Spazmodeus Presents: Mud 'n Blood a 2nd edition WFRP campaign

Game Master Spazmodeus

The Storm of Chaos is over...or is it? Citizens of Middenheim watch the Forest, for with dwells the agents of Chaos!

Hey guys

Just checking on the interest level of a WFRP, 2nd edition campaign.
Starting small, maybe the intro adventure or something similar, then see where the fates take us? I have a rough idea of what I want to run, but it also depends on the groups' preferences/choices. I have all of the 1st and 2nd edition resources, so many , many options.

I'd love to get characters 2 or 3 or more careers in, see what higher level WFRP play is like.

What say you?

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

Hey guys

Just checking on the interest level of a WFRP, 2nd edition campaign.
Starting small, maybe the intro adventure or something similar, then see where the fates take us? I have a rough idea of what I want to run, but it also depends on the groups' preferences/choices. I have all of the 1st and 2nd edition resources, so many , many options.

I'd love to get characters 2 or 3 or more careers in, see what higher level WFRP play is like.

What say you?


Grand Lodge

Never played Warhammer but it does seem interesting

Suitably piqued :)

Liberty's Edge

Interested for sure. Love the setting.
I've played a bit of WFRP, maybe even 1st or 2nd back in the day.
I have a lot 4th ed resources - how different 2nd ed is?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Waves at scranford and Black Dow. I knew you two would most likely respond :) Wasn't sure how many others of the WFRP diehards were still around.

Karma, from my experience there's not a whole lot of difference between 2nd and 4th, except 4th introduces some newer mechanics such as the between adventures optional rules. They also made advancements more complicated, in my opinion.

But, my preference for 2nd edition really comes down to the feel of the older rules....I like them better! :)

Critzible, you're more than welcome. In case you're not too familiar with the Warhammer system, it's grimdark low fantasy. Characters have careers instead of classes. Characters don't level up, they advance/increase their stats/skills. It's a different feel from dnd or pathfinder.
Here's a comparison I found recently online:

20ft fall in DnD/Pathfinder, after about 4th or 5th level: I can take it (either enough HP, or some skill can mitigate it).

20ft fall in WH, with 2000+XP: Hmm . . . that could break a leg, who's got the rope and can tie knots? No one? Let's find another way down . . .

Four is enough for a campaign, I think, if you're all willing.

If anyone needs access to the core rule book, PM me and I'll send you a link.

Grand Lodge

Yeah from what I have gathered Warhammer leveling and system is more old school JRPG leveling. Have a job with skill tree you then convert your xp into points to distribute and have to meet certain requirements before you can move on.

Of course you need a small but vicious dog.

I'm interested myself.

I could be interested if there is still room?

Liberty's Edge

Well, lookit that - I also had 2ed rulebook, John Blanche cover and all. (a bundle from Humble Bundle I think)

I know no creation rules have been posted. But I hope I'm allowed to at least say what I'd like to go for

Mousillon Knight

Based my 1/3 WHF armies around them

I like rolling randomly in Warhammer RPG. I have a hard copy (Not sure about pdf of this book which is great.

WH27 Career Compendium: The Ultimate Career Reference (collects all the non-monstrous careers published in previous Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay supplements so far.

Nice to see some more interested mean, sacrifices...uh...yeah....

I'll work up a proper recruitment post.
I will be using the random career roll ( sorry Seth86 ), but I'll be allowing rolling two and choosing the one you like the best.

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

Nice to see some more interested mean, sacrifices...uh...yeah....

I'll work up a proper recruitment post.
I will be using the random career roll ( sorry Seth86 ), but I'll be allowing rolling two and choosing the one you like the best.


Actually, I'll just setup a campaign and share the discussion thread with all of you. All of you are invited to play if you desire!

Psst! Over here! In the discussion thread!

Liberty's Edge

Is it too late to throw my hat into the ring??!!

Why not! Attrition is a real thing on these boards, so I'm sure we'll lose some along the way, narratively and figuratively.

That's it one else! :)

Liberty's Edge

Thanks! Will get started when I get home tonight

Ah, man! I missed it!

pinvendor is actually my very first character ever played in WFRP 1st edition.

Lol, ironically I just commented in another thread about never seeing WFRP on Paizo boards.

I used to know the WFRP 2E rules backwards and forwards. Not a rules lawyer myself since I let the GM decide everything, but if anyone ever challenged a ruling, I was the living encyclopedia the table turned to if they didn't feel like trying to find chapter and verse in the various rulebooks. :P

If you find yourself needing any replacement players, shoot me a PM!

I'll keep you in mind if there's enough desertions!

Shame, I missed it too ..

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