Game Master Johnny_Panic

“Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune

Freman words




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Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

I had asked a similar question in recruitment, but it leaned towards 'sign language' Do the fremen have a 'sign language' for battle?

Also, what are the really cool things they drain water out of a body with? Do we have one? How long does the process take?

Kasit wrote:


Kasit has Int12. So I have Fremen (the common language of his people on Arrakis) and Galach (the common language of the Imperium). I assume that for us Fremen is the starting language? I also assume that every house has its own battle tongue?


Yes that is right

Planet Common [Each planet has its own]
In this case Fremen: The language of the desert planet Arrakis, with Arabic influences

Offworld common = Galach: The most common language, used for interstellar communication, and derived from Slavic and English

HOUSE Common [Each house has its own/often its main planet of operations]
HOUSE Battle language.

VERY Uncommon
Bene Gesserit
Bene Gesserit sign language
Mentat Cant: Encoding language of Mentats
Tleilaxu - Tech language
Guild Navigator: MATH, the language use to do there culations.
Sardaukar: The mysterious language of the secretive soldiers
Old Earth: An ancient language that is referenced in the series

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Panic, If the fremen don't have a hand sign language or battle language, either one, what third language would you recommend Borak take?

arr sorry they do have one
missed it off,
Wild Fremen: Battle language [which includes sign]

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

What does everyone think of using 1 background skill point for Wild Fremen Battle Language? It sounds really useful to have for party communication.

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Re still-Body Bag, I don't know would we have any of those? I guess it depends on why we're out here. If it's to hunt offworlders then it seems logical we would bring some.

As for languages, I think Ghir would know Fremen, Galach, and Wild Fremen: Battle language.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

would we not know the two commons: Fremen and Galach (the same way an elf would know elvish and common) and be able to add the battle language with the + 1 for intelligence?

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Sorry about the delay, here is Borak's

10 min background:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!
1. 5' 4" short in height and temperament.
2. Family was killed by House Jarrlo troups, when returning home from visiting his father's home seitch
3. Hid his Father's chrysknife, uses it as primary weapon
4. adopted by Keenooo" Freman Village and considers the people who raised him family.
5. Learned to use poison from a local freman alchemist named Tanzor.
6. Very religious
7. Ambidextrous, uses knives almost to the exclusion of all other weapons
8. badly scared on the left side of his face from a Jarrlo knife (think Josie Wales)

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1. He wants to return to his grandfather, Kunala's seitch.
2. Does a number for an off worlder body count, count?

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
1. He knows where his grandfather's seitch is,
2. He doesn't know his little brother was taken captive, instead of his body burned with his parents.

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1. His grandfather: Kunala
2. the poisoner who trained him: Tanzor.
3. His younger brother (by two years): Ratel
Sorry, forgot an enemy
House Jarrlo? I need a little help with this one, any good ideas?
Yikes, what would happen if his brother was trained to hunt Fremen?

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1. When he's thinking he unconsciously rubs the scar on his face.
2. When he was little he would steal items for his bug out bag' so he could return to his grandfather. He would get reguarly beaten for it.
3. He was with his parents when they were attacked by House Jarrlo troops, he got away by killing one with his father's chrysknife. The same soldier who cut his face. He hid in the sand until the bodies were burned and the soldiers left.
4. He was taken in by Kasit's and Audi's family and raised as one of their own.
5. He wanted to learn the art of poisons, so he sought out 'old Tanzor' a one armed 'wild' Fremen, who, after losing his hand, stayed in the village letting his family believe he was dead.

Apparently I need an enemy NPC, any good ideas?

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4
GM_Panic wrote:
There is a full set of off world comms tools and a new long range comps radio unit, 2x slug throwers and 2x simple blades [daggers] On of them men has a pouch with some raw space you think about 49 grams. One has some kind of off world food, but it smells like animal fat. they have to poor quality heat ware suits on with 1L each of water. You plug the stab wounds "
are the slug throwers pistols or rifles? Are they common enough or obviously Jarrlo?
Børak wrote:
How much gear did we collect and how many body bags will the hero point get me :)?

Are you cool with Borak using his hero point to produce body bags?

Pistols, simple off world air Pistols with large rounds, meant to hit someone who doesn't have a shield, EI pesents, because only Nobility and there troops can afford them.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Having not used hero points in this fashion, was it ok that Borak used his to 'have body bags'? Just wanting to make sure before we move on.

It was perfect, in fact I am going to give you one back, for dementation :)

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

If it’s alright I’ve dropped k-nature to 1 skill point and will put 2 skill points into diplomacy. Seems important for at least one of us to have it as a trained skill.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4
GM_Panic wrote:
"What water do you speak off?"

Sorry I assumed showing him the body we carried was an off worlder would demonstrate what sort of water :)

Kasit wrote:
If it’s alright I’ve dropped k-nature to 1 skill point and will put 2 skill points into diplomacy. Seems important for at least one of us to have it as a trained skill.


Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Ghir would be happy to aid another on Kasit's heal rolls.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

And Kasit would be overjoyed for such assistance!

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

thats cool, while you two go play doctor, were going to smoke drink the spice.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

For my healing feat, it required 1k worth of spice and lasts for the day, correct?

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Things in the Fremkit Audi posted earlier seems like useful stuff for us to have, however I'm not sure what we started with and what is available at the Sietch.

Humm how did you got to that amount of refined spice, I thught it was 24 grams?

All you have asked for can be purchased at the Sietch, basically any wild fremen kit, in just can't get off world stuff. In fact you have the Techs kit which could be sold. To the one trader do may take it. On the second flor. Hint hint...

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

So this is what the post said

GM_Panic wrote:
There is a full set of off world comms tools and a new long range comps radio unit, 2x slug throwers and 2x simple blades [daggers] On of them men has a pouch with some raw space you think about 49 grams. One has some kind of off world food, but it smells like animal fat. they have to poor quality heat ware suits on with 1L each of water. You plug the stab wounds "

I'm not sure where we switched from 49 raw to 24 refined.

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Re diplomacy rolls, it looks like only Kasit has diplomacy trained. So I guess I'm waiting for him :)

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

That’s because he is the only person who hasn’t covered his face!

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Wow, just, wow....

We have two pistols and a couple of knives, who wants them?

Might not hurt to pick up a couple of knives to throw.

Edit: or more water bags if the nifty things you can stick in a body and drain it aren't available.

The water purifican sponges CAN be used as water extractors, cost 2 uses takes out 1l of water from a body, but it takes time. 10 mins a letter.

49 raw it is, sorry

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

might be a dumb question, will we get our two body bags back?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, they are yours.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4
Kasit wrote:

”I’ll carry anything medical related.” Kasit said, indicating that the rest wasn’t his responsibility. ”You all buy what we need. I’ll see if I can get these pistols sold. If anyone wants one, now’s the time to speak up.”

He will also buy masterwork dagger if one is available

I definitely think we should keep the pistols, just so we have a range option if everything goes to crap.

Is it sad that I want the chrysknives to be masterwork just because their chrysknives?

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Are the crysknives we started with masterworks or do we need to purchase better ones? I guess we should all buy some regular knives for city use too.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4
Ghir son of Dranor wrote:
Are the crysknives we started with masterworks or do we need to purchase better ones? I guess we should all buy some regular knives for city use too.

I was thinking about keeping the offworlder knives for that use too. Couldn't hurt to have some throwing knives tucked places other than the wrist bands

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Apologies but I will be off line due to family emergency for unknown duration.

Thank you.

Not a problem

Apologies I will post soon just RL getting in way

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4
GM_Panic wrote:

"6 days walk, or 2 by worm, but don't call a worm this close to the offworlders, you know the law, they must never see"

Dude! call a worm :)

Mechanically what would that look like. What skills would be needed, what sort of DC check would we need. I'm interested in what sort of odds we'd have trying to call it, 'mount' it then 'ride/drive' it.

Ride Sand worm, I think

Every one Roll a 1d3 and that is the Skill points you have in it,
and its a background skill.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

1d3 ⇒ 2

A very fair ruling :)

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Ride Sand worm: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Like Kasit said, a very fair ruling...

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

1d3 ⇒ 3

What's happened to dice bot, it's not normally like that!

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I am posting this in all my Games.

My situation

We had an family emergency that caused us to need to travel down to Florida to visit my mom. She has been since diagnosed with Major Congestive heart failure. She can't breathe on her own.

We are back in Michigan. My Mom is currently resting at ease at a Hospice, comfortable but still expectant to pass. Our hope is she will become able to have Home hospice so she can do it at home.

I appreciate you. I Thank you.

I feel that I really need to lessen my commitment to these games. I will be stepping away from many including Dune.

I apologize.


Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Thank you for letting us know and please accept our sympathy. Losing a parent is never easy, it's been 6 years since my dad passed to cancer and sometimes it's still hard.

Anyway take care, hope to see you back when you feel able.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Sad to see you go DG, but we do understand.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Not to sound cold, but with Audi ibn Jad leaving us, we won't need the fourth snorkel or set of hooks. We had inquired about purchasing metal knives, would anyone have them for sale?

Edit: What would the normal DC for riding a worm be?

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