Mummy's Mask

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Dwarven Ravenlord Malefactor 2
HP -4/18 | AC 19 (17) T 9 FF 17 (15) | F +2 R +2 W +5 | BAB +1 CMD 12 MSD 11 PSD 15 | Init -1 | Perc +3[/spoiler8 [spoiler=Abilities]Hit Dice 2/2 | Strife Pool 1/4

Ah, I see.

You’re the expert with this class. Thanks for helping me learn it.

Male Catfolk Rogue 2
HP 11/15 | AC 17 T 16 FF 14 | F +2 R +6 W +2 | CMD 14 PSD 15
Hit Dice 2/2 | Feint +6 | Sneak attack @1d6 | Fatal Thrust @ 1d6 | Martial focus1/1 | Init +5 | Perc +7 | Disable device +10
"Unatti" wrote:
Unatti grabs Tribim by his scruff and holds him fast. "Weren't you listening? This place might be riddled with curses. Maybe let the curse sensing dwarf go first this time? If I'm right, he's our best and only chance to possibly avoid them. Unless you wanna get turned into a newt?" The witch explains.

Um, the scruff of his neck? I realize Epperson posted here Saturday, but he hadn't responded in game. As both a player and character, I'm not willing to wait.

I enjoy the energy of the post, and I think it humorous. But I don't know that I want anyone 'grabbing' anyone to prevent them from doing what they've posted. Fortunately Tribim would not be too far down the steps.

I'll will wait and see how long it takes Epperson to respond to your request.

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