Career (1) [b]Temple Guardian
Temple guardians are chosen, not from among the brightest members of a congregation, who would be far better to put to use elsewhere, but rather from among those whose skills lie in a more physical area. They are expected to ba above reproach, and to resist the temptation to steal from their own temples. Some cults ensure this behavior by telling particularly horrid talks of the fate that awaits such traitors in the afterlife, while others simply encourage temple guardians to keep a close eye on one another, rewarding with great wealth any accusation of theft or disloyalty that proves to be true.
Career Exits
Initiate, Mercenary, Soldier, Squire, Watchman
Resistant to Poison
Your hardiness allows you to ignore the effects of many poisons. You gain a +10% bonus on toughness tests to resist poison.
You have a brawny physique. You do not suffer any movement penalties while wearing heavy/plate armor.
Cool Headed
You gain a permanent +5% bonus to your Will Power characteristic. Modify your starting profile to reflect this.
Strike Mighty Blow
You know how to target melee attacks, so they do extra damage. You gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with melee weapons.
Strike to Stun
If you hit with a melee attack, you may attempt to stun your opponent instead of inflicting damage. First, you must make a Strength test. If that is successful, your opponent must make a toughness test with a +10% bonus for each AP on his head. If he fails, your opponent is stunned for 1d10 rounds. Stunned characters cannot take any actions and cannot dodge.
* Common Knowledge (The Empire) [31%]
* Common Knowledge (Sigmar) [31%]
* Dodge Blow [30%]
* Gossip (+10%) [40%]
* Intimidate [38%]
* Perception [31%]
* Search [31%]
* Speak Language (Reikspiel) [31%]
Trappings (Purse 9 GC)
* Starting Equipment: (Common clothing, dagger, Sling bag, Blanket, Wooden tankard & cutlery)
* Hand Weapon (Mace) SB
* Leather Jack (Light armor) (AP-1, Body, Arms)
* Leather Skullcap (AP-1) Head (-3 GC)
* Uniform (tabard colored red and blue with black details, many purity seals)
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair: Ash Brown
Eyes: Dark Brown
Distinguishing Marks: Often Broken Nose
Origins and Family
* (4) Older sisters
* Star Sign: The Broken Cart (Sign of Pride)
* Age: 30
* City born