Wrath of the Righteous for Paladins

Game Master trawets71

WotR with all paladins.


Loot Sheet

Food and Water: 40
Goods: 5

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M Dwarf Paladin 9 | AC 25 T 12 FF 24 CMD 29 | HP 123/123 | F +14 R +7 W +10 (+3 vs spells, SLA, poison) | Init +3 | Per +10 (Darkvision) | Mv 50' | Smite 3/3 | LOH 7/7 | Mythic 5/9 | Active: None | Shield: On

"I do not see how we can deal with such foes."

Nevertheless, Leothar prepares to strike should a specter show itself. He is again using Fighting Defensively on his readied action for AC 26 (vs Smite target, blue) and 25 vs the other (+2 deflection from Magic Circle Against Evil).

Readied Action:
Attack, PA, defensively: 1d20 + 16 - 3 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 16 - 3 - 4 = 24 +3 if the Smite target (blue) comes into reach first
Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 8 + 13 = 28 extra +9 vs Smite target

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