Water Elemental

Malafar's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters.


Good luck in all your future endeavors!

Even though I didn't get a chance to meet you before this, I feel sad inside that I didn't get to tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for this game!

Thank you for all that and I hope you get to play every now and then!

Sorry about the spoiler thing, I thought this was a one time event and everyone knew about it.

Thanks for the answers

I played in the special and it was really fun. We took the ice route.

Although I didn't understand the part were someone at each table had to move to a random table every 5-10 minutes during one scenario. Lots of confusion and lost game time in my eyes. I didn't find out why we did this either.

Yeah, those are for Friday morning. I have volunteer commitments those times. Thursday was the only day I could play.

I will definitely come watch and learn.

Friday 8:00am 2 tickets left, 11:00am 3 tickets left

Darn, The 1 minute that my submitted wish list processed was not fast enough and they were all gone. I guess I will show up with generics and see if they will open more groups to play.

congrats to those that got a ticket!

So, I see there are 8 tickets available for each open slot when they go on sale. Does this mean there will only be 32 players allowed for the Open?

If I get an Open ticket somehow, do I need to have both Semi final slots open just in case?

Will groups be assigned based on experience? I haven't played in an open before and don't want to let down a group of experienced players.


Played this one last night and have a couple of question.

Q1: How to you treat the barrier Goblin Raid? It has the goblin type.
I drew 2 of them during play, I played it by rolling the D6.
the first one blew up and I took the D4 damage, but didn't summon any goblins.

The second one I rolled where I had to move after I acted. So each character got a goblin. Yeah!! Hadn't closed any locations yet. I didn't win this round.
Q2: Is after I acted considered after discarding the goblin raid or before and once I move I then get to summon another goblin at my new location?

Q3: Did I play this right for this barrier (which is a bane)?

I really don't like this card for this scenario! :-)

Gary Bush wrote:
Maybe send an Email to the volunteer address expressing your concern?


Any updates on the time frame we'll be notified for volunteering?

Should I not expect anything until after May's PaizoCon?

Just checking again because the company I normally volunteer at GenCon for is already taking submissions and I really wanted to help here this year.


Just checking to see if any of the volunteer acceptance emails have been sent yet?

Need to make sure that if I'm not selected, I will have time to make other plans.

Any news on the GenCon volunteering front? Curious minds want to know.

So, if I signed up for the Adventure 2 & 3 events on Thursday and I have not played any guild events except for the Adventure 1 event before that, then I will not have a valid character to play in them?

Should I get a refund on these tickets or might there be Adventure 1 scenarios ran in these time slots if there were enough players wanting to play?