Dorek |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

"In any case, I don't have a way to undo the wrongs you've endured. If I had to guess, the people who hurt you were acting out of fear which is unfortunately common this close to the Worldwound. Their actions aren't supported by teachings of Iomedae or Aroden. Helping people through their fear isn't easy, but having you stand with us when Galfrey returns may give them something to consider."
Dorek shrugs. "The m-memories are old - I'm sure it wasn't as b-bad as I remember. Besides, it's been much b-better since the f-fall - even a-angelkith like you and T-thawm have shown me kindness. I s-suppose that's why so many d-demonspawn in Mendev join the c-cultists - they seek to t-tear down s-society just so they might s-stand as equals in the ruins. I d-don't agree, but I think I understand, at least a b-bit."
The lanky locksmith grins. "The past is the p-past - no point dwelling on it. Besides, I rather l-liked it as a street fish."
Dorek nods at Lann's words, accepting the proffered drink. "Chieftans, clanlieges, q-queens, it's all the same - there are ancient codes of h-hospitality, and Cecily has s-something called 'ekitet,' but it all boils down to r-respect. The queen is a great w-warrior, I have heard - I think it would be b-best to treat her as a chief or great c-champion." He shrugs. "F-frankly, I don't know how to s-speak to a queen either. Cecily is h-highborn, she might k-know."
As the group is brought before the queen, Dorek nods in greeting to the three advisors as they are introduced, extending a hand to each in turn. "A great p-pleasure to meet you, w-wise ones." The locksmith tugs at his collar as Aroden tells his tale, clearly unused to such formal garb - he nods along with the salient points of the god's recollection, raising his eyebrows at Cecily as she tries and fails to interject.
When Cecily jumps in with her pledge of fealty, he looks askance at the noblewoman, leaning in to whisper to the other members of his group. "I t-thought we weren't doing that?" As the other tiefling straightens, he nudges her in the ribs with a bony elbow. "T-told you it would work b-better if you had that severed h-head."
Unsure of whether such a formal gesture is appropriate, he hesitantly kneels before the queen, unwrapping his bundle to reveal a cold iron dagger painstakingly etched with Hallit symbols and offering it to Galfrey. "Liege, I am not a r-rich man, but I bring you what I have - with this oathknife, I pledge my l-life to the death of the m-monster Areelu of the Vorlesh f-family, and the demons she has allied w-with." He glances up at the queen, hesitant to continue, but after a moment, he clears his throat and keeps speaking. "...Liege, in the city's f-fall, my brother was k-killed, and my d-daughter has gone missing - I ask that I might go into the W-worldwound to seek bloodfeud."

Sir Tandyn |

"Your majesty, I am Sir Tandyn - a fellow paladin of Iomedae." He reveals Radiance as he genuflects respectfully.
"Aroden's recounting is correct. While we have known each other less than a week, we have become a formidable team prevailing against numerous cultists and demons. Each member has contributed impressively and has their own reasons to serve the crusade. It has been an honor to lead them, and I believe that we can be of even more service. We are yours to command."

DM_Delmoth |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Satisfied with your explainations the queen explains, “While there are some narrow-minded souls among the crusade who blame you for the destruction of the wardstone border, I do not begrudge you for what you did. Far from it. From the sound of it, you saved entire legions of crusaders from a most vile fate by preventing Vorlesh from transforming them, and the blast of energy gave us the time we needed to regroup and prepare for what will certainly come next. But you understand the implications of what you’ve done, I’m sure—the wardstones are gone, but Iomedae has seen fit that you will be their replacement. I can think of no other reason that would explain why their power would have settled in your bodies and souls and didn’t merely fade into the ether. In time, the demons will regroup and reorganize—we can trust their inherent chaos to make this period of regrouping longer than it otherwise would take, but we shouldn’t underestimate them. They’ll be back soon enough. Already I’ve had reports from along the front lines that small groups of demons are attacking fortifications and settlements along the southern border."
She continues, "But what intrigues me most is news from several reliable sources that as our fiendish enemies are starting to mass in the southern reaches along the Riftshadow within the Worldwound, they have left several of their northern lairs relatively unprotected. In particular, the fiend Aponavicius has taken the bulk of her army from Drezen, leaving it only moderately protected as she joins with the Storm King in Iz to, no doubt, plot greater attacks on larger targets like Nerosyan, Karcau, and beyond. The time is right to strike into their territory. Drezen was the first of our cities to fall after the First Crusade, and we lost more than our kin and our pride that day. We lost the Sword of Valor, a magical banner carried by the Inheritor herself during the Shining Crusade. If Drezen could be retaken—if the Sword of Valor could once again be held by the crusade... well, I trust I don’t need to explain how well that would affect morale. But with the imminent attacks along the border, I cannot spare many to lead an assault on Drezen. And even if I could, a large army attacking the city would only draw Aponavicius back to defend the place. The obvious tactic is to send in a group of capable heroes with a modest but well-trained army to strike now, while the proverbial iron is hot. And this is why I’ve sought you out. If you can retake Drezen and reclaim the Sword of Valor, not only will you silence the fools who would brand you traitors for destroying the wardstone, but more importantly, you would bolster the entire war effort with your heroism. And I fear we need all the bolstering we can get!"
The queen of Mendev finally says, "Thank you for your declarations of loyalty. Your successes and triumphs have not done unnoticed, I now dub each of you Knight of the Fifth Crusade. This title give each of you permission to lead armies and rule lands. In addition I award you these Righteous Medals for you accomplishments."
Everyone: Righteous Medal of Clarity
Dorek: Righteous Medal of Agility
Tandyn: Righteous Medal of Valor
I might have missed someone qualifying for a medal so please let me know if you think that's so.
Galfrey stands indicating that the meeting is nearly over but quickly answers Cecily, "Your family's estate has not been threatened yet. But that can change any moment. Scouts within the Worldwound tell us that the demons and their minions are massing all along the Sarkora River in Riftshadow, and we expect them to hit Nerosyan, Karcau, and other southern points within a week. I need to get Kenabres in order and head back south in a few days as a result, and I hope you'll be well on your way north by then. If you will write a letter to your family a messenger will see that it's delivered."
She pauses for any further questions.

Thawm Uhturj |

"Oh, they match my eyes." Thawm explains, accepting the Righteous Medal of Clarity.
"Um- thank you." She says.
She blinks a few times as it all sinks in.
Then she suddenly looks very pleased with herself as she straightens her dress some more.

Ahmose |

Ahmose goes through quite the gambit of emotional responses as the Queen continues to discuss, charge, encourage, bribe, slightly flatter (he seen how she winked at him), command the Heroes of Kenabres.
The Blue Whisper does get distracted when the Medal Ceremony begins. He stands tall(ish) and straight when She pins it on him.
Luckily,he hasn't figured out that as a Swift, he could be smart enough to notice the Going into the Worldwound part
Absolutely zero paying attention to anything else after he is made a Knight!
Sir Ahmose, The Blue Whisper. Sir Ahmose, The Blue Knight Whisperer. Sir Ahmose.....

Aroden the Returned |

Aroden bows again.
"Thank you for this honor, Your Majesty. I will endeavor to prove myself worthy."
I need to figure out what I might want to buy before we leave; what is the current limit on item purchases, given the devastation to Kenabres?

DM_Delmoth |

I need to figure out what I might want to buy before we leave; what is the current limit on item purchases, given the devastation to Kenabres?

DM_Delmoth |

Queen Galfrey nods solemnly as there appears to be no more questions, ”Yes Knight Commander Uhturj. There’s only a hundred of them, but they’re all devout paladins Iomadae. It’s not a large army, but you’ll be able to move without attracting attention. Trust me, that’s an advantage when it comes to demonic foes. They hit hard, so it’s best not to give them the opportunity.”
She continues, ”I’m assigning these three specialists to your force; Aaron Kir as your siege tactician and trapper. Sosiel Vaenic was a cleric of Shelyn here in Kenabres before the temple was destroyed, he can help with healing as needed, but he’s also quite knowledgeable about demons and their tactics. Lastly there is Nurah Dendiwhar, she can support you with bardic magic, but she’s also an expert on the region and knows more about Drezen than anyone in Kenabres at this point, I’ll wager. You may assign other specialists and advisors as you see fit, though I would know who you are assigning and for what purpose now.” She takes a pointed look at the friends you’ve brought to the meeting.
Anevia breaks her silence and looks to the party, ”Beth, commander Tirabade, that is, and I are coming with!”
At the exclamation Irabeth’s mouth drops open, ”Ane!”
Galfrey holds up her hand, ”“I’ve never been one for ceremony.” She gestures for Anevia to continue.
Anevia smiles genuinely, ”I know a thing or two about scouting enemy positions and Commander Tirabade can serve as a field commander. A lot of the Eagle Watch have signed on and you know them.”
Horgus coughs, ”If I may your majesty? I have little to contribute in the way of tactical knowledge but a large portion of my holdings in Kenabres remain intact and my knowledge of logistical matters could be of use.”
Lann and Aravashnial remain silent, either unsure or unwilling to speak on their own behalf.
Queen Galfrey looks to the party, ”The choice is yours.”

Sir Tandyn |

"The obvious tactic is to send in a group of capable heroes with a modest but well-trained army to strike now, while the proverbial iron is hot. And this is why I’ve sought you out. If you can retake Drezen and reclaim the Sword of Valor, not only will you silence the fools who would brand you traitors for destroying the wardstone, but more importantly, you would bolster the entire war effort with your heroism. And I fear we need all the bolstering we can get!"
"It's an honor to have been of service to the crusade, and we are humbled to be entrusted with this new mission."
Tandyn bows his head as he accepts the medals. "Praise to Iomedae."
”You may assign other specialists and advisors as you see fit, though I would know who you are assigning and for what purpose now.”
"Friends, each of you offers different strengths and insights. When we retake Drezen, it's difficult to know what we'll need. Our best chance is to be as prepared as possible. Like the queen said, 'we need all the bolstering we can get.' As for assignments, that will take some discussion." He looks to his companions for their advice.
Once that discussion is started, Tandyn seeks a private conversation with Galfrey. "Your majesty, if you have a moment. Aravashnial has been blinded, and Anevia's leg is beyond our healing. Is there anyone in your entourage who can help them? I'd also ask your counsel on how best to locate Dorek's missing daughter Saba. We fear the worst, but I want to make sure we've tried all we can."

Dorek |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dorek nods gratefully as the queen presents him with the two medals he has earned for his part in the liberation of Kenabres. "T-thank you, Queen Galfrey - I will s-strive to be worthy of the trust you have s-shown in me." He hesitates, glancing between the queen and her advisors before posing a question. "L-liege, I have a question, perhaps for the historian Nurah Dendiwhar. I have heard t-tales of Drezen - my g-grandfather was there when the w-walls fell. If the city were b-besieged, the relic-keepers of the C-citadel would need to take their b-burdens from the city in secret - is there any r-record of a secret passage the r-relic-keepers might have used?"
When Anevia speaks up and adds herself to the expeditionary force, Dorek turns, raising his eyebrows, but he nods gratefully as Anevia and Irabeth offer to help. As Horgus volunteers, Dorek smiles, extending a hand in thanks to the wealthy merchant. "You are no w-warrior, yet you step without f-fear into the mouth of the d-dragon. F-few in Kenabres show such c-courage, thick one."
Noticing Lann's hesitation, he clears his throat, indicating the mongrelman warrior. "Lann is a h-hunter, and he has lived all his l-life in the river caves of K-kenabres. I doubt you would find one b-better suited to living off the b-blighted land of Lost S-sarkoris in all of K-kenabres."
As the group begins to disperse, Dorek seeks out the cleric Sosiel Vaenic, stepping forward with a worried expression. "E-excuse me - the queen had s-said you were a sage who knew of f-fiends in these lands. T-tell me, have you heard of Thelvihix the Demise, destroyer-god of the Clan W-widowknife? He..." The locksmith turned knight clears his throat before continuing. "...he is my g-grandfather. My f-father said he was tall, with h-horns to the side like mine." He seems to rally slightly, fishing in his pocket for a scrap of paper. "I have l-legends, if they help. Clan records say he s-stole the breath of the Widowknife c-clanliege at the fall of Undarin, and when the g-greatest Widowknife god c-callers were taken by the Darkness at V-valahuv..." He trails off, looking at the scholar with a pleading eye. "P-please - I fear he has my d-daughter Saba. When I was a b-boy, he took my eye - I have to f-find him, before he t-takes my daughter's as w-well."

Aroden the Returned |
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"I would request that Aravashnial accompany us even if his vision cannot be restored at this time, presuming that he is willing.
Knowledge is a most powerful weapon. As well, there are spells he can cast that I cannot. He would not be on the front lines; he would be well protected by our army.
I would also request that Horgus accompany us. An army needs more than soldiers; logistics is a vital capability, and lack of it has defeated more armies than the Tarrasque.
Commander Tirabade and Anevia are dedicated servants of the Inheritor and would be most welcome should they wish to join.
I would appreciate Lann joining us as well as a scout, though I do hope that we shall not need to live off the land, because of the potential taint of the demonic presence. I would ask that we give Horgus all of the supplies he thinks we shall need, and I will contribute of my own funds if needed."

Cecily Levain |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dorek's off-color remark catches Cecily by complete surprise, but she is even more surprised at how hard she has to work to supress a laugh. The suggestion was still absurd, but why was it so funny? It was almost annoying.
Cecily looks shocked at her companions' sudden promotion to Knights. They are, of course, capable fighters, but what do they know of rule? Of noblesse oblige? Nothing!
She stews on it for a moment. Knightinf isn't so uncommon, especially for such notable and capable individuals. And they could learn. Well, most of them at least. But they would need a teacher! Cecily could be that teacher.
She nods to herself. "Ma'am, you honor all of us. I will see to it that my companions embody the virtues and life up to the responsibilities expected of them in their new station."
"I would not have invited any here who had not already proven themself by heart and by deed. You all have my trust and would be welcome in our ranks, should you choose to come with us." She looks at each of their previous companions in turn. She is especially impressed by Horgus's willingness to join them, and she looks at him in a new light.
She then looks to the Queen's advisors, and while her eyes linger for a moment on Nurah, she gives them a firm nod of acknowledgement as well. "If our Queen trusts you to guide our decisions, then I do as well. Welcome."
She thanks the queen for the update on her family and pledges to get a letter to her entourage by the evening. "I look forward to welcoming you to Drezen, Ma'am."

Ahmose |

Ahmose is seen showing off his new badge. The newly knighted kobold seems excited about the doors that have been knock down for him and his crew.
Flirting and finding friends with funds about the The Heart during the remainder of the time allotted them, the Blue Whisper enjoys this small window into their world....

Thawm Uhturj |
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Thawm slowly turns slightly pink while standing very stiffly until Cecily mentions welcoming the queen to Drezen.
"S- Ma'am. We'll retake Drezen ASAP, Ma'am." Thawm says.

DM_Delmoth |

Once that discussion is started, Tandyn seeks a private conversation with Galfrey. "Your majesty, if you have a moment. Aravashnial has been blinded, and Anevia's leg is beyond our healing. Is there anyone in your entourage who can help them? I'd also ask your counsel on how best to locate Dorek's missing daughter Saba. We fear the worst, but I want to make sure we've tried all we can."
The queen snaps her fingers while looking at one of her entourage, "The scroll."
They respond, "Your majesty that is insurance for your survival."
Galfrey glares at the man who then hands over a scroll to Tandyn. Scroll of Regenerate
She looks sorrowful, "I apologize for your friend's daughter but I cannot spare a diviner to search for one person."
Sosiel offers, "I can attempt to cast the scroll, but a blessing as powerful as this may be beyond the grace Shelyn has granted me."
Dorek nods gratefully as the queen presents him with the two medals he has earned for his part in the liberation of Kenabres. "T-thank you, Queen Galfrey - I will s-strive to be worthy of the trust you have s-shown in me." He hesitates, glancing between the queen and her advisors before posing a question. "L-liege, I have a question, perhaps for the historian Nurah Dendiwhar. I have heard t-tales of Drezen - my g-grandfather was there when the w-walls fell. If the city were b-besieged, the relic-keepers of the C-citadel would need to take their b-burdens from the city in secret - is there any r-record of a secret passage the r-relic-keepers might have used?"
Aron speaks up, "The Sword of Valor was held in a secret vault, I doubt they would still keep it there but its worth it to check just in case. I can provide a map of the citadel as it was and speak to the function of each room when we plan our assault."
As the group begins to disperse, Dorek seeks out the cleric Sosiel Vaenic, stepping forward with a worried expression. "E-excuse me - the queen had s-said you were a sage who knew of f-fiends in these lands. T-tell me, have you heard of Thelvihix the Demise, destroyer-god of the Clan W-widowknife? He..." The locksmith turned knight clears his throat before continuing. "...he is my g-grandfather. My f-father said he was tall, with h-horns to the side like mine." He seems to rally slightly, fishing in his pocket for a scrap of paper. "I have l-legends, if they help. Clan records say he s-stole the breath of the Widowknife c-clanliege at at the fall of Undarin, and when the g-greatest Widowknife god c-callers were taken by the Darkness at V-valahuv..." He trails off, looking at the scholar with a pleading eye. "P-please - I fear he has my d-daughter Saba. When I was a b-boy, he took my eye - I have to f-find him, before he t-takes my daughter's as w-well."
Sosiel show genuine concern as Dorek approaches him, "I'm sorry my friend. I don't know of any demon that can steal breath. But that doesn't mean its not possible. The denizens of the Abyss are myriad and they have been showing surprising abilities as of late."

Thawm Uhturj |

"Thank you, Ma'am." Thawm says with a salute.
"Between the gifts of Sarenrae and Iomedae, I think I can manage." Thawm explains as she sidles up next to Tandyn and holds out her open hands with a stiff posture and a determined look.
After Tandyn passes the scroll to her, Thawm walks over to Aravashnial.
"Please be patient. This scroll isn't easy to read, but I'll figure it out." she explains.
Spellcraft (decipher writing), DC 27: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Spellcraft (decipher writing), DC 27: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Spellcraft (decipher writing), DC 27: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
3 full round actions...
After studying the unfurled scroll intensely for a little under half a minute, Thawm let's out an "Mmmm." of understanding.
Thawm begins to chant a blessing that lasts as long as her studying did.
CL check vs DC 14: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
She speaks the final command required by the spell with the correct intonation and intention, releasing its magic. She touches Aravashnial's forehead, pushing the magic into the blinded elf.
rounds to regrow eyes: 2d10 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12
As the magic begins to work, she carefully removes the bandages from his head.

Ahmose |

Pausing in his crowd surfer endeavor, Ahmose stares in awe at Thawm's further resolve to cure the old elf's eyes. Being ever practical, the Alchemist writes down some possible equations for an Extract...

Sir Tandyn |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Ma'am, you honor all of us. I will see to it that my companions embody the virtues and live up to the responsibilities expected of them in their new station."
Tandyn's mind flashes back to Cecily lifting Ahmose by the throat followed by her soaking in blood after ripping a cultist apart with her claws. He bites his tongue and tries not to react. He reminds himself that 'temperance' is a difficult and personal journey.
Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18The queen snaps her fingers while looking at one of her entourage, "The scroll."
They respond, "Your majesty that is insurance for your survival."
Galfrey glares at the man who then hands over a scroll to Tandyn. Scroll of Regenerate
"This is a great mercy. Thank you, Your Majesty."
Tandyn watches with interest as Thawm manages to cast the remarkably complicated and lengthy spell. He waits to see Aravashnial's bandage removed before congratulating her. "Well done, Thawm!" He gives Galfrey an appreciative smile. "Alright, Aravashnial, the light is very bright here. Your eyes may need a little time to adjust."
He thanks his companions for their input on how to best utilize their advisors. "Your majesty, we've confirmed that we have many good reasons to bring all of our advisors. Taking and holding Drezen is too important to leave anyone off the table. Many of them offer additional flexibility we may need."
"The more I consider the mission, the more questions come to mind. Is there anything else we should discuss like the current citizenry of Drezen, recommended siege tactics, or other reconnaissance information? The fronts are greatly separated. Are we planning to stay in communication somehow?"

DM_Delmoth |

As the bandage is removed Aravashniel’s eyes are revealed for the first time, they sparkle like polished onyx. He says, ”Thank you my friends and your majesty, I knew of course I could offer aid to your endeavor and now I can fully employ it. I can offer advice against enemy spellcasters of course and my knowledge of demons is at your disposal.”
When the time permits Aravashniel will allow anyone to scribe these spells from his spellbook: Heroism, magic circle against evil, summon monster III, acid arrow, levitate, resist energy, summon monster II, mage armor, shield, sleep, summon monster I, and true strike.
Aron comments on the current state of Drezen, ”The fortress was built during the First Mendevian Crusade as a strategic foothold inside the Worldwound. Dwarves chiseled it from a rocky hill near the source of the Sellen River. It held for well over a decade, withstanding almost constant war. It only fell when the Sword of Valor was turned over to the demons, which allowed them to teleport in. The siege won’t be easy and I was hoping once we have an idea of what we’re facing we can come up with a better plan. As far as the city outside, we don’t have much intelligence but I doubt there are many innocent people there.”
Galfrey adds, ”As far as communication. If I have dire need of you, I will have a sending spell cast. Otherwise we are limited to messengers, I will send reinforcements to bolster your position once you have taken the citadel and if I can spare them from the border.”

Aroden the Returned |

"We will do our best to clear enemies between here and Drezen so as to maintain open lines of supply and prevent the demons from cutting us off. Given enough time they would no doubt organize to do so, so we will try to be quick."
Aroden has few pressing purchases. Scribing spells took a fair amount of his coin, and he wishes to get a Metamagic Rod and a Blessed Book when he has the chance. For now, he will get 4 flasks of Holy Water from the clergy of Iomedae (100 GP total).

Sir Tandyn |

Is there a Rod of Metamagic, Extend (Lesser)?: 1d100 ⇒ 63<=75% = Yes
In an effort to be better prepared, Tandyn loans Aroden 150 platinum for the extremely practical magic rod he's considering.

DM_Delmoth |

Queen Galfrey offers you one final piece of advice before leaving you to your task, ”I suggest you travel north directly to Valas’s Gift and then follow the east bank of the Sellen River north until you come to Vilarth Fort, at which point you can cross the West Sellen and continue north along its west bank to the dry Ahari riverbed. This will give you a natural trail to follow. It is a 160 mile journey to Drezen along this route and should take you five days.”
Horgus grunts and comments, ”We cannot count on being able to find fresh food and water on the way there. Our army will need to carry its supplies with us. With my help I believe we can supply the army for a little over two weeks. We should reserve half of those supplies for an unlikely retreat or to supply Drezen while we wait for reinforcements. I’d say we’d have to take Drezen in 8 days.”
LG Medium army of humans (paladin 4)
hp 16
DV 17 (20, 24 vs spellcasting armies); OM +8 (10) ranged
Tactics expert flankers, standard, withdraw
Resources improved armor, improved weapons (mwk cold iron), mounts, ranged weapons (longbows)
Special aura of courage, channel positive energy, divine health, lay on hands, mercy, smite evil, spellcasting
Speed 3; Morale +0 (1); Consumption 5 (3)
Parenthesis show an improved stats due to your advisors. If Irabeth is allowed to command the army she grants the boon Bloodied but Unbroken.
The army can carry 50 units of food and water at one time.
Exploration map is up, let me know when you'ready to march. I'll also need to know if you want Irabeth to command the army or if one of you wants to do so.

Thawm Uhturj |

"Then we'll just have to take Drezen in under 4 days after we arrive." Thawm explains overconfidently. She nods with her best impression of a serious face to punctuate her statement.
Thawm salutes the queen before leaving; though she hesitates to go, half expecting a final 'dismissed' at the end of the meeting in spite of how it had gone up until that point.
~~~ shopping afterwards ~~~
75% chance for a robe of infinite twine: 1d100 ⇒ 2
Thawm also goes shopping, but for a relatively inexpensive source of infinite rope.
I like the sound of Bloodied but Unbroken.
We don't give special bonuses for leading, so we?

DM_Delmoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Right. Once you prove yourself as a commander in one mass combat you can select boons equal to your normal maximum 1 or 2 depending on profession ranks.

Ahmose |

The formerly blind old elf doesn't even finish his sentence before Ahmose takes his offered spell book to a table to begin copying formulas...

Cecily Levain |

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 5 Cecily does not notice Tandyn biting his tongue.
She nods along with the overall plan, clearly not having the head for all the finer details of planning. "Sounds simple enough!"
Once Aravashnial is healed, she brims with delight at Thawm's display of prowess, patting the other woman on the back and then modestly nudging her way in front of the newly besighted elf. She gives a him a curtsy. "Aravashnial, allow me to now properly introduce myself. I am the Honorable Baroness Leeford, Knight Commander Cecily Levain. It is a pleasure."

Dorek |
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"I'm sorry my friend. I don't know of any demon that can steal breath. But that doesn't mean its not possible. The denizens of the Abyss are myriad and they have been showing surprising abilities as of late."
Dorek peers into Sosiel's face, seeking any hint of the cleric's opinion on his daughter's fate, whether optimistic or grim. "Perhaps she was t-taken into the Worldwound. P-p-p..." He clears his throat, looking morose. "...Perhaps she is d-dead. Either way, I will go f-forth into Lost Sarkoris as Queen G-galfrey commands. If she l-lives, I will find her. If she is d-dead, I will pursue b-bloodfeud until she is avenged."
As Aravashnial is healed, Dorek forces a grin, nodding in greeting to him. "It seems T-thawm's magic is quite p-potent, master elf. When we first m-met, I was reminded of the old s-saying - the one about the b-blind and the one-eyed. I am g-glad you are better, my friend - my eye is k-keen, but it was not m-made to do the work of four."
As the group prepares to leave, Dorek seeks out a blacksmith, who is able to hone his blades to hold a stronger slashing edge. As he prepares to leave, the blacksmith shows him a dented and pitted ring, offering to sell it to him for the journey ahead. Dorek doesn't think much of the unassuming loop of metal, but when the blacksmith tells him the tale of the ring, how he forged it from his manacles when the Eagle Knights of Andoran freed him from his chains, Dorek takes another look at it. In the flickering shadows cast by the forge's light, spider-like legs twitch, and Dorek tilts his head, as though listening to something unseen and unheard. After a minute more, he leaves the blacksmith's shop, over 200 platinum lighter but still confident in his purchase.
Ring of Emancipation 25-100: 1d100 ⇒ 95
Purchasing the Ring of Emancipation and swapping out my Cold Iron Short Swords for Cold Iron Gladii.

Sir Tandyn |

As the meeting winds down Tandyn gathers the team to depart.
"Thank you Queen Galfrey. We are grateful for your gifts and are honored by your quest. If there is nothing further, we should see to our preparations and set out." He bows deeply.
As they leave, Tandyn addresses his companions. "I suppose it's time to meet the Knights of Kenabres and get ourselves sorted."

Thawm Uhturj |

"Yes, let's marshall the paladins and acquire material." Thawm Knight Commander Uhturj explains.

DM_Delmoth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Aravashniel gives everyone an uncharacteristic smile, ”It’s a pleasure to see you all. Some of you are not how I imagined you looking.”
Sosiel places his hand on Dorek’s shoulder, ”Have faith my friend. The gods have not abandoned you yet. I trust that they will guide your hand justly and that you will find closure whether you are able to recover Saba or not. And that if you do find her that you will be able to tend to her physical and spiritual wounds.”
Marching north
Valas’s Gift, 28 miles, slightly less than 1 day of marching
Valas’s Gift lies northeast of Kenabres. It is a small town surrounded by surprisingly fertile lands, and is Kenabres’s primary source of food and grain. However the town has been devastated by demon attacks, it is now only a smoking ruin. Its citizens were either slaughtered or scattered to the surrounding hinterlands.
Your advisors weigh in on what to do here.
Irabeth immediately suggests, ”We should search for survivors and assist them if we are able.”
Nurah concurs, ”If there’s any chance we can rescue people we should take it. We could even organize search parties to try to find anyone who may have escaped to the wilderness.”
Horgus harrumphs, ”I doubt we will find anyone left alive and we can’t send out search parties to the countryside, it would take too long, a day or more! The real value here is collecting supplies, but our stores are nearly full. I don’t believe it will be worth the lost time.”
Aron supports Horgus, ”As much as I hate to admit it, Gwerm is right. As much as it pains me, we have to consider the greater mission.” Horgus smiles smugly.
Sosiel’s gaze lingers on Aron and their eyes connect for a brief moment before the cleric says, ”If we’re searching we will camp within sight of the town. It will affect morale negatively should we find no one.”
You are able to march an additional 8 miles if you don’t stop here.

Ahmose |

Sir Ahmose, the Blue Whisper is seen mostly frowning and grumbling
Going into the place where demons are literally pouring into straight from the Abyss. This will go well...
Gathering everything he can think of to survive the Abyss, the Alchemist joins Dorek in his shopping endeavors.
Don't like those. Need to be too close. Nope. Not them either. Not really liking this armory crap.
Eventually the Blue Whisper trades coin for some particular goods...
Upon further thought, Ahmose decides to hoard his gold.

DM_Delmoth |

Stuff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Stuff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Aroden the Returned |

"I agree with Horgus and Aron. We cannot take time to send search parties into the wilderness. Far more will be lost if we cannot retake Drezen in time. And Sosiel's point about morale is well taken. It seems an undue risk.
I recommend we press on."

Ahmose |

Trudging through the stark ugliness of the Worldwound, the Blue-scaled Kobold is seen holding an orange over his nose.
Valas’s Gift my Blue-scaled arse. Great place to vacation, I bet.
Ahmose stifles a snort at the suggestion of survivors.
Anyone's that survived this long is probably stark raving mad, a turncoat or something else not worth our time. Stick to the mission. No side quests.
The Alchemist returns to his grumbling....

Thawm Uhturj |

"Given the state of Kenabres and the urgency of our mission, I must agree that we ought to keep marching." Thawm explains with a pained expression.

Cecily Levain |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cecily stops her horse. "If we don't help any survivors, no one will. Are we not here to help people?"

Dorek |

Dorek pulls up short as the ruins of Valas's Gift comes into view, his eye scanning over the burned fields and wrecked cottages with an expression of dismay. After a moment, however, he reluctantly nods assent to Aroden and Horgus. "Cecily, I w-wish we could aid the people of this v-village, but there are o-others we must c-consider. In the south of the W-worldwound, the other s-soldiers are dying so we have a c-chance to take Drezen. We have d-driven the demons back from this l-land - I'm afraid that's all we can d-do for these people right now." He nods to the distant bulk of Kenabres on the horizon. "B-besides, now that the d-demons are gone from this land, there are o-others who will come this far at l-least. Builders. M-merchants. Like the t-thick one - only not quite so b-brave."

Cecily Levain |

Cecily looks from Dorek, to Irabeth, to Tandyn.
"I will not surrender those under my command. Yes? What is the next Tenet? I will not abandon a companion. I will honor sacrifice freely given. I will strive to be perfect in all that I do." She may not know all of the words to the code by heart, but she does listen in church, and some of them have sunk in.

Sir Tandyn |

Tandyn gives Cecily a conflicted look.
"We spent the last few days looking for survivors in Kenabres. This quest... it's the only reason we're not still doing that now. There's no doubt we should help people in need." He stares out across the smoking lifeless ruins. "I think the first tenet is most appropriate..." His voice changes to the steady beat of recitation "'I will learn the weight of my sword. Without my heart to guide it, it is worthless—my strength is not in my sword, but in my heart. If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.'" Tandyn sighs. "Unfortunately, this is more complicated. If the time spent here costs us our mission, how many more lives will be lost? There's no perfect path where we save everyone, but we must still do our best. We can't risk spending too much time searching here, but we can sacrifice a few hours to make camp early. That will make time for some quick searches and give survivors a better chance to notice us. We should find a way to send word to Kenabres. Perhaps they can pickup where we must leave off." He glances around the group. "Is this agreeable? Does anyone see a better option?"

Aroden the Returned |

Aroden shakes his head.
"I am afraid I do not agree with your suggestion, Sir Tandyn. It is a five-day march to Drezen as we had intended. It is a bad precedent to delay our actual mission for another task, especially on the first day of the march when we do not know what delays may lie ahead. I would not fault the army for losing morale if, as Sosiel warns, we stop to camp, lose eight miles, and find nobody to help."
A thought comes to him.
"Sosiel, have you any magic to suggest whether or not there may be survivors to help? Such as Divination? Or Lesser Planar Ally for a celestial that can Commune?"
He turns back to Tandyn.
"If you convince enough of the others to change their minds, then I will help search. But we are all equally Knights of the Fifth Crusade with equal right to lead armies. So I think our voices should carry equal weight. Four of us have spoken in favor of moving on."

Dorek |

""We spent the last few days looking for survivors in Kenabres. This quest... it's the only reason we're not still doing that now. There's no doubt we should help people in need.""
Dorek glances at Tandyn, his expression conflicted. "We c-cannot abandon our allies - if we press on, we may l-leave behind people who might not even s-still be alive, but if we t-tarry, the other s-soldiers to the south will die." He turns back to the smouldering village, sighing. "I w-wish we could s-stop and aid the people h-here, but we have to t-take Drezen, or this will all be for n-nothing."
His crimson eye flicks back to the distant bulk of the ruined gates of Kenabres. "There were s-soldiers left in the c-city, yes? The First D-descendants? The Ash Ravens? They will s-see the smoke, and they will s-see the importance of Valas's G-gift, and they will c-come."

Cecily Levain |

"We have an obligation to do something, having been entrusted with power. But I understand your arguments about risking our mission. Let us send a messenger to Kenabres, rather than leave it to chance."

Sir Tandyn |

Tandyn nods. "Then I believe we have our decision: We send a messenger and press onward." He watches the rising smoke. "Irabeth, you have the most contacts and strongest reputation with the soldiers defending Kenabres. Can I ask you to ensure that the message reaches the right people with the information they'll need?"
"Now we need to walk the Knights of Kenabres through this decision. I'm confident that they will understand and agree, but they need to understand the situation."

Ahmose |

Ahmose looks like he is prepared to continue on with the actual mission....

Thawm Uhturj |

"I agree, we may not have many runners to send, but we can certainly spare one to ensure that this village receives help." Knight Commander Uhturj explains.

DM_Delmoth |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sosiel shakes his head, ”Tomorrow morning I could beseech Shelyn for guidance but it wouldn't accomplish anything right now.”
Irabeth begins to speak, ”Of course my friends, thank you. I think…”
But Nurah interrupts her, ”I can help!” She pulls out a sheet of vellum and begins writing on it, ”Send assistance to Valas’s Gift. Town destroyed by demon attack, possible survivors, unable to render immediate assistance. Proceeding north as planned. -Nurah Dendiwhar,
Specialist advisor to Knight Commander Uhturj et. all.” She then chants for a full minute while pointing at a crow circling low in the sky.
The crow lands next to Nurah and she feeds it a few nuts and sweet berries and then ties the letter to its legs. She explains, ”She will carry this message and fly to Defender’s Heart. She will stay there for several days until someone finds the message.”
Animal messenger for anyone who wants to spellcraft.

Thawm Uhturj |

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Thawm must've been distracted by the birdie xD
"That's perfect. Excellent initiative, Nurah."
Knight Commander Uhturj explains, slightly distracted by the pretty bird.
Then she has a thought.
"Uh, that'll fly back, right? Do they know to look for a note that's tied to a raven?"

Cecily Levain |

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Cecily seems satisfied with this decision and grants Nurah an approving nod. "Onward then."

Ahmose |

Perception DC 20: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 +3 Traps
Dorek. Your shadow seems hungry for raven.
Having seen worse, the pragmatic Blue-scaled Kobold nods his appreciation for a quick solution so that they can continue this fun voyage.
Ahmose grumbles.

Cecily Levain |

Along the way, while they ride, Cecily will try to get to know their advisors better. Especially the 3 new ones, but she'll ask questions of Horgus, Anevia, Irabeth, Aravashnial, and Lann as well. Simple get-to-know-you sorts of things, like childhood memories, siblings, and what brought them to Mendev if they weren't born here.