The Unloved Ones - Bloodlines and Black Magic

Game Master Patrick Curtin

A modern day occult horror game. Uses Bloodlines and Black Magic PF 1 system

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Just a placeholder for now- later on for character creation and discussion

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Consider me intrigued

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Hey Pat, I've bought The Witch supplement and am thinking of doing an Urban Witch. Have a pic to base her off, just want to know if that's OK to use the Witch Class?

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SHould be OK

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Hiya! Bought the base document and I'm reading through the system.

I have a character concept and am trying to fit it in with the mechanics.



RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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gonna have to pick it up today

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Actually just got it, reading through.


Cool. Everyone who is interested let me know when you want to get rolling

Female Caucasian, Human Witch of Bastet 1

I'll be good to start this week, so it's up to everyone else.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Heh, love the visual.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Heh, love the visual.

You know me, gotta have all the visuals I can get. lol

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I think I'm trending toward a brawler/martial artist type, possibly a bodyguard

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
I think I'm trending toward a brawler/martial artist type, possibly a bodyguard

Slayer is also a possibility


I should get this together this weekend. Stay tuned

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My backstory best fits a sin eater/spiritualist build. Journey arcana.

If this stomps on what anyone else is thinking, let me know. We can work something out.


OK, we seem to be lagging. I am going to kick this off. M<ake an alias, even if you don't have the mechanics quite straight yet. We'll get this kicked off.

Do we point buy or roll, etc? I missed it if you posted the mechanics somewhere, sorry.


Point buy. Epic. Lets kick this off well.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Yeah that's what I was waiting on. I'll begin putting together the character mechanics.

Female Caucasian/Japanese, Shadowblooded Human Brawler (Dark Harvester) 2 Current AC: 18 HP:18/24

Settled on an alias. Are we playing out gaining our Arcana, or picking one at character creation?

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Human Spiritualist 1 (Init +2; hp: 19/19; AC: 12 t 12 ff 10 Senses: per +8, llv Saves: F+4 R+2, W+5 (+4 v mind-affecting, +2 v fear))

Fingers crossed that it's in the build, since mine occurred at age 9.


Pick on the build. We are necessarily going to condense with the format

Miyuku Saito wrote:
Settled on an alias. Are we playing out gaining our Arcana, or picking one at character creation?

Oh and give me an action. You receive the same package that Miren did.

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Female Caucasian/Japanese, Shadowblooded Human Brawler (Dark Harvester) 2 Current AC: 18 HP:18/24

Posting shortly

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Male Human (Infernal Bloodline) Investigator 2

I'm in! Still working on some things - equipment, backstory, etc. - but thought I would keep the ball rolling.

I felt like this setting was in need of a proper investigator.


Awesome sauce. Now we just need a couple more people

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Shout-out to Bridgeport!



Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Awww... I just tried to look up the address and it's not real :(
I was hoping for some creepy old house to pop up in Google Maps...

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After this trial run I’ll take us to some super creepy real spots in New England

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I totally tried to look it up too.

Me three. *blush*

I love real world games because I can look up places, history, ethnicities, etc. My character's home town and parents' business are real, as are her school, place of employment, and local name. Just for kicks.

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you’ll go here at some point

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This game has me spooked already.

long, boring story:

I'd decided by the time I posted above on 4/18 that my character, a spiritualist, is an old Navajo sin-eater shaman's soul in a young woman's body. He was killed near and 'haunted' the place she was desperately injured as a child. When her weak soul gave up and left her body, he inhabited it, bound her to him as a phantasm, and grew up replacing her so he could continue his mission in the world. I thought it was kind of a cool twist to the spiritualist.

A couple of weeks ago, I had read through all my online library books and the ones I wanted to read were all on hold. I placed YET ANOTHER one on hold, and the app suggested a bunch of similar books that were available now. Out of that list, I randomly chose "The Bone Clocks," by David Mitchell, and checked it out on 4/19. Never heard of the book or the author before and didn't read a synopsis before choosing it, just picked it because the title was intriguing. I started reading it yesterday because it only has a couple of days left on loan.

It's a long book that gets interesting about 2/3 of the way through, which I hit about an hour ago. It turns out to be about 2 groups of immortals - 1 group are predators that take over appropriate bodies and feed on the souls. The other group, the good guys, are swept back into life after they die. "The Landward Wind blows our souls back, like it or not... We wake up in a new body, a child's, usually in need of urgent repair, just vacated by its previous owner."

I never think about or read about s#~% like this. It's really creeping me out that these two things happened so close together. And one basic premise of the Bone Clocks is that souls that are appropriate for eating by the predators have all sorts of psychic coincidences and premonitions.

Whatever mischievous spirit set this up, I'm not amused.


Hmmm that sounds like pure DM fuel there ....

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

That’s one of the only David Mitchell books I have not read. Check out his other works. Cloud Atlas is one of my favorite books of all time.

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Oh holy sh!t, I didn't recognize the author. I loved Cloud Atlas. Yeah, now I really gotta buy this bad Larry.

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Or, y'know, check it out of the library. :P Hope I haven't spoiled it.

I mean, the worst part is that one of the character sketches is of an author. In a class he's teaching, the assignment is to write a letter from a character in their work to themselves so they learn about the character. I thought this was a great idea, so I wrote a letter from Mirin to me immediately, then went back to reading.

The stuff in my letter is exactly the stuff he used later in the book.

I feel violated! I'll sue! He pre-emptively stole my ideas and profited from them, before I even had them. That scoundrel!

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

The Bone Clocks is part of my tsundoku hoard. I may have to pull it off the shelf.


BTW guys I hadn't slacked on this, it's just taking a bit to figure out how to get you all together

Is anyone else having trouble getting the rules down enough to build a character? I keep running into things I don't understand.

EG: p. 94, there's a capstone spiritualist ability called DEATH ATTACK. Prereq BAB+7, sneak attack. We only get 7 levels, and spiritualist is 3/4 BA progression, so how can a spiritualist get that capstone?

EG: I wanted my char to be a college student. P 114: "The College Student Path begins the character on the steps leading to such careers as doctor, lawyer, a professor...." Is there a College Student Path? Nope. There's a High School Student path.

I have worked around these and abandoned the death attack capstone idea, but am wondering what I'm missing with this system.

Silver Crusade

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Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Admittedly I have barely dented the book, but will continue to read. I can’t wait for my dead tree copy to come on the mail because I find the PDF a bit difficult to read.

From what I have read, however, I do think that much of the sections on player abilities are poorly edited. I have come across references to tables that I have never been able to locate and of which I have begun to doubt the existence.

If anything is truly incongruous, like that capstone ability, I suspect Patrick would be willing to handwave the prereqs a bit.


I think there are probably holes in it. I'd rule it would be level 7 and sneak attack. that's what I assumed they meant.

High school student path? I see an academic path on on 116. I dont see either a high school or college path

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Plus, this game will be heavy roleplaying. I very much doubt there will be a lot of combat, at least at the beginning. This is a normal modern-day American setting. I imagine we will be able to patch tape on the ragged pieces of the rules chassis.

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Here's a super basic question:

p 36: Each character in Bloodlines & Black Magic starts play with two Feats, a trait of their choice, and an arcana (see below). Most characters, however, should have three traits, two Feats.

Bloodlines characters receive a trait from their chosen Career and another from their Arcana. They can select the third trait from any GM-approved place.

p. 52: When a character selects a particular bloodline, she automatically gains 7 blood points (abbreviated hereafter as BP). She can use (or save) these points to buy bloodline racial traits to reflect her supernatural heritage

So, I can choose a career trait (which I think they call a talent in the career section), an arcana, a third trait from anywhere, and purchase 7 BP worth of additional racial traits from my bloodline trait list? Sound right?

Celestial Healer wrote:
From what I have read, however, I do think that much of the sections on player abilities are poorly edited. I have come across references to tables that I have never been able to locate and of which I have begun to doubt the existence.

They sometimes refer to PF Core tables or assume you know they are there (for example, they only say you get more spells with a high ability score, they don't refer you to PF Core table 1-3.) I guess they assume familiarity with PF Core.

High School Student is on page 131. That's the GOOD thing about a PDF: it's searchable.

Sorry about being a PITA, but character building is tons of bookkeeping. I like the system and love a modern occult setting. They just could have used another editing pass. ;)

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Treppa wrote:

Here's a super basic question:

p 36: Each character in Bloodlines & Black Magic starts play with two Feats, a trait of their choice, and an arcana (see below). Most characters, however, should have three traits, two Feats.

Bloodlines characters receive a trait from their chosen Career and another from their Arcana. They can select the third trait from any GM-approved place.

p. 52: When a character selects a particular bloodline, she automatically gains 7 blood points (abbreviated hereafter as BP). She can use (or save) these points to buy bloodline racial traits to reflect her supernatural heritage

So, I can choose a career trait (which I think they call a talent in the career section), an arcana, a third trait from anywhere, and purchase 7 BP worth of additional racial traits from my bloodline trait list? Sound right?

That was exactly my interpretation.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Here's a super basic question:

p 36: Each character in Bloodlines & Black Magic starts play with two Feats, a trait of their choice, and an arcana (see below). Most characters, however, should have three traits, two Feats.

Bloodlines characters receive a trait from their chosen Career and another from their Arcana. They can select the third trait from any GM-approved place.

p. 52: When a character selects a particular bloodline, she automatically gains 7 blood points (abbreviated hereafter as BP). She can use (or save) these points to buy bloodline racial traits to reflect her supernatural heritage

So, I can choose a career trait (which I think they call a talent in the career section), an arcana, a third trait from anywhere, and purchase 7 BP worth of additional racial traits from my bloodline trait list? Sound right?

That was exactly my interpretation.

Ausgezeichnet. Wow, those racial traits are crazy. Half my character's abilities are in racial traits!

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Here's a super basic question:

p 36: Each character in Bloodlines & Black Magic starts play with two Feats, a trait of their choice, and an arcana (see below). Most characters, however, should have three traits, two Feats.

Bloodlines characters receive a trait from their chosen Career and another from their Arcana. They can select the third trait from any GM-approved place.

p. 52: When a character selects a particular bloodline, she automatically gains 7 blood points (abbreviated hereafter as BP). She can use (or save) these points to buy bloodline racial traits to reflect her supernatural heritage

So, I can choose a career trait (which I think they call a talent in the career section), an arcana, a third trait from anywhere, and purchase 7 BP worth of additional racial traits from my bloodline trait list? Sound right?

That was exactly my interpretation.

Yeah that sounds right to me too. I'm honestly still trying to digest the rules myself. I think if we get into the play, we will learn it quickly. It is a familiar system at its core, not like my zombie game which I'm learning an entire new system for ::facepalm::

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