GM Peachbottom |

(Let me know if any of your cohorts are coming along.)
After dressing nicely for the council meeting, you head up the hill to Yanmass’ Commerce Hall. You are allowed in and told to wait in the front reception area. After a few moments, you are greeted by a liveried halfling official.
”Greetings. Sir Xallis and company, I presume. My name is Gregor Hamble and I am to escort you into the audience chamber. I regret to inform you that Baron Mauston Kustio is too ill to attend today’s meeting. Also, the Mercantile Council is hosting another guest today, Earl Yander Merkondus. Please follow me.”
The halfling leads you down a long echoing corridor. While you walk, he provides further information. ”The 19-member Mercantile Council consists of five principals and 14 associates who represent the wealthy interests of Yanmass. Today, one of the associate councilors, banker Rhundle Navin, is also unexpectedly absent. I admit that Baron Kustios’ absence isn’t surprising, as the baron has been ill at home for many days, leaving the task of city governance entirely in the hands of the Mercantile Council. Banker Navin, however, was not ill as far as I am aware. Our other guest today, Earl Merkondus, is a wealthy aristocrat from southwestern Taldor who has expressed strong Imperialist leanings. The Mercantile Council itself doesn’t lean particularly strongly either way—although certain members have their own opinions.”
Soon you arrive at the audience chamber.
Several chandeliers supplement the sunlight streaming in through high, stained glass windows to light the cavernous audience chamber of Yanmass’s opulent Commerce Hall. An immense oval table takes up much of the room’s space. A throne-like chair at the head of the table is vacant, but most of the other chairs are occupied. Seated in ornate, padded chairs are the five principals: a human man wearing ostentatious jewelry, a half-elven woman in well-tailored clothing, a handsome human man wearing the regalia of a high priest of Abadar, a proud halfling woman, and a narrow-faced, worried-looking human woman. Several other well-dressed people occupy less ostentatious chairs. At the foot of the table is a group of plain, sturdy wooden chairs, one of which is occupied by a fashionable, broadly smiling aristocrat.
Several guards stand discreetly around the perimeter of the room, alert for trouble. Hamble stands at your side, ready to offer helpful guidance should you need it.
You are allowed a brief introduction. The council members welcome you with polished and polite smiles. Then you are directed to sit in the wooden chairs at the foot of the table. Earl Merkondus, who is also sitting on one of the wooden chairs, turns are grins at you like a fox when you sit. ”It’s a pleasure seeing you again. I hear you’ve made some substantial yet ultimately futile gains for the Loyalists in Meratt. Good on you.”
Once you are all seated, the Mercantile Council gets to business.
The man in ostentatious jewelry stands, gesturing to the empty seat at the head of the table. “Given Baron Kustios’s continued absence, I’d like to call this meeting to order in his stead. We know that much of Taldor is currently in political turmoil, but we have pressing problems close to home. Yanmass suffers under the grip of several troubles, and our discussion today must confront these. First, terrible, unsavory dreams haunt many of our citizens; some of us here have had them, I understand, and their cumulative effect is crippling to morale and our economy. Second, the Taldan Horse cavalry regiment that protected our city has, in large part, vanished. This leads to the third issue, which is the rise of banditry on the eastern plains: Qadiran bandits, specifically, preying upon good Taldan trade.”
“All trade, to be frank,” interjects the narrow-faced woman, “Keleshite and Taldan alike.”
The priest of Abadar speaks up, “There’s another thing, although it’s not a clear threat: the Cult of the Twilight Child in the Encircling Bower. Good citizens are joining this mystery cult. Perhaps it’s as benign as rumors say, but we can’t ignore a new philosophy that is ensnaring so many of our citizens.”
“Religion ever reigns in your mind, Enumerator,” says the half-elf woman, “but people aren’t suffering from the cult as they are the other troubles.”
The halfling woman sits up straighter and adds, “Our esteemed guest, Earl Yander Merkondus, assures us that he has a group of troubleshooters already acting to alleviate all of these concerns. But so long as Yanmass suffers, so does trade—and therefore so do we.”
You are then invited to speak. Earl Merkondus already had an opportunity to speak prior to your arrival and sits without interruption.
Hamble whispers in your ear, ”You can say anything you want, but the most welcome comments would be to offer assistance with the town’s problems.”

Henrika Karthis |

Henrika nods to the others as they discuss the sickly appearance of the people they pass. "It is a worrying omen that heralds all is not right here. Death stalks each of us as an insistent acquaintance, and it behooves us to put off the meeting for all as long as possible."
As Jack is so insistent about wishing to be included, she invites him to join the party. Though since he is not finely attired, she decides that he should simply wear his armor and give every appearance of a guard.
I updated Jack's stats slightly based on your guidelines.
"Why, Lord Yander," she says with feigned shock at seeing him. "When you disappeared so quickly from the Jubilee, I assumed you had fled out of fear that your social graces would be outshone by Lord Xallis and those of us in his company. It must be difficult for your self-esteem to encounter us again so soon." She inclines her head with a slight smile.
When they are invited to speak to the council, Henrika contributes. "Those who suffer from these dreams you mention, does it give them a sallow look, wan and sickened? When we saw your subjects on the road, we thought there might be some kind of physical malady present. Fortunately several of our number are quite skilled at aiding the unwell. We also have a great deal of experience dealing with bandits and rebels. I implore you to allow us to investigate these matters. Surely you would not refuse our help, whatever the earl here has offered you?"
She considers what they know. "Can you tell us more about the vanishing cavalry? When you say they disappeared, do you mean that they have had their numbers diminished through attrition or desertions, or else that you do not presently know where they are or what has befallen them?"

Trevor Kastner |

“Religion ever reigns in your mind, Enumerator,” says the half-elf woman, “but people aren’t suffering from the cult as they are the other troubles.”
"There are many types of suffering, ma'dam", Trevor cuts quick. "Such as making others suffer under false delusions. The Twilight Child this cult is worshiping is not Prince Carrius as they claim. We, of Betony Estates, put the child's spirit to rest in Birdsong. I fear the misinformed seek to bring something evil into Taldor."
Diplomacy + Charm Bonus: 1d20 + 22 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 22 + 2 = 30
Xallis Livara |

The halfling woman sits up straighter and adds, “Our esteemed guest, Earl Yander Merkondus, assures us that he has a group of troubleshooters already acting to alleviate all of these concerns. But so long as Yanmass suffers, so does trade—and therefore so do we.”
"Such a serious set of problems will likely take more than one dedicated task force to investigate. I am quite interested in bringing this cult's secrets to light, as well as dispersing the more direct threats to the people and their trade." He bows slightly. "I would be honored to pledge my resources to aid the Council."
The summoner offers a wry smile. "I came here with an interest in making investments, and I have no doubt it would be in our shared interest to leave these seeds with fertile soil."
As he speaks, Navia casts her many eyes across the room. All the better to see who has the most and least favorable reactions. Or at least to get a feel of the council's general attitude.
Navia's Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

GM Peachbottom |

"Why, Lord Yander," she says with feigned shock at seeing him. "When you disappeared so quickly from the Jubilee, I assumed you had fled out of fear that your social graces would be outshone by Lord Xallis and those of us in his company. It must be difficult for your self-esteem to encounter us again so soon." She inclines her head with a slight smile.
”My dear, you underestimate my self-esteem.” Yander replies. “Perhaps your clumsy attempts at diplomacy would be better served in a more effete city—you might find this one too rough and slanderous for your delicate ideals.”
"Those who suffer from these dreams you mention, does it give them a sallow look, wan and sickened? When we saw your subjects on the road, we thought there might be some kind of physical malady present. Fortunately several of our number are quite skilled at aiding the unwell. We also have a great deal of experience dealing with bandits and rebels. I implore you to allow us to investigate these matters. Surely you would not refuse our help, whatever the earl here has offered you?"
Lady Aumber Gewbell answers this question. ”This plague of disturbing dreams worries me the most. I am aware that there have been several suicides and bands of haunted-eyed townspeople wandering the town in a stupor. If you wish to help, speak with me after the meeting.”
"Can you tell us more about the vanishing cavalry? When you say they disappeared, do you mean that they have had their numbers diminished through attrition or desertions, or else that you do not presently know where they are or what has befallen them?"
Lady Carmellio Rauls responds. ”The entire regiment simply disappeared entirely. Most of the Taldan Horse’s mounts have disappeared as well, including their two massive war elephants. Their whereabouts are unknown. This has left Yanmass virtually defenseless. Perhaps the Qadiran bandits have caught wind and are preying on our caravans unchecked.”
"There are many types of suffering, ma'dam", Trevor cuts quick. "Such as making others suffer under false delusions. The Twilight Child this cult is worshiping is not Prince Carrius as they claim. We, of Betony Estates, put the child's spirit to rest in Birdsong. I fear the misinformed seek to bring something evil into Taldor."
Chief Enumerator Abrun Palliettor answers Trevor. ”I’m afraid I share some of your assumptions. I will speak with you later.”
"Such a serious set of problems will likely take more than one dedicated task force to investigate. I am quite interested in bringing this cult's secrets to light, as well as dispersing the more direct threats to the people and their trade." He bows slightly. "I would be honored to pledge my resources to aid the Council."
Lord Rudig Autun responds. ”I believe that Earl Yander Merkondus and his Kozan Bravos have things well underhand. However, we did agree to hear you out and I suppose it couldn’t hurt to have another pair of hands involved.”
As he speaks, Navia casts her many eyes across the room. All the better to see who has the most and least favorable reactions. Or at least to get a feel of the council's general attitude.
Navia has a hard time reading the council members’ expressions, but she notes that the associate council members react most strongly to the talks about the disturbing dreams. They may have more to say on the subject.
After the initial discussion, the large group breaks up into smaller groups to discuss civic matters. During this time, you are free to mingle and approach the council members individually and Hamble subtly recommends that you do so.
Earl Yander Merkondus takes this time to also circulate among the room and primarily attempts to assure the council members that his troubleshooters, the Kozan Bravos, are actively working to solve the city’s problems and that they don’t need any other help.
You can now look at the Mercantile Council link and see what checks may influence them. Speaking with each council member will get you some information and influencing them will get you some more. You have enough time to talk with everyone if you want to.
Lady Aumber Gewbell calls Henrika over to speak. ”Lady Henrika, I appreciate your interest in this matter. I’ve heard rumors of a local conspiracy theorist, a woman named Caradinna Farkin, who has long been known to make erratic proclamations about the “secret masters” in town. Recently, Farkin had become increasingly strident and insistent, even accosting a few of the council members in the streets. However, Farkin hasn’t been seen in the last 2 days. I wonder whether she didn’t stumble onto some genuine clues.”
Henrika or anyone else speaking with Aumber Gewbell can make a Diplomacy check to impress her.
Chief Enumerator Abrun Palliettor seeks out Trevor. He whispers guardedly so others can’t hear. ”I generally keep my opinions to myself, but I am suspicious of this Yander fellow. And you should know that the Loyalists have my support. Regarding the Cult of the Twilight Child, it may seem benign, but I’m uncomfortable with the public perception that it’s an offshoot of the Church of Abadar. I don’t believe that to be the case and I wonder whether the cult is hiding something sinister.”
Trevor or anyone else speaking with Abrun Palliettor can make a Knowledge (religion) check to impress him.
The other people you can speak with are Lord Rudig Autun, Lady Carmellio Rauls, Lady Hallianna Cobbin, the associate council members, and Earl Yander Merkondus. Descriptions are included in the Mercantile Council link.

Henrika Karthis |

Henrika bows and does her best to make the noble council member feel like she is important. "I am grateful for your intelligence, Lady Aumber. We will certainly investigate this Caradinna Farkin and her theories. It is clear that you have the better interests of the people of Yanmass at heart."
Diplomacy to influence Lady Aumber: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26
Henrika laughs in response to the earl's verbal sparring, but does not launch another attack of her own. Instead she casually follows him as he interacts with the other members of the council. Her intention is to keep him distracted so that he does not interfere with the others in her party.
It looks like she can't "influence" Yander Merkondus, but just in case she can distract him and you'll allow her a roll:
Bluff to hinder Lord Yander: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21
Later, she will also attempt to charm Lord Rudig Autun by complimenting his fine attire and asking him about it. "May I ask, milord, if your excellent taste in clothes arises spontaneously from an extensive wardrobe from which you choose the day's look to match the mood of the day; or if you have dedicated yourself to a particular study of fashion, and prepared your outfit in advance?"
Jack, guarding her, stifles a chortle from behind his helmet, turning it into a quiet cough.
Bluff to influence Lord Rudig: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31

GM Peachbottom |

Diplomacy to influence Lady Aumber: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26
Lady Gewbell leans in close. ”I’ve heard another rumor that someone is hiding out in Hedge Hill. Anyone lurking there must be hiding from something important.”
(You’ve learned all you can from Aumber Gewbell.)
It looks like she can't "influence" Yander Merkondus, but just in case she can distract him and you'll allow her a roll:
Bluff to hinder Lord Yander: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21
Yander Merkondus gets frustrated by Henrika’s attempts to hinder him. “It’s just like the Loyalists to ignore the plight of good Taldan people; we Imperialists have this well in hand, I assure you. Stop getting in the way!”
Yander heads to the door to leave. In the doorway, he turns for one final taunt. He removes his circlet in respect and says, ”I wonder what happened to Princess Eutropia’s representative, Sir Meir Dratavis, by the way. I fear the poor diplomat had started to realize Eutropia was a criminal and a fraud tearing the nation apart and fled out into the plains in shame. It’s only a matter of time before you come to the same realization. If you do chose to flee, beware, there are bandits about.” Yander laughs and marches out of the building.
"May I ask, milord, if your excellent taste in clothes arises spontaneously from an extensive wardrobe from which you choose the day's look to match the mood of the day; or if you have dedicated yourself to a particular study of fashion, and prepared your outfit in advance?"
Rudig smiles at the compliment. ”Why thank you, my dear. As one of the wealthiest citizens in Yanmass, all eyes are always on me. I set the trends according to my mood and others will follow. As someone who knows trends, I have noticed something that you might find interesting. I’ve been paying attention to who's been victims of these latest events and the Loyalists have suffered far more than Imperialists. I opine that the ill Baron Kustios has Loyalist leanings, the missing associate council member, Rundle Navin, was an outspoken Loyalist, and even the Qadiran bandits have been targeting merchants with Loyalist leanings the most. I’ve made it no secret that I support the Imperialists, thus I doubt I personally have anything to worry about.”
Bluff to influence Lord Rudig: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31
”I’ve also observed that the troubles in Yanmass started shortly after a terrific new restaurant called Savories opened. Perhaps the owner of that restaurant knows more.”
(You’ve learned all you can from Rudig Autun.)

Trevor Kastner |

Chief Enumerator Abrun Palliettor seeks out Trevor. He whispers guardedly so others can’t hear. ”I generally keep my opinions to myself, but I am suspicious of this Yander fellow. And you should know that the Loyalists have my support. Regarding the Cult of the Twilight Child, it may seem benign, but I’m uncomfortable with the public perception that it’s an offshoot of the Church of Abadar. I don’t believe that to be the case and I wonder whether the cult is hiding something sinister.”
Trevor or anyone else speaking with Abrun Palliettor can make a Knowledge (religion) check to impress him.
"I understand entirely", Trevor responds in a hushed tone. "No servant of a deity wishes their patron's teachings corrupted. But Abadar has legions of inquisitors, doesn't he? Have you reached out to the Gold-fisted in Oppara for help?"
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Dame Malphane Trant |

The towering Dame stands close to Trevor, her arm folded into his. The lore warden's eyes ever watchful and protective.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Xallis Livara |

Seeing his allies already putting in the work, Xallis decides to keep the ball rolling. He bows before Counselor Cobbin.
"Lady Hallianna Cobbin. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I know it must be concerning to have so many issues assailing the people all at once, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. What would you say is the most dire of these unfortunate incidents?"
The thought crosses his mind to bring up something about a 'halfling's unique perspective' on the matter, but he quickly exiles the idea from his mind. He can only imagine how many people have tried to open a conversation with such an obvious statement.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

Tychus Marcaius |

Chief Enumerator Abrun Palliettor seeks out Trevor. He whispers guardedly so others can’t hear. ”I generally keep my opinions to myself, but I am suspicious of this Yander fellow. And you should know that the Loyalists have my support. Regarding the Cult of the Twilight Child, it may seem benign, but I’m uncomfortable with the public perception that it’s an offshoot of the Church of Abadar. I don’t believe that to be the case and I wonder whether the cult is hiding something sinister.”
I hope it's ok that Tychus eavesdrops on this conversation.
Tychus nods solemnly to his superior.
"I'll make sure to get to the bottom of this. We'll clear the Coinfathers name."
"I understand entirely", Trevor responds in a hushed tone. "No servant of a deity wishes their patron's teachings corrupted. But Abadar has legions of inquisitors, doesn't he? Have you reached out to the Gold-fisted in Oppara for help?"
Tychus clears his throat and nudges his friend a bit.
"Let us not bother the others in Oppara. I'm sure I'm qualified enough to handle this one." he says with a slight smirk.

GM Peachbottom |

"I understand entirely", Trevor responds in a hushed tone. "No servant of a deity wishes their patron's teachings corrupted. But Abadar has legions of inquisitors, doesn't he? Have you reached out to the Gold-fisted in Oppara for help?"
(Yes, of course, Tychus can join the conversation.)
"Let us not bother the others in Oppara. I'm sure I'm qualified enough to handle this one." he says with a slight smirk.
”I have, but without evidence of wrongdoing, they won’t waste the resources. Their services are open to the public, but I’m too well-known to attempt snooping around. You two on the other hand shouldn’t have any issue. If you are offering help, I would request to attend a service and meet with me back at the Temple of Abadar afterwards.”
(That’s all Abrun Palliettor has to say. The Temple of Abadar is easy to find. It’s a huge building right at the base of the hill that Commerce Hall is on. You passed it on your way.)
The towering Dame stands close to Trevor, her arm folded into his. The lore warden's eyes ever watchful and protective.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Malphene doesn’t notice anything unusual.
"Lady Hallianna Cobbin. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I know it must be concerning to have so many issues assailing the people all at once, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. What would you say is the most dire of these unfortunate incidents?"
The halfling woman looks up at Xallis. She appears charmed by Xallis’ charisma. ”Truth be told, despite being on the council, I’m not particularly political. But I do keep an ear to the ground. I’d be happy so share some rumors I’ve heard. Hopefully they will be of help.”
(Hallianna shares some random rumors with you. Like in the other chapters, you will be able to gather information and learn more rumors later. I made a rumor link: Here)
Rumor 1: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Rumor 2: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Rumor 3: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Rumor 3: 1d6 ⇒ 5
”The Chief Enumerator told me that he saw a couple of shady figures lurking around the Temple of Abadar last night. He said they scattered as soon as he saw them but they didn’t look up to any good”
”One of my halfling girl friends told me she saw the dryad of Hedge Hill! It’s supposed to just be a legend, but she says she’s certain that she saw a woman dressed in green in the forest at the center of the park. Who else could it have been?”
”While inquiring about this new Cult of the Twilight Child, a citizen who attended a service at the Encircling Bower Theater mentioned seeing a weird man in a red bird mask. He says he was crouched at the top of a building overlooking the theater and watching the street. The citizen was creeped out but said the man didn’t do more than mope about.”
”As for what I consider the most dire, I’m rather concerned about these bandits. Until the Taldan Horse cavalry is found or rebuilt, we are at their mercy. They wouldn’t dare enter Yanmass proper, but the traveling merchants and those in the tent towns outside are vulnerable. I own several orchards and ranches in the outskirts of the city that I’m concerned could also be targeted. However, Earl Merkondus is talented, urbane, and exceptionally handsome. I’m sure he will have these issues resolved in no time.”
There are two people left to talk to. Lady Carmellio Rauls and the Associate Council Members.

Trevor Kastner |

Lady Aumber Gewbell calls Henrika over to speak. ”Lady Henrika, I appreciate your interest in this matter. I’ve heard rumors of a local conspiracy theorist, a woman named Caradinna Farkin, who has long been known to make erratic proclamations about the “secret masters” in town. Recently, Farkin had become increasingly strident and insistent, even accosting a few of the council members in the streets. However, Farkin hasn’t been seen in the last 2 days. I wonder whether she didn’t stumble onto some genuine clues.”
Henrika or anyone else speaking with Aumber Gewbell can make a Diplomacy check to impress her.
It's quite a remarkable phenomenon" Trevor admits. "Until recently, I've lived my entire life in Oppara. Then, I moved to Stachys to help my cousin, Xallis, and I get an education on the microcosm of smaller settlements. I must be easier to swallow the thought of 'secret masters' in a smaller community, for the public to make some kind of sense of the chaos of our current times."
Diplomacy (Charming) + Charm Bonus: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 23 + 2 = 32
Trevor Kastner |

"And that is what we'd like to do, Lady Gewbell", Trevor states. "I meant to offense."
Diplomacy (Charming) + Charm Bonus: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 23 + 2 = 45 NICE!

GM Peachbottom |

"And that is what we'd like to do, Lady Gewbell", Trevor states. "I meant to offense."
Diplomacy (Charming) + Charm Bonus: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 23 + 2 = 45 NICE!
Trevor smooths things over with Lady Gewbell.
(I guess many of you had a busy weekend. I’ll assume you’d want to question everyone you could.)
The group volunteers Tychus and Icabhod to talk to Lady Carmellio Rauls because they at least knows which end of the horse is front. Maybe between the two of them they can put together an intelligent statement.
Tychus – Ride: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Icabhod – Ride: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
However, both men completely fumble over their words and Lady Rauls clearly sees that they have no idea what they are talking about. Still, she provides some help. ”It’s charming how you boys are trying to pretend you ride. I own businesses that are Yanmass’ largest suppliers of armor, weapons, and equestrian gear. I can see right through an amateur. Also, as such a supplier, a hold a lucrative contract with the Taldan Horse cavalry. Thus the disappearance of the Taldan Horse regiment and the rise of the Qadiran bandits are my greatest concern as they affect me the most, both due to the impact on my contracts and for the lack of protection for my caravans. I have some leads but you’ll need to track them down yourselves. A wandering gnome priest named Findleby claimed to have information on the cavalry. And an elderly Qadiran merchant named Ramaat al-Nasan may have information on the bandits. The rest is up to you. I’m not going to do all the work for you.”
The last group to question is the associate council members.
(You can all talk to them at once and I’ll just roll the person with the highest bonus [which happens to be Trevor for both].)
Trevor – Sense Motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Trevor – Diplomacy: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (4) + 23 = 27
The associate council members have little more to add but some of them can describe the disturbing dreams that they have had. Although they don’t go into lurid detail, it’s clear that the dreams involve unbridled lust and cannibalism. You also confirm that those among the associate council members who have had these dreams are those who express the most vocal support for the Loyalist faction. This includes the missing Rhundle Navin. You also find out that the Baron is absent because these disturbing dreams have incapacitated him and although the baron has not formally taken a position in the current political division, rumors suggest he favors the Loyalist faction as well.
One of the associate council members also briefly mentions the missing representative Sir Meir Dratavis. He says that Sir Dratavis had grown increasingly despondent and finally vanished. He wonders if the plague of dreams is to blame but has no proof.
After talking with everyone possible, you leave the Mercantile Council and are free to pursue your investigation in the manner of your choosing.
(Let’s say it’s a little after noon time, so there is time to start your investigations today. Let me know how you would like to start. There are many different directions to choose.)

Trevor Kastner |

"Well, I am for investigating the Abadar temple. Perhaps at nightfall", Trevor discusses.

Henrika Karthis |

Henrika ponders their options. "I would like to investigate the missing cavalry. May I suggest we look around the place they were last seen before the sun sets, question those who might know something, and then see what we can learn at the temple?"

Trevor Kastner |

"Sounds reasonable", the cleric concludes.

Tychus Marcaius |

Henrika ponders their options. "I would like to investigate the missing cavalry. May I suggest we look around the place they were last seen before the sun sets, question those who might know something, and then see what we can learn at the temple?"
"I agree with Trevor. That seems like a sound plan to me."
He scratches his stubble while musing a bit.
"I wonder if these dreams are caused by someone who wants the Loyalists out of the picture..."

GM Peachbottom |

You ask around town about the Taldan Horse regiment. Most people can tell you that the regiment maintains a small barracks near the edge of the city but has been unoccupied since the regiment disappeared. Although the cavalry is usually found out patrolling the plains and uses the barracks primarily as a stable.
If you ask about the lead Councilor Rauls gave you, it takes some time but eventually someone informs you that the gnome Findleby has been frequently visiting Aziza’s House, a restaurant and coffeehouse just outside of the city. It shouldn’t be hard to find since it is one of the few stone structures outside of the wall.
(Some of your PCs Diplomacy skills are higher than the DC to gather this information, so I didn’t roll. But I’ll say you spend about an hour questioning people.)
As you are heading towards the wall, you are approached by a group of townspeople. Four men and four women who look like they have come from a construction project nearby. As they surround you, you see all of them have haunted, desperate looks in their eyes, similar to the people you saw earlier. Wordlessly, they draw daggers and clubs.
Henrika: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Trevor: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Tychus: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Navia: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
(Icabhod and Navia can read the below spoiler.)
Henrika: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Icabhod: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Trevor: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Tychus: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Xallis: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Falchion Jack: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Julania: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Malphene: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Townsfolk: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Round 1
23 – Icabhod (54/54 hp)
22 – Henrika (59/59 hp)
20 – Tychus (58/58 hp)
19 – Julania (39/39 hp)
17 – Falchion Jack (49/49 hp)
16 – Trevor (55/55 hp)
16 – Malphene (42/42 hp)
08 – Xallis (58/58 hp)
08 – Navia (39/39 hp)
07 – Townsfolk (Red)
07 – Townsfolk (Orange)
07 – Townsfolk (Yellow)
07 – Townsfolk (Blue)
07 – Townsfolk (Purple)
07 – Townsfolk (Pink)
07 – Townsfolk (Black)
07 – Townsfolk (Gray)
Everyone acts first.
(Julania is the token with the scythe.)

Henrika Karthis |

Henrika nods at Ichabod's caution, and gives Jack a signal to coordinate their efforts. She moves across the plain to dodge around the townsfolk and get behind them, and fixes one of them (magenta) with her hypnotic stare. Then she readies an action to attack after Jack is in place, directing her magic sword to protect both of them.
Henrika will attack after she sees if Jack's action is successful. I believe this moves her to the initiative spot just before Jack's.
Attack magenta townsperson (Korinna's blade), defending, flanking, nonlethal: 1d20 + 11 - 1 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 11 - 1 + 2 - 4 = 13
Damage (magic, nonlethal, slashing), defending: 1d8 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 7 - 1 = 8
Painful stare damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 3) + 3 = 10

Falchion Jack |

Jack shrugs and flicks his nose in acknowledgement of Henrika's signal. He advances toward one of the townsfolk (magenta) and instead of swinging his falchion, he flicks his cloak in front of himself, attempting to catch the townsperson within its folds.
Dirty trick (entangled), flanking (Dirty Fighting): 1d20 + 8 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 4 + 4 = 19

Tychus Marcaius |

Tychus gives Icabhod a grunt of acknowledgement. He aims his crossbow at the townsperson straight north from him, before pausing and aiming for their legs, hoping to score a non-lethal blow.
Attack 1 (N-L): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Damage 1 (N-L): 1d10 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Attack 2 (N-L): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Damage 2 (N-L): 1d10 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
Attack 3 (N-L): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Damage 3 (N-L): 1d10 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Dame Malphane Trant |

Round 1
"I shall try not to hurt them too badly", Malphene growled. The lore warden advanced on Juliana.
MW Longsword, non-lethal: 1d20 + 10 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 10 - 4 = 9
Dmg.: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Trevor Kastner |

Round 1
Trevor tries to cast calm emotions on the zombified coming from the east. (Will DC 15 negates)

Xallis Livara |

Navia marches forward, attempting to slap the weapon from the hands of one of the townsfolk.
Disarm vs Gray: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Meanwhile, Xallis aims a favorite spell at a nearby cluster.
Casting glitterdust against Red, Yellow, and Orange. DC 17 Will save vs blindness.
Claw (nonlethal): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 nonlethal damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

GM Peachbottom |

Round 1
Tychus’ first shot knocks the townsfolk’s leg out from under him, dropping him to his knee. His second shot knocks him onto his back. His head cracks against the cobbled street, knocking him unconscious. He takes a third shot at the woman beside him. The woman still stands but the shock looks like it knocked the fight out of her.
Townsfolk (Gray) is hit twice for 38 non-lethal damage and is knocked unconscious. Townsfolk (Black) is hit once for 22 non-lethal damage.
Is Julania present and/or acting in this fight? Since I’m not sure, we can circle back around if she is.
Jack easily catches the inexperienced worker in his cloak. The man struggles angrily against the bindings. Then Henrika bashes the same man over the head with the pommel of head sword and he lets out a muffled grunt.
Townsfolk (Pink/Magenta) is entangled for 2 rounds and takes 18 non-lethal damage.
Townsfolk (Red) Will DC 15: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Townsfolk (Orange) Will DC 15: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Townsfolk (Yellow) Will DC 15: 1d20 ⇒ 4
The three townsfolk to the west shake their heads and look confused. One of the women raises her hands and says, ”Wait! I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Townsfolk (Red), (Orange), and (Yellow) all were affected by the calm emotions spell. They no longer seem aggressive. The attitudes of the townsfolk to the east and north are unchanged.
The lore warden advanced on Juliana.
Julania is Xallis’ sister/cohort… This is the first time Julania appeared so I can see the confusion. I’ll have Malphene move towards a different target.
Malphene moves towards the closest townsfolk to the east and takes a swing. Because she tried to be gentle, the man is able to block with his club.
Malphene misses Townsfolk (Blue).
Navia knocks the dagger out of the wounded woman’s hand and she throws her hands up in surrender.
Navia disarms Townsfolk (Black)
Casting glitterdust against Red, Yellow, and Orange. DC 17 Will save vs blindness.
Since that group looks handled by Trevor’s calm emotions, I’ll move Xallis’ spell to the eastern group.
Townsfolk (Blue) Will DC 17: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Townsfolk (Purple) Will DC 17: 1d20 ⇒ 17
The glitter blinds one of the townsfolk to the east. The townsfolk next to him shields his eyes in time.
Townsfolk (Blue) is blinded for 7 rounds. Townsfolk (Purple) saves and is unaffected.
The three townsfolk from the west turn and flee as fast as they can.
Townsfolks (Red), (Orange), and (Yellow) double move left, off of the map.
Townsfolk (Blue) 50% Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 62
Townsfolk (Blue) Club vs. Malphene’s AC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
The blinded townsfolk swings his club wildly and manages to painfully connect with Malphene’s shoulder.
Townsfolk (Blue) hits Malphene for 8 damage.
The next townsfolk turns and tries to stab Henrika.
Townsfolk (Purple) Dagger vs. Henrika’s AC 22: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Mesmeric Mirror: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Henrika activates her mesmeric mirror but the woman gets lucky and Henrika ends up stabbed.
Townsfolk (Purple) hits Henrika for 4 damage. Henrika has two mirror images from her mesmerc mirror.
The last townsfolk tries to club Jack for ensnaring him.
Townsfolk (Pink) Club, entangled vs. Jack’s AC 21: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 - 2 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Despite his best attempts, the townsfolk can’t properly free his arm to hit Jack.
Townsfolk (Pink) misses Jack.
Round 2
23 – Icabhod (54/54 hp)
20 – Tychus (58/58 hp)
19 – Julania (39/39 hp)
17 – Henrika (59/59 hp) (Defending +1 AC)
17 – Falchion Jack (49/49 hp) (Defending +1 AC)
16 – Trevor (55/55 hp)
16 – Malphene (34/42 hp)
08 – Xallis (58/58 hp)
08 – Navia (39/39 hp)
07 – Townsfolk (Blue) (Blinded 6 rd)
07 – Townsfolk (Purple)
07 – Townsfolk (Pink) (18 non-lethal) (Entangled 1 rd)
07 – Townsfolk (Black) (22 non-lethal) (Disarmed, Surrendered)
07 – Townsfolk (Gray) (38 non-lethal) (Unconscious)
Active Spells/Effects
Henrika: ▲Mesmeric Mirror (2 images, 7 min)
Icabhod: ▲Barkskin (70 min)
Townsfolk (Pink): ▼Painful Stare
Ya’ll go.

Henrika Karthis |

Henrika feints the poor townsperson with her magic sword, aiming low and then following up with a blow of the pommel to the head, still attempting not to slay them.
Bluff to feint, trait: 1d20 + 19 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 19 + 3 = 31
Attack magenta townsperson (Koriana's blade), defending, flanking, nonlethal: 1d20 + 11 - 1 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 11 - 1 + 2 - 4 = 21
Damage (magic, slashing, nonlethal), defending: 1d8 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 - 1 = 10
Painful stare (feint unsuccessful): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 2) + 3 = 11
If her attack hits, she will follow up with a Surprise Strike dazzling feint, which allows her to make another attack at BAB-5 as a free action. I think she can even divert this attack to another target in range if her enemy falls to her first attack.
Attack magenta townsperson (Koriana's blade), defending, flanking, nonlethal: 1d20 + 6 - 1 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 6 - 1 + 2 - 4 = 21
Damage (magic, slashing, nonlethal), defending: 1d8 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 7 - 1 = 10
If the magenta townsperson falls unconscious, she will five-foot step to the square northeast of her and transfer her hypnotic stare to the purple townsperson instead.

Falchion Jack |

Unless the magenta townsperson is still up and fighting, Jack will five-foot step northeast and focus on the purple townsperson instead.
Jack steps closer with a little twirl as he moves to flank another confused townsperson with Henrika. He swings his falchion, though only strikes with the flat of his blade. "Boo," he says to the person with his face stuck in theirs.
Attack (Jackknife), flanking, nonlethal: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 9 + 2 - 4 = 26
Damage (magic, nonlethal, slashing): 2d4 + 5 ⇒ (2, 4) + 5 = 11
Critical confirmation: 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 2 - 4 = 9
Additional critical damage (magic, nonlethal, slashing): 2d4 + 5 ⇒ (4, 1) + 5 = 10

Xallis Livara |

Navia moves towards her friends in melee and pivots on a talon, aiming her spinerette at one of her foes. She fires a line of webbing past Dame Trant, hoping to ensnare her opponent.
Web vs Blue(touch, into melee, 2nd increment): 1d20 + 7 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 4 - 2 = 19
Entangled on hit. DC 14 Escape Artist or a Strength check with a -4 penalty. Webs have hardness 0 and 6 HP.
Xallis, meanwhile, decides to contribute more of his control magic.
Casting grease on Blue and Purple, DC 16

Tychus Marcaius |

Pumping his levers to deliver a new bolt, Tychus calmly walks towards the remaining townsfolk. He hesitates a moment, seeing all his allies rush in as most of the townspeople surrender or flee.
Attack (Purple) N-L: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Damage: 1d10 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

GM Peachbottom |

Round 2
Tychus’ bolt hits the woman’s weapon and the force of the shoot causes her to pummel herself in the face, knocking her out cold.
Tychus deals 23 non-lethal damage to Townsfolk (Purple) and knocks her unconscious.
Henrika feints the already entangled and confused man and takes him out. She steps up and follows up with a second smack to the last remaining townsfolk.
Henrika’s bluff is a success. She deals 10 non-lethal damage to pink/magenta which knocks him unconscious. She can 5-ft. step towards (Blue) and deals 21 non-lethal damage from her attack plus painful stare.
Jack moves to the final combatant and ends the fight.
Jack deals 11 non-lethal damage to Townsfolk (Blue) and knocks him out.
Combat Over
The fight ends with four unconscious civilians and one conscious woman who surrendered and now shakes in fear.
The woman says, ”Please don’t kill me! I’m so sorry. I’ve been suffering from terrible nightmares and I was convinced that killing you would put a stop to them. A white ram with black eyes told me so. I don’t know why I believed it.”

Trevor Kastner |

"Please", Trevor asked, as he raised his holy symbol aloft. "Tell us more."
Channel Energy: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 5) = 15
Diplomacy + Charm Bonus: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 23 + 2 = 32
Would it just be easier for everyone if I continued to include all Persona bonuses to relevant rolls, or just incorporate them into the total roll modifier?

GM Peachbottom |

Didn't we see a dog like that when we arrived?
"Please", Trevor asked, as he raised his holy symbol aloft. "Tell us more."
"About the ram? I don't know anything more. It spoke to me said to kill you and that doing so would end the nightmares. At the time, I was utterly convinced."
You know she was charmed but she probably doesn't know.
"About the dreams, I can tell you more. It's always the same horrible dream over and over. In my dream, I find myself in a meat locker with my lover. The locker is hung with carcasses except for a single empty meat hook. The room is lit for four high, round windows. Then my lover shamelessly propositions me and we kiss and caress and more. But then I am overcome with crippling hunger and I take enormous bites from the flesh of my partner. I'll wake in a cold sweat and the imagery haunts my waking mind. This has been going on for weeks! I just want it to stop!" the woman squats on the ground and buries her face in her hands crying.

Xallis Livara |

Xallis flinches as he hears the details of this dream that the woman has been suffering on a nightly basis. "I... I'm sorry. We're here to investigate the dreams that have been haunting the people and put a stop to it. I understand this must be difficult for you, but please try to hang in there for just a little while longer."
Diplomacy (may as well try to comfort her): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27
Meanwhile, Navia picks up the disarmed weapon. Pinching the blade between her fingers, she offers it back hilt-first with a mischievous smile.
"Did you hear about that dream, Pupa? It almost reminds me of my home realm."
"Navia, do... do you practice cannibalism at home?"
"Oh, of course not. I can't be a cannibal if I'm a one of a kind."

GM Peachbottom |

The woman is comforted by Xallis’ words. The unconscious townsfolk slowly pull themselves off the ground after Trevor channels energy and they all scurry off back to wherever they came from.
You continue on to your original destination. You pass back out of the city through the huge gate in the stone outer wall. Aziza’s House stands out as one of the few permanent structures built among the field of temporary tents. Inside you are greeted by a loud and friendly Keleshite man. The proprietor introduces himself as prince Rashaid Beyamara. He offers you a table and a round of coffee. If you ask after the gnome, Findelby, Rashaid says, ”Findelby has indeed been frequenting my establishment recently. However, the last time I saw him, the traveling priest said he was preparing to move on to the next town. But if you are lucky, you might still be able to catch him in tent town. He should be easy enough to find; There aren’t many gnome priests of Desna around these parts. His tent was set up in the shadow of the wall not far to the west of my coffee house. Good luck.”
It takes you some time asking around and searching. While doing so, you note a number of dogs and goats wandering among the people. Its hard to tell if they and wild or domesticated but none of these ones seem to be possessed of an evil intelligence. Eventually you come upon the gnome as he is folding up his tent and packing his belongings onto a wagon. He responds kindly. ”Greetings travelers. How can I be of assistance? The Taldan Horse Cavalry? Yes, I did see them once around the time that I was arriving in Yanmass. I saw several members riding to an old ruined manor outside of town. I’m not native to the area but I did inquire about it. The locals call it Orvestikar Manor and I’m told that the locals avoid the place. They say it has a reputation for ill luck. The manor was about 9 miles outside of town in that direction.” Findelby points in the general direction to go. ”That's last and only time I saw the cavalry. I hope nothing bad has befallen them. Travelers like me rely on their protection. Best of luck to you. I never stay in one place for long and with all the strange happenings in town lately, I’ve decided its time for me continue my travels.” Findelby resumes his packing.
You can question Findelby further if you want but he doesn’t have much more to say. The sun is beginning to set now. You won’t have time to investigate the manor and go to the Temple of Abadar in the same day. Did you still want to go to the temple next? After that, you’ll want to rest for the night.

Henrika Karthis |

Henrika thanks the gnome for his advice. She does her best to study him to see if she gets a sense that he is hiding something.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
After he leaves, she looks to the others. "Well, it seems to me that the manor house will still be there tomorrow, and since it has such an ill reputation it might be better to visit it during the day. So, should we continue with our plan to go to the temple now?"

Xallis Livara |

Xallis nods. "It seems like a good idea. I'd like to hear what they know about these nightmares that trouble the people."

GM Peachbottom |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Henrika doesn’t get the sense that the gnome is hiding anything. He doesn’t seem to have any reason to.
You return to the inner city and locate the Temple of Abadar in the low valley between Yanmass’s two hills. The soaring roofs of the ctiy’s temple of Abadar tower over all others in the city. Designed by a renowned Taldan architect in an airy, elegant style, the temple took nearly a generation to build and almost emptied an entire quarry in the Fog Peaks of its rare, gold-hued stone.
An acolyte welcomes you and brings you to a private room. After a few minutes of waiting, Chief Enumerator Abrun Palliettor enters the room to speak with you.
I'd like to hear what they know about these nightmares that trouble the people."
Abrun answers. ”I know very little about the nightmares, but I can say that I’ve suffered from a few myself. They are quite disturbing and I know that they’ve left many people in Yanmass deathly ill including the city’s baron, Mauston Kustios. Fortunately, I’ve never suffered from a nightmare while spending a late night in the temple, so I can surmise that the dreams are of an unholy nature and held at bay by the temple’s consecrated ground. And while the dreams started around the same time that the Cult of the Twilight Child appeared, I have no evidence to suggest that the two are connected.”
”The Cult is what I primarily wished to speak with you about. Despite what some may claim, I can confirm that the Cult of the Twilight Child has nothing to do with Abadar’s faith. Further, I’ve become worried that the cult’s objectives are more ominous than they appear on the surface. I would ask that if you would assist me, pay a visit to this cult and attend a service and report back to me what you observe. Their claim that Prince Carrius has returned from the dead is dubious at best. And why here in Yanmass? And why now? I need more information. They are located in a building called the Encircling Bower in the Churchside District. The building used to be a large theater but has now been repurposed into a temple. The services are held at dusk each night. I ask that you don’t take any more overt action towards the cult just yet. Once we know what we are dealing with, we can then come up with a plan.”

GM Peachbottom |

"You must have heard that from Lady Cobbin." Abrun says. "So does love gossip. I did tell her that I saw some suspicious characters lurking around the temple a few days ago. But I haven't seen anyone since. I share your suspicions that they could have been involved with the cult. But there could also be any number of other explanations. Regardless, I've been keeping a watchful eye."

GM Peachbottom |

Once you finish speaking with the priest, you return to the Whistling Wyvern for the night. As you enter the tavern, a group of five ruffians holler at you with taunts.
They must be the Kozan Bravos you’ve heard about. The group consists of stern Taldan ex-soldier, a grimy warpriest of Gorum, and two twin mercenaries. The last member is a tall, severe-looking woman who appears much more savvy and suspicious than anyone else in the Kozan Bravos.
The soldier calls out, ”Well looky here. If it isn’t Eutropia’s lapdogs? I always thought she had a fondness for animals with a bit more meat on their bones. But I suppose beggars can’t be choosers. It looks like Desna has smiled upon us and we’ll be staying in the same inn. In that case, I say we be civil and introduce ourselves at the very least.”
”The name’s Lieutenant Grammell Taychar, leader of the Kozan Bravos.”
”And this here is Hulgra Neverhome” he says pointing to the priest. ”Next we have our twins, Cardello and Viaria. They might not be identical but you can tell they are twins by their ugly mugs. And lastly, we have Embla Hightune. Not an original member, but Yander insisted we accept her advice.”
Each member grumbles some form of greeting to you.
Embla chimes in with a saccharine voice ”You’ve been out late. Off to the races already, trying to solve all of Yanmass’ problems on the first day. How noble yet so naïve. This isn’t a sprint, but a marathon. But you need not worry yourselves at all. Lieutenant Taychar has things well at hand. Feel free to put your feet up and relax. The Kozan Bravos don’t need your help, nor do we want you taking any of the credit.”
One of the twins, Carello, says, ”You know what, boss? I’m suddenly feeling rather tired. Something has upset my stomach.”
Grammel says with mirth, ”You’re right. We should get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow after all.”
”We’ll be seeing you around.” he says with a dismissing wave.
You can address the bravos if you want.
Then the next day, we will start the next Persona Phase. Unlike in Meratt, when we did the phases in between activities, I think this time, the phases will run concurrently. Your agents will perform an activity or you can develop your persona while you are working on your investigation. If your cohort participates in an operation, the cohort will not be available to adventure with you until the next Persona Phase. I’ll try to spread the phases to be about a week apart, but if you complete an investigation quickly, the time to the next phase may be shortened or I’ll shoehorn in some downtime to make the pacing appropriate. We’ll see how it goes.
There are additional Yanmass Operations that you can now take part in, as long as you have at least two ranks in the required Facets to do so. Things to note: Some of these operations are Persistent or Risky Operations.
Persistent Operations: While most operations conclude at the end of a persona phase, persistent operations begin the first time the PC succeeds at the DC 17 Operation check for that operation and continue until the PC calls back her agents. A PC can maintain only one type of persistent operation at a time, and she must send at least five agents; these agents are not available for other operations until the persistent operation ends. Persistent operations must generally be focused on one location (at the GM’s discretion, though generally limited to one town or a large neighborhood in a city); a PC can maintain the same persistent operation in as many locations as she has enough agents to support.
Risky Operations: Some operations are dangerous to agents’ safety or morale. If a PC fails a risky operation’s check by 5 or more, or if she rolls a natural 1 on the check, she loses all of the agents she sent on the mission. These losses could represent the agents’ imprisonment, their death, or their abandonment of the PC’s cause.
The Yanmass Operations are listed here: Link

Trevor Kastner |

"That is the shame about First Impressions...", Trevor says wistfully, as he unhooks his silver tankard from his belt, then casts create water, or more accurately ale, on the tankard and takes a cool sip.
"...You can only make them once." Trevor savored his drink in front of the Bravos.
"But thank you for the advice, Lieutenant Taychar", matching Embla's saccharine. "We will take it under advisement. Cayden, Bless you children!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (13) + 23 = 36
Trevor will attempt to the Competing Cult (Charm, Sacrifice) Mission. Doing his best to tear cultist away from The Twilight Child.

Icabhod Tilneros |

Icabhod doesn't dignify the louts with a response but knows that it would be wise to investigate. In the meantime, he is going to try to start digging up information about this Twilight Child cult.
Basic Operation 4 agents, research
Research Operation: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15