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Please dot (add a post) in here and then delete your post to add yourself to this campaign.
1) I am based in Southeast Asia (UTC +8) so my posting hours may be unusual (especially for those in North America). I usually update at least one or twice per day. Just to keep the game moving, please post at least once every day and at least once during the weekend.
2) Please keep all posts and communication in all channels limited to a PG-13 level and be both positive and inclusive.
3) Please label all three of your actions. Even if you think what you are doing is obvious.
4) If I am unavailable for longer than 24 hours, I will let you know in the Discussion Tab. Out of respect for your fellow players and myself, I ask that you do the same. Real life happens, and real life will always take priority over the game, but out of fairness for your fellow players, please let us know if you will be unavailable for an extended period of time.
5) Please note that on the following days, my posting can get unpredictable:
Tuesday/Thursdays - all day, as they are the 2 busiest days of my work week
6) Please complete the Macros and the Slides linked at the top of the page.
7) Questions, concerns? Feel free to share them in the Discussion tab.
8) Let's have some fun and tell a great story together! After all, that's what we are here for.

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Your adventure begins as you are led into a somewhat damaged shop. Discarded papers and debris have mostly been cleaned up, but the location has clearly been burglarized. As you are taken into the backrooms, you find several chairs positioned around a table.
"Would you like coffee, tea or any other refreshing beverage? Immaculate-Weaving-Under-Moonlight Nairaba and Kitsch will be with you shortly."
Please introduce yourselves

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"Anything a little stronger?" a bald dwarf says. He holds up his mug. "Me name is Kargoth. Protector of brews. Healing and blessings be what I'm good at."

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A halfling, small but stout, wearing an armor of interwoven metal cables arrives at their meeting place. One can see that he has some tools at his disposal: a frying pan, a huge two-pronged fork, a long piece of wooden pole, and a Y-shaped staff. Stowed behind him is a steel shield.
"Coffee please, the strongest that you can have!" he demands. He then turns to the bald dwarf. "Greetings, good sir! Your healing and blessings will be useful in our mission today. Basag Bungo, by the way." he introduces himself to the dwarf with seriousness in tone.

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A tiny woman, her height more alike with the dwarf and halfling than with most humans, but unlike them of slimmer build, follows in. Her southern origin with black hair and olive skin gets confirmation from the golden hieroglyph decorations of her red and black dress. She holds two similarly-colored closed fans in her hands. The accuracy and effortlessness of her movements tell of long hours of physical training.
"If spicing up is the day's theme, I would like some in my drink. Cinnamon coffee, ginger tea, or the like. Strong coffee if you don't have spice", she adds her request. She sits on a chair, and glances around the room. "Seems you have had some problems. At least it isn't due to total ineptitude ruining everything, which has been too often the reason I have been sent to fix things."
"If you have been to that otherwise substandard circus that's in town, yes, that acrobat girl was me. Zenobia Arsinoe Thea is my full name, not whatever 'fun' they decided to announce in the show", she introduces herself. Her tone is clearly disrespectful to the people she complains about, but neutral when addressing the people present.

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"Oh, ginger tea sounds lovely. With some honey?" A petite elven woman slips into the room. She flips a lock of burgundy hair back and you see her mismatched eyes, one a soft brown and the other a vibrant green. She carries little more than a dagger and wears no armor. Instead, she is sporting a pastel sundress with dark boots and a leather belt. A multi-colored scarf is tied around her neck.
"What exactly happened here? Was something taken?"

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"Coffee. Lot's of Coffee," says a largish person, wearing some noisy armor and with a glaive strapped to their back. There seems to be splinters and chips of wood wherever they go.

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"Would you like coffee, tea or any other refreshing beverage? Immaculate-Weaving-Under-Moonlight Nairaba and Kitsch will be with you shortly."
"Tea will do." The man dressed in battle-dented armor picks up an overturned chair and takes a seat. As he does so, the wooden holy symbol dangling round his neck slips into view. He quickly shoves it back out of view.
"Healing and blessings be what I'm good at."
"If they come from the gods, you can keep them," The human mumbles in reply.
"What exactly happened here? Was something taken?"
He looks around at the remaining disorder and concludes, "It would seem whatever god or gods protect this place, they were nearly as 'helpful' as those invoked at Lastwall." The face of the grim man forms something akin to the grin, as if he was able to get in the jab he wanted. "I did not catch your name, but mine is Garrace. I am a scion of House Elaethros." He pauses. The man's eyes stare off to the distance for a moment, as if he had been transported elsewhere, before he manages to add. "I am the last of House Elaethros."

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"I did not catch your name, but mine is Garrace. I am a scion of House Elaethros." He pauses. The man's eyes stare off to the distance for a moment, as if he had been transported elsewhere, before he manages to add. "I am the last of House Elaethros."
Gwen looks embarrassed. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Gwen Faran. I do a bit of magic, especially with some sparkle!" She winks and blows Garrace a kiss. Magical glitter pops and swirls around him. Ribbons of color swirl around Gwen too, making it hard to look directly at her.
Faerie Dust, Will DC19. ;)

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When Gwen's dust appears, Zenobia snaps open her fans, with a metallic twang. She tries to shield her eyes with one while fanning the dust away with the other. "Oh great", she sighs.
From behind her fan, she tries to converse with Garrace. "The Lastwall was such a disaster. Didn't help that so many nations had destroyed their armies trying to decide which idiot gets to wear the local piece of metal. No-one to ask help from. How can they so easily forget where the true danger is?" Zenobia complains.
"You were there?" she then asks, gentler. "I never quite knew what happened, or what should have been done prevent it. We should remember and learn so it never happens again. Anything you can tell will be helpful". She seems genuinely interested, the possibility of learning more history suppressing her usual disdain.

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"You were there?" she then asks, gentler. "I never quite knew what happened, or what should have been done prevent it. We should remember and learn so it never happens again. Anything you can tell will be helpful". She seems genuinely interested, the possibility of learning more history suppressing her usual disdain.
"Aye. I was there when the fires came, when the hordes were unleashed, when..." Garrace replies. His words aking to a whisper before fading completely. At this point, the player scours furiously for his copy of the Knights of Lastwall source book, but his copy eludes him.
The Chelaxian man takes a sip of tea, then begins anew. "What should have been done? What would have been helpful?" He asks rhetorically, his voice growing both in volume and ire. "The gods should have prevented it! The gods should have helped!"
"Countless cries rose up on the day Vigil burned. A host of prayers to Inheritor were uttered that day, by myself and others." Garrace declares. "Yet, no more than a few glints of divine intervention were seen. The need that day was like no other, yet the response from the gods appeared to be little more than typical"
"As many lay dying and injured, I and others called for Iomedae herself to show herself. To reveal her full might. To appear to her faithful!" Garrace explains. "But, she did not."
"Other gods, perhaps, might be expected to dismiss such pleas. But for the Inheritor to do so--for the one who had joined the Shining Crusade, for the wielder of Heart's Edge--for she who had led the Knights of Ozem, who had experienced firsthand the horrors of the Whispering Tyrant, to ignore our cries..." Garrace pauses for a moment. "If you want to know what you should remember, let it be this: in the face of evil, do not rely upon the gods to save you."

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After a few minutes, a Mwangi man and an ysoki woman enter the room. The well-dressed man begins speaking immediately. "Hello Pathfinders! I’m Immaculate-Weaving- Under-Moonlight Nairaba, head of Procurement for the Society, and this is my counterpart, Kitsch, head of Supplies. We’re extremely sorry you’ve gotten pulled into this situation on short notice, but we have a bit of a problem, and we could use your help to resolve it. You see, while we were trying to set up trade with Ravounel, some extremely rude individuals calling themselves The Silver Devils decided to barge their way in here and wreck everything. They took some gold and a few valuables, but they’ve also stolen something whose true value they probably don’t know."
Her expression serious, Kitsch speaks up. "We suspect they stole it on accident, but what they got is a cipher that contains a lot of very important information. Society business partners, trade arrangements, shipping routes, and even all known entrances to the Maze of the Open Road. This could be extremely dangerous; if that cipher is decoded, especially by Chelaxian intelligence, the Pathfinder Society in the region could begin to suffer ‘setbacks’ and ‘accidents’ across the board. Obviously, we’d strongly prefer that this not happen. These Silver Devils clearly have ties to Cheliax."
"So, to get to the heart of the matter," Nairaba says, "we really need that cipher back. We’d like you to sneak into the enemy hideout, which we’ve discovered is in a cluster of buildings near the Salt Gate of Old Kintargo, and get it back."
Kitsch straightens up, lightly waving a hand to draw the attention back to herself. "I’d like to point something out. Based on our inquiries, the Silver Council is the best thing to happen to Kintargo since its founding, and these Silver Devils are a violent reactionary force looking to drag Ravounel back into the darkness of Chelaxian rule. While we wish for the cipher to be recovered successfully, please destroy it if you have no other choice. Our priority is that it not fall into the hands of Chelaxian spies, as Cheliax is likely to use it to cause problems not just for us, but for Kintargo and all Ravounel. We really don’t want to tip the Devils off and let them know that they’ve managed to get their hands on something valuable. Caution is our best bet—after all, if they learn we’re desperate to get it back, they might just go to ground with it."
"Insofar as we’ve been advised, the cipher was being updated with information regarding contacts in Kintargo who wish to do other business with the Procurement and Supplies Division, which as you might understand is very important. Operating within this area is still rife with a certain amount of danger due to Chelaxian interference, so we keep those records secret. It just happened to be here at the wrong time."
"We have a few contacts who might enable you to infiltrate the location, and we’d prefer if you kept force to a minimum. The more force we bring to bear, after all, the more important the information may be deemed. Besides, the thieves are likely to bolt while a battle is being fought. If this information goes to ground, we might be unable to find it again, or it could just be turned directly over to Chelaxian intelligence. As we’ve said, we’d really prefer to avoid that."
Kitsch speaks up, "The cipher looks like a sealed tube, like a scroll case made of metal. A locked latch holds it closed, and it has a tiny emerald embedded at the top to help us keep track of it in the event it gets mixed in with other scrolls."
"Any questions? " Nairaba asks.

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Kargoth's Society (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Gwendolyn Faran's Society (U): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
Garrace Elaethros, The Last of His House's Society (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Zenobia Arsinoe Thea's Society (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

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"Do we know where these Silver Devils might have it? Where's their base? And do we know any of their members?" Gwen flashes a smile and flips her hair back. "Sometimes the best way to infiltrate is just to be invited in."

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"Who are your contacts? Sneaking isn't my strong suit..." Kargoth says, sipping from his mug. "And although Ravounel has maintained its independence for several years, there are those within Kintargo who view the city and nation as being more orderly under Chelaxian rule. Fancy that!"

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"Not just sometimes, it is the schoolbook method of assassins. Get their trust to get close and then slit their throats", Zenobia dryly confirms Gwen's though.
As the dust settles, she snaps her fans close, hiding their golden hieroglyphs.
"There are more roles in infiltration and only some require sneaking. Loudness is useful for distraction", she comments to Kargoth, then turns to Kitsch: "I suppose you don't have more detailed maps or plans for the infiltration, as that is what contacts are for. What time limits do we have here? Are you aware of any plans when they would move their loot?"

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"Not just sometimes, it is the schoolbook method of assassins. Get their trust to get close and then slit their throats", Zenobia dryly confirms Gwen's though.
Gwen gives a mock gasp of surprise at Zenobia's horrible thought. Then she gives her a wide smile and snaps her teeth closed with an audible click. Something makes her teeth seem sharp and pointed for a moment. But it's just a trick of the firelight.

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"We need to know who these Silver Devils are before we infiltrate their base. We must be careful." Basag mutters.

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"My house was once rather prominent in Cheliax. Most all of its scions were pledged to the containment and fight against the Whispering Tyrant." Garrace notes. "Now, that I am all that remains of House Elaethros, I am afraid I hold no sway in either here or in Cheliax and I have been gone too long to have maintained any contacts or even useful knowledge."
"Tell us, then," Garrace inquires, turning to both Immaculate-Weaving-Under-Moonlight Nairaba and Kitsch for answers. "What can you tell us of the area around Salt Gate of Old Kintargo and of the cluster of buildings where you suspect the enemy hides? How did you come by this information? And is there more to be had?"

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Nairaba and Kitsch both nod in agreement with your assessment. "We need you to infiltrate their headquarters and retrieve the cipher. We think the best time your to do this is sundown."
The urgency of getting the cipher back severely restricts the time available to prepare. You have until sunset, thereby limiting you to only a couple of preparation tasks apiece.
You may each attempt 2 activities. There is no penalty for more than one PC attempting the same activity; however, any individual PC cannot attempt the same activity twice. You may, of course, come up with your own creative way of gathering intel or preparing for this mission (make it fit, I'm an easy sell).
You can ask around about the Silver Devils in taverns and bars near the Salt Gate.
Diplomacy to Gather Information
Society to Recall Knowledge.
A local gang in the area known as the Burning Daggers has a bone to pick with the Silver Devils and can be convinced to create a distraction.
Deception check to Lie to the Burning Daggers,
Intimidation check to Coerce them into helping
Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on the rival gang.
By Scouting the warehouse district, you can not only find the location of the Silver Devils’ base but also be made aware of its potential defenses and the gangs’ numbers when infiltrating the hideout.
Stealth to Sneak
Perception/Scouting Lore check to Seek
You could pretend to want to join up with the Silver Devils, ingratiating yourself with the gang.
Deception to Lie
Performance to Perform
Athletics check to Grapple (by impressing them in arm wrestling)
Fortitude save to drink with them.

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Kargoth raises his mug. "Time to get drinking."
Gossip: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
He tries to get recruited into the Silver Devils, trying to outdrink 'em.
New Recruits Fortitude: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Hero Point Fortitude: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

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With the information of the location and preferred time of infiltration, Zenobia goes to investigate. She takes out a travel cloak to hide her recognizable dress, and sneaks around the warehouses, estimating the defenses and how the lightning at sunset changes the shadows.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Content with her findings, she goes to see the gang and impress them to get into their circles. She watches the arm wrestling challenges, and shakes her head.
"You agree to tight rules there. There's no such rules in life. You have so much more that you can do when you use your whole body. Let me see, who would be a fair challenge for a tiny, slim-armed girl like me..." she critiques the competition, then points at a particularly burly arm wrestler. "You. Try to hold me."
When grabbed, instead of using her arms, bends backwards in two, far beyond what would seem naturally possible. Then, with a big arc so that everyone sees, flips her legs up and around her opponent's hands, and using her strong leg and core muscles pulls the hold apart. Still not touching the ground, she wraps her legs around the opponent's body, and bends her upper body around the opponent to allow her access to a painful nerve point, which she presses gently but making it show that it would hurt tremendously if she hit with full strength, even with her slim build.
She releases her hold, and descends bending backward to a handstand and from there back to standing, one leg at a time, showing how far and controlled she can bend. "That is how you do it", she calmly states.
Acrobatics (Acrobatic Performance): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
As it was generic perform, Zenobia's feat Acrobatic Performance should work here. And what she did is basically what Contortionist feat does, just doing it as Perform.
I have 2 hero points, so let's use one to reroll the stealth.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

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Gwen makes her way through one of the bars and in no time, she's laughing and flirting with the patrons. There's natural discussion of the changes in Kintargo and she's able to mention the Silver Ravens to see what the crowd knows.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
It turns out one of the patrons is a member of the Burning Daggers instead. After allowing her to buy Gwen a drink, lets it slip how she saw a couple of Silver Ravens scouting out a Burning Dagger's hideout. Perhaps the ought to grab a Silver Raven and see what he knows.
Deception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
While I doubt that's a crit, Gwen does have the Charming Liar feat.

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G'Mba begins drinking looking for new recruits.
Fort: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Then, G'Mba will try to impress them in arm wrestling contests.
Athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

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G'Mba - You can only do each activity once. So you need to choose from the other 3 for the second roll.

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Garrace approaches the local gang in the area known as the Burning Daggers, hoping to get some information about the Silver Devils. Not impressed by what they have to offer, he threatens them to create a distraction.
Intimidation: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
He then tries to present himself to the Silver Devils as a new recruit, seeking to impress them with his muscle.
Athletics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

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Sorry, I misunderstood. Instead of the Athletics check, I would do Perception to scout. May I use the same die roll? (Giving me 19 total). If not my Perception modifier is +7, you may roll it.

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"Wanna join you gang, Silver Devils." Basag tells the members on sight. "I am strong you see." he flexes his arm and motions to somebody to challenge him for an arm-wrestling.
New Recruits: Athletics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
He then leaves with satisfaction, this time to scout the warehouses to find clues about the group.
Scout the Warehouses: Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

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wow... this group nailed the prep!
The Silver Devils are impressed with the Pathfinders able to hold their liquor and arm wrestle. "Yer all right! But we can't take ya to the base tonight. Big important meeting. Meet us here tomorrow."
Garrace and Zenobia got crit successes on their attempts
Basag and G'Mba both learn that there are several structures worth investigating. Zenobia, however, discovers which one is most likely to contain the cipher (Crit)
Gwen and Garrace convince the Burning Daggers to create a diversion when the Pathfinders infiltrate, either by charming them (Gwen) or threatening them outright (Garrace).
Although Kargoth manages to drink one of the Silver Devils under the table, he does not succeed in discovering any gossip about the group. Gwen, meanwhile impresses a tavern goer enough that they speak out.
"The Silver Devils are a menace, but mostly insignificant muckrakers, and there are maybe 10 of them total. Most are brats from a bit of money, but not much. They make trouble even for the other gangs in the area—hell, the Burning Daggers really hate them! The Silver Devils hide out in one of the old salt warehouses. But you didn't hear that from me! " the old-timer adds.

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All in all, you've earned 14 Edge Points, which can be used to transform a failure/crit failure into a success in the infiltration.
As sundown approaches, you don dark clothing and prepare to infiltrate the Silver Devils hideout.
* The Infiltration consists of a series of Obstacles that you need to overcome.
* Each PC can attempt a given Obstacle once.
* Skill checks earn successes as follows: CS/S - +2/+1
* Failures/Crit Failures generate Awareness Points, which can lead to complications
* Edge Points can turn a Failure/Crit Failure into a success
As the Silver Devils' hideout is on the water, it makes sense to hire a boat to cross the water.
Round: 1
DC 17 Survival
DC 19 Diplomacy/Perception
Special Conditions: Tipping the boatman 2gp will give a +2 bonus to the Diplomacy Check (but is not required)
Successes: 0/6 (Group)
Awareness Points (Bad): 0
Edge Points: 14
Those with ** may go
**G'Mba Bhee
**Gwendolyn Faran
**Garrace Elaethros
**Zenobia Arsinoe Thea
**Basag Bungo

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Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
BTW, G'Mba has the Deep Sea Diver background, Underwater Marauder Feat, and the Plane of Water Lore. I don't know if that will add anything to the checks.

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G/Mba manages to find a path through the water.
Nope -- it's just a straight up crossing
You need 2 successes as a group to pass this obstacle. Disregard the 6 from the earlier post.
Round: 1
DC 17 Survival
DC 19 Diplomacy/Perception
Special Conditions: Tipping the boatman 2gp will give a +2 bonus to the Diplomacy Check (but is not required)
Successes: 1/2 (Group)
Awareness Points (Bad): 0
Edge Points: 14
Those with ** may go
G'Mba Bhee
**Gwendolyn Faran
**Garrace Elaethros
**Zenobia Arsinoe Thea
**Basag Bungo

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Garrace tries to get a sense of the wind direction and current.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

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Kargoth surveys the area.
"I think that place will be easier to cross..."
Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

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Garrace attempts to cross but misreads the current and is nearly swept off his feet. Kargoth finds an easier spot and makes it across.
+1 Awareness point. No complications... yet...
The party arrives at the hideout complex. However, the Silver Devils have a guard post in front of their hideout where some members keep watch over their base, but they’re not very loyal and are fed up with being stuck on watch.
Round: 1
Obstacle: GUARD POST
DC 18 Diplomacy/Deception
DC 20 Athletics/Stealth to climb over the wall
Special Conditions: A bribe of 2 gp will give a +2 bonus to the Diplomacy/Deception check, but is not required
Successes: 0/2 (Group)
Awareness Points (Bad): 1
Edge Points: 14
Those with ** may go
G'Mba Bhee
**Gwendolyn Faran
Garrace Elaethros
**Zenobia Arsinoe Thea
**Basag Bungo

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"Follow me!" Basag invites the other Pathfinders to follow him as he climbs a part of the wall that he finds easier to climb.
DC 20 Athletics (E): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

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Basag easily makes it over the wall.
Round: 1
Obstacle: GUARD POST
DC 18 Diplomacy/Deception
DC 20 Athletics/Stealth to climb over the wall
Special Conditions: A bribe of 2 gp will give a +2 bonus to the Diplomacy/Deception check, but is not required
Successes: 1/2 (Group)
Awareness Points (Bad): 1
Edge Points: 14
Those with ** may go
G'Mba Bhee
**Gwendolyn Faran
Garrace Elaethros
**Zenobia Arsinoe Thea
Basag Bungo

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Gwen waves to the guards as she approaches. "Hi boys! Listen, there's a big shindig happening at the Brazen Bell tavern tonight! A discount on some of their drinks and some great entertainment."
"If you get lucky, I might even decide to perform." She smiles and winks. "And here's a little bonus to get you started. Call it insurance if you don't catch me later."
Deception: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 2 = 17
Hero Point: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 9 + 2 = 28
My brain just couldn't think of a Diplomacy option, so Gwen will lie her way though.

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Gwen's promise of a hot night in a local tavern is all that's needed to get the guards to abandon their post. Of course, the 2gp she handed them may have helped...
You get past the guard post and onto the docks. The wooden boards of the dock are very loud if one doesn’t step carefully.
Zenobia, you may make 2 checks
Round: 1-2
DC 15 Stealth
DC 17 Acrobatics
Successes: 0/3 (Group)
Awareness Points (Bad): 1
Edge Points: 14
Those with ** may go
**G'Mba Bhee
**Gwendolyn Faran
**Garrace Elaethros
**Zenobia Arsinoe Thea (2 checks)
**Basag Bungo

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"Come see you perform? You should join the circus with that persuasion", Zenobia comments to Gwen, so emotionlessly that it's impossible to say if she's sarcastic or giving a real job offer.
Zenobia glances at the boards and notes where the strongest support beam seems to go, and balances along it across the floor.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28
She barely even thinks about her steps, easily keeping herself on the line of the beam, so much wider than the tightropes she's used to.
Zenobia has Steady Balance which might help to turn success to critical success here, but that was high enough even without it.
Can Zenobia do two checks against this obstacle or do I have to wait for the next one for the other check?

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Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
"The circus? Oh, I've had enough moving around. And living in a tent? This princess likes a good bed, thank you." Unfortunately, the chatter has loosened Gwen mood and she isn't very careful as she approaches the dock.

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If Zenobia can do twice on this obstacle
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
Zenobia goes back, following her footsteps, then goes again and instructs the rest of the group on the way. "Now, step where I step. Beware the next one, one side is higher so lean a bit left. Then, two flat, lean right, flat, right, left", she calmly explains as she goes.

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Basag tries to do light steps on the floor because he is not sure which of its wooden panels are squeaky.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

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Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
HERO POINT Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Garrace tries his best not to disturb the boards.

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Zenobia easily makes it across the squeaky floor. Gwen attempts to follow. She almost steps onto a particularly squeaky board but she spots that the board is loose at the last minute, avoiding disaster.
Gwen, yes - that's what the Edge points are for :)
Making it across the docks, you realize that there are more buildings on this side than the other.
Basag manages to find the right one right off the bat!
Garrace/Zenobia - you can keep your rolls or reroll them if you like. You just need 1 success.
Round: 2
DC 18 Survival
DC 20 Perception
Successes: 2/3 (Group)
Awareness Points (Bad): 1
Edge Points: 13
Those with ** may go
**G'Mba Bhee
Gwendolyn Faran
**Garrace Elaethros
**Zenobia Arsinoe Thea
Basag Bungo

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Zenobia easily makes it across the squeaky floor. Gwen attempts to follow. She almost steps onto a particularly squeaky board but she spots that the board is loose at the last minute, avoiding disaster.
Gwen, yes - that's what the Edge points are for :)
I suggest we spend one to get that third success.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

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Kargoth says "I know the scent of the low grade swill the Devils drink..."
Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Might as well use an edge point to turn that into a success.