GM Jhaeman's Dawn of Flame, Chapter Five: "Solar Strike"

Game Master Jhaeman

Maps & Handouts

The Sun Diver

Current Characters

Gorvald Thrimbyrson
Liberty's Edge Crisischild

(351 posts)

(2,134 posts)
Dinvaya Lanalei

(306 posts)
Beatific One

(154 posts)
Daji the Fox
Ace the Squox

N Male Vulkarisu Soldier (Sharpshoot) 2 | SP 20/20 | HP 16/16 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 / KAC 16 | Fort +6 / Ref +4 / Will +3 | Initiative +4 Perception +0 | Low-light vision

played by Violant (99 posts)

CN Female Pahtra Soldier (Farshot) 1 / Mechanic 8 | SP 64/64 |HP 59/59 (+14) | RP 9/10 | EAC 23 / KAC 24 | Fort +9 / Ref +10 / Will +7 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +4 Perception +13 | Low-light vision, Darkvision 60', Fire Resist 8

played by Violant (238 posts)
GM Jhaeman

played by Jhaeman (9,245 posts)
Theodore Edward Bear

Male N Male Uplifted Bear Soldier (Blitz) 9 | SP 90/90 |HP 69/69 | RP 9/9 | EAC 25 / KAC 27 / CMAC 35 | Fort +8 / Ref +7 / Will +5 | Initiative +12 | Acrobatics +9/ Athletics +16| Intimidate +10 / Life Science +12 / Medicine +9 / Perception +6 / Piloting +15 / Stealth +2 / Survival +9| DR/5 | Low-light vision

played by Ouachitonian (130 posts)
Tulgram Coldforge

m N duergar Biohacker 9 | sp 6/72 | hp 60/60 | rp 10/10 | EAC 21 KAC 22 [+4 bull rush and trip] | Resist Fire 5| F+9 R+3 W+8 [+2 vs poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities] [-2 vs emotions] | Init +1 | Perc +21, DV60' | Sense M +21, Li&Pi Science +21| Biohack 4/7 | BT + | Spark + | Tranq + | Rage + | Haste 9/10

played by ‘Eκάτη (631 posts)
Drow Scout
Xylian Xuuvats

Stamina 25/36 HP 25/56| EAC 22 KAC 23| F: +4**, R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +15 (L-L Vision; Darkvision 60' | Speed 25/30ft | Resolve 8/8 | Ultracold Hailcannon +12 (+15) (UCB 3: 88/100 Usage: 4 (12)) (4d8+9 C & P) | Weapon Special Abilites: Overcharge - 3x cost +2d6 Damage | Conditions: *3 Con damage, Large; Brightlight 50' Radius; Light 100' Cone* |Special Abilites: Scrappy 1/Day ; Memory Module 1/Day; Empathic Imprint 1/Day; Miracle Worker 1/Day

played by Crisischild (863 posts)

Maps | Loot | Ship | CG Female Pahtra Mediator Envoy 9 (Noble Scion) | SP 63/63 |HP 58/58 | RP 9/9 | EAC 24 / KAC 25 / CMAC 33 | Fort +4 / Ref +9 / Will +6 (+2 charm/compulsion) | Initiative +3 | Bluff +18 (+1d6+2) / Diplomacy +17 (+1d6+2) | Perception +11 | Low-light vision / Darkvision 60 feet | Token Spell 3/3 | Telepathic Message 3/3 | Disguise Self 1/1 | Invisibility 1/1 | Tongues 1/1 | Cold and Fire Resistance 5

played by Zanbabe (1,555 posts)