Flying Blade

Xallis Livara's page

317 posts. Alias of Rosc.

Full Name

Sir Xallis Livara


Eidolon stats:
AC 18+4, T 12, FF 16+4 | CMB +9, CMD 21 |HP 27/32 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +2-1 | Perception +15 , scent 30 ft | Conditions: mage armor, haste


AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | CMB 3, CMD 13 | HP 51/51 | Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +1 | Perception +0 | Conditions: haste


Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Elven, Infernal, Terran

Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 17

About Xallis Livara

-Pictured here-

Xallis' Stats:

Xallis Livara
Male Human Summoner 6 (Advanced Player's Guide p54)
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 51 (6d8+18)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4-1)
Ranged Light Crossbow +5 (1d8, 19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6)
7/day - Summon Monster III
Spells Known (CL 5)
2nd (4/day) - Glitterdust (DC 17), Invisibility, Haste, Barkskin
1st (5/day) - Grease (DC 16), Enlarge Person, Mage Armor, Unfetter
0th (at will) - Arcane Mark, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Message, Guidance, Light
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 19
Base Atk +4; CMB 3; CMD 14
Feats Spell Focus: Conjuration, (B)Noble Scion (Scion of Magic), Augment Summons, Superior Summons (B)Persuasive
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +11, Knowledge (Nobility) +13, Knowledge (Planes) +11, Linguistics +10, Lore (Pathfinder Society) +6, Perform (Dance) +5, Spellcraft +11, Use Magic Device +13
Traits Fast Talker, Senatorial Hopeful
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Elven, Ignan, (B)Infernal, Terran
Combat Gear Cloak of Resistance +1, Headband of Alluring Charisma +2, Handy Haversack, Alchemist's Fire, Wand of Mage Armor, Dagger, Light Crossbow with 3 bolts, Potion of Gaseous Form, Potion of Keen Senses, Scroll of invisibility, scroll of blur, mount, ventriloquism, and whip of spiders, scroll of mount (caster level 3rd), 2 scrolls of Summon Eidolon, Wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser Rod of Extend Spell; Other Gear Backpack, 2 inkpens, 3 sheets of parchment, Vial of Ink, Red noble's outfit, Violet noble's outfit, Costume with butterfly mask, Traveler's clothes 1,144.42gp
SQ Bond Senses (6 rounds/day), Maker's Call (1/day), Cantrips, Eidolon, Life Link
Environment Urban or Any
Organization solitary or with Navia
Eidolon After a one minute ritual, summons Navia.
Summon Monster 3 As per the spell, cast as a standard action. Cannot be cast while the eidolon is out.
Shield Ally Whenever Xallis is within Navia’s reach, he receives a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on his saving throws. This bonus does not apply if Navia is grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious.
Maker’s Call (Su) As a standard action, Xallis can call Navia to his side. This functions as dimension door, using Xallis’ caster level. When used, Navia appears adjacent to him (or as close as possible if all adjacent spaces are occupied). If Navia is out of range, the ability is wasted. Xallis can use this ability once per day.

Navia's Stats:

Navia Grace
Female Eidolon (Advanced Player's Guide p58)
N Medium Outsider
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60ft, scent 30ft; Perception +16
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 32 (5d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 (+4 vs enchantment)
Defensive Abilities evasion, devotion
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Melee 4 Claws +9 (1d4+4)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Skill Focus: Stealth, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes
Skills Acrobatics +6, Disable Device +18, Fly +10, Perception +16, Perform (Dance) +1, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +21, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth, +8 Disable Device
Bonus Class Skills Acrobatics, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, Use Magic Device
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Terran
Combat Gear none
Other Gear Thief's Tools, Masterwork Thief's Tools, 100 Feet of Rope. Plague doctor costume, Jewelry worth 100 gold
SQ Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Environment Urban or Any
Organization solitary or with Xallis
Free: Limbs (Legs), Limbs (Arms), Claws (Legs)
1 Point: Claws (Arms), Scent, Skilled (Perception), Skilled (Disable Device), Skilled (Stealth), Tail, Flight (+20 ft.)
2 Point: Flight

Previous Level-Ups:

Persona stats:

Rules summary here.

Charm: 4
Genius: 4
Heroism: 0
Sacrifice: 0
Sagacity: 0
Subterfuge: 0

Agents: 16/16

Auto Pilot (combat):
Xallis stays in the back of the group during combat. His favorite enhancement spell to cast is haste. When he wants to conserve spells, he buffs ranged allies with guidance or attacks enemies with his crossbow. Against more dangerous opponents, he will cast disabling spells such as grease or glitterdust, avoiding allies if possible. He can also support with enlarge person, usually casting it on Navia.

Navia heads into melee, helping allies flank when possible and taking enemies down with her claw attacks, but her top priority is making sure enemies don't reach Xallis.

If Navia is out of commission, Xallis will unsummon her with a standard action and rely on his summon monster 3 spell-like ability in future rounds. He favors elementals, summoning 1d3+1 small earth elementals for their raw stopping power or other kinds of elementals in environments that favor them.

Auto Pilot (out of combat):
Xallis sees himself as a future senator, and thus contributes with social skills, leaning towards Diplomacy when he can and Bluff when the risk doesn't seem too high. His magical skills allow him to chime in on spellcraft and planar phenomena.

Navia loves any opportunity to make use of her evolutions. She acts as his eyes, using her scent, perception, and sense motive to assess situations. She especially favors infiltration, using her stealth and fly speed to get into places where her less mobile allies might struggle. She is especially useful as a long range scout when Xallis can cast Unfetter on her.

Stats for Summon Monster can be found here.

Resources Remaining (Play by Post):

Summon Monster: 7/7
Bond Senses: 6/6
Maker's Call: 1/1
1st level spells: 4/5
2nd level spells: 2/4

Lesser Rod of Extend Spell 3/3 uses per day
Wand of Mage Armor 45/50 charges
Wand of Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser 50/50 charges