacements. It happens. When volunteers cancel, those roles still need to be filled.
As far as the room, that is not Paizo's doing. We were told that once the reservation names were submitted to the convention and processed, we could not change them even if the person cancelled their plans. We could consolidate people, but not add names. All that meant is if tier 1 volunteers cancelled in groups of four, we could cancel the room reservation.
There is not much Paizo or the PFS organizers can do about this situation.

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Bob Jonquet wrote:

As far as the room, that is not Paizo's doing. We were told that once the reservation names were submitted to the convention and processed, we could not change them even if the person cancelled their plans. We could consolidate people, but not add names. All that meant is if tier 1 volunteers cancelled in groups of four, we could cancel the room reservation.
There is not much Paizo or the PFS organizers can do about this situation.

Yes, but I could see how it would have a 'chilling' effect on folks who wanted to volunteer.

Having to "Hobo-Con" (because one can't get a close place to sleep with the amount of time they are volunteering) to Tier 1 HQ doesn't sound very hygienic, safe, or customer-friendly.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Having to "Hobo-Con" (because one can't get a close place to sleep with the amount of time they are volunteering) to Tier 1 HQ doesn't sound very hygienic, safe, or customer-friendly.

With this many geeks there has to be some way to get a ortable booth sized "geek wash" to run people through...

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:

With this many geeks there has to be some way to get a portable booth sized "geek wash" to run people through...

Oddly enough, the *convention* doesn't allow it, for safety and... health reasons.

*may have been behind an effort or two in the past to try and get such a thing created...

5/5 5/55/55/5

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sheesh you lose ONE geek in the rotating brushes...

1/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
sheesh you lose ONE geek in the rotating brushes...

...actually, it was concerns about communicable diseases, clean-up, and insurance that really killed any discussion...

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

captnchuck67 wrote:

I volunteered to be a level 1 HQ as I was new to PFS and wanted to help and learn last year. I been in the hobby from 1982. Have done similar stuff at other cons before,ie working booths handing out tickets and other stuff.
Was told not needed was like okay. Then 2 weeks before Gen Con I was contacted and told "Hey,we had people bail on us would you do the level 1 but we can't give you the hotel room." I was like um can you compensate me any other way and was told no. So I was like sorry but can not help you guys out.

That is unfortunate. I don't think it's the norm, though, more of an exception than the rule. But you do get other compensation than the hotel room. There's the free book, the credit in the store, the experience itself. The hotel room is great and missing it would be disappointing, but it's not the only perk!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

Hi, so I had signed up to volunteer but hadn't registered with GenCon yet. I have now done both. Is there someone I should advice that I now have a valid GenCon registration? Thanks a bunch!


Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

LaShana wrote:

Hi, so I had signed up to volunteer but hadn't registered with GenCon yet. I have now done both. Is there someone I should advice that I now have a valid GenCon registration? Thanks a bunch!


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you very much! I appreciate your answer. Have a great day~!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:

I don't see how anyone "pulled" something on you last year?

Tier 1 filled ahead of you. It happens. There is a very limited roster for HQ volunteers.
We have people bail right before the con. It happens. For most, real life is more important than playing games.
We tried to find replacements. It happens. When volunteers cancel, those roles still need to be filled.
As far as the room, that is not Paizo's doing. We were told that once the reservation names were submitted to the convention and processed, we could not change them even if the person cancelled their plans. We could consolidate people, but not add names. All that meant is if tier 1 volunteers cancelled in groups of four, we could cancel the room reservation.
There is not much Paizo or the PFS organizers can do about this situation.

I would have gotten another hotel room. I didn't ask Pazio for cash. I asked for a boon or something else in that vein. you know a little show of appreciation for me dropping everything at last minute and helping them out.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Had you GMed, you would have gotten that. I'm sorry it wasn't made clear that you would get rewards equal to the amount of effort you put in.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

LaShana wrote:
Thank you very much! I appreciate your answer. Have a great day~!

You are welcome. Aloha.

Grand Lodge 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Having to "Hobo-Con" (because one can't get a close place to sleep with the amount of time they are volunteering) to Tier 1 HQ doesn't sound very hygienic, safe, or customer-friendly.
With this many geeks there has to be some way to get a ortable booth sized "geek wash" to run people through...

I pretty sure this is why Paizo gives us 1 shirt / day for volunteering.

Dark Archive 5/5 Venture-Agent, Texas—Pasadena

Has anyone heard back about judging this year?? I have Judged the Last 3 years. I hope to judge again this year.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

ra9662 wrote:
Has anyone heard back about judging this year?? I have Judged the Last 3 years. I hope to judge again this year.

Nothing back yet. Bit of time before we have to register for events though, so nothing concerning yet :-)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

ra9662 wrote:
Has anyone heard back about judging this year?? I have Judged the Last 3 years. I hope to judge again this year.

If you are referring to a schedule, it will be some time before that is distributed. We have to decid on the proposed schedule, submit it to GenCon, apply the list of volunteers which numbers in the hundreds, and verify accuracy before we send out emails. We even have a number of events that haven't yet been announced yet. There is plenty of time to get everything done, please be patient.

Dark Archive 3/5 5/5 ** Venture-Agent, Illinois—Ottawa

When will we get emails saying whether or not our app was accepted? I just would like to know so that I can make other plans for the convention if necessary. Looking forward to running again!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

If you have not yet received a response email, it might be a few weeks. Tonya is coming off three consecutive travel conventions which can put a serious wrench in staying ahead of emails, convention support requests, new volunteers for GenCon, the upcoming PaizoCon call, etc. At this point, most of the time sensitive issues are past or not yet a concern. Please be patient and that information will be forthcoming.

Dark Archive 3/5 5/5 ** Venture-Agent, Illinois—Ottawa

Ok, I'll be patient then. Thanks for the reply good sir! :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Virginia—Norfolk

Thanks a bunch Bob! I was coming in to see if there had been word and you answered it for me. Have a great day!

Any news on the GenCon volunteering front? Curious minds want to know.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Is there any way to express the "want" to GM more than the alloted amount already assigned incase higher tier GMs drop out?

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Jordan, you should be able to email and let them know that you would be willing to GM at a higher tier.


done... you'll see my bright shiny face at GenCon... I got the suits in the back of the car ;^)


Usually there's a separate thread for hotels and what not... email me offlist if you need some advice.

This year:
7.7mi west in Rockville 2dbl kitchenette $370/wk.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
James Martin wrote:
And if you wish to GM PFS at GenCon, you might want to start GMing elsewhere to gain some experience. I'm not seeing any GM Stars on your profile.

Maybe you can phrase that a little better, as could his own phrasing which did seem a bit belicose. Certainly having some con experience is definitely a plus and can only help but the Society stars are hardly the sole indicator of how good a game master has the potential of being.

** spoiler omitted **

Just saying.

I don't normally chime in on such threads, however...

The Baron has been steadfast for many many years. Anyone who thinks he needs more stars hasn't been paying attention. Not for nothing, anyone can collect stars, not anyone can be the Baron.

He was quintessential in helping me run both of the very first Gen Con specials before there was a Gen Con special and some how managed to retrieve a manuscript stolen from my personal belongings during the special which (perhaps ironically) happened to be the near final draft to Stolen Lands.


Sure, I agree that more diplomatic posts are the wiser course. We need more of those! lol

Being critical is just going to spawn more of the same on these messageboards... d'oh! People love that game of tag.

You can understand someone trying to be helpful by suggesting a person with 0-1 star not sign up to GM 7+ games at GenCon. It's a bit crazy, some players are more knowledgeable than the GMs, and some people are rather stickly about the rules. You should have a good time at GenCon, get a good night's sleep, take daily showers, and eat regular meals... lol...

In general from a scheduler/coordinator's viewpoint would you really slot a 1 star GM to run a high level table or difficult scenario like 4-26? Most coordinators would want to know more about the GM before they did something like that. That's just common sense as on the surface it looks like a bad decision. I don't envy Jon's or Bob's role as they have to make a lot of decisions based on very limited information. Communication is key when there's a lack of information.

1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Stephen Ross wrote:

You can understand someone trying to be helpful by suggesting a person with 0-1 star not sign up to GM 7+ games at GenCon. It's a bit crazy, some players are more knowledgeable than the GMs, and some people are rather stickly about the rules. You should have a good time at GenCon, get a good night's sleep, take daily showers, and eat regular meals... lol...

In general from a scheduler/coordinator's viewpoint would you really slot a 1 star GM to run a high level table or difficult scenario like 4-26? Most coordinators would want to know more about the GM before they did something like that. That's just common sense as on the surface it looks like a bad decision. I don't envy Jon's or Bob's role as they have to make a lot of decisions based on very limited information. Communication is key when there's a lack of information.

Having been a scheduler/event coordinator for a different campaign, I'd take the 'green' GM that was zealous about running a difficult scenario over the 'jaded' GM that's run 100+ scenarios and might 'milk run' the thing, because they've been judging so much that they've started 'dialing things in' subconsciously.

Not saying the latter is a bad GM, by any means, but the big danger when one starts hitting the high double and low triple-digit levels of running scenarios, burnout DOES happen.

To be honest, that's why I'm starting *slow* with PFS, and not burning an entire GenCon weekend for fear I'll burnout. Could I run enough for the top Tier?


Would it be healthy, happy, sane, or wise for me to do so? That much I can give a firm *negative* to.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Have the gm/hq lists been made? If you applied, should you have a response by now?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

I think they are focused on PaizoCon at the moment.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

James Risner wrote:
Have the gm/hq lists been made? If you applied, should you have a response by now?

PaizoCon has been the focus over the past few weeks. All the volunteers have been notified, so we will be turning our attention towards GenCon. Tonya should be back from vacation on Tuesday and we can discuss the next steps in convention prep. I expect (hope) that the remainder of the volunteer notifications will go out soon after. They may not include GM schedules as that has not been completed and is one of the most labor intensive parts of the prep process.

Keep watch on this thread for more information.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I agree with Tim that stars are not the only way to determine a GMs "quality." I know GMs who have zero PFS stars who are much better GMs than most, but just choose not to judge OP. However, when planning on something so comprehensive as GenCon, unless we have first-hand experience with a specific GM, the stars are one of the few ways for us to gauge where a GM "best" fits the schedule, especially for special events like pregen exclusives, interactive specials, seeker-level play, etc. The online application form has provided us with a little more information than previous years which will help in the assigning of events.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

I also agree that stars doesn't necessarily equate to skill or quality. However that is one of the only metrics other than past convention experience that we currently have. And it helps alleviate some of the problems we had last year where brand new folk were thrown on the special at sub tier 10-11 virtually cold.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

6 people marked this as a favorite.

One huge piece of good news is, for the first time, we will be listing the interactive special by sub-tier in the event catalog. This means players will be able to buy a ticket for the specific level of their character (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 10-11). That coupled with some minor changes to the marshaling process, learned over the past few years, the seating process should be the smoothest ever.

It also means that since we will know precisely how many players are registered in each sub-tier, GMs will know what specific sub-tier to prepare. One of the struggles in past years has been we did not know the distribution of characters by level before the event. Typically we would see a small demand for Sub-tier 10-11. However, last year we experienced a spike in demand and were not prepared for it. Many GMs had to judge sub-tiers they had not prepared which led to some less than ideal conditions and poor experiences. By eliminating this uncertainty, the GMs will be better prepared to run their tables and can provide a better experience for the players.

I cannot properly express my excitement towards this development!

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Bob Jonquet wrote:
I cannot properly express my excitement towards this development!

I can express that these changes are awesome from both the player perspective and the GM perspective. I've played a lot at GenCon and I've GM'd a lot at smaller cons, Origins, etc.

So you got my thumbs up.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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I think the tickets by sub-tier are mostly a good thing.

But (you knew there had to be a but, right?), given that tickets will go on sale (and probably sell out) months in advance, the most active players may not know what PCs will be what level when they're buying tickets. So it could cause some minor issues in that regard, with people having tickets that don't match their PC levels by the time the convention happens.

Definitely a minor issue compared to GM's not being prepped for the right subtier (which happened to me as a GenCon GM once in the past, so I know the feeling), but still an issue to watch out for. Hopefully, Paizo will come up with a more perfect solution in the future.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Fromper wrote:

I think the tickets by sub-tier are mostly a good thing.

But (you knew there had to be a but, right?), given that tickets will go on sale (and probably sell out) months in advance, the most active players may not know what PCs will be what level when they're buying tickets. So it could cause some minor issues in that regard, with people having tickets that don't match their PC levels by the time the convention happens.

Definitely a minor issue compared to GM's not being prepped for the right subtier (which happened to me as a GenCon GM once in the past, so I know the feeling), but still an issue to watch out for. Hopefully, Paizo will come up with a more perfect solution in the future.

Yep, 3 months so that causes some worry about whether my preferred character will be available. Even worse, what happens if I plan accordingly, buy a certain tier ticket, but my character dies in Slot 1 or 2 or 4 or 5 and I can't bring him back. Now I am likely stuck with a ticket I can't use or participate in the Special.

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