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bookworm422's page

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 19 posts (138 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.


Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I've been accepted to another campaign so will be withdrawing my application from this one. Thanks for your consideration and enjoy your campaign.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'd like submit Kelri Greenhill, a halfling wizard, for a chance to play in this game. Mechanics can be found on the Kelri Greenhill alias.

Kelri was born and raised in Otari, and was a curious child easily fascinated by stories, especially about magic. This led her to undertake a basic wizard education to learn more about the possibilities of magic. She chooses to worship Shelyn for the stories that inspired her and her belief that magic is also a form of art which can inspire others.

Kelri is still studying magic in Otari and continues to be a frequent customer at Odd Stories often chatting about books or her studies with the owner Morlibint. Aside from there she’s also likely to be found at the Dawnflower Library for their books or the Rowdy Rockfish for a meal and some quiet conversation.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I’d love to be considered for this game. I’ve more experience running Pathfinder 2e than playing it, but have been playing since the playtest. Haven’t had a chance to run or play Stolen Fate yet so hoping this will be my opportunity. I can post once a day with occasional exceptions such as for the upcoming holidays but will let you know in advance. I already have a roll20 & discord account so will be able to jump in there easily if chosen. Let me know if you have any questions. Please note I’ll be travelling (Sunday) to a work conference (Monday, Tuesday) so responses will be a bit slow those days.


Name Kadir Danek
Ancestry Dwarf Duskwalker Heritage if OK, otherwise Death Warden Dwarf
Background Bookish Providence
Class Investigator (Alchemical Sciences)
Alignment & Faith NG, Pharasma, Magrim
Free Archetype Pathfinder Agent, Archaeologist
Pathbuilder Sheet not complete, if selected will finalise after some input from the party about what roles need to be filled

In the Five Kings Mountains Kadir’s clan is dedicated to the preservation of the graves and historical records of the dwarven ancestors and trained Kadir to do the same. While Kadir enjoyed the training and saw it’s value, they wanted a greater challenge than routine maintenance and an opportunity to learn more. When Kadir came of age they departed home to put their skills to seek out and preserve hidden knowledge.

Kadir has spent the last few decades investigating and adventuring, often completing missions for the Pathfinder society, but also for the church of Pharasma. Kadir has continued to practice dwarven traditions through this time, particularly through craft work, and has made the occasional visit home. However they have chosen to live in Absalom to more easily continue learning and working.

With Kadir having a home in Absalom they’ve likely met and/or worked with the other party members previously. Kadir was out of the city for work during the first events of the campaign and has only able to join up with the party now.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Alright, finished up my application for Elyma, added a background and some mechanical details but will need to finish up spells and equipment this weekend if selected. Thanks for your consideration GM of the Crusade.

Name: Elyma
Race: Human (Comprehensive Education) (Focused Study)
Class: Bard (Chronicler of Worlds) // Witch (Shadow Patron) 3
Campaign Trait: Exposed to Awfulness

Raised in one of cultist groups in the Worldwound Elyma’s childhood was an unpleasant one. The hierarchy in the cult was determined by cruelty and physical strength and she was near the bottom of it. Fortunately while she was a child Elyma had a formative encounter with a captured crusader who spoke of his friends and family and how they looked after each other. To Elyma this was an entirely new concept and also something that she wanted more than anything. While the crusader was killed shortly afterwards, Elyma never forgot the kinder world he spoke of and a few years later when she was fifteen she escaped the cult and began making her way out of the Worldwound.

But travelling the Worldwound on you own is dangerous and inevitably Elyma was found by a demon who severely injured her before getting distracted by more interesting prey. Left to bleed out alone Elyma didn’t have much longer to live when an unknown voice spoke to her from the darkness. It offered to help her survive, in exchange for future favors, and with no other options Elyma agreed. With a bat familiar and a growing skill with spells Elyma eventually crossed the border into Mendev.

Life in Mendev has it’s own challenges, dodging inquisitors one of the most dangerous. But the most time consuming has been Elyma’s attempts to adapt to how different things are from the cult and how to fit in here. But things are still far better than they were, and Elyma is finally able to learn and try to make friends. For the past year Elyma’s been living in Kenabres and working as a scribe. She spends most if her spare time learning from books, the arts, or people. The demon’s attack on Kenabres has brought old fear and pain back to life, but Elyma won’t let them win without a fight.

I saw mentions of the Tower of Estrod and the Librarium of the Broken Black Wing and was wondering if it would make sense for Elyma to have a connection to one of them?

Background Questions:
1. What is your character’s name? Elyma (she/her) (previously Nera, she took a new name when she left the cult)

2. How old is your character? 19

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? Elyma is scrawny, pale human with blond hair and gray eyes. She wears plain robes and usually has her spell component pouch, familiar and pens, ink, and paper on her person.

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? Elyma tends to go into a bit too much detail when talking and ask a few too many questions. She also occasionally checks in on what her familiar thinks of things even though he can’t fully communicate with her. For particularly interesting conversation or events she will start taking notes.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? Elyma was born and raised in a demon cult in the Worldwound by her parents.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? Her parents were alive when she left the cult. Her mother was a cleric, father was a warrior. Elyma does not consider them family.

7. Do you have any other family or friends? She has three older siblings who were alive when she left the cult. She does not consider them family. She gets on with a few people in Kenabres, but isn’t sure if they’re truly friends yet.

8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? No partner, no kids.

9. What is your character’s alignment? TN, Elyma makes decisions based on what’s going to help her most in the long term rather than ideals about good & evil or law & chaos.

10. What is your character’s moral code? Right now it’s pretty limited but includes: protect your own first (includes self, friends, and things); learn as much as possible and verify the information, especially before making decisions; let people make their own choices and bear the consequences of those choices.

11. Does your character have goals? Yes, ultimately Elyma wants to live a peaceful life with friends and family that care about each other. However experience has shown her that demons make a peaceful life impossible so their attack must be stopped first. Additionally she’d like to know more about her patron and maybe even clear the debt since the unknowns there could be dangerous.

12. Is your character religious? No. Gods are powerful but that doesn’t mean Elyma wants to worship them.

13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? Don’t have anything else to add to the above.

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? Curious to the point where she will ask invasive questions and explore topics others are uncomfortable with. Hesitant to trust, but wants to.

15. Why does your character adventure? Elyma needs to halt the demon’s attack and avoid returning to the life she had as a child. She also struggles to fit in to a ‘normal’ life.

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? Who better to oppose the demons of the worldwound then someone who is (unfortunately) familiar with how they operate.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? Yes a number of scars from childhood, the largest one are a set of deep slashes in her side from the demon that nearly killed her. The most obvious is the burn scar on her left hand.

18. How does your character get along with others? Elyma is trying really hard to get along with people, but still comes off as a bit odd to others. She has a tendency to ask intrusive questions out of curiosity and to ramble about her latest research. She also has a hard time truly trusting others.

19. Is there anything that your character hates? demons, cultist’s, extremist inquisitors, people who hide information from her (excluding personal information)

20. Is there anything that your character fears? returning to the cult, dying

Elyma Statblock:
Human Bard (Chronicler of Worlds) // Witch (Shadow Patron) 3
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +9 (+7 if familiar out of arms reach)
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
HP 21 (3d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; +4 vs spells and effects that vary based on their target’s alignment
Amoral Scholar (Ex) do not take penalties imposed by planar alignment traits
Exposed to Awfulness 1/day as a free action you can reroll a failed saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would kill or physically incapacitate you
Speed 30 ft.

Bardic Performance (Su) 12 rounds/day, standard action, DC 15 | countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1, inspire competence +2
Witch Hexes standard action, DC 15 2 hexes remaining

Bard Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
1st (4/day) (4 known)
0 (at will) (6 known + 3 FCB) dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, oath of anonymity, mage hand, message, open/close, scrivener's chant, prestidigitation

Witch Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
2nd (2/day)
1st (3/day)
0 (4 at will) daze, detect fiendish presence, guidance, read magic
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12 Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk 2; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Alertness (if familiar in arms reach), Lingering Performance, Skill Focus (Linguistics) (1 feat remaining)
EitR Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse
Traits Exposed to Awfulness (campaign), Pragmatic Activator (magic), Unintentional Linguist (social)
Skills Kn (arcana) +11, Kn (planes) +11, Kn (religion) +11, Linguistics +14, Perception +9, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +10 (12 skill points remaining, 3 background skill points remaining)
Planar Lore you can always take 10 on Kn (planes), 4 times/day you can 20 on Kn (planes) checks
Scrivener’s Versatility use your Linguistics bonus for Sense Motive checks
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common (Taldane), Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Hallit
Coin 1,000 gp
Witch Spells Known
2nd Level (2 spells remaining)
1st Level silent image (patron) (9 spells remaining)
Cantrips arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect fiendish presence, detect magic, detect poison, grasp, guidance, light, mending, message, putrefy food and drink, read magic, resistance, spark, stabilize, touch of fatigue

B, Bat Familiar Statblock:
TN Diminutive animal
Init +2; Senses blindsense 20 ft., low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 size, +2 natural)
HP 10 (3 HD)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +5
Improved Evasion take no damage on a successful Reflex save that would deal half damage
Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee bite +8 (1d3-5)
Space 1 ft., Reach 0ft.
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 6, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +2; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Fly +16, Perception +12, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception (update after master skill points assigned)
Alertness while the familiar is in arms reach the master gains the Alertness feat
Share Spells the master may cast a spell with the target of “you” on the familiar; the master may cast spells on the familiar even if they would not normally affect magical beasts
Empathic Link (Su) master and familiar can communicate empathically up to 1 mile away
Deliver Touch Spells (Su) if the master and familiar are in contact when the master casts a touch spell the familiar can be the “toucher” and deliver the spell as the master would

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Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Shadow Dragon wrote:
GM of the Crusade wrote:

That could potentially work! I think the main categories they’re lacking in are healing, casting, and a bit of rogue skills when Raban isn’t here.

So, for someone with limited PF1 experience, what would fill all of those roles with 2 classes? It's the adding in the rogue skills that I can't think of attaching to the other two unless there's a Wisdom based Rogue...

Sounds like you're looking at a Wisdom caster for one half of the gestalt to handle the casting & healing. For the other half with rogue skills (assumed to be Disable Device and Stealth) you'll want a class that'll grant you both as class skills and give you the trapfinding ability so you can also disarm magical traps. Rogue and Investigator both offer this as a core part of the class, Slayer offers it as a talent. Alchemist, Bard, Hunter, Oracle, Ranger, and Sorcerer all have archetypes that give you trapfinding.

You don't need both sides of the gestalt to have the same ability score focus, but Hunter & Ranger both have Wisdom based spellcasting. You could also just do a 1 level dip into Rogue just for the class skills and trapfinding and then take a Wisdom focused class from there.

Mightypion beat me to a response, but we've both pointed out some different things so should still be useful.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I’ve got a character concept for Elyma a witch // bard (chronicler of worlds). She was born and raised by cultists in the Worldwound and managed to escape in her teens with the help of her witch patron. Since then Elyma has spent time in Kenabres learning everything she can and trying to adjust to life outside of the cult. Now with the attack on Kenabres she’s going need to survive and fight back to avoid returning to a life under the rule of demons.

Mechanically Elyma has a lot of arcane casting which along with bardic performance and witch hexes provides a wide variety of buffs, debuffs and some healing. Investment in Use Magic Device will further expand her magical utility. Additionally she’ll have a large number of skills due to her Intelligence focus and bard abilities, these will include Knowledge, Linguistics, Spellcraft.

1. For the campaign trait, I’m thinking Chance Encounter or Exposed to Awfulness would work with slight story adjustment story to fit with Elyma being from the Worldwound. Let me know if that works for you?
2. How much of the mechanics need to be decided for the application? I’ve got a busy week at work and won’t be able to get everything finalised or the statblock written up. Plus some stuff will probably need to finalised only if I’m selected to join based on what will provide the most support for the party.
3.Let me know if there’s anything else you need for my application.

Summary of Mechanical Choices So Far:

  • Race: Human (Comprehensive Education) (Focused Study)
  • Class: Bard (Chronicler of Worlds) // Witch 3
  • Ability Scores: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
  • Skill Points: Kn (arcana) 3, Kn (planes) 3, Kn (religion) 3, Linguistics 3, Perception 3, Spellcraft 3, Use Magic Device 3, 12 skill points + 3 background skill points
  • Languages: Common (Taldane), Hallit, Abyssal, Celestial, six languages
  • Traits: Pragmatic Activator (magic), Unintentional Linguist (social), campaign trait
  • Feats: Skill Focus (Linguistics), Lingering Performance, third level feat
  • Bard Favored Class Bonus: +3 bard cantrips known (ghost sound, mage hand, one cantrip)
  • Bard Scrivener’s Versatility: one of Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Heal, Intimidate, Profession (scribe), Sense Motive, or Survival
  • Bard Spells Known: cantrips (detect magic, oath of anonymity, open/close, prestidigitation, scrivener’s chant, one cantrip), four 1st level
  • Witch Familiar: bat
  • Witch Hexes: first level hex, second level hex
  • Witch Patron: patron
  • Witch Spells Known: cantrips (all), nine 1st level, two 2nd level
  • Equipment: 1,000gp

Background Questions:

1. Name: Elyma (she/her)
2. Age: 19
3. First Glance: human, scrawny, pale skin, blond hair, grey eyes, burn scar on left hand, simple robes, bat familiar
4. Additional Attributes: quiet, reserved, watchful
5. Born & Raised: to cultist parents in the Worldwound, not a good childhood
6. Parents: are cultists and were alive when Elyma left, current status unknown
7. Family & Friends: bio family included three older siblings current status unknown. Some acquaintances in Kenabres met as part of her efforts to learn (someone associated with a library or theatre would be good) also maybe someone who Elyma deal with the inquisitors at some point, would like discuss further if selected in terms of what might make sense in terms of connections to PC’s and NPC’s
8. Marriage & Kids: none
9. Alignment: TN
10. Moral Code: protect your own, learn and share knowledge, let people make their own choices
11. Goals: prevent demons & cultists from expanding beyond the Worldwound, find true friends and family, live a happy and peaceful life
12. Religion: gods are powerful but that is not enough to deserve worship
13. Personal Beliefs: that she should understand and make decisions herself rather than relying on others opinions
14. Personality Quirks: introvert, socially awkward, curious, slow to trust
15. Why Adventure: to oppose demons & cultists , difficultly with living a ‘normal’ life
16. My Role as an Adventurer: who better to oppose the demons of the worldwound then someone who is (unfortunately) familiar with how they operate
17. Distinguishing Marks: a number of scars from childhood, most not immediately visible
18. Getting Along With Others: wants to develop good relationships with others, but has been held back by her upbringing leaving her lacking in social skills and trust
19. Hates: demons, cultists, extremist inquisitors, lies
20. Fears: being forced to return to the cult, dying

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I had some time today so bump Vanaira up to level 2. Haven't rolled for HP, or spent all my money since I wasn't sure if I could pre-craft some scrolls or not. But aside from that, all done.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'd like to put forward Vanaira Makanya, an elven wizard (divination specialist). She's only built for level 1 right now, but I didn't want to wait with the tight deadline for this application. Will have more than enough time to level up properly if selected though.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'd like to put forward Vanaira Makanya, an elven wizard (divination) with the Lantern Informant background. She's intended to be a support & utility caster with excellent knowledge skills, happy to adjust spells & knowledge based on input from the party.

While originating from the Mierana Forest, Vanaira's lived in Riddleport for several years conducting historical research alongside the Order of the Cypher. She might know Morrolan since he's also part of the Order.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I have a name for the casting tradition "LIGO Manipulation". In universe named after the pioneer of this particular method of casting, out of universe named after the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.

Ligo's work introduced a method of magically manipulating local gravity to produce specific effects through a thorough understanding of the forces involved and how they interacted along with careful control of the channeled magic through a focus that needed to be adjusted depending on the effect. Since then the practices within the tradition have expanded, some use a similar system of calculation and an adjustable focus to manipulate other forces, chemical reactions, or biological processes.

Carwyn has focused exclusively on methods to alter time, whether indirectly through gravity or directly changing time itself. Expanding her skill set would probably be a good idea at some point.

Oh yeah, Carwyn's personal quest is a very high level thing. Though I suppose the group that came after her parents could show up at lower levels. But actual time travel is not gonna be happening any time soon.

Naming things, my greatest weakness. I am completely open to suggestions there.

I think Carwyn may have originally lived wither within or near the borders of Kyonin. I was thinking her parents may have restored one the smaller elven ruins there to live in. Of course afterwards with joining the merchant caravan she could have ended up further away. As for the time she originates from, I’m leaning more towards her being from the past right now. Though how far back is still uncertain. If you’ve any particular ideas for when that would work with whatever campaign ideas you’re drumming up.

Carwyn’s magic involves temporarily adjusting the existing laws of physics. As such it’s a process that is heavily reliant on precise calculations.

Proposed Casting Tradition:
Focus Casting: a stave with inlaid formulas and adjustable crystals & metals to aid in the necessary calculations and channelling of power. This will also count as the fetish that the Academia tradition grants.
Rigorous Concentration: doing complex mathematics in the middle of combat is hard
Skilled Casting: a reflection of the calculation and adjustments to stave that needs to made for each spell. If possible I’d like to use Knowledge (engineering). But apart from that Craft (clockwork) or Profession (mathematician) could work. Let me know if you have other suggestions. Additionally I’d like to propose use of the Time Sphere Wild Magic table when she fails one of these checks. I think it makes more sense for an error in the calculations or adjustments to cause unexpected/totally different results instead of a weaker version of the effect she was aiming for.
Somatic Casting: needs a hand free to conduct fine adjustments to stave
Easy Focus: once the initial calculations are complete Carwyn only has to pass enough power through to maintain the spell.
Metamagic Expert: the calculated nature of Carwyn’s spellcasting makes it relatively easy for her to make the adjustments in her formulas to account for metamagic.

1d4 ⇒ 3 Well that's longer than I was thinking. I guess Carwyn needed to cover a lot of material since she only spent a short time training with Taryl before being sent here. Plus she does spend most of her time studying time magic to the detriment of her other lessons which could have lengthened her time at the school.

Well Carwyn studies mercantile related subjects e.g. logistics, accounting, trade laws. Gharol may have needed some logistics training if his training is to include leadership/management of a guard as well as fighting.

Apart from that, since Carwyn's been enjoying having more people around she'd study around others, near the training yard or at the local tavern and could have run into Lelach and Gharol there, since their specific area of study doesn't match up very well.

As Tanar is also studying spheres they may have had some classes together. Tanar could have also taken pity on Carwyn and passed her one of his alchemical remedies after she exhausted herself with all night research (this has definitely happened more than once).

Would the trade school provide housing for its students? Maybe everyone got assigned to the same floor and so they ended up spending time together even though everyone's area of study is quite different.

For character creation, two traits?

Thanks for putting all this together! I'm ok with dice rolls for abilities.

I'll be home in a few hours and put together an alias for Carwyn and chuck up some extra stuff on her personality and background to provide some ideas for relationships with the rest of the group.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

So been wanting to try Spheres of Power for a bit, and was suckered in by the Temporal Travel tradition for the Hedgewitch, it was an interesting fluff concept and figuring out how that might fit in Golarion was interesting. Let me know if you've got any questions.

Name: Carwyn
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Hedgewitch. Traditions: Academia & Temporal Travel

Personality: Carwyn inherited both determination and intelligence from her parents. Unlike her parents she has found that she is rather sociable, enjoying more company and conversation than she had the opportunity to experience in her parents independent and isolated house. Though the combined impact of limited contact with childhood peers and her displacement in time means that even with the best of intentions she does not always find success in social activities.

Backstory: Carwyn's parents were deeply in love, and it grieved both of them no end that their lifespans would force a separation long before either of them were ready. To prevent they delved into arcane research eventually finding a way to master time and age in sync with each other.

Sometime after this they had Carwyn expanding their family. She grew up happy and loved within the peaceful home they had built. But it was not to last. Their home was attacked and as her parents turned their use of time magic to combat, Carwyn was told to flee. And so she ran, doing her best to dodge the magical attacks wrecking destruction around her.

Once outside of her home Carwyn made for the nearest village, hoping to find someone to help. But it was drastically changed from when she had last come there. And when she returned to the place her home was supposed to be it there was nothing.

Concluding that she had been transported through time during the battle Carwyn made a decision. She would pursue mastery of time magic herself and return home to her parents and ensure their safety from whatever attacked them.

Trade: With the unfamiliar surroundings and need to survive Carwyn took to working with merchant caravans as needed to travel anyways, to seek out the resources to learn advanced time magic. She was fortunate to be taken in by Taryl another half-elf who lead a caravan. While initially Carwyn worked whatever odd jobs were available her intelligence soon led to her training in keeping records and accounts for the caravan. It was during this training that she realised that the only way the caravan could be making such good time on their travels was through the use of time magic. When she told Taryl of her discovery the half-elf agreed to teach her what she knew of magic in addition to the logistics of managing a caravan. Once Taryl had taught Carwyn what she could she turned the caravan towards the school and left Carwyn there to further her magical education.

OOC Notes: I haven’t come to a decision about the enemies that attacked Carwyn’s home or whether she traveled forward or backward in time. I think that both those things have a greater effect on the campaign and world than Carwyn’s backstory so wanted to develop those along with you if selected.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks for the advice on sources Fabian. Should be able to get access to some of them and add detail to Kela's backstory over the weekend

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Alright, the Horizon Walker has some of my favorite flavor and combined with the very cool Gatekeeper organization means I stay up late to put an initial application in.

If there's more information you want, ask away, I'm sure to be generating extra details anyways. Also I only know what's in the 5e Eberron book, if there's some extra info I should be aware of from past editions, please let me know.

Name: Kela Tharkan
Race: Half-Orc (Mark of Finding)
Class: Ranger (Horizon Walker)

While born to House Tharashk in the Shadow Marches Kela found a desire to use her gifts for something greater than the expansion and profit of the House. Inspired by the heroic tales of her ancestors in combating the threat of the daelkyr and preserving the world, she joined the Gatekeepers.

The hard training among the experienced rangers gave Kela experience and skill in addition to the natural talent her dragonmark gifted her. Determined and unrelenting in her training and her clear devotion to the purpose of the Gatekeepers she was soon a full member rather than a trainee.

While she began her work hunting down aberrations within her homelands, for the past few years Kela has lived within Eldeen Reaches. She was sent here to exchange knowledge and preserve bonds between the different members of the Gatekeepers. Kela's enjoyed her time here, she's made friends and learnt much from the locals.

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Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

@Hanako, thanks for compliment on Mob! She was very fun create. Your mix of monk and actress is very cool, not surprised you've already been accepted.

Definitely seems like everyone's taking the opportunity to get creative with the new mechanics, good luck picking your players GM Ash.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Yeah I've been having some fun reading through the new corebook and really want to get into the new adventure path. With goblins now a core race and the flexible stat boost, figured why not try something a little wild and go goblin barbarian. She's got a motto and everything "Live big and loud and fun!" I'll get a proper alias set up and purchase equipment if accepted.

Mob, Goblin Barbarian:
Name: Mob
Ancestry: Goblin (Unbreakable Heritage)
Background: Haunting Vision
Class: Barbarian (Giant Instinct)
Feats Goblin Lore, Intimidating Glare, Raging Intimidation, Student of the Canon

Backstory Mob has always had an outsized presence for her small size. Loud, brash and able to eat and drink enough for a person twice her size in one sitting. Unfortunately her nightmares (that she refuses to admit to having) are just as big as she is. They always seem to revolve around fire, which is strange cause when she’s awake she doesn’t fear it at all. She’s only felt that kind of fear with one other thing, a strange carving of flames which according to the people she’s questioned represents Dahak, god of destruction.

Living as a member of the local Bumblebrasher tribe she’s come into occasional contact with the adventurer’s that flock to Breachill. This has had it’s upsides and downsides, she’s had to disabuse some of them of the notion that she’s small and therefore weak. But she’s gotten some information about Dahak from them, and more importantly found out about Cayden Cailean. As far as Mob’s concerned, Cayden is the ultimate example of living life big and loud and fun, since he accidentally became a god while super drunk. Ever since she learned about Cayden she’s wanted to follow his example and go on her own proper adventures as well, and it seems she’ll have her chance with this months Call for Heroes.

With the strange fires burning at the citadel coinciding with a new nightmare of fire taking Breachill, Mob’s decided to join whatever adventurers take up the job at the Call for Heroes and destroy whatever is causing the fires (and the nightmares) to protect herself and her tribe.

Mob Statblock:

CG, Small, Goblin, Humanoid, Barbarian
Perception +5
Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Intimidation +5, Lore (Dahak) +3, Lore (Goblin) +3, Nature +3, Religion +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +2
AC 14 (unarmored), Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5
HP 24/24
Unbreakable Goblin Halve distance fallen when calculating falling damage
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] +7 Damage +4
Rage [1] If not fatigued or raging, begin raging. Gain 3 temporary hp, +2 melee damage, (+4 more damage if weapon large sized), -1 AC, clumsy 1, no concentrate actions unless also rage. Last for 1 minute, no perceivable enemies or unconscious. (barbarian, concentrate, emotion, mental)
Demoralize [1] Attempt an Intimidation check against a single creature within 30 feet. Success – target is frightened 1. Critical Success – target is frightened 2. Target immune to Mob’s demoralize for 10 minutes. (auditory/visual, concentrate, emotion, mental, rage)