About Epperson, son of EpperStatistics:
Initiative: -1
Perception: +4 (+6 to notice unusual stonework) Darkvision 60ft Speed: 20ft HP: 38 Fortitude: +7 (+9 vs poison/*curses) (+11 vs spells/spell-like) Reflex: +6 (+8 vs poison/*curses) (+10 vs spells/spell-like) Will: +10 (+12 vs poison/*curses/mummy despair) (+14 vs spells/spell-like) * - add'l bonus vs cursed items carried equal to 1/3 highest caster lvl cursed item carried AC: 18
Melee: +6
Skills per Level: 6
Acrobatics -1 *Athletics +8 *Craft +7 (+9 metal/stone) *Deception +8 Disable Device -1 Escape Artist -1 Fly -1 Heal +3 *Influence +10 Knowledge (arcane) Knowledge (civilization) Knowledge (divine) Knowledge (dungeoneering) Knowledge (engineering) Knowledge (history) Knowledge (martial) Knowledge (nature) *Knowledge (occult) +8 Knowledge (planes) Knowledge (religion) +1 *Linguistics +2 **Lore (curses) +8 Perform +4 *Profession (guard) +7 *Sense Motive +9 Sleight of Hand -1 Spellcraft +0 Stealth -1 Survival +3 *Use Magic Device +11 Feats:
Feats: If you possess the (patrol) package, when using this talent you may move to put the ally within your reach (with the normal limits for moving as part of your patrol) as part of activating this talent.
Racial Traits:
Mummy-Cursed (campaign)
One of your ancestors ran afoul of a mummy’s curse while exploring an ancient tomb. This curse was passed down to later generations of your family, but over time, your line has become more resistant to curses. You’ve come to Wati to explore its untouched necropolis, and while you hope you won’t have to face a real undead mummy, at least you have some defense if you do. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against curses and curse effects (including mummy rot and spells with the curse descriptor) and a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against a mummy’s aura of despair. Combat Talents:
Talents with the (zone) tag grant additional effects to this ability. Each patrol may only benefit from one (zone) talent. Class Skills:
A malefactor’s most potent power lies with the ability to place her own misfortune upon others. These powers are called maledictions. At 1st level, 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the malefactor gains one malediction of her choice. A malefactor cannot select an individual malediction more than once. Any malediction that mimics a spell uses the malefactor's level as an effective caster level. Unless otherwise noted, using a malediction is a swift action that requires the malefactor to clearly verbalize a curse against a target within Close range. When using a malediction, the malefactor can spend 1 or more Strife to activate the malediction’s Dread Escalation. The save to resist a malediction is equal to 10 + 1/2 the malefactor’s level + the malefactor’s Charisma modifier (16). The effects of a malediction last as long as the malefactor desires, but she must be able to see or hear the target. If the target escapes her awareness for one minute, all maledictions affecting it immediately end. A creature can only be affected by a given malediction once every 24 hours. A malefactor can have a maximum number of active maledictions equal to her Charisma modifier (min 1) but can dismiss any number of active maledictions as a free action. Apt Curse (malediction):The target of this malediction must make a Will save or suffer a 50% chance of taking no action each round the malediction is in effect. Otherwise, the target may act normally. Rumble (malediction): This malediction creates an ominous, low oscillation within stone and earth to the extent of its range, taking the form of an emanation from the malefactor. Within this area, creatures of the animal or vermin type become edgy and jittery, and must make a Fortitude save once per round, or move twenty feet (or their base speed, whichever is slower). On any round where the creature is damaged, it automatically succeeds on this save. This is a sonic effect. Breach (malediction): Whenever you make a Strength check to break, bend, lift, or otherwise remove a door, gate, portcullis, grating, or similar manmade nonmagical barrier, your Strength Check gains a bonus equal to your Malefactor level, plus your Charisma modifier. As a swift action, the malefactor can spend a point of strife to grant herself a +1 profane bonus to AC until the start of her next turn for every cursed opponent within Medium range. When attacking a creature currently suffering from a curse effect, a malefactor can spend a point of Strife to add her Charisma modifier to the attack roll. At 5th level, this bonus also applies to the damage roll. At 11th level, a Harrowing Strike bypasses concealment (but not total concealment). At 17th level, a Harrowing Strike is made as a touch attack. At 3rd level, a malefactor’s experience avoiding unluck enables her to subtly step between the jagged tendrils of misfortune. She gains a bonus equal to her Charisma modifier on all saving throws. Cursebreaker (Sp):
Steal Victory (Su):
Cause Fear - may expend 1HD to cast Animal Companion (Dark Messenger):
Piwakawaka ("Fanny") Avian: Speed 20ft; Fly 30ft; Bite+6 (1d4+1); Talons+6 x2 (1d4+1;1d4+1) HP 20/20 fast healing 1 AC 16 Darkvision 60ft; low-light vision STR 13, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 11 F+4 R+6 W+1 (*+2 vs all saves from aberrations, outsiders, and undead) Form: Shadow Companion - 1/2 dmg from/to corporeal opponents; full dmg from/to non-corporeal opponents
In addition, the animal companion counts as a fighter with a number of class levels equal to its Hit Dice for the purposes of qualifying for the Disruptive feat, as well as for any feat that lists the Disruptive feat as a prerequisite. The animal companion also adds those feats to the list of animal feats that it can choose from when gaining a new feat. Skill Rank: Stealth +8 (+16 in shadow)
Armor: Weapons: