Kingmaker - Taming the Stolen Lands by DM DoctorEvil

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Hi all, new GM on these boards looking to DM this classic AP. Hope you will give this a chance!

A bit about me: I’ve been playing rp games since 2000 and have finished the PC versions of this AP and WotR by Owlcat Games. I love the PF2e system (disillusioned by 5E) and would like to DM this game on the boards for as long as it takes to finish it. I love combat and will try to make it cinematic and fun, while not neglecting the rp too much. :)

I’ll keep recruitment open till June 24th. I’m looking for 4 to 5 players.

My expectations from you as a player:
Consistent posting, I’d prefer at least once a day posting (weekends can vary).
Have fun - most important thing!
I will make mistakes with the rules system - chime in so we can have a better collective experience.

Character building rules:
Level 1 - Pathbuilder 2E is highly recommended for your character sheet.
For backgrounds, the Kingmaker ones are available (visit: as well as the common ones.
As this is my first foray into PbP, I would like to limit the classes and races to the PHB Core book, unless your concept overwhelms me with its awesomeness.
I do not have the remaster books so will rely on Archives of Nethys for the updates.
Free archetype is in effect.
Concept: 4-6 sentences minimum, of character background, who your character is and why they want to join the expedition to tame the Stolen Lands.
Post your timezone. I am in Miami (EST).

Let me know if you have any questions.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

I was strongly considering starting this AP myself, but would join as a player. Willing to help with rules learning, and appreciate you taking the plunge! I prefer the limit to CRB as I prefer old school and favor RP over bells and whistles.

I am in MST (New Mexico) and have played and GM both PF1 and 2 for a while now both on the boards and IRL.

I do own this AP and have read the first section. Have also played the entire original AP at tabletop, but can keep IC knowledge separate, and some things have changed with the re-telling.

Likely, I will have a cleric for this AP, as I know that is often a hard role to find. Will have something to share tomorrow most likely.

Thanks for taking it up!

The Exchange

Heyo, I've Been on the boards for way to long, always looking to enjoy a kingmaker game. Been in a few that've fallen apart here and there.

I'm currently in Alaska(AKST) but will be moving to Washington(PST) here in the next six months.

I'd put forward a Human Fighter, I know original, but its hard to beat a classic sword and board fighter. Its iconic! I love the sword and board playstyle, I definitely try to have a more smart fighter rather than a dumb fighter though, investing in Intelligence vs charisma or wisdom.

If chosen I can slap together a an alias and character sheet quickly enough.

For know, here is a pathbuilder link Marcus Armsrong


Marcus Armstrong was born and raised in Restov, a city known for its skilled swordlords and a culture deeply rooted in the art of dueling. His family were laborers who toiled day and night to make ends meet. Marcus's father, Jarek, was a blacksmith, and his mother, Elara, took on various odd jobs around the city. From a young age, Marcus learned the value of hard work, spending his days assisting his father in the forge and his evenings running errands for his mother.

When Marcus was fifteen, tragedy struck. His father died in an accident at the forge, leaving the family in dire straits. The responsibility of providing for the family fell heavily on Marcus's shoulders. He took up his father's hammer and continued his work as a blacksmith, but the dream of becoming a fighter never left his heart. Every spare moment, he practiced with wooden swords, taught himself to move with the grace of the swordlords he so admired, and honed his body through sheer determination.

By the time Marcus turned twenty-five, he had finally scraped together enough money and training to pursue his dream. His mother, though worried, saw the fire in her son's eyes and gave him her blessing. With a modest set of armor, a well-crafted sword, and a heart full of hope, Marcus set out from Restov, heading towards the Stolen Lands—a wild and untamed region filled with danger and opportunity.

Thinking Ranger of some sort. I’ll see what I can cook up. Indiana eastern time zone

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Heyya been looking for an opportunity to finally play this AP. I've been playing 2e for a while now and fairly proficient with it.

My timezone is GMT+8, roughly 12 hours ahead of EST.

My first character idea would be a halfling monk and adherent of erastil who travels the stolen lands guiding and protecting settlers in the frontiers. I plan to take cleric dedication for flavor purposes as well.

2nd concept is a human aphorite champion paladin who worships ragathiel with rostlander background seeking to rid the stolen lands of foul bandits and evildoers with fire and steel.

For sure interested, I've really wanted to get a chance to play more 2e, but my last attempts have unfortunately fizzled out. For transparency's sake, I've read through some of the original Kingmaker pdfs and played through the first few acts of the CRPG, but those were both long enough ago that I don't remember much in detail. I'm also in EST, but I work early mornings so my schedule winds up a little weird most days.

I've got a character made over here for a halfling witch originally made for Rise of the Runelords. It looks like witch is in the remastered player core, but wasn't in the original release, so I'm not sure if that counts for your purposes? I'm happy to rework her as a wizard or druid if not.

Crazy day today, but very interested. I’ll get up a concept tonight or tomorrow.

To confirm, you want concepts that are Remaster only: based on Player Core 1 (Player Core 2 is slated for release August 1st). Just wanted to be super clear. Pathbuilder of course is up to date with what has been released.

I took a different plunge a while back, when Paizo promoed StartPlaying. I entered a paid KM Campaign and I have to say it's a really positive experience. If I were to introduce that character as remastered, I think he would be a rogue or a wizard (he's a psychic in that game). I don't see that rogue is spoken for (looks like Ollie is going with Wizard or Druid).

For background, he will take Brevic Noble: Nathan Lebeda.
He's extremely fun and always takes last watch.
(That means he always goes to sleep first)

I'm thinking sorcerer could be a lot of fun for this. Will get working on a submission right away.

Sovereign Court

I'm posting to register my interest. This is a PFS1 alias that I'd be using for posting.

For design, I would also like clarity on whether the classes/ancestries are Player Core 1 only (Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Witch, Wizard) or Player Handbook (but remastered versions where remasters are published).

Hack Anslash wrote:
I'm thinking sorcerer could be a lot of fun for this. Will get working on a submission right away.
Fenric Lodovka wrote:
For design, I would also like clarity on whether the classes/ancestries are Player Core 1 only (Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Witch, Wizard) or Player Handbook (but remastered versions where remasters are published).

A good question. If the Sorcerer isn't allowed, I'll likely submit a Druid.

Diggap is an Orcish brigand.

He's been trying to take make his way in southern Brevoy, and he's looking to make a new start -- AWAY from Brevoy, where his face is getting to be known. He's fast and strong (but not too fast nor strong), and he enjoys going toe-to-toe against his foes. He is loyal to his allies, but, is perfectly willing to take advantage of anyone he is not loyal to.

Pathbuilder link

I would love to be considered for this game! PbP is my favorite way to play Pathfinder and I'm eager to try 2e remastered since I haven't played any 2e yet. I was very briefly in a Kingmaker game 10 years ago - just long enough for one encounter that I can't remember.

I usually play spell casters, but would love to try my hand at something different for me this time around, likely a human barbarian. I'm firming up details on Qacha's concept and character sheet and will post it either today or tomorrow.

I'll be playing from a MST or PST time zone.

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I appreciate the interest. Since I received multiple posts about the exact ancestries and classes, I will clarify that I am limiting them to the Pathfinder Core Rule Book I (12 classes listed on Page 69), except where remastered versions of the 12 have been published, we will use those. I hope that helps.

Interest dot. Never had the chance to play Kingmaker on forums, and I am a forever GM. I want to run it, as well, but want to at least go through it as a player to not spoil it for myself.

That said, this is a character for a game that fizzled out soon after starting. I need to level her down to 1, but the build link is already in this post (see bottom). Just needs some editing of the actual post header block.

Teela Sedichi, Versatile Human Fortune Teller Bard 1

The background needs some editing, but the gist of it is:

A daughter of a seamstress and a fisherman, Teela is a human woman of Shoanti descent. She earns her keep crafting and selling rag dolls to the locals, and - being good with a needle - the occasional stitching up of injured hunters. Arts are her passion, and she has some semblance of musical talent.

Free-spirited at heart, Teela can be a bit of a troublemaker at times, but she has mostly good relations with the residents. Especially children, as she makes toys and clothes for them.

As a little side hustle, she occasionally sets up a tent for visitors, presenting herself as Madam Sedichi to read fortunes. While not schooled in the augury arts (yet?), she can be very convincing.

This does bite back sometimes, which is exactly why she signed up for an expedition that takes her away from Brevoy. Someone with influence gambled money based on her fortune telling, and lost big time. Oops! Time to make herself scarce.

Pathbuilder link

The character's role would be that of a support-heavy face.

I am in CET timezone, pretty active on the forums here, and familiar with PF 2E rules. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the character.

This is Anjum, and here is my Kingmaker application. I will be playing in the MST or PST time zone.

I haven't played in a while, so there might be some minor tweaks still needed and a few more pieces of gear to buy for her character sheet, but it's mostly all there.

Female Human Barbarian 1
Borderland Pioneer
Qacha's Pathbuilder 2e Sheet

Born in Numeria as the youngest (and smallest) of six siblings in an exceptionally tall, strapping Kellid family, Qacha never quite fit in with her family or her tribe with her gangly legs and comparatively slight build. Deemed “soft” by her kin due to her penchant for caring for wounded animals, she is nevertheless a decent hunter, a skill that would allow her to survive leaving her bleak, rugged mountain village when she was 15. She built a wall around her that only grew during a rough, solitary journey to the southern forests of Brevoy where she eked out an existence hunting, tracking, and foraging, as well as being able to sell the occasional animal that she trained.

Though not one for much social interaction, the few that do slip past her taciturn exterior find Qacha direct, loyal, fierce, and quite handy in a fight, as one little halfling did two years ago after the barbarian saved her life and nursed her back to health. Adept at gardening and with a little knowledge of tanning hides, the cheerful halfling stayed for a while and shared what she knew with Qacha before continuing on with her wandering. In the empty quiet that remained, Qacha decided to abandon her familiar corner of the world and venture down to Restov in search of something new.

So all my ideas have been already claimed by other proponents. I'll keep thinking of something until I run out, I guess.

Thanks for running.

Hello, this is Kulko and here is my application.

I have played about a third of the first module already with an PF1 party, but the rest is unknown to me. I will be posting on CET.
The character is supposed to provide a wide variety of skills, so the final details on skills (and maybe a minor Attribute change) will be done after I see where the rest of the party is lacking.

Male Goblin Rogue 1

Local Brigand
Pathbuilder Character Sheet


Grizzeg is a member of age old stolen lands "nobility", meaning his father was the chieftain of a small goblin tribe "ruling" a small patch of swamp, and preying on the occasional traveler.
Unfortunately 5 years ago they decided to rob one of the bandit camps in the area and when the bandits decided to retribute in force, the tribe was obliterated and Grizzeg barely got away to Restov.
Here he spend his teenage years working odd jobs, mostly for the wrong kind of people, but without any friends, that all that was left for him.

When he heard about the Charters being offered he saw his chance to get his revenge on the bandits who cost him his chance on a "comfy" live as a ruler of a small piece of swamp, so he offered his services as a local scout.

Dark Archive

Hello, I am also relatively new to pf2e having only played a couple games of it. I am, however, an almost 20 year veteran of 3.x and pathfinder 1e at this point. I have played a small amount of the pc game for kingmaker but I haven't even gotten to the point of developing any land. I would love to be considered for being apart of the actual ap.

This is my submission:

Fanthule Grehailan

Ancient Elf, Ranger with a Druid Dedication and a borderlands pioneer.

Here is the build link for Fanthule Grehailan


Fanthule has been in and out of the wilder ess of the stolen lands for many years. I those year Fanthule developed an attachment to nature and the environment. Upon seeing pioneers and settlers enter the area, Fanthule got worried but came up with a plan. He decided he too would pioneer the land so he could show his neighbors the way to do it ethically and sustainably and has since made it his goal to teach others and protect nature.

Fanthule is an easy going guy, having met all kinds of people in his centuries of life. He prefers peaceful resolutions when possible. He is not afraid, though, to show people how he has survived these lands for so long; should they cross the line.

Fanthule is rough 6'4 and very lithe but muscled. He has a Longbow over his shoulder and Arrows at his hip. As well as a long curved sword across his back. Wearing a leather set of armor more oft than not. He has long blond hair he keeps in a braid

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Thank you for running this game!

I've been scouring the recruitment threads for months hoping to find a KM2E game to get into. Much like Doc, I started one as a GM last month because I couldn't find one here to play in! So I'm acquainted with the storyline but fully capable of separating that out as a player. I'm extremely interested in joining.

I'm in EST. I'm a veteran of the boards, having been here for over a decade, and frequent them daily.

I'm playing and GMing several 2E games; it's my preferred system of choice now.

I use HeroLab Online to generate my stat blocks, but if your preference is Pathbuilder, I can set one up there as well.

On party size, playing with four is great and makes for a faster-paced game for sure, but if you're new to the forums then I'd recommend considering a group of five because attrition is also a very common problem as well. It helps to have a fifth to keep the game moving (particularly if you lose one along the way or someone is busy).

I'm going to submit a sorcerer, rogue, or bard. Currently leaning toward a sorcerer.

Dark Archive

Oh right time zone I'm on MST(GMT -7)


I too would like to apply to play in this game

I'm from South Africa (GMT+2/CAT). But being PbP the time zone would make it a bit easier.

Very hard to get a game. Not to mention a KM2e game

Character wise there are quite a few options. But as requested I will try to keep it to core.

Thank you for the opportunity

Here she is

Hi, I have a character concept. Do you want a full character sheet? Or is a partial one ok? Please let me know, so I can complete mine for the sake of the submission.

Also, I'm in Central European Time.


Kartan used to be part of the Surtova family. He grew up hearing tales of how his family managed to come ahead in times of trouble, but also how they prevail in the many conflicts they have had with druids in the region. Their lack of respect for nature means the druid circles aren't happy with their actions.

Rather than be impressed with his family's victories, he became much infatuated by the tales of druids turning into animals and controlling the forces of nature. One day, he sought the druids himself, only to be taken captive to be bargained. He failed to convince his captors of his intentions.

After being traded for another few druidic captives by the Surtova, Kartan told his family what happened. His family was horrified that he would try to join the druids and cast him away. Now homeless, Kartan realized the druids would never train him as one of them, but one day they could still consider him their friend. Being more careful, he didn't try to openly talk to the druids, but wanted to be considered their friends anyway and set out to learn the ways of Erastil.

Who he is
Kartan is a (cloistered) cleric of Erastil. He is friendly and follows Erastil's teaching rigorously. He has big ambitions and thinks he'll be able to, one day, become a liaison between druids and the civilized world, having a foot in both.

Party role
After reading the 2e cleric, it's clear Paizo wants them to be top healers. But with proficiency in Longbow, he can be also quite the party support and an annoying prick (pun intended) to the enemies.

Very incomplete character sheet:

Kartan (no last name)
Human cloistered cleric
Heal divine font

Aiming for (probably) Herbalism archetype.

I realise I never actually added the concept

Her family was wiped out by a raid. The only reason she survived is because a noble and his retinue happen to come across the attack and killed the Raiders. She was the only survivor. Still a baby and therefor defenceless, she was adopted by the Surtova family.

Growing up and being an elf she has become quite the sister/cousin and aunt for the children and other humans around her.

With the discovery and the call for adventurers, she was eager to prove herself as not just another member of the family. Choosing to become more and perhaps find something about the people she never knew

This is Rising Phoenix's sorcerer, Lady Quintessa Orlovsky.

Pathbuilder Link

Short summary:
Lady Quintessa Orlovsky, the fifth child of a prestigious noble family in Brevoy, is a striking young sorceress with long white hair, vivid green eyes, and an ethereal beauty she owes to her nymph bloodline (don't ask her mother where it came from). Often overlooked in her youth, her curiosity led to frequent trouble, including (numerous) magical accidents that resulted in her family hiring a private tutor. Trained extensively in all things you would expect from a child of a noblility, she developed a unique blend of (forced) grace and (debatable) practicality. Devoted to Shelyn, Quintessa combines her artistic talents with her magical abilities to attempt to create beauty and harmony where possible. Eager to escape her family's shadow and prove her worth, she hopes to join an expedition to the Stolen Lands and escape the troubling political issues at home.


Lady Quintessa Orlovsky hails from the prestigious Orlovsky family, who control northeastern Brevoy from their seat at Eagle's Watch on Mount Veshka. As the fifth child, she was often overlooked and excluded from many events and festivities, leading to a keen sense of curiosity and frequent trouble (ask her mother). Her natural charm and magical abilities, discovered in her early teens, set her apart. After accidentally burning down a barn with her uncontrolled magic, her family hired a private tutor to help her harness and refine her powers (She hated him).

Quintessa received extensive training in the nuanced etiquette of noble courts, history, and politics of Brevoy, as well as physical activities like gymnastics and wilderness exploration. Despite her noble upbringing, her magical experiments often went awry, causing numerous amusing and sometimes chaotic incidents around the estate. Before long, she spent more and more time out of the manor where less valuable things could be set ablaze, melted, or electrified.

Eager to escape her family’s shadow and make a name for herself, Quintessa leaped at the chance to join an expedition to the Stolen Lands. She dreams of founding a settlement where the natural world is respected and integrated into daily life, proving that civilization and the wild coexist harmoniously.

Devoted to Shelyn, Quintessa’s actions and aspirations are guided by her goddess's teachings on beauty, love, and art. Since she was born, Quintessa has felt a pull to Shelyn, who her mother says blessed her birth with striking white hair, fair skin, and vivid green eyes.

Despite her many strengths, Quintessa struggles with conflict avoidance, naivete, and the heavy expectations of her noble family.


Lady Quintessa Orlovsky is a striking young woman with a unique and captivating appearance. She is tall, 5'10", with a slender and graceful build. Her most notable feature is her long, flowing white hair, which cascades down her back, resulting from her nymph bloodline. Her skin is fair and flawless due to her privileged upbringing, but she has a few hidden scars from past magical learning experiences that went awry.

Her eyes are a vivid, captivating shade of green and sparkle with curiosity. Quintessa's features are finely sculpted, with high cheekbones, a delicate nose, and full lips that often curve into an enchanting smile followed by uncontrollable laughter.

Her fashion sense is eccentric and flamboyant, blending noble elegance with natural elements. She favors dresses and tunics in green, blue, and white shades, often adorned with unusual accessories like feathers, flowers, and handmade jewelry.

Traits, Flaws, and Quirks:

Quintessa is a charming and graceful diplomat, deeply connected to nature, and an accomplished artist. Her magical abilities are an extension of her artistic soul. However, she struggles with conflict avoidance, naïveté, overconfidence, and the heavy expectations of her noble family. She is an eccentric and tends to wear flamboyant outfits, much to her mother's dismay. She often talks to animals as if they can understand her (they can't), collect peculiar trinkets, and uses unconventional methods to solve problems.

I am very interested in playing Kingmaker. I don't have a submission to share yet, but I have been thinking about a warpriest or champion. I should have time tomorrow to put something together.

Liberty's Edge

@Kingmaker_GM: Two things!

1: Paizo has an official player guidebook for Kingmaker for free HERE, which has lots of spoiler-free info for prospective PCs Unless you intentionally don't wish players to use it, of course).

2: I have an existing character that I've submitted to a few Kingmaker games, but he's not CRB Ancestry or Class. He's a hobgoblin Investigator. Since I already have him statted out and stuff, I'll include him here. If you approve that's cool, if not, also cool. I can come up with something else.

Captain Roken Shock:

Class: Investigator (Alchemical Sciences)
Archetype: Alchemist and Marshal
Background: Field Medic
Alignment: LN
Edicts: Act with honor; Promote community;
Anathema: Take from the community to enrich yourself; Allow petty squabbles to get in the way of progress.
Party Roll: Skills; Face, healing
Combat Roll: Buffs; Debuffs, Trip; Healing
Preferred Charter: Expansion
Preferred Heartlands: Mountain or Ruin
Preferred Government: Republic
Preferred Leadership Roll: General

========== Backstory ==========
In the heart of the forbidding Branthlend Mountains where Brevoy, Numeria, and the River Kingdoms meet, where relentless winds sculpt the mountain sides, there rose the hobgoblin Roken Shock.

Roken's lineage was one steeped in the traditions of warfare. His sire was a decorated general who perished in battle, his name echoing with reverence in the great halls of the Granite Fortress, his clan's home. His mother was a master smith who forged weapons that sang songs of death on the battlefield. It was this lineage that shaped Roken into a living, breathing testament to the hobgoblin spirit of relentless determination and martial skill. From a tender age, Roken demonstrated a mind as sharp as the swords that hung in his mother's smithy. While other sprogs engaged in petty squabbles, Roken would immerse himself in the war tomes of old, absorbing the strategies of the legendary generals of yore. Under the strict guidance of his mother and the elders of his clan, he underwent grueling training regimes, his body adapting, growing stronger, faster, a manifestation of hobgoblin might.

At the age of twelve, a young age for his kind, Roken stood tall as he entered the merciless world of military leadership. He proved himself a natural tactician, his strategies weaving a deadly dance on the battlefield as his troops moved with a precision and discipline that was poetic in its deadly grace. Roken's name began to resonate with respect, echoing through the clan's halls as a hobgoblin who first followed as a soldier, then led as he quickly rose to the rank of captain. But Roken was not merely a soldier; he was a leader, a visionary whose heart beat with the fierce flame of ambition. His leadership bore the mark of honor and integrity. He uplifted the low, cared for the wounded, and nurtured the young

In the years that followed, Captain Shock also began to scribe a name for himself in political circles amongst his tribesmen. Years of battling the same ogre, troll, goblin, and hobgoblin tribes had dulled his desire for military conquest. He had sent countless loyal hobgoblins to their deaths to secure a baren mountaintop that would be lost by next spring. He could see the futility of continuing the conflicts, and he grew to resent the endless campaigns against his neighbors, the campaigns that more and more reminded him of the senseless, petty squabbling amongst his peers as a child. He saw a better way forward for hobgoblins: unity and cooperation.

On the barren Branthlend Mountains, dreams are fragile and easily shattered by the cold hammer of reality. His attempts to turn the tribe towards diplomacy were futile. Endless generations of hobgoblins had been born and bred to support the endless wars against their kin, and no one was interested in changing the status quo. And for Roken, the status quo did not appreciate his attempts at change. Captain Shock, once heralded as an ideal for hobgoblin children to aspire to, was quietly bundled off to the most remote and dead reaches of his clan's territory to be forgotten, but he was not willing to wait quietly by for a bugbear assassin to gut him in his sleep. On his exodus to the edge of his family's lands, he reached the border... and kept walking.

He landed in the sodden River Kingdoms, along the northeastern edge of the untamed lands that share a border with Brevoy. He quickly found a job of sorts that put his skills to good use. The near-feral folk of the River Kingdoms - mostly humans - had built small settlements that dotted the countryside. Their natural obstinance seemingly forbade them from greater organization, which left them vulnerable to bandits, mischievous fey, or even a more-intelligent-than-average bear. Roken was able to keep his belly full and good leather on his feet by training basic militia at these hardy little hamlets. A few spears and steady nerves - the latter of which the River folk had in abundance - would turn away most bandits and all but the hungriest bear without the need to actually shed any blood.

But just as he saw the futility in his kind's endless wars against each other, he saw also the futility in this false dream the humans of the River Kingdoms had in their far-flung settlements that hardly ever communicated with each other, never mind working together. As the fortunes of the settlers grew, so too would grow the fangs of the predators. With no form of central organization, the settlers were setting themselves up to be victims, perhaps even victims of his own people, should they deign to leave their mountain holds for more fertile lands. If he could not convince others to build his ideal, community-focused civilization, why not found his own? This thought was timely met with an invitation by a 'Swordlord', who's attention to him had been presumably drawn by his actions helping the settlers. It seems Roken Shock is not the only one who wishes to see the wildlands tamed.

===== "You will overcome this trial through discipline." =====

Roken Shock embodies the essence of a born leader, a visionary with an unyielding will and ambition. He harbors a deep respect for tradition and honor, guiding principles that shape his actions and decisions. His strategies in both war and governance are aimed towards unification.

Yet, beneath the hardened exterior of the military genius lies a heart that beats for his people, a leader who sees the potential for greatness in each individual, nurturing talent and fostering a spirit of unity, a guiding hand that leads not with fear and tyranny but with respect and understanding.

Despite his stern demeanor, Roken possesses a deep well of empathy, able to understand and relate to the pains and struggles of others. He is not blind to the sufferings of war and bears the weight of every life lost, every sacrifice. This burden has cultivated in him a wisdom that values peace above mindless conquest, a leader who seeks to forge alliances and foster understanding in a world fraught with conflict and mistrust.

Shock is not without his flaws, a visionary burdened with the heavy weight of expectation and the impatience borne from a desire to see his dreams realized. His determination can sometimes border on stubbornness, a refusal to bend even in the face of changing tides. Yet, it is this very unyielding nature, this iron-clad resolve that has seen him through countless trials, a steadfast rock against the stormy seas of a chaotic world.

In personal interactions, Roken can be surprisingly gentle and thoughtful, his ruby eyes capable of peering into the soul, understanding and relating on a deep, personal level. He is a mentor to the young, a confidant to his peers, and a wise counselor, a beacon of strength and wisdom in a fractured world, a leader forged in the heart of the Branthlend Mountains, a true embodiment of hobgoblin spirit and determination.

Captain Roken Shock stands at an imposing six and a half feet tall, tall for a human or hobgoblin with a trim, athletic physique from years of relentless training battle. His skin bears the deep blue-gray hue of his people, a canvas of life and battle where scars of honor decorate his flesh, each telling a story of valor and might. His eyes are deep pools of molten ruby, burning with an unyielding determination and the wisdom accrued from years of leadership and strategy. These are eyes that have seen the horrors of war yet harbor the warmth of a leader caring deeply for his people, a beacon of strength and guidance for his comrades.

Roken's face is stern and stoic, and, as all hobgoblins are, he is completely bald. His jaw is wide and flat, his equally wide mouth a cave of glistening teeth.

In attire, Shock prefers the practicality of an officer, his body adorned in a fine military uniform. He forgoes armor, preferring to rely on alchemy and a small buckler to protect him. The lack of visible armor on the battlefield often intimidates or lulls opponents in to a false sense of security, thinking him mad or easy prey, only for their blades to be broken on the dragon's scales hidden beneath his uniform. His weapons of choice are rapier and whip.

I still have a Pathbuilder statblock for him, though I'm not sure where the actual profile is, so I'll include the Pathbuilder statblock here. There's also a Mythweavers sheet Here

Captain Roken Shock Investigator 1

LN | Medium | Hobgoblin | Elfbane Hobgoblin | Humanoid
Perception +6; Darkvision
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +7, Athletics +3, Crafting +7, Intimidation +4, Lore: Warfare +7, Medicine +4, Nature +4, Occultism +7, Religion +4, Society +7, Stealth +5
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +1
Items Unarmored, Alchemist's Tools, Backpack, Bedroll, Caltrops, Clothing (Explorer's), Formula Book (Blank), Grappling Hook, Healer's Tools, Rations (7), Rope (2), Flint and Steel, Waterskin (2), Signal Whistle, Buckler (Hardness 3, HP 6, BT 3)

AC 15 (+16 with shield raised); Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6
HP 17
Resist Elf Magic action_reaction_black.pngResist Elf Magic Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a magical effect but haven’t rolled yet. Your ancestral resistance to magic protects you. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw. If the triggering effect is arcane, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus instead.
Clue In action_reaction_black.pngFrequency once per 10 minutes
Trigger Another creature attempts a check to investigate a lead you're pursuing. You share information with the triggering creature. They gain a circumstance bonus to their check equal to your circumstance bonus to checks investigating your subject from Pursue a Lead. The GM can add any relevant traits to this reaction depending on the situation, such as auditory and linguistic if you're conveying information verbally.

Speed 25 feet
Melee Dagger +5 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4 P
Melee Rapier +5 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6 P
Melee Whip +5 (Disarm, Finesse, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip), Damage 1d4 S
Battle Medicine action_single_black.png (General, Healing, Manipulate, Skill) Prerequisites trained in Medicine Requirements You are holding or wearing healer's tools. You can patch up yourself or an adjacent ally, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day.
Quick Tincture action_single_black.png (Investigator, Manipulate) Cost 1 versatile vial
Requirements You know the formula for the alchemical item you're creating, you are holding or wearing alchemist's tools, and you have a free hand.
You quickly brew up a short-lived tincture. You create a single alchemical elixir or tool of your level or lower without having to spend the normal monetary cost in alchemical reagents or needing to attempt a Crafting check. This item has the infused trait, but it remains potent only until the end of the current turn.
Devise a Stratagem action_single_black.png (Concentrate, Fortune, Investigator) Frequency once per round
You assess a foe's weaknesses in combat and use them to formulate a plan of attack against your enemy. Choose a creature you can see and roll a d20. If you Strike the chosen creature later this round, you must use the result of the roll you made to Devise a Stratagem for your Strike's attack roll instead of rolling. You make this substitution only for the first Strike you make against the creature this round, not any subsequent attacks.

When you make this substitution, you can also add your Intelligence modifier to your attack roll instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, provided your Strike uses an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon (which must be agile or finesse if it's a melee weapon with the thrown trait), or a sap.

If you're aware that the creature you choose is the subject of a lead you're pursuing, you can use this ability as a free action.
Precision Damage Strategic Strike 1d6
Formula Book Cognitive Mutagen (Lesser), Acid Flask (Lesser), Antidote (Lesser), Silvertongue Mutagen (Lesser), Elixir of Life (Minor), Drakeheart Mutagen (Lesser), Bestial Mutagen (Lesser), Eagle Eye Elixir (Lesser), Smokestick (Lesser), Bottled Lightning (Lesser)
Additional Feats Alchemical Crafting, Alchemical Scholar, Elfbane Hobgoblin, Known Weaknesses
Additional Specials Methodology (Alchemical Sciences), On the Case, Pursue a Lead, Strategic Strike

I travel for work in perpetuity, so my timezone is whatevs.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Here is my submission for Thark the Blessed, former slave and now warpriest of Gorum, Our Lord in Iron, the god of battle and strength. I can reskin with a Kingmaker background if you wish.

Thark Crunch:
Thark the Blessed
Male human dromaar cleric 1
Medium, Dromaar, Human, Humanoid, Orc
Heritage dromaar (half-orc)
Background prisoner
Perception +6; low-light vision
Languages Common, Orcish
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +4, Medicine +6, Religion +6, Stealth +3, Underworld Lore +3
Str +3, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +1
Items hide armor, dagger, greatsword, javelin (3), backpack, bedroll, caltrops (2), chalk (10), flint and steel, healer's toolkit, rations (1 week) (2), religious symbol (wooden), rope (foot) (50), simple manacles, soap, torch (5), waterskin, purse (3 sp)
AC 16; Fort +7; Ref +3; Will +8
HP 18
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +6 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+3 P
Melee [1] greatsword +6 (versatile P), Damage 1d12+3 S
Ranged [1] dagger +3 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+3 P
Ranged [1] javelin +3 (thrown 30 ft.), Damage 1d6+3 P
Divine Cleric Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st bane, bless, heal (2) Cantrips (1st) chill touch, divine lance, guidance, shield, stabilize
Ancestry Feats Orc Ferocity
General Feats Shield Block
Skill Feats Experienced Smuggler
Other Abilities cleric spellcasting, deity, divine font, doctrine, warpriest

Thark Concept:

Once a slave, freed through his own physical strength and martial prowess, Thark dedicated his life to serving his Lord in Iron, the god of strength Gorum. He fights/preaches against slavery in all settings, and has come to edge of the Stolen Lands to ensure those frontier spaces do not become domains of slavers or those who would hold humanoid chattel. His anathema is toleration of anything slave-related in addition to those others Gorum espouses. He has the ability to buff others and heal them to carry on the Lord in Iron's work. He will speak little, see much, and act as a unerring moral compass for the group he is in.

PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:

Hi all, new GM on these boards looking to DM this classic AP. Hope you will give this a chance!

A bit about me: I’ve been playing rp games since 2000 and have finished the PC versions of this AP and WotR by Owlcat Games. I love the PF2e system (disillusioned by 5E) and would like to DM this game on the boards for as long as it takes to finish it. I love combat and will try to make it cinematic and fun, while not neglecting the rp too much. :)

I’ll keep recruitment open till June 24th. I’m looking for 4 to 5 players.

My expectations from you as a player:
Consistent posting, I’d prefer at least once a day posting (weekends can vary).
Have fun - most important thing!
I will make mistakes with the rules system - chime in so we can have a better collective experience.

Character building rules:
Level 1 - Pathbuilder 2E is highly recommended for your character sheet.
For backgrounds, the Kingmaker ones are available (visit: as well as the common ones.
As this is my first foray into PbP, I would like to limit the classes and races to the PHB Core book, unless your concept overwhelms me with its awesomeness.
I do not have the remaster books so will rely on Archives of Nethys for the updates.
Free archetype is in effect.
Concept: 4-6 sentences minimum, of character background, who your character is and why they want to join the expedition to tame the Stolen Lands.
Post your timezone. I am in Miami (EST).

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hello! New to pathfinder hoping to find my first hame.

I am consistent and usually can do couple posts per day. Was going to play tyrant champion if that’s available. I am GMT+5

The character is an orc(ready for battle)who wants to conquer the stolen lands, as a warrior and as a previous cultist who now worships the Plague deity. Power dictates everything and he will follow that. If he considers you stronger he will be fully under your command, if you are under him however he might just ignore you unless you go in his way specifically. If he considers you his equal(probably all party members) he will talk with you like a comrade in battle. If uou are his enemy he will do everything in his power to show you that you are below him and you need to kneel to your master or die. He respects the powerful rulers and despises the kings and queens who got it just by being born and he wants to change such a thing

If something is wrong here I am more than willing to change some parts

I want to ask on what platform is it gonna be? How do we play?

The OP mentions this will be played here on the forums, so I assume that is the case.

I love the PF2e system (disillusioned by 5E) and would like to DM this game on the boards for as long as it takes to finish it.

Venir: I do prefer complete character sheets.
Crisischild: I want to stick to ancestries and classes indicated so have to say no to Hobgblin Investigator.

Summary of character sheets to date:
Marcus Armstrong - Male Human Fighter
Diggap - Male Orc Fighter
Teela Sedichi - Female Human Fortune Teller Bard
Qacha - Female Human Barbarian
Grizzeg - Male Goblin Rogue
Fanthule Grehailan - Male Ancient Elf Ranger
Zartana - Female Elf Fighter
Lady Quintessa Orlovsky - Female Human Sorcerer
Thark the Blessed - Male Half-Orc Cleric

If I missed someone or missed a question, please let me know.

Grand Lodge

I have an idea for a half-elven wizard named Melander Agatheus. He is a recent graduate from the school of Archeology at the Erages Academy in Kyonin. Melander spent most of his time studying the Taldoran attempts to expand to the north, and wrote his Thesis on the Fifth Army of Exploration, which tried and failed to settle the Stolen Lands. After graduating, Melander traveled to the north, and answered the call to go to the Stolen Lands, with the hope of discovering anything new to catalog about the history of Taldor in the Stolen Lands.

I'm on central time.

I would like to apply with Maclin "Mac" Blackaxe, human fighter, who favors the greataxe. I will work on the backstory.

Character sheet

Possibly thinking about a full orc oracle who's driven to create a place where his people can live relatively safely alongside the "civilized" ancestries, assuming that orcs are permitted.

Presenting Jora Cook a wizard with a complex past. I'll fill out the profile completely later.

As a player I can post at least one per day most days, often more. I've player rpgs for many decades. I currently live the eastern time zone of the U.S. I have played Kingmaker both PbP and the computer game before.

The character:

Jora Pathbuilder stats

Short Alias: Jora Cook
Full Fake Name: Yegor (Jora) Denisovich Nemtsev
Real name: Yeremey Leonidovich Severov

Short Backstory:

The Vanishing caused loss for so many, not just for the high but the low as well. A member of the royal family visits the noble Surtova palace. At the feast everything goes well and for the chef and his family is happy, but in the morning the noble is missing and in the confusion, a meal is prepared dangerously wrong and a stressed Lord Noleski blames his chef giving him a harsh sentence and caused the family to flee. In his flight to a ship he loses track of his mother and brother. Taking the name Jora and plying his father taught trade of cooking, he receives a share of a sadly deceased passenger, a puzzle box. Solving it he learns it's a strange spellbook, with concise spells. Fearing capture he later moves south meeting a fay in Gronzi, and an elf in Rostov.

In spite of all that happened he is still proud of his Issian heritage; still it's no defense when the Rostlander elf Raisa captures his heart. Marriage follows with a daughter Sophia. So with little time to study magic as he has for giving support for a better king. For now he cooks for the wealthy. But as a retainer to a wealthy patron, he may be called upon to serve for a night soon to be fateful.

Long Backstory:

The Vanishing:
One night a decade ago, a great feast is held at the palace of the young Lord Noleski Surtova who receives a royal born guest a close relative of the Rogavarian King. All goes well and everyone retires for the evening but panic breaks out in the early hours as the guest is mysteriously missing. Yeremey is assisting his father in preparing the morning meal but he and most of the staff is called away to search. After the meal is served some of the household including Lord Noleski fall ill which is blamed on bad food. Lord Noleski, in a rage, sends his chef to the salt mines.(1) Warned his family flees their Lord's wrath.

The Ship:
Fleeing from pursuit Yeremey loses track of his mother and brother. Desperate he gets himself a berth as a cook, saying his name was Jora, really the of a late neighbor, on on a merchant ship traveling far. Never did the crew eat so well. On one trip a man died with no known friends or family, so his belongings were divided. The captain tossed a puzzle box to Jora knowing the the clever lad would enjoy it. Soon Jora figures out the secret of the box but has trouble making use of that knowledge. The ship makes Port Ice again, and Jora once again snuck away.

The Forest:
Jora makes his way south as best he can, with fear driving him to learn the ways of the streets, in spite of his fervent pride in Issia. He learns that the vile Noleski, no true nobel, has usurped the throne of Brevoy, though with many patriot houses refusing to acknowledge that.(2) Though his heart burns with hatred, there is nothing he can do. Eventfully he is travelling through the fay-ridden forest of Gronzi getting lost. This attracts the attention of a fay creature who decides to play some tricks but soon is distracted by the sweet smells coming from the cookfire. Jora having figured out what was happening offers to have the fay join him. After this befriending, Flare Leafwhirl makes Jora his friend, teaching him the fairy tongue and a bit of magic allowing Jora to make progress in his study. Soon enough he has leave, fay can be fun but are not human and Jora needed his kind about.

The City:
Restov is a good place to go unnoticed. A busy city with conflicting aristocrats drawing all the attention. While not liking the Swordlords Jora found the commoners of Restov to be decent people. Still sometimes his Issian beliefs cause some friction but that faded when he met the local half-elf woman Raisa, he could not help but fall in love. After a courting and converting to her faith in Pharasma, he tells her the truth about him. They marry and have a daughter they name Sofia. Between his wife, daughter, duties as a cook, and trying to master his magic, his time is limited so he progress little in his career or in magic.

The Day:
He cooks for many but the nobles pay best. With a family to support he takes a position as a retainer to a wealthy patron. A feast is to be held and Jora expects to be busy for that night, one that may soon change his fate.

(1) Noleski having a bad day, am using some knowledge of Kingmaker have played in it before a number of times.

(2) Jora's Point of view, Noleski may be a saint, up to the GM.

PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:

Venir: I do prefer complete character sheets.

Crisischild: I want to stick to ancestries and classes indicated so have to say no to Hobgblin Investigator.

Summary of character sheets to date:
Marcus Armstrong - Male Human Fighter
Diggap - Male Orc Fighter
Teela Sedichi - Female Human Fortune Teller Bard
Qacha - Female Human Barbarian
Grizzeg - Male Goblin Rogue
Fanthule Grehailan - Male Ancient Elf Ranger
Zartana - Female Elf Fighter
Lady Quintessa Orlovsky - Female Human Sorcerer
Thark the Blessed - Male Half-Orc Cleric

If I missed someone or missed a question, please let me know.

Evindyl wrote:

To confirm, you want concepts that are Remaster only: based on Player Core 1 (Player Core 2 is slated for release August 1st). Just wanted to be super clear. Pathbuilder of course is up to date with what has been released.

I took a different plunge a while back, when Paizo promoed StartPlaying. I entered a paid KM Campaign and I have to say it's a really positive experience. If I were to introduce that character as remastered, I think he would be a rogue or a wizard (he's a psychic in that game). I don't see that rogue is spoken for (looks like Ollie is going with Wizard or Druid).

For background, he will take Brevic Noble: Nathan Lebeda.
He's extremely fun and always takes last watch.
(That means he always goes to sleep first)

Hey GM!

I really did want to clarify, because a couple of these great submissions are def NOT remastered (yet). So I thought maybe I would ask again what your thoughts were. I would need to go out on the boards to see what totally isn't ever going to get remastered (I am pretty sure Rage of Elements will be retained/implemented "as is" --- would you allow that content?) I would probably submit a kinetiscist if so.

Anyway, I thought it was worth asking :)

PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:
I appreciate the interest. Since I received multiple posts about the exact ancestries and classes, I will clarify that I am limiting them to the Pathfinder Core Rule Book I (12 classes listed on Page 69), except where remastered versions of the 12 have been published, we will use those. I hope that helps.

Evindyl, I think the quoted message above answers your question.

My understanding is that ancestries and classes need to be from the CRB, but use remastered rules where applicable.

Ancestries: dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, human, half-elf, half-orc

Classes: alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard.

Of course, I could be misreading the GM's intent.

Eletido wrote:
PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:
I appreciate the interest. Since I received multiple posts about the exact ancestries and classes, I will clarify that I am limiting them to the Pathfinder Core Rule Book I (12 classes listed on Page 69), except where remastered versions of the 12 have been published, we will use those. I hope that helps.

Evindyl, I think the quoted message above answers your question.

My understanding is that ancestries and classes need to be from the CRB, but use remastered rules where applicable.

Ancestries: dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, human, half-elf, half-orc

Classes: alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard.

Of course, I could be misreading the GM's intent.

I think you are probably 100% correct, and within the confines of what you have here, remastered trumps legacy. So some anticipated revisions in August maybe. Got it!

Sovereign Court

Pathbuilder Character Sheet: Fenric Lodovka

Issian Patriot

Fenric is the one of Lord Kozek Lodovka's distant cousins and a long way from the ruling seat. His family does well enough, and the sly, old pirate lord would never let them want. While his parents are content with the comfortable life their titles provide, Fenric's position does not befit his ambition. As a child, he imagined himself a warrior-poet, a chivalrous paragon. As he grew older, he turned those dreams toward fervent study of both blade and book.

When the cold splash of reality struck him as he neared adulthood, the dream of the chivalrous paragon took a pragmatic twist. Fenric has become a careful watcher of society and a voracious student of law and political maneuvering in order to find any weakness in his competition and any advantage raise his status. As a result, he is quick to accept any opportunity that he believes will benefit him. Within reason. His ambition is matched by his sincere desire to do good works and help the people who would depend upon him.


Combat Role: Frontline Two-weapon Fencer; passive knowledge checks with Monster Hunter, back-up ranged
Social Role: His focus on Society, Streetwise, and Courtly Graces but lack of Charisma make him useful in learning information about people while able to handle himself at court if not so well in a common tavern.
Exploration Role: He's good at spotting trouble and has fair skill in Survival and Nature. He's better than average with other Investigation skills such as Arcana, Occultism, and Society.

Time Zone: Central

I haven't played Kingmaker in any edition.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eletido wrote:
PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:
I appreciate the interest. Since I received multiple posts about the exact ancestries and classes, I will clarify that I am limiting them to the Pathfinder Core Rule Book I (12 classes listed on Page 69), except where remastered versions of the 12 have been published, we will use those. I hope that helps.

Evindyl, I think the quoted message above answers your question.

My understanding is that ancestries and classes need to be from the CRB, but use remastered rules where applicable.

Ancestries: dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, human, half-elf, half-orc

Classes: alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard.

Of course, I could be misreading the GM's intent.

100% accurate.

Hello GM. In continuation of my submission here, I am posting Kartan's finished character sheet.

Kartan's character sheet:

Human (Skilled) Cloistered Cleric 1
Background: Brevic Outcast

Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +2

Perception (*) +5
Languages ➤ Common

AC 15; HP 15
Fortitude (*) +4, Reflex (*) +5, Will (**) +9
Unarmored defense (*)

Cleric Class DC 17
Spell attack +7
Longbow +5 (1d8 P)
Simple Weapons (*), Unarmed attacks (*), Longbow (*), Spell attack modifier (*), Spell DC (*)
Speed 25; Bulk 3 (3 light) / 5

Ancestry - Natural Ambition (Healing hands)
Skill - Haughty Obstinacy
Class - Healing hands, Domain Initiate (Earth)

Focus pool: 1
Focus spells:
Hurtling Stone

Divine Font - Heal

Cantrips - Detect Magic, Guidance, Haunting Hymn, Know the Way, Light
1st - Bless, Enfeeble, Heal x4

Skills (11)
Diplomacy (*) +5 (Become Expert at 5th) (-1 penalty against nobility unless secure leadership position in kingdom)
Medicine (*) +7
Nature (*) +7
Religion (*) +7
Survival (*) +7
Politics (*) +3

2 sets of caltrops, adventurer's pack, religious symbol (wooden)
Food: 1 week's worth

Money pouch:
GP: 6 gp
SP: 8

Eletido wrote:
I am very interested in playing Kingmaker. I don't have a submission to share yet, but I have been thinking about a warpriest or champion.

Submitting Rolgak, human barbarian, local brigand.

Character sheet - mostly complete; will update some inventory specifics if selected

Growing around the Stolen Lands is a tough life. And, life as a Blood Gars member is doubly so. As a child, Rolgak learned a lesson very early in life - always be ready for fight. The wrong glance at the wrong person can earn you a black eye, bloody lip, or worse.

Rolgak did what was necessary to survive in his tribe - fight to prove his toughness and fighting prowess, pillage unfortunate villages for food and coin, and put down those who stood in the tribe's way. But, Rolgak never truly fit in and he looked for any opportunity to leave the tribe to start a new life.

On a raid into an unclaimed region of the River Kingdoms, Rolgak found his way out. A man's dying plea for mercy showed him the path. A new kingdom in the River Kingdoms. As his tribe members gathered their plunder, Rolgak slipped away into the forest, hoping to start a new life in a new place.

Timezone: Central

As for posting rate, I almost always good for at least one post a day. The weekends can be a bit harder, especially in the summer.

Jora's been updated.

Jora character sheet

Profile's been updated as well, minor changes and corrections.

Thank you for this chance.
Good luck everyone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Summary of character sheets to date (updated):
Marcus Armstrong - Male Human Fighter
Diggap - Male Orc Fighter
Teela Sedichi - Female Human Fortune Teller Bard
Qacha - Female Human Barbarian
Grizzeg - Male Goblin Rogue
Fanthule Grehailan - Male Ancient Elf Ranger
Zartana - Female Elf Fighter
Lady Quintessa Orlovsky - Female Human Sorcerer
Thark the Blessed - Male Half-Orc Cleric
Jora Cook - Male Human Wizard
Fenric Lodovka - Male Human Ranger
Kartan - Male Human Cloistered Cleric
Rolgak - Male Human Barbarian

I would love to participate in this. I am applying with Selina, female human dueling sword wielding rogue, who was part of a short-lived RotRL PbP. She's also adept a social situations, with Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills as well as a debuffer with Intimidating Glare and You're Next abilities. Crunch and background in profile. My timezone is EST.

Even with the large number of applications,
I figure I'll toss my name into the hat for this. I'm currently working on a Dwarf Champion for this game. Will update with details later today.


Pyramus Candolle is an Elven wizard who seeks to grow an ideal homestead farm and expand his knowledge of rhe natural world as well as his arcane arts.

As an ancient elf, he has branched out from arcane and into the primal arts of the druid.

I am in EST, and am a longtime player, GM, and (a while ago) poster here.

Here is the Pathbuilder Link

If I can get one of concepts posted in time, I'd be interested in joining this. Top two ideas are a dwarf wizard and a human dual-wielding fighter. I will see what I can do tonight and tomorrow.

PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:
Eletido wrote:
PF2E_Kingmaker_GM wrote:
I appreciate the interest. Since I received multiple posts about the exact ancestries and classes, I will clarify that I am limiting them to the Pathfinder Core Rule Book I (12 classes listed on Page 69), except where remastered versions of the 12 have been published, we will use those. I hope that helps.

Evindyl, I think the quoted message above answers your question.

My understanding is that ancestries and classes need to be from the CRB, but use remastered rules where applicable.

Ancestries: dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, human, half-elf, half-orc

Classes: alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard.

Of course, I could be misreading the GM's intent.

100% accurate.

So then my next question would be, both for Ancient elves (which I want to submit) and for our Free Archetypes, will the same restrictions be in place? CRB, remastered as available? Dedications for things that are not going to be remastered? (It is my understanding that RoE content is NOT going to be remastered) Thanks in advance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Evindyl, if there is no remastered update of a class, feat, etc., I will stick with the CRB version.

I have been overwhelmed by the number of submissions and have plenty of qualified applicants. I am eager to get started. As such, I am moving up the deadline to apply to today, June 23rd, at 18:00 hours EST (6:00 PM EST). That is 10 hours notice so it should be sufficient to anyone still working on a concept.

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