Kingmaker - Taming the Stolen Lands by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

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Won't be done, but no hard feelings. You have a great group of characters to chose from. Have fun.

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Summary of character sheets to date (updated):
Marcus Armstrong - Male Human Fighter
Diggap - Male Orc Fighter
Teela Sedichi - Female Human Fortune Teller Bard
Qacha - Female Human Barbarian
Grizzeg - Male Goblin Rogue
Fanthule Grehailan - Male Ancient Elf Ranger
Zartana - Female Elf Fighter
Lady Quintessa Orlovsky - Female Human Sorcerer
Thark the Blessed - Male Half-Orc Cleric
Jora Cook - Male Human Wizard
Fenric Lodovka - Male Human Ranger
Kartan - Male Human Cloistered Cleric
Rolgak - Male Human Barbarian
Selina Aldaeth - Female Human Rogue
Pyramus Candolle - Male Elven wizard

Gaelyn Flexxt

Ancient Half-Elf
Champion of Yuelral

Build Notes:

Gaelyn is meant to emulate the Paladin Mind Sword Archetype from PF1. His telekinetic abiities are the cornerstone of his heroic ideal. Yes, the choice to have these abilities at 1st level and to waste the 2nd Level Free Archetype slot is intentional. As is having him live with the reduced CON for a few levels; he is def meant to be a ranged combatant given that TKP allows him to hurl a dagger much further than its base range increment as a thrown weapon.

In many ways, his look is probably more like the Iconic Rogue, Merisiel, given that he has 6 daggers sheathed on his right leg; non-elves rarely know that the dagger is the sacred weapon of Yuelral.

Mendev beckoned. He wasn’t Rogarvian enough to be relevant in Brevoy, and he certainly wasn’t elven enough to be relevant in Iadara … yet in her beneficence, Yuelral had graced him, and he knew he could help the crusade and specifically, bring hope to elven crusaders. The great mage Nathan Rogarvia was gone, and while divination fairly clearly showed the mage was one of Gaelyn’s forebears, not much else did. In Mendev, none of that had mattered. He attacked, he healed, he prayed, he repeated. It was bliss.

Now though, the Worldwound closed, he meandered back across the southern shore of the Lake, not much interested in Numeria, back to Restov. There weren’t all that many Mind Swords who had exited the crusade alive, and there weren’t any Rogarvians to be heard from either. Gaelyn himself may not have been young for an aiuvarin anymore, but his flame for Yuelral burned as brightly as ever. He didn’t need to be a scion of kings, he needed to love The Wise and show her gratitude for his magic. The Stolen Lands needed that: he would be a Scion of Gratitude, sharing the blessings of her magic whenever he could.

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Ok, decision time! Thank you all for your concepts. At the end, I went with the concepts that most piqued my interest. Without further ado, the selected players are:

Teela Sedichi - Female Human Fortune Teller Bard
Lady Quintessa Orlovsky - Female Human Sorcerer
Thark the Blessed - Male Half-Orc Cleric
Fenric Lodovka - Male Human Ranger
Selina Aldaeth - Female Human Rogue

Please report to the Discussion thread: Link

Happy gaming to all!

Thank you for the chance to apply and congrats to those that are the winners!
Went as I expected, Lady Quintessa is a great concept.

Happy gaming!

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