House Harkonnen
Based in the city of Carthag
A Great House of the Landsraad whose capital resided on the heavily industrialized world of Giedi Prime. The Harkonnens earned a notorious reputation for underhanded and sinister political tactics fueled by their ambition, malevolence, hatred and brutality. Typically ruled by a Baron, They work under the imperial mandata to extract spice for them Imperial family. This gives them to power to do just about anything they want. Exspect touch agents of the Emperor, The sisterhood, the spacing guild, or CHOM. Imperial law still holds there hand.
Harkonnen Vasul houses on DUNE
House Jarrlo
A trading family, who run the water trade on ARAKUS. Exploitive, greedy, ruthless. They control the markets, off world imports, slaves and luxury goods. They rose from nothing over 4 generations on DUNE, and where inherited when the Harkonnens took over ARAKUS. They love the Harkonnens and always seek to suck up to them.
House Limir
A once honorable house, who was bankrupted by the Harkonnens. They use t have CHOAM shares but lost them to the Harkonnens. They are a house of engineers, builders. They look after the infrastructure of ARAKIN and space mining. Bright here by the Harkonnens for that use. They only follow the Harkonnens, but everyone knows they hate the fate they have been dragged into by the Harkonnens. But they are a house of honor and as such follow the commands of the Harkonnens to the letter.
Has no value on DUNE, you can't eat it, your can't drink it. It has no value.
Water as Money: 1 milliliter of water = 1Gp. WHAT!! you mean if I take a pee, Im peeing money down the drain, YES you are. water is wealth, water is life, wast water in sands and you die. Your still suit is your bank. This has been drummed into you from bearth. You very blood is wealth
1 liter of water = 1,000GP The average human has 42 liters of water in there body, so your dead water full body is wroth 42,000gp. Try not to let them bleeds to much when you skill them, we need thier water.
Spice as Money. 1KG of refined space is worth 100 Liters of water, so 100,000gp for just 1kg of refined space.
Unrefined, well that all depends on who your selling it.