GM Spazmodeus presents Second Darkness

Game Master Spazmodeus

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Hi folks,

Have a need for some new blood in a recently started Second Darkness campaign.
Due to RL delays, lost a couple of the my original selections, and another has had to bow out due to RL pressures.

We've only just started, so you haven't missed much!

Looking for 1-2 ( or even 3! ) characters using the creation guidelines below.
I don't want the original players to wait any longer than they already have, so I'm looking at a nice quick recruitment. Based on the response to the original recruitment post I'll be making my decisions on the 6th of September . Those of you who responded to the original recruitment here feel
free to re-submit your submissions.

Character Generation!
CharGen Method: 20-point buy.
Classes: Any except Antipaladin. Barbarians, Monks, Rogues and Summoners must all be Unchained.
Races: Core + Featured, except for drow.
Alignment: Any non-evil.
Starting Level: 1.
HP on Level-Up: Half + 1 + CON.
Traits: 2 to start with, one of which is a Campaign Trait. You may take a Drawback for a 3rd trait.
Optional Systems: Background Skills.
Starting Wealth: Max for your class.

Do not use the official campaign traits , use the following instead.
Only one character per campaign trait will be chosen.

Campaign Traits!: :

Cromarcky’s Gendarme: You are part of Riddleport’s Gendarmes—they’re what passes for the law in the City of Cyphers. Whether you’re one of the vanishingly rare honest officers or one of the many content to take bribes and break legs in the name of maintaining order, you’re in a better position to tip the balance of local politics than most, even if your job doesn’t pay much. You’ve developed a healthy sense of paranoia (in Riddleport, it’s not a question of if you’ll be stabbed in the back, but when) and a good feel for the city—and you’re used to striking first once it’s clear hostilities are about to happen. Attending the Gold Goblin’s gambling tournament sounds like a good way to let off some steam; if the gambling doesn’t take your mind off your troubles, the drinks certainly will. And besides, Cromarcky’s bound to have questions as to why Saul Vancaskerkin was stupid enough to return. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Sense Motive and Knowledge (Local) checks, and one of these is always a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 trait bonus to Initiative rolls.

Knocmar’s Mouse: Your childhood was spent in Riddleport’s filth-strewn alleyways and dark corners, stealing what you could and fighting or begging for what you couldn’t. It was not a dignified existence, but it was one you could claw out for yourself—and it was your tenacity that caught the attention of one of Riddleport’s crime lords, Varnal ‘Split Face’ Knocmar. The beggar king took you under his wing and taught you how to become a more successful criminal, sending you on more and more daring burglaries as you grew older and improved your skills. Now it’s time to strike out on your own before one of the jobs Knocmar sends you on gets you imprisoned or worse. The Gold Goblin’s tournament should be the perfect place to start making your name—even if you don’t strike it rich at the tables, there’s bound to be plenty of marks with purses ripe for the picking! You gain a +1 bonus to Sleight of Hand and Stealth rolls, and one of these is always a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 trait bonus to Reflex Saves.

Lantern Informant: You’re one of the rarest breed of folk in Riddleport—you’re someone respectable. The ones in charge either ignore you or otherwise don’t see you as a threat, the smallfolk don’t mind so much when you pass them by and you know what to do to get the gangs to leave you alone. By all standards, you’re no one of importance: that was why you were contacted. A stranger in a dark green, leaf-embroidered cloak and bearing a fancy lantern tracked you to your home one night and offered you gold for information regarding Riddleport’s leaders. You told him what you knew, accepted your payment and thought you’d never see him again—but he came back the next week. And the week after that, and for many weeks afterward. Now, the stranger has made a bigger request of you—he wishes for you to attend the Gold Goblin’s opening tournament and find out everything you can about Saul Vancaskerkin and why he has returned to Riddleport. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Perception rolls, and one of these is always a class skill for you.

Out-of-Towner: You’re not from Riddleport originally. Whether it’s from your clothes, your mode of speech or how you carry yourself, that fact is very visible to any local who sees you. As a result, people tend to underestimate just how savvy and dangerous you can be. You’ve learned to use this tendency to your advantage, letting them think they have the upper hand until you prove otherwise in a suitably threatening display. Riddleport is said to be a city of opportunities, and you’re going to make the most of them—starting with the Gold Goblin casino’s opening gambling tournament. You gain a +1 trait bonus to one Craft or Profession skill of your choice, and a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate rolls. Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Pamodae’s Catspaw: Passion can loosen the lips of even the most private of people, and you have firsthand experience in that. You are a worker in the House of the Silken Veil—Riddleport’s biggest brothel and temple of Calistria. Your boss, High Priestess Shorafa Pamodae, is one of the city’s foremost information brokers thanks to her extensive clientele—and the skills of her employees in pumping them for secrets. Saul Vancaskerkin’s return to Riddleport is of particular interest to Pamodae, and you were chosen to go forth, insinuate yourself into Saul’s good graces and determine just what would compel Saul to return. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks made against people who are attracted to you, and Bluff is always a class skill for you. Also, choose one spell of the enchantment school that you know. The Saving Throw DC of that spell is increased by one against any who are attracted to you.

The 3 active PCs (in the Character tab) are Krystal (Unchained Rogue), Mholg (Fighter) and Morrolan (Shaman (unsworn)).

So, 1 skill monkey, one front liner, one shaman (with pretty high charisma).

I think I have a cunning plan!

Rough background:
Pamodae employs all manner of girls, including some girls that uhm, could break the average suitor in 2 and then impale them on their horns.

blessed with a somewhat unusual vocal range as well as some rather large horns, Liza "Horny" Black-Gluz is mostly singing, or acting as extra security.

Class: Skald (so far 2 out of 3 characters can use the inspired rage, I can do Urban Skald or Spellwarrior if the percentage of people using the rage in the selected party drops to <50%)
Background trait:
Pamodaes Catspaw (either command, murderous command or unnatural lust)
irrepressible (yay, wisdom as dump stat is always hilarious!)

Race: Demonspawn
Extreme mood swings (she has a bit of a booze problem)
Power attack (because its needed)
Combat reflexes (mostly plotting on being a reach skald)
Force of personality (wis now complete dump stat)
Not sure in which order I will take these feats yet.

wip, need to fully add background and description.

rules question:
Thieflings can get the "beguiling liar" alternative racial trait which is:

Beguiling Liar Many tieflings find that the best way to get along in the world is to tell others what they want to hear. These tieflings’ practice of telling habitual falsehoods grants them a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Liza will start using her perform sing for lying at level 2. Does beguiling liar apply to that?

I've never played a Wizard before, thus I thought it was about time.
I recently built this guy and am eager to let him out.
The twist is, Elduin is not only an arcane caster, but also a capable healer.

I can implement both Lantern Informant or Out-of-Towner into the backstory.

Description added, look forward to play her.

So I'm probably over-committed to games at this point, but I have a concept for a gnome adherent of Nivi Rhombodazzle who would easily be drawn to the gambling portions of this game and would hopefully grow beyond such chaos energy throughout the rest of the campaign.

I don't have a specific class in mind yet, but this gnome would be at least somewhat religious. An oracle could be fun, as the last campaign I had an oracle in faded away unceremoniously. I'll see if I can put someone together by your deadline.

I just missed my editing deadline, but my first thought for Mystery is the Lunar, Shadow, or Solar mysteries, because of the whole Second Darkness of it all. (It also helps that Nivi's domains are Community, Earth, Luck, and Trickery, matching with several deities that have established mysteries (Lunar::Luck::Desna, Shadow::Luck/Trickery::Lao Shu Po, and Solar::Luck::Desna). For the GM: are any of those particularly appropriate for the AP?

Greetings! I'm quite interested in applying--I've previously began a Second Darkness campaign that I very much enjoyed but that came to an end after Book 1. While I remember some aspects of that game, I don't remember all the details and I promise not to use any information I might remember as a spoiler.

My basic concept is that an Abadarian has come to Riddleport, sent by his superiors ostensibly in a quest to bring order to this lawless place, although perhaps actually sent because they were really tired of dealing with him. Arriving in town, he joins the most "lawful" organization he can find, the Riddleport Gendarmes! Roleplay wise, he's kind of a fish out of water in Riddleport, which I hope will have some humorous effect.

Build-wise, he's a crossbow-wielder with designs on the Sentinel presige class, worshipping Abadar. I've heard that Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) is the most viable crossbow build, so maybe I do that. Anyway, hope that's of interest. Let me know if you have suggestions or think I should go a different direction. Otherwise I'll start noodling the actual build.

Darven Cordova attends the Gold Goblin's event "Cheat the Devil and Take His Gold" with the goal of just taking some of His gold to last a couple more weeks. He is a low stakes gambler that has been making a modest living in the gambling halls of Riddleport. For a couple years, he has been an independent, winning enough to maintain a modest living, but not greedy enough to gain the wrath of the Crime Lords.

Darven has been feeling "meh" to the whole working a Gaming Hall for a week or two, then moving on to the next gaming hall, cycling through each Hall so not raising concerns about taking too much from the House. He understands which Gaming Hall is owned by which Crime Lord, so to maintain the illusion that some Gamblers do beat the House. But ensuring no Crime Lord loses too much.

Darven helps out as he can, providing an extra set of hands during an unexpected delivery, pushing a chair in front of someone trying to escape with the House's winnings, to providing directions to a Hall knowing they would be soon swindled. "Tourists, bloody frecking Tourists."

I hate having to move to boarding house to boarding house every few weeks. I don't know which I dread more: A new Host that I tell my lies to or a veteran host that remembers the lies from my last visit.

Can see Darven Cordova as a Fighter with Diplomacy and Profession Gambler. Of the backgrounds, Respectable seems to fit. Always wanted to play Second Darkness with a Gambler character to take advantage of the Gold Goblin locale.

A couple of answers...

@Liza : I would say the Beguiling Liar bonus would apply at anytime you were attempting to lie to another, whether your singing or not.

@polyfrequencies: I'd say choose a domain that best reflects the character you want to play. The AP doesn't require any specific domain.

@Tazo: Create what you want to play, I wouldn't suggest otherwise.

I would like to submit a paladin for your consideration.

I originally submitted Lauganor, CG Elven Lamp-Lighter Ranger.

Out of Towner was the most crowded campaign trait during the initial recruitment. None left, so I'm not duplicative. Not that way, anyhow . . ..

Silver Crusade

dotting. Think I may do something with the Lantern informant. Possible write up an investigator.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'd like to put forward Vanaira Makanya, an elven wizard (divination) with the Lantern Informant background. She's intended to be a support & utility caster with excellent knowledge skills, happy to adjust spells & knowledge based on input from the party.

While originating from the Mierana Forest, Vanaira's lived in Riddleport for several years conducting historical research alongside the Order of the Cypher. She might know Morrolan since he's also part of the Order.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I would like to submit Darius Sharpe.
A cross-blooded Half-Orc Sorcerer opting for Dragon Disciple(negating CL loss via Favored PRC/Prestigious Spellcaster).

Crossblooded really puts a significant dent into spell progression, but it does allow him to be not only a full caster, but also a progressively better Melee Combatant.

Will have to check players guide again before putting a background into writing, but wanted to dot in.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Hi, there! Throwing my hat into the ring, as it were. Enter Endraj Allealas, a very enthusiastic young magician who's ready to prove that he does not fall into the 'bumbling junior mage' archetype. And he doesn't exactly, he just hasn't figured out exactly which way his magic works best yet. But he tries and he's adorable. Born a sorcerer, tried to be a wizard, hasn't quite realized that he's become something in between the two. And even if he's out of spells, he's really good at card tricks.

I'm respectfully bowing out--definitely have a concept, but lacking time to put it all together this week. Good luck with the recruitment and game!

I'm going to shot for the moon. For all that this begins with a gambling tournament, I'm going to go with grit— and by "grit" I do mean "gunslinger". but not just any.

Ianthé Jack, Paladin(Holy Gun) of Irez. Motivation is taken from "Shape of My Heart", more specifically, that she feels closest to Irez when immersed in a card game, and the money is just score. The more significant the tension, the closer she feels.

A pitch as good as advertised at the Golden Goblin is just too good to be passed up. It is always a pleasure to play, anyway.

Crunchy bits:
Trait: Out-of-Towner fits the Trope, but Cromarcky's Gendarme can be utilized as well in more of a longer-term sense.

If you're still considering players, I'd like to offer up [Sylvia Falschen]. She's a Half-Orc witch from the streets who uses shamanic flair to separate suckers from their money and help those lucky enough to be her friends.

Okay, I've got this for now:

Corwynt Winterbreeze:

Anyone who sees Corwynt could easily recognize him. The guy has a very particular mark, like a reddish stain in the skin, which covers most of the left half of his face. Even his left eye is from a different color, glowing with a wolf-like yellow instead of the beautiful hazelnut tone of his right one, and his left ear does not end in a point as the right one. Of course, when you want to go unnoticed, that’s a problem, but sometimes people get too fascinated by the horrendous appearance, and that’s usually the last thing they get to think about. Because Corwynt is a hitman.

He’s spent most of his life in the streets of Riddleport, having to take care of himself. As a child, he was recruited by the infamous Varnal Knocmar, the man thinking he could have the kid’s loyalty in exchange for shelter and a warm meal. And he was right - Corwynt showed up as a loyal executor of his boss’ will, and earned more and more of his trust. He was even sent by Varnal to train with some expert combat masters and assassins, so as to have the best and most loyal servant at his command.

Up till now. Corwynt is done with that. He’s tired of having no say in what he’s going to work next, in what he can or cannot do, see or even think. He doesn’t want to be dependent on his master’s good will or amusement anymore. He wants to forge his own destiny, away from miserable rat alleys and stinking taverns, a glorious life of adventure and self-fulfillment. But he needs money. So he has a plan - there’s going to be plenty of money at stakes in the upcoming Gold Goblin event. His plan is to win some, or offer his service to one who does and plans out of town. Because if he stays here, Varnal won’t stay at peace until Corwynt has been dealt with.

Corwynt, as said in the beginning, is a quite scary guy, with his strange mark in the face and all his weird features like mismatching ears and eyes. If one looks carefully, she could even tell one of his arms is a bit shorter than the other. All of this is just capricious genetics, though through the years both Corwynt and Varnal have made up all kinds of elaborate stories about the origin of his visible perks - from battles with dangerous enemies to evil pacts or witches’ work - all to instill fear in those who believe such lies. Other than that, Corwynt is a thin half-elf with dark, long hair and hazel eyes. He learned some magic tricks which he applies to combat and other risky situations, resulting in a quite versatile fighter.

Our hero has gone through all sorts of dark situations, so much that he doesn’t really want to keep doing this job. He’s seen torture, assassination, extortion and other things, right in his face, and has come to understand that one’s life cannot be so grim. He likes fighting and being so cool and that, but he’s sure there’s a way to use his skills for a greater purpose, something that grants him a good feeling. Because it's been so long since last time he felt good.

He's a half-elf Magus. I'll put the crunch in an alias tonight or tomorrow.

As promised, here's Corwynt Windbreeze, Half-Elf Magus.

Level 1 is not usually friendly to casters and gishes, but later on you can expect high enemy debuff via melee and secondary arcane support.

Hey, if you're still looking for players, here is Lilian Clearfire, a tiefling out of towner alchemist recently arrived to Riddleport.

Added some background things that are knowable for others, with a high enough check.

I'm going to withdraw my interest from this recruitment. I have been too busy to really sit down and make a good character background for this. Good luck and happy gaming to all!

Liberty's Edge

Throwing my hat in with Brand here. Warpriest for some frontline and healing.

Ok , here's a list of applicants.

Liza Black-Gluz (mightypion) Tiefling Skald
Elduin ( Ellioti ) Human Wizard
Darven Cordova (Brett Chenault) human? Fighter
sir Ahldengar Brandoch ( cuchulainn) Human Paladin
Jauganor (hustonj) Elf Ranger
Vanaira Makanyan (bookworm422) elf Wizard
Darius Sharpe (MordredofFairy) Half-orc Sorcerer
Engraj Allealas (DankeSean) Human> arcanist
Ianthe Jack ( Me'mori) Human? Paladin (holygun)
Sylvia Falshen (vegecannibal) Half-orc witch
corwynt Winterbreeze ( Jereru ) Half-elf Magus
Lilian Clearfire (GM Cody) tielfling alchemist
Brand the bold (ironpereti) Dwarf warpriest.

Any new or updates to current applications must be submitted by midnight EST!


I just noticed that the link to Endraj's profile from my previous post is kablooey. Here he is more properly- note he's not a wizard/sorcerer multiclass, he's an arcanist.

Just noticed this, and would be willing to try to sneak in a dwarven cleric.

Will take a day to get it done though.

Lauganor, not Jauganor, though I guess everyone would expect the second to be faster?

Even a little funny?

GM Spazmodeus wrote:

Ok , here's a list of applicants./snip/

Ianthe Jack ( Me'mori) Half-Elf Paladin (Holy Gun)


Traits: Patient Calm
Out-of-Towner (it's too classic, I can't help it.)
Drawback: Umbral Unmasking

Feat: Point-Blank Shot

It began with a game of chance.
Just chance that the four finally met to play.
Just chance that the usual cards were taken by a sibling.
Just chance that they had a Harrow deck to serve as a substitute.

One saw visions with each hand, but were they past or present?
Another saw the story left unfinished by several authors.
The third tried to mark the cards and was marked in turn.
The last laughed and went all in, lost in the game.

The dealer simply smiled, and turned their cards over.

Aaaaaaaannnd....times up!

Thanks for all of the submissions, as usual this community makes it hard for us DMs to choose!

I'll review tomorrow and hopefully have a decision tomorrow as well, get the game going again as soon as possible.

OK, will the following please join the festivities in gameplay:

Liza Black-Gluz (mightypion) Tiefling Skald
corwynt Winterbreeze ( Jereru ) Half-elf Magus
Brand the bold (ironpereti) Dwarf warpriest.

For those not chosen, thanks for taking the time to apply, you made it a difficult decision. Good luck next time.

Have fun!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

Happy gaming!

Congratulations to all chosen, and have fun!

(And sorry, I was a bit ill and unable to get a background together in time.)

Late to the party! I have been reading some FR novels and got the Drow
Jaraxle is supremely fun!

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