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Darven Cordova's page

2 posts. Alias of Brett Chenault.

About Darven Cordova

Gambling is skill he has been honing. It is a tool to socialize while getting a tangible result in the terms of winning poker hands. It is a method to interact with other Federation while able to be opponents. On his colony world, food was scarce, so people would back stab one another for a meal. Gambling allows for social backstabbing. Gambling has allowed for Darven to enjoy a few more hours of sleep and recreation due to having people make do on markers by covering shifts. Darven is a big believer in cross training across departments.Currently studying Archeology.



Darven Cordova is a survivor. He wants a good life compared to the Colony World. He also wants some revenge against the Borg. Since this mission is about a Hive Mind, he is intrigued at the low stakes mission with the knowledge of examining a Hive Mind at work.He doesn’t know what he wants beyond that. He has a Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a Decoration in his quarters that has 2 cubic meters more than a normal Ensign due to a requisition he knew to file for.



The Captain, years ago before taking a desk job was on the initial resupply ship. Darven looks up to the kindness that the Captain showed to a pre-teen human orphan. Darven has used the Captain as a role model, an absentee father *gure, drinking the same sort of whiskey, basing Bureaucracy as a career in Starfleet. Darven Cordova has gained a friendly Rivalry with a Ferengi, whom he helped during a Poker Tournament at Deep Space 9. They have passed rumors back and forth between each other. Darven’s security clearance, which he has check up to date, has let him know that the Inpoia has a heavy Security Presence. After a few games, he called in some markers to gain Reserved Security