GM Cody Age of Ashes

Game Master Codanous

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Verdant Wheel


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Hi, dumb question: is this PF2e?

Yes. Age of Ashes was the 1st 2e AP. They're not running another backport.

Not running much of anything tbh -- rain was just bumping the thread to see what's up I think

Oh yeah, we were kind of in and out of small battles. Also I just wasn't seeing something I thought we needed, seemed like our group was getting along alright.

Current party is:

- Half Orc Cleric of Saranrae
- Gnome Summoner with dragon summon
- Half elf Oracle
- Human Rogue Thief

We lost our sword and board fighter right before entering the Citadel aka Hellknight Hill.

But as a reminder of the recruitment rules:

o Level 1

o We will be utilizing the Free Archetype

o For backgrounds, I’d prefer you use the ones from Hellknight Hill but the regular common ones are fine too, especially since you'd be joining a little later at this point.

o If you are going to be using one of the classes from Player Core 1, I’d prefer you use the rules from PC1 vs the original Core Rulebook.

o Ancestries: No rare ancestries, and I’d prefer no Tien Xia-centric ancestries, feel like it’d be hard to make that work.

o Give me a paragraph or two, 4-6 sentences maximum, of character background, who your character is and why they are here. If you want to go more in depth by all means do so. If you write it, I’ll read it.

Correction: The Half-elf is a Wizard. Free Archetype will be Oracle.

lol mb mb, I should have double checked, I was waffling if you are a oracle going into wizard or a wizard going into oracle

@GM Cody, I’m currently in one of the other AoA games that started recently. But I’m interested in submitting a character here, too. I’ll cook up something today or tomorrow.

@GM Cody, submitting a PC for consideration.

Stom Flintheart
Dwarf Dragon Barbarian
Haunting Vision background
Intended Archetype: Sentinel


Stom Flintheart was born and raised in Highhelm to artisan armorers. From an early age, Stom tended the fires of the forge in the family workshop, also learning to make smaller pieces of armor.

As a child, Stom found himself fascinated by dragons of all kinds, and the elder red dragon, Daralathyxl, in particular. He loved hearing tales of dwarves conquests over evil chromatic dragons that terrorized settlements all over the Five King Mountains. Over time, he grew to have a fondness for the metallic counterparts of dragonkind.

When Stom neared adulthood, he started having terrible nightmares of fiery destruction. Villages on fire. Children screaming in their death throes. Entire forests consumed in an inferno. Tending to the fire at the family forge became impossible. Insomnia became the norm as sleep was fitful at best. Hoping to leave the nightmares behind, Stom left Highhelm for a life of wandering.

Stom’s condition improved until he heard a bard’s recounting of Daralathyxl’s hunting in Andoran and Isger. The nightmares started again. In a recent dream, he saw an unknown city on fire - this city had recognizable features unlike most dreams. A few days of asking every passerby led him to Breachill and he traveled there as quickly as he could, hoping to arrive by the next Call for Heroes.

Sounds good, you're hired! Funny we were just talking about this being a good time to add someone to the party.

The group just returned to town with Calmont and making contact with the bramblebashers.

You can add 5gp to your wealth, which is your share of the reward they got for turning calmont in alive.

Awesome! I’ll create a profile for Stom and finalize equipment, etc.

I may have time to make an intro post this evening. We’ll see.

Out of curiosity, how do you want to handle with upcoming release of PC2?

You'll have a free rebuild. I'd prefer if there is a replacement of an existing option we use the newer version, if no replacement then we'll use the old version!

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