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Ghir son of Dranor's page

25 posts. Alias of FangDragon.

Full Name

Ghir son of Dranor


Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4


Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Strength 14
Dexterity 19
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Ghir son of Dranor


* Ghir doesn’t believe in a fair fight, the only thing that matters is if you win
* Ghir was blessed by strong genetics and grew up to be handsome, clever and fast.
* Ghir finds beauty in the harsh desert environment, especially early in the morning when the spice is thick in the air.
* An only child, Ghir possesses an abiding hatred of the Harkonnens believing they killed his father.
* Ghir believes in self reliance, he's learned how to repair his stilsuit, navigate in the desert and collect what little food and water (typically from the blood of desert creatures) there is.

* A long term and rather nebulous goal of Ghir’s is to bring justice to Arrakis, ideally one Harkonnen at a time. He recognises just how dangerous such a desire is, especially to those around him. Nonetheless he’s still drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
* A shorter goal is to collect enough water for a bride price to find himself a wife.

* Ghir’s mother Adira was a fremen maid/spy working off a debt to House Jarrlo. Her time there was harsh, regularly beaten and made to work extremely long hours. She was taken advantage of by important visitors. Unwilling to lose the child, she managed to slip away into the desert and back to her seiche. She told everyone that Ghir was the son of her well respected husband Dranor, a well respected fighter who had been killed in a Harkonnen raid a few months prior to her escape. Ghir has only vague suspicions about any of this.
* Ghir longs to learn to fly a thopter, or better yet ride a sandworm. He’s never told anyone knowing that a low status warrior such as himself is unlikely to ever get the opportunity.

People tied to Ghir:
* Adira, his mother, looms large in his life. His only parent, she guided him through his early years and is much respected and even feared by some in the Seiche although Ghir doesn’t know why, Adira won’t speak of it.
* Ghir never met his father Dranor, and as such he has in his mind built up a mythology lionizing the man. He strives to do things that would make Dranor, typically demanding an impossible standard of himself.
* Corfo Oslar, one of the Seiche elders has always had it in for Ghir ever since he was a lad. Ghir assumes he’s just a spiteful old man, but Corfo is suspicious about the circumstances of Ghir’s birth and believing Ghir is not to be trusted assumes the worst.

Memories, mannerisms, and quirks:
* Ghir has a tendency to believe in fate and destiny. There is no such thing as coincidence, things happen for a reason.
* Ghir is fond of sayings related to the makers.
* Aping his father, Ghir prefers to be clean shaven whenever possible.

Ghir son of Dranor
Human slayer (bounty hunter) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, 118)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 26 (3d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3; +2 trait bonus vs. divinaton effects, +1 trait bonus vs. fire, +4 trait bonus vs. hot conditions
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +8 (1d4+2/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6, studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Str 14, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +7 (+9 dirty trick, +9 disarm, +9 reposition, +9 steal, +9 trip); CMD 19 (21 vs. dirty trick, 21 vs. disarm, 21 vs. reposition, 21 vs. steal, 21 vs. trip)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Deft Maneuvers, Endurance, Kitsune Style, Kitsune Tricks, Power Attack
Traits carefully hidden, charming smile, cunning soul, desert child (desert), scarred descendant, - custom trait -
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +9, Craft (leather) +6, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +8, Heal +7, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +7, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +9, Survival +7 (+8 to track favored enemies of your own subtype)
Languages Common
SQ dirty trick, finesse weapon attack attribute, track +1
Other Gear lamellar cuirass[UC], mwk buckler, mwk dagger
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deft Maneuvers You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Dirty Trick (Ex) As a free act on sneak att vs. studied target, no extra dam but dirty trick at +1 per extra dice lost.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Dexterity on attack rolls.
Kitsune Style Perform Dirty Trick at the end of a charge.
Kitsune Tricks Kitsune Style can apply two different conditions in single dirty trick attempt.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.

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Village Still suit Cost 50L Armor/Shield Bonus +2 Maximum Dex Bonus +4 Armor Check Penalty -1 water loss day 2% Speed 20' Weight 20lbs

Light shield
Healer's Kit
Disguise Kit
Leatherworking Tool Kit
Basic Paracompass (navigation tool, tailored for Arrakis' astronomical and geographic properties)
Basic Stilltent (foldable, portable shelter counterpart of a Village stillsuit)
Basic 2x Thumpera
Manual of the Friendly Desert/Map northern ARRKIS only (fremkit manual)
Sandsnork (also 'sandsnorkel')
Basic Sand compaction tool 10 charges (also 'sand compactor')
Oil lens binoculars (optional)
Various water and food rations