About Oppa SilkOppa Silk
Summoner 5 N Small Gnome Fey-Touched Humanoid Perception +12; Low-Light Vision Languages Common, Draconic, Gnomish, Muan Skills Acrobatics +12, Arcana +10, Athletics -1, Crafting +10, Diplomacy +11 Intimidation +11, Lore: Herbalism +12, Lore: Plane of Earth +10, Medicine +10, Nature +12, Performance +11, Religion +10, Stealth +10 Str -1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +4 Items: Unarmored, Healing potion Minor, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (5), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Basic Crafter's Book, Repair Kit, Healer's Toolkit, Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)
PP-0, GP-8, SP-57, CP-0 AC 20 (+22 with shield raised); Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +12
Empathetic Plea Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy Trigger You are attacked by a creature that you haven't yet acted hostile toward. You must use this reaction before the creature rolls its attack. The way you cringe or use those puppydog eyes you've been practicing elicits an empathetic response in the attacker. Attempt a Diplomacy check against your attacker's Will DC. Critical Success The creature pulls its attack, wasting its action, and can't use hostile actions against you until the beginning of its next turn. Success The creature takes a -2 circumstance penalty to damage on the triggering Strike and all its Strikes against you until the beginning of its next turn. The penalty is -4 if you're an expert in Diplomacy, -6 if you're a master, and -8 if you're legendary. Failure The creature's attack is unaffected, and the creature is temporarily immune to your Empathic Pleas for 24 hours. Consume Energy Dragon Classification Trigger An enemy within 60 feet uses an ability that has the trait corresponding to your deviation damage type (Sonic. Your connection to energy is so much stronger than the offending display in front of you, allowing you to claim it for yourself. Attempt a counteract check against the triggering effect as you draw it into your body. If you successfully counteract the ability, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to double the counteract level of the ability, which last for 1 minute. Awakening The energy you consume helps empower your abilities. The next ability from the dragon classification that you use increases its range by 30 feet if it has a range, or increases its area by 10 feet if it's a cone or line. If you don't use this benefit within 1 minute, it fades. Awakening You channel some of the seized energy into your next attack. Choose one of your weapons or unarmed attacks. Until the end of your next turn, Strikes with the chosen weapon or unarmed attack deal an additional 1d6 damage of a type matching the energy you consumed. Speed 25 feet Melee Fist +10 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed), Damage 1d4-1 B
Manifest Eidolon (Concentrate, Conjuration, Manipulate, Summoner, Teleportation) Your eidolon appears in an open space adjacent to you, and can then take a single action. If your eidolon was already manifested, you unmanifest it instead. The conduit that allows your eidolon to manifest is also a tether between you. Your eidolon must remain within 100 feet of you at all times and can’t willingly go beyond that limit. If forced beyond this distance, or if you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, your eidolon’s physical form dissolves: your eidolon unmanifests, and you need to use Manifest Eidolon to manifest it again. Special This activity has the trait matching your eidolon’s tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal). Act Together (Summoner, Tandem) Frequency once per round You and your eidolon act as one. Either you or your eidolon takes an action or activity using the same number of actions as Act Together, and the other takes a single action. For example, if you spent 2 actions to Act Together, you could cast burning hands (2 actions) and your eidolon could Strike (1 action), or your eidolon could use its Breath Weapon (2 actions) and you could Stride (1 action). This lets you each use separate exploration activities like Avoid Notice as you travel (Core Rulebook 496). Breath Weapon (Arcane, Eidolon, Evocation) Your eidolon exhales a blast of destructive energy. Your eidolon deals 1d6 Colddamage to all creatures in the area, with a basic Reflex save against your spell DC. The area and damage type of the Breath Weapon are chosen when the eidolon gains this ability. Your eidolon then can't use their Breath Weapon again for the next 1d4 rounds. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d6. Share Senses (Concentrate, Divination, Scrying, Summoner) Requirements Your eidolon is manifested. You project your senses into your eidolon, allowing you to perceive through it. When you do, you lose all sensory information from your own body, but can sense through your eidolon’s body for up to 1 minute. You can Dismiss this effect. Special This action has the trait matching your eidolon’s tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal). Your eidolon can also use this ability. When it does, it projects its senses into your body. Arcane Known Spells: DC 18, attack +8;
Primal Innate Spells DC 19, attack +9;
Divine Known Spells : DC19, attack +9
Focus Spells (2 points)
Evolution Surge Range 100 feet; Targets your eidolon Duration 1 minute You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects:Your eidolon gains low-light vision and darkvision.; Your eidolon gains scent as an imprecise sense up to 30 feet. .; Your eidolon can breathe underwater and gains a swim Speed equal to its land Speed or 30 feet, whichever is less. Alternatively, if your eidolon is normally aquatic, it can breathe air and gains a land Speed equal to its swim Speed or 30 feet, whichever is less. Either way, it gains the amphibious trait. .; Your eidolon gains a +20-foot status bonus to its Speed. .; Heightened (3rd) Add the following options to the list of effects you can choose:Your eidolon becomes Large, instead of its previous size. This increases your eidolon's reach to 10 feet but doesn't change any other statistics for your eidolon. Because of the special link you share, you can ride your eidolon without getting in each other's way. If another creature tries to ride your eidolon, both you and the riding creature each regain only 2 actions at the start of your turns each round, as normal. .; Your eidolon gains a climb Speed equal to its land Speed. .; Heightened (5th) Add the options from the 3rd-level version and the following options to the list of effects you can choose:Your eidolon becomes Huge, instead of its previous size. This has the same effects as the 3rd-level option to become Large, except your eidolon's reach increases to 15 feet. ; Your eidolon gains a fly Speed equal to its Speed. Lifelink SurgeCast [one-action] somatic, Duration 4 rounds
Additional Feats Additional Lore, Assurance, Energy Heart, Fey-Touched Gnome, Impressive Performance, Natural Medicine, Sorcerer Dedication, First World Magic (Electric Arc), Sheild Block. (4)Skill Training (Medicine) Additional Specials Assurance (Nature), Eidolon (Dragon Eidolon), Energy Heart (Cold), Evolution Feat, Link Spells, Draconic Bloodline Type:(Soverign), Unlimited Signature Spells, Shared Vigilance. Notes: Because dragons have a strong connection to magic, their minds can often leave an echo floating in the Astral Plane. Such an entity is extremely powerful but unable to interact with the outside world on its own. Dragon eidolons manifest in the powerful, scaled forms they had in life; most take the form of true dragons (albeit smaller), but some manifest as drakes or other draconic beings. You have forged a connection with such a dragon eidolon and together, you seek to grow as powerful as an ancient wyrm. Tradition Arcane Traits (Variable) one more (see Breath Weapon below) Home Plane Astral Plane Size Medium Marauding Dragon Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap) Skills Arcana, Intimidation Senses darkvision Languages Draconic Speed 25 feet Eidolon Abilities Initial breath weapon; Symbiosis draconic frenzy; Transcendence wyrm's breath Breath Weapon Your eidolon has a powerful breath weapon, which they are able to use regularly to wreak havoc upon your foes. They gain the Breath Weapon activity. Choose a damage type from among acid, cold, electricity, fire, negative, piercing, or poison, and choose whether the area is a 60-foot line or a 30-foot cone. Unless you chose piercing damage, both Breath Weapon and your eidolon gain the trait matching the damage type.
Oppa was always small... even for a gnome, and his speech impediment kept him constantly as the butt of jokes in the small Gnomish settlement he found himself in. It didn't help that he was part of a large family, and a late addition as well. The fortunate part was that he had a lot of big brothers and sisters to take up for him and neutralize bullying... but this also kept him from learning to develop his own confidence... and they couldn't always be around. One lazy Sunday afternoon Klemm, one of the worst at picking on him finally caught him alone behind the mill. She knocked him down, and pushed his face in the mud, attempting to fill his mouth with the disgusting mixture. A noise arose from the thicket just beyond them, and distracted by the sound Oppa was able to slip free. He ran into the deepening forest.... anything to get away from that monster Klemm. Too far in fact he was lost... As night began to fall, he heard a rustling in the brush. Into the clearing stepped a young... well... dragon. Backing away in fear Oppa's head swayed from side to side looking for an escape route when the creature spoke. "Well is that any way to treat your rescuer? Simmer down, I'm here as a friend. After all, you're the one who summoned me here". Thus, Oppa met Doxie. He kept her secret from the rest of the village, and began to spend more and more time in her company, strengthening their relationship, and building trust. It took another encounter with the notorious Klemm to advance to the next stage of his life. Though with some work his stutter lessened so that he only did it when nervous... like around Klemm. She followed him on one of his journeys into the forest and started pelting him with acorns and walnuts just as he got away from earshot of the settlement. This time more rage than fear took over his reaction, and he bellowed for Doxie. She answered his call... and let's just say the Klemm was now on the other side of the equation. With the secret out Oppa decided it was time to discover what his calling was. So, with a tearful good-by and promise to visit often, Oppa and Doxie wandered off down the road towards adventure. and hopefully to slow the onset of the Bleaching that was currently hitting his village hard.