MisterLurch's Legacy of Fire

Game Master MisterLurch

Useful dice for the GM:
Alexander [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Erizi [dice]1d20+8[/dice]
Kilarra [dice]1d20+11[/dice]
Rukn [dice]1d20+12[/dice]
Zhalet [dice]1d20+8[/dice]
Solomon [dice]1d20+10[/dice]

Rukn: [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Solomon: [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kilarra: [dice]1d20+11[/dice]
Erizi: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Zhalet: [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Alexander: [dice]1d20+1[/dice]

Fortitude Save:
Rukn: [dice]1d20+6[/dice].
Solomon: [dice]1d20+7[/dice].
Kilarra: [dice]1d20+2[/dice].
Erizi: [dice]1d20+8[/dice].
Zhalet: [dice]1d20+5[/dice].
Alexander: [dice]1d20+3[/dice].

Reflex Save:
Rukn: [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Solomon: [dice]1d20+7[/dice]
Kilarra: [dice]1d20+9[/dice]
Erizi: [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Zhalet: [dice]1d20+8[/dice]
Alexander: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]

Will Save:
Rukn: [dice]1d20+9[/dice]
Solomon: [dice]1d20+9[/dice]
Kilarra: [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Erizi: [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Zhalet: [dice]1d20+7[/dice]
Alexander: [dice]1d20+4[/dice]

1,651 to 1,700 of 3,024 << first < prev | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | next > last >>

Male I am a meat Popsicle

As they are leaving Lady Almah's rooms, Kilarra, Rukn, and Erizi hear the anguished cries of the prisoner coming from the guards' barraks room.

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

-Uh... it seems the prisoner has woken up. Let's go see what he has to tell.

Female Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) Unchained Rogue 5 (Counterfit Mage/Bandit)[HP 50/50 | AC 17/15/12 | Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5 | Init +9; Perception +12]

"Agreed" Kilarra heads in the direction of the prisoner.

Male Human Wizard 5; Init +1; Senses Perception +3; AC 15 (+1 Dex., +4 armour); HP 39; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

"Preposterous," Alexander growls at the prisoner. "You are sick. There is a cure. I understand it is hard and painful, but you are close to being saved. Do not give up now."

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

Just arriving, Rukn catches the end of the conversation.

-A disease? You mean that is why he shifts into a jaguar, Alex?- Rukn turns his head between the prisoner and Alexander.

-Then by all means we must find a cure, if we don't have it already, right?

Male Human Wizard 5; Init +1; Senses Perception +3; AC 15 (+1 Dex., +4 armour); HP 39; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

"The healer-priest is the best man to ask for the exact cure," Alexander says. "I only know such maladies may be treated, I am not capable of doing it myself."

HP 26/45, Fire Resist 10, AC 18, CMD 21, Fort +7, Ref, +7, Will +9 Darts 48, Fervor 4/5, Blessings 5/5, Enhance Weapon 4/4, Hero Points 2, Rerolls: 1 Active Effects: Defending Bone (15), bull strength, divine favor

Solomon shook his head and aimed his thumb toward Alexander. "What he said."

"We ain't killing you." he said to the prisoner, "Curses can be broken. You just get to stay chained up until we figure it out. We'll make you as comfortable as we can."

"You got a name?"

Female Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) Unchained Rogue 5 (Counterfit Mage/Bandit)[HP 50/50 | AC 17/15/12 | Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5 | Init +9; Perception +12]

Listening for a bit, trying to catch up with whatever is going on Kilarra is a bit shocked and concerned over the implications what Solomon says and realizes that his comments are at the root of the issue. Considering his comments for a moment before adding, "I cannot profess to understand the horrors you have suffered under this curse. Please hold on to hope for a little longer and give us time to free you from these cruel bonds that enslave your mind and body. There are some things in this world that seek to force us to do things that are unimaginable in the hopes that we might be dragged down by regret. In this case, it is your curse that is responsible for the wrongdoings not you. What really matters, what is important is how you act once your mind is your own again. Don't let it win!"

Diplomacy1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
I am not sure if I can count the others as assisting me as I try to convince him or not. If I can then increase the check result as appropriate.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Since Erizi knows nothing of the man, and really could care less whether he lives or dies, he takes the time the others spend worrying about him to rest, and prepare for the coming trip.

Male I am a meat Popsicle

The man simply moans in his misery, rolling partly away from the assembled heroes, "You cannot help, save that you kill me. Fools! Do you not think I have tried!"

Female Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) Unchained Rogue 5 (Counterfit Mage/Bandit)[HP 50/50 | AC 17/15/12 | Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5 | Init +9; Perception +12]

"I understand that you cannot see the hope that we offer to you so chained you will have to remain and we shall simply have to trust that you will thank us when it is all over. If, once we have found a way to cure you and you still want to die then you will be free to find your own way to that end. If that is your decision then at least you will be making that choice free of this curse and not under its yoke."

Turning to the others Kilarra says, "You know what they say....'you can't fix crazy.' As such it is probably a waste of time trying to reason with him while he is still under this curse. Let's get him down to see Father Zastoran."

Kilarra heads out with the prisoner in tow to see Father Zastoran.

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

Rukn helps Kilarra take the prisoner away.

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5

When Zhalet arrived back at the makeshift infirmary with Alexander she had busied herself with checking on those she had treated earlier. Leaving the sad spectacle of the prisoner and his eventual chaining to Solomon and Alexander, who seemed to have some grasp of his problem.

From what she overhears she gathers the man is not a natural shapeshifter. Instead it is some disease that causes it to happen. The man on the other hand claims to be cursed.

K Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

I don't remember what we checked initially to realize he is a lycanthrope. Couldn't find the post. If something other than the rolls I made is correct, just sub in her other skill for one of these rolls please.

Does he mean cursed figuratively or does he truly believe it? I do seem to remember something of diseases that are in fact also curses, like mummy rot...

Female Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) Unchained Rogue 5 (Counterfit Mage/Bandit)[HP 50/50 | AC 17/15/12 | Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5 | Init +9; Perception +12]
Zhalet wrote:
I don't remember what we checked initially to realize he is a lycanthrope. Couldn't find the post.
Almah - NPC wrote:

When Kilarra gets to the point in the narration relating to the strange leopard-creature that turned into a man, Lady Almah's face turns very grave, and she interrupts the tale, "I have heard of creatures like this. They are related to the legendary werewolves found in other lands. Like the werewolf, their curse can be passed from one to another through its bite or claws. Anyone who was injured by this creature should be examined by Father Zastoran. I will inform him that if any are infected, he should use the necessary resources."

Male I am a meat Popsicle
Zhalet Soroush wrote:

When Zhalet arrived back at the makeshift infirmary with Alexander she had busied herself with checking on those she had treated earlier. Leaving the sad spectacle of the prisoner and his eventual chaining to Solomon and Alexander, who seemed to have some grasp of his problem.

From what she overhears she gathers the man is not a natural shapeshifter. Instead it is some disease that causes it to happen. The man on the other hand claims to be cursed.

K Religion: 1d20+10

Heal: 1d20+8

I don't remember what we checked initially to realize he is a lycanthrope. Couldn't find the post. If something other than the rolls I made is correct, just sub in her other skill for one of these rolls please.

Does he mean cursed figuratively or does he truly believe it? I do seem to remember something of diseases that are in fact also curses, like mummy rot...

To recognize that he is a lycanthrope is Knowledge: Nature. However, given that Lady Almah has identified the description as being a lycanthrope and the fact that Kilarra shared Lady Almah's revelation in character... (I am just going to gloss a little over what was said before the break in the space-time continuum and what was said after it was healed)

Knowing that he is one of these lycanthropes, Zhalet can remember a little about the condition from her medical training. Her teachers referred to lycanthropy as both a disease and a curse. A greater distinction than that escapes her, however.

Male I am a meat Popsicle

Is anyone else going to go with Kilarra and Rukn?

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5
Kilarra Norgorkin wrote:
Zhalet wrote:
I don't remember what we checked initially to realize he is a lycanthrope. Couldn't find the post.
Almah - NPC wrote:

When Kilarra gets to the point in the narration relating to the strange leopard-creature that turned into a man, Lady Almah's face turns very grave, and she interrupts the tale, "I have heard of creatures like this. They are related to the legendary werewolves found in other lands. Like the werewolf, their curse can be passed from one to another through its bite or claws. Anyone who was injured by this creature should be examined by Father Zastoran. I will inform him that if any are infected, he should use the necessary resources."

Yes. The idea was to see if Zhalet learned anything from the conversation before Kilarra and company arrived.

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5

Zhalet will be going. I had posted so earlier but I guess it was too early.

Female Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) Unchained Rogue 5 (Counterfit Mage/Bandit)[HP 50/50 | AC 17/15/12 | Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5 | Init +9; Perception +12]
Zhalet Soroush wrote:
Kilarra Norgorkin wrote:
Zhalet wrote:
I don't remember what we checked initially to realize he is a lycanthrope. Couldn't find the post.
Almah - NPC wrote:

When Kilarra gets to the point in the narration relating to the strange leopard-creature that turned into a man, Lady Almah's face turns very grave, and she interrupts the tale, "I have heard of creatures like this. They are related to the legendary werewolves found in other lands. Like the werewolf, their curse can be passed from one to another through its bite or claws. Anyone who was injured by this creature should be examined by Father Zastoran. I will inform him that if any are infected, he should use the necessary resources."

Yes. The idea was to see if Zhalet learned anything from the conversation before Kilarra and company arrived.

Ah, I see, I misunderstood what you were looking for, I apologize.

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

Rukn is going to bed. He has to rest his wounds and needs to be awake early to check on the guy Allah has told him about.

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5

No need. Just trying to get correctly aligned with what's happening. I didnt originally come back here. I went straight to the Father instead.

When Kilarra arrives bring the news that the prisoner's condition is potentially contagious, Zhalet feels pangs of anxiety. She had been seriously wounded by him, so her peril might be great. That she could suffer the same fate as him is a fearful thought.

"Of course, we should go right away then" she answers dropping everything else.

HP 26/45, Fire Resist 10, AC 18, CMD 21, Fort +7, Ref, +7, Will +9 Darts 48, Fervor 4/5, Blessings 5/5, Enhance Weapon 4/4, Hero Points 2, Rerolls: 1 Active Effects: Defending Bone (15), bull strength, divine favor

Solomon nodded. "I kinda wish we'd left him chained to something solid and brought Father Zastoran to him. I don't like the idea of him not being chained down to something really heavy. I guess the manacles and leg fetters will have to do until we can get him secured back in the infirmary."

Following Kilarra

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

Ok, sorry, I thought you were going to Father Z tomorrow. If you're all going now, Rukn will stay with the prisoner meanwhile, so you can talk freely and maybe bring the father here.

Rukn takes a sit and starts chewing a straw.

- Listen, why don't you all go and ask, maybe come back with him? I'll watch the man meanwhile.

Male Human Wizard 5; Init +1; Senses Perception +3; AC 15 (+1 Dex., +4 armour); HP 39; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

"Are you a high priest, then?" Alexander bluntly asks of the prisoner. "If not, then your road is not yet done."

The old man's voice, still rough with sand and the day's excitement, turns a little smoother.
"Do not give up, man. We have a healer-priest here. I will speak with him and see what he can do for you."

Before turning in, Alexander will visit 'father Z' and discuss the matter with him, see if he can cast the spells needed and if so, charter him to pray for them tomorrow.

We also need to have a sitdown as a party and divide the various spoils of our outing to the monastery!

Male I am a meat Popsicle

With the highly injured prisoner in tow, Kilarra, Zhalet, Solomon, and Alexander head downstairs to visit Father Zastoran. They find the older cleric puttering about, tending several bubbling beakers and other strange apparatuses. He doesn't notice you coming in until nearly all of you are in the door.

He starts, nearly spilling a flask of something glowing red. His voice is a startled squeak at first, then it turns decidedly disapproving and slightly condescending, "Oh! Hello. How can I help you all? Have you allowed the bad guys to strike you once again? You will find this entire endeavor to be much easier if you avoid being injured, I am sure." Then he notices the prisoner in your midst and his voice turns a little nervous, "Why is that man in chains? Is he dangerous? He is injured! Bring him to the table, with Nethys' grace, I Will do what I can for him."

When the prisoner hears the name of the mad God-King, his head jerks up to stare at the priest and his voice is a hollow rasp, "Old man, do you serve the All-Seeing Eye? Do you know the Signs of En-Nebi? Do you stand ready for the Time of Reckoning?" The prisoner then promptly falls unconscious.

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5

K Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

K Arcana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Zhalet tries to make some sense out of the man's ramblings, but she is baffled by his words. She automatically turns to look at Alexander to see if he shows any sign of recognizing what he meant.

Male Human Wizard 5; Init +1; Senses Perception +3; AC 15 (+1 Dex., +4 armour); HP 39; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

Knowledge (arcana) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12. Knowledge (religion) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

"We picked him up from a room underneath the abandoned monastery of Nethys, as you may have deduced," Alexander drily informs Father Zastoran. "The poor man suffers from a form of lycanthropy, and was in a place full of mind-warping vapours. He is definitely in need of some ... help."

Male I am a meat Popsicle

Neither of you are able to make any sense of the prisoner's words, save that the All-Seeing Eye is another name for Nethys.

Father Zastoran looks at the now-unconscious man speculatively, "Lycanthropy, eh? And seemingly insane as well; that made no more sense to me than it did to you. Except for the part about the All-Seeing Eye; that is clearly a reference to Nethys, himself."

He turns toward a locked chest in the corner and gestures toward the stone slab in the middle of the room, "Well, put him there and I will see what can be done. Lycanthropy is difficult to treat, but I will attempt it." As he opens the chest he begins to search inside for something, "Did you fight with him, and were any of your number foolishly bitten or scratched by this man while the curse rode him?"

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5
MisterLurch wrote:
[ooc]"Did you fight with him, and were any of your number foolishly bitten or scratched by this man while the curse rode him?"

After Father Zastoran's question Zhalet raises her hand slowly, with a sheepish expression like a student admitting they haven't done their homework. "I was."

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

Rukn stays in the yard. He's thinking about all the situation. -Will they be able to cure him? And why on earth they took him there when I offered to stay with him? Oh, well...

He walks around for some time, wanting to wait and see what happens before going to bed. Noticing Erizi there as well, he approaches the big man.

-Hey, Erizi, how's things? Listen, do you... mmmh... do you know anything about jewelcrafting?

Female Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) Unchained Rogue 5 (Counterfit Mage/Bandit)[HP 50/50 | AC 17/15/12 | Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5 | Init +9; Perception +12]

Chafing slightly at the admonition of Father Z. "I was too, although I do not consider it foolishness to fight and risk one's safety so that our friends may live. I am proud of Zhalet and her actions in the face of such a terrifying foe. While we all do our best to avoid it when possible, harm to oneself is to be expected."

Kilarra's tone softens slightly "I am sorry, I know that you say such things only because you genuinely care about our well being and want us to be careful. I do appreciate all that you do for us, thank you."

Kilarra sits down on the stone slab waiting her turn to be looked at by the good father. When he comes over to her she makes the sign for Nethys that Alexander taught her and says a small prayer of thanks under her breath for the magic of the God-King and the healing it provides.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

"Ah Rukn ed-Din. Please be to sit with me and converse".

Erizi holds up his scarred and calloused hands, and looks at them concentrating for a moment.

"Unfortunately I don't believe these stubborn appendages would allow me to fashion such small delicate items, even if I had the patience or the knowledge. Alas, I am probably condemned to a life of breaking, smashing, tearing and pounding. I do like Jewelry I must admit however, I especially admire the teaming of the purple sapphire, and heavy gold, though I doubt I'll ever wear such items.

The big man shifts grimacing a bit at the discomfort of his still un-mended wounds, and placing his finger upon his chin looks thoughtful for a moment. Suddenly a big smile parts his moon like face.

"Ah! I know! This place that we go to tomorrow... perhaps they will have a jewel smith. I'm sure if they do we can convince him to assist you with your desire".

"I find it a bit strange that the others care so much for this man who tried to kill them, and that they know nothing about".

Male I am a meat Popsicle
Kilarra Norgorkin wrote:

Chafing slightly at the admonition of Father Z. "I was too, although I do not consider it foolishness to fight and risk one's safety so that our friends may live. I am proud of Zhalet and her actions in the face of such a terrifying foe. While we all do our best to avoid it when possible, harm to oneself is to be expected."

Kilarra's tone softens slightly "I am sorry, I know that you say such things only because you genuinely care about our well being and want us to be careful. I do appreciate all that you do for us, thank you."

Kilarra sits down on the stone slab waiting her turn to be looked at by the good father. When he comes over to her she makes the sign for Nethys that Alexander taught her and says a small prayer of thanks under her breath for the magic of the God-King and the healing it provides.

Father Zastoran replies drily, "No, it is not foolishness to protect others, it is foolishness to allow those who would harm you to do so." His tone turns slightly exasperated, "I know, I know! You aren't letting them hurt you, but a bit more care on your parts would go to great lengths easing an old man's mind.

Zhalet Soroush wrote:
After Father Zastoran's question Zhalet raises her hand slowly, with a sheepish expression like a student admitting they haven't done their homework. [b]"I was."

"Tsk," Father Zastoran shakes his head sadly, "Both of you, eh? Well, come over here, young ladies, and let me examine you for signs of the infection."

Once Zhalet complies, he examines her pulse, breathing, eyes, and even smells her breath. Finally, he nods sadly, "Yes, my girl, you have been infected by the creature's curse. A few more days and you would find yourself likewise cursed. I may be able to cure you, and I will certainly try. But first," he turns to Kilarra, "I will examine you."

After a repetition of the examination he gave to Zhalet, Father Zastoran sighs with relief, "Nethys be praised, you are not corrupted by the beast inside that man."

Father Zastoran retrieves a scroll case from inside the chest and returns to Zhalet. He takes a rolled, grey parchment from the case and carefully unrolls it, studying the holy markings on the inside, "Yes, I think. This should remove the disease from you." He holds it up before him and begins to pray in Osirian, beseeching Nethys' aid in purging the disease from Zhalet. The writing on the scroll glows as he reads from it, and it is clear to everyone that the prayer taxes him; it is likely a prayer he could not make without the aid of the scroll.

A warm and soothing feeling begins to settle into Zhalet, and she finds aches and pains of which she was unaware have been eased. He finishes the prayer and nods to himself, "That should take care of it, but I would be very observant of your moods and feelings as the full moon approaches. It takes a much more experienced priest than I for this to be a guaranteed cure. I will send for the herbs we will need if my skill was not sufficient to the task."

Addressing Alexander and Solomon, he speaks gravely, "If either of the other two of your group were hurt, or if there is the smallest chance that either of you were hurt by this beast, it is important that you be checked. While it can be healed, this lycanthropy is much easier to cure if it is caught before the curse settles in."

GM Dice:
1d20 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 3 = 8

Male Human Wizard 5; Init +1; Senses Perception +3; AC 15 (+1 Dex., +4 armour); HP 39; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4

"By all means, check away," Alexander agrees.

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5

A knot had been building in Zhalet's stomach ever since she had been called out by the priest for an examination. When he determines she has been infected, the knot lurches so violently she is almost sick on the spot.

So now I am doomed. I will spend whatever is left of my life in anguish and chains, begging for death.

When Father Zastoran reads the scroll to cure her, Zhalet adds her own short and silent, but impassioned prayer.

Lady of the Healing Light, please add your own grace to this good man's effort.

Zhalet searches mentally throughout her body afterward, noting any small change for the better she can find after the initial warmth of the cure passes. She holds on to those signs of improvement with hope. But until the next full moon has come and gone, she will not be able to cease dreading what may still be lurking in her.

She thanks Father Zastoran for his good works on everyone's behalf, then excuses herself. More prayer is needed on this. She walks directly to the monastery's alter and spends the rest of the evening in meditation on Sarenrae and her redemptive healing.

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

-Well... maybe it's the fact that we don't know this man. I guess they have questions. Who is he? What was he doing there? How did he end up cursed in this strange way?

Rukn thinks about his own words for a pair of seconds.

-We all have our stories... like this man. Sometimes, life goes by so quickly that we don't even have time to know the people we share it with. You, for example.- Rukn puts a hand in Erizi's shoulder. -I barely know anything about you. Where are you from? How did you end up here? WE all could die tomorrow knowing nothing of each other...

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

"I guess that makes sense. Just don't think it's any of my business".

Then with a smile the big man turns to Rukn, happy for the conversation.

"Tis a long story, and not told over one sitting, but no story is told without a beginning. I remember little of my early life. Sometimes in my dreams there are images of a smiling woman, and a stern, but loving man, but I don't really know if they are memories, or wishful projections. From my physical features I am Garundi, but have known only slavery from my early days".

"I guess I was fortunate... or some would say cursed to always have a strong back and large frame. My first master saw great potential in me and trained me from an early age in the use of weapons of all kinds, and armor. In fact he brought in masters from all over Golarian to train me with different weapons and styles. At first I considered this to be a blessing, but my hours were both longer and more trying than others I knew... and the penalty for failure was much more severe. Still, I think it made me tough, and forced me to learn to use my mind as well as my strength in combat".

"From my early teen years I was billed as the "Boy Wonder" fighting against grown men and beasts that chilled the blood of many present. By the time I became a young man I was already a famous and accomplished pit fighter".

"My adventures in the arena, and how I came to be here, should wait for another time. Tell me a little of your upbringing".

HP 26/45, Fire Resist 10, AC 18, CMD 21, Fort +7, Ref, +7, Will +9 Darts 48, Fervor 4/5, Blessings 5/5, Enhance Weapon 4/4, Hero Points 2, Rerolls: 1 Active Effects: Defending Bone (15), bull strength, divine favor

Solomon nodded and stepped forward to allow himself to be looked over. He didn't remember being bitten, but given that the encounter had take place in the middle of that mind-bending mist, he couldn't be too sure.

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

-Well... I was just another ragamuffin running the streets of Katapesh. Hard times, you now. And then Haleen took care of me.- Rukn fights inside to not shed a tear. -She fed me, took me in and got me an education. And now she's lost, somewhere here. Erizi, she was a good person, the best I have ever known. She helped boys like me, she gave them hope and a future. We must find her.

Rukn gets up.

-I think I need some hot soup. Do you want me to bring you a bowl?

Male I am a meat Popsicle
Solomon Azar wrote:
Solomon nodded and stepped forward to allow himself to be looked over. He didn't remember being bitten, but given that the encounter had take place in the middle of that mind-bending mist, he couldn't be too sure.

After a brief examination, Father Zastoran declares you to be free of infection.

I am enjoying reading the RP going on. I can move the story ahead at any point, but I don't want to chop you guys off before you are ready. Just let me know... :)

Female Aasimar (Garuda-Blooded) Unchained Rogue 5 (Counterfit Mage/Bandit)[HP 50/50 | AC 17/15/12 | Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +5 | Init +9; Perception +12]
MisterLurch wrote:
I am enjoying reading the RP going on. I can move the story ahead at any point, but I don't want to chop you guys off before you are ready. Just let me know... :)

Me too, I am keeping quiet till this scene is finished

Female NG Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Fighter (Dawnflower Dervish) 1 / Cardinal) 1 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 (13 T, 14 F) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +4, R: +5, W: +6 | Init: +3| Perc: +7, SM: +6 | Performance 6/6 | Channel 5/5

After her time in meditation Zhalet retires for the night. She is is now decided on a course to follow. Hope for the best, but prepare well for the worst. She will start tomorrow by speaking with the necessary people.

When her morning prayers are finished, Zhalet goes to find their captive. She places a stool beside his bed and sits down.

"Hello to you Sir. Are you comfortable? Are your needs being met? Tell me if not and I will see what I can do to assist."

"First though, I need to ask you some questions if I may. I have been infected by your curse. I may carry it now as well. Please tell me how it happened to you. From where did it come to you? Who were you before?"

"How did it feel when you first transformed? What happened to your body? What happened in your mind?"

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22
Rukn ed-Din wrote:

-Well... I was just another ragamuffin running the streets of Katapesh. Hard times, you now. And then Haleen took care of me.- Rukn fights inside to not shed a tear. -She fed me, took me in and got me an education. And now she's lost, somewhere here. Erizi, she was a good person, the best I have ever known. She helped boys like me, she gave them hope and a future. We must find her.

Rukn gets up.

-I think I need some hot soup. Do you want me to bring you a bowl?

Erizi concentrates on Rukn says as the story unfolds. When he is through he smiles and stands crossing his right hand across his body. "I pledge that I shall do whatever I can to help you find this woman. Should we leave now".

"Some soup would be nice, and make it as chunky as you can".

Erizi then sits back down with a grimace, and flexes his injured knee.

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

-Chunky soup or no soup, friend- says Rukn smiling.

HP 26/45, Fire Resist 10, AC 18, CMD 21, Fort +7, Ref, +7, Will +9 Darts 48, Fervor 4/5, Blessings 5/5, Enhance Weapon 4/4, Hero Points 2, Rerolls: 1 Active Effects: Defending Bone (15), bull strength, divine favor
Kilarra Norgorkin wrote:
MisterLurch wrote:
I am enjoying reading the RP going on. I can move the story ahead at any point, but I don't want to chop you guys off before you are ready. Just let me know... :)
Me too, I am keeping quiet till this scene is finished

Same. I'm enjoying the RP guys.

Male I am a meat Popsicle

I am going to move the story forward. Feel free to finish any RP you wish to do this day in spoilers.

The rest of the afternoon and evening pass uneventfully. Several of the caravan members come to Solomon and Zhalet, asking if they will lead a short ceremony in the chapel the following morning.

During the night, several of the party have disturbing, almost prophetic dreams. They center around the old chapel in Kelmarane, and associated with it is a powerful feeling of doom. There is nothing specific, but at some point each of you is awakened by these dreams.

The day dawns bright and clear, promising to be a truly scorching, hot day. The bell announcing the morning meal rings and the day is off to a smooth start.

What do you do?

LG Aasimar Zen Archer 5 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 18, FF 16) | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Init +6 | Speed 40ft | F +6, R +6, W +9 | Perc +13, SM +15 Darkvision
HP 45/55 | See Invisibility 1/1 | Ki 5/6 | Perfect Strike 5/5 | Hero Points 3/3

In the morning:
In the morning, Rukn approaches Jarel at the infirmary and has a look on his wounds. If his wounds are serious, he will skip the petition. Otherwise...

-Good morning, Jeral. I hope you feel better today. Listen... I talked to Garavel yesterday and he told me you could help me with a little thing...- Rukn hesitates just a second, then goes on. -Could you... could you set this, please? I'm not in a hurry or anything, you know... just when you can...

Male I am a meat Popsicle

I forgot to mention:

Before then end of the day, Father Zastoran was able to restore whatever wounds went unhealed by Zhalet or Solomon. He also added his assistance in caring for the injured men, healing the most lightly wounded to get them back on their feet and in fighting shape.

HP 26/45, Fire Resist 10, AC 18, CMD 21, Fort +7, Ref, +7, Will +9 Darts 48, Fervor 4/5, Blessings 5/5, Enhance Weapon 4/4, Hero Points 2, Rerolls: 1 Active Effects: Defending Bone (15), bull strength, divine favor

Solomon started his day at dawn with prayers in the newly-reconsecrated church. His prayers were personal to him and silent, but afterward he offered to lead a sermon for any who wished to attend.

Then he moved onto helping prepare and serve breakfast. By the time the sun was pushing back the cold of night, he was ready to head back out into the desert.

"We have delayed long enough. It is time to rescue Haleen."

Male I am a meat Popsicle

[Ooc]Another thing I nearly forgot: Kilarra please take a look at your incoming PM.[ooc]

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