DM Fern's Skull & Shackles (Inactive)

Game Master Evriani

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CN female Kitsune UC Rogue AC 14/14/10 | hp 10/10 | Con 14/14 | Fort +2 (+2 vs. poison or drugs (+4 alcohol)), Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 | Current Conditions: none
Katara Akshay wrote:
Honestly, people, please don't "darling" me or any other kind of misogyny or male chauvinism. We should be respecting the other players (and characters, for a healthy party). I already asked the GM to manage some of the bickering and passive-aggressive posts, and wouldn't want now to also become part of it. Let's play in a healthy way.

I second that notion and will give my best to hold myself to it.

There can be in game flirting in my eyes, but it should always be consensual and it's probably best when slapstick and funny, if at all.
Think Disney and Pirates of the Caribbeans. We're the good pirates after all^^

It's also always good to express if there is something amiss or someone doesn't feel comfortable.
Don't forget, we're all strangers here so far and have to find common ground, where all of us are comfortable to play. Except with fascists, misogynists, etc.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Katara Akshay wrote:
Honestly, people, please don't "darling" me or any other kind of misogyny or male chauvinism. We should be respecting the other players (and characters, for a healthy party). I already asked the GM to manage some of the bickering and passive-aggressive posts, and wouldn't want now to also become part of it. Let's play in a healthy way.

Okay, Lapyd, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't accuse me of misogyny or male chauvinism when that's just a term of endearment that Joran uses. I don't really believe it's disrespectful in any way either. It's not meant to be offensive in any manner and I don't believe I've done anything wrong. But I'll stop calling her that, that's no prob. You could've just pm'd me about it and been a tad more respectful about it.

And there's really no since in using the word "people" when you are obviously referring to me.

And seeing how it was you who spoke of playing in a "healthy way", I would appreciate you following your own advice.

Okay folks, there's been some friction clearly. Let us begin our second day aboard the Wormwood fresh and grudge free.

Going forward, let's try to resolve some of these things in character, since they are things characters are saying, after all. Katara addressing the 'darlin' thing in character, and I agree that the complaint in the discussion thread could have been worded in a less accusatory way. Ming brought up the Pirates of the Caribbean example, so I'll point out how Jack Sparrow calls every woman he meets 'love' or other pet names in a similar fashion. I don't think it's misogynistic for a huge beefy guy to defend a 17 year old kid from fat Stone Cold Steve Austin, and he's used 'darlin' to refer to plenty of characters and was not targeting you specifically. But again, it's fine to ask him not to, I just think the jump to misogyny is a bit much, and in case it hadn't been established, I'm a woman irl.

If it can't be resolved in character, like I said, message me and I'll play mediator. I already chatted with Joran about the friction with Terry, and the posts since then have been civil.

It'll take time for nine strangers (ten I guess if you count me) to get to know each other's playstyle and comfort zones well enough to get along smoothly, so I'd like everyone to please make a conscious effort to be patient and polite and gently correct folks as needed. Or I'll keelhaul ya. Kidding. Probably.

M Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Pirate) 2 / Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 0 | AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:15 HP:13/13 | FO:+0 RE:+7 WL: +1 | Defenses: Immune to Sleep, Resistant to Enchantments

For the record, while I was annoyed at Javell a bit, I wasn't offended or growing more hair on my knuckles or anything.

Joran and Terry approach life differently. Some hard edges rubbing and showing friction before they learn to work together is well within reason.

And for that whole "Darlin'" bit. I grew up in an environment where that was neutral, and reasonably polite. As was "Honey." Both frequently used by service personnel (like waitresses) without regard to the gender of the individual being addressed. It was a way to be less formal without having to actually learn the names of the people at hand.

Both are still used that way in many parts of the South and Texas today.

But I understand that different people respond differently, for a wide variety of reasons. As with so many other things, communication is key. If nobody knows it bothers you, nobody has a chance to adjust behavior.

Female Human (Garundi) Aquakineticist 1/Rogue* | HP 12/12 NL 0 | AC 16 TO 13 FF 13 | F +5 R +5 W +1 | CMD 14 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Burn 6/6

Thanks - I was mostly setting up some boundaries here. We're in a game environment, and we should remember there are players trying to play their characters on the other side, instead of trying to hog the action.

If in real life one "gentleman" (in fedora probably!) could put himself in front of a smaller woman to "defend her honor" (ugh!) against another large individual, all I see is Clark Gable saying "he doesn't give a damn" if you catch my point. It just feels dated, chauvinistic, and I was bluntly honest with it; I have difficulties imagining the same "step aside darlin" thing would happen if the character was a skinny 17-year-old boy.

I addressed it in-character, but I wanted to also call attention here in discussion to make it abundantly clear before it escalates more. If after reading my comment, your first thought is to play victim and call for "respect", then you absolutely missed the point. Yet, I agree with the GM, and will use Fern more as a mediator in the future (hoping that this episode made abundantly clear that I'm not okay with certain actions).

Cheers and to a great second day.

You've said your peace, let's drop it please.

CN female Kitsune UC Rogue AC 14/14/10 | hp 10/10 | Con 14/14 | Fort +2 (+2 vs. poison or drugs (+4 alcohol)), Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 | Current Conditions: none
DM Fern wrote:

Ming brought up the Pirates of the Caribbean example, so I'll point out how Jack Sparrow calls every woman he meets 'love' or other pet names in a similar fashion.

Wow i did not remember that at all.

It's been a while since i saw those movies and watched at least some of them in german.
Don't know what he says there instead, gotta rewatch that.

General Stuff:
HP36/36; AC 17 T 12, FF 15 (+2 vs Aquatic), CMD 19+4 vs Rush/Trip; Saves F6, R6, W2 +4 vs spell and SLA, +2 vs poison; Percept 9, +2 unusual stonework, +1 for loot
Dwarf Ranger 4

On to something different, i am going to be tied up most of today. please bot me as trying for an uppercut to the danglybits.
after all they are about the right height for me to practice the speedbag. :)

Putting this here so as to not clog gameplay with blue text.

Des, if you wanted to attack the harlot, we can say Katara went first and was out of your way -- your movement through her failed but you can hit her that way if you want.

Ming, I'm scooting you back because the DC to tumble through an enemy is their CMD +5 and you didn't manage to do so. Cass took your spot so I'll scoot you behind her rather than mess all that up.

Katara, make an intimidation check. =D

Joran is also still up, then the other baddies go.

CN female Kitsune UC Rogue AC 14/14/10 | hp 10/10 | Con 14/14 | Fort +2 (+2 vs. poison or drugs (+4 alcohol)), Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 | Current Conditions: none

Yeah thought so, but the site went down and i couldn't edit it.

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CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

Everyone talking in Aquan has me imagining that there's just a lot of aggressive gargling happening and those who can't speak it are like, WHAT IS THIS!? SOME NEW FORM OF MAGIC?

LOL Atia

CN female Kitsune UC Rogue AC 14/14/10 | hp 10/10 | Con 14/14 | Fort +2 (+2 vs. poison or drugs (+4 alcohol)), Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 | Current Conditions: none

This needs to become a running gag!

What did you gargle? hehehe

CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

Apparently, we need to teach Randall and Seadreamer Aquan so they can gargle with the rest of us

NG M Female Oracle of Lore 3 HP: 31/31 AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:12 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+5 WL: +7 Int: -1 Perc: +6

This will be a confusing moment for Des, that's for sure.

"How many people speak this tongue again?"

CN female Kitsune UC Rogue AC 14/14/10 | hp 10/10 | Con 14/14 | Fort +2 (+2 vs. poison or drugs (+4 alcohol)), Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 | Current Conditions: none

Ming doesn't speak Aquan either, but i'm willing to spend a skill point on it :D

Audio recording of Aquan.

NG M Female Oracle of Lore 3 HP: 31/31 AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:12 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+5 WL: +7 Int: -1 Perc: +6

@Atia Your strength modifier would net -2 to your damage total. Hopefully that did hit.

CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning
Destinie Nicholae wrote:
@Atia Your strength modifier would net -2 to your damage total. Hopefully that did hit.

Ooh, thanks for the reminder - forgot to add that to both times I rolled damage.

Joran, maybe I am brain farting, I get rusty on 1E's infinite little fiddly rules, but your power attack is a bit off I think. You DO get +2 to flank, but power attack would mean a -1, and only a +2 to damage, yeah? So your result of 12 would be an 11, and the damage roll would be 3 from the roll + 4 from STR + 2 from PA, right?

Been playing too much 2E? ;)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Yeah I should've been more clear on that one. My bad. It's from this feat: Reckless Rage

So overall it should be: +4 from Str, +2 from Rage, +4 from PA(due to the above feat).

Edit: HA! Not nearly enough 2E. Fun, fun stuff. ;)

Ahhh gotcha. I should have looked at your sheet more closely and I'd have seen that. Though that would then be an additional -1 to hit, negating the flanking bonus, yeah? Will sadly be a miss either way, just making sure I am clear on things for future attacks. =D

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Yeah the -1 was included.

Wait, let me see: +4 str, +2 rage, +1 Base attack, +2 flank, -2 power attack. It should be +7 overall. At least I believe that's right, yet, I always feel like I'm missing something somewhere. :P

You're fine, I am dumb. lol

M Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Pirate) 2 / Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 0 | AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:15 HP:13/13 | FO:+0 RE:+7 WL: +1 | Defenses: Immune to Sleep, Resistant to Enchantments

An old favorite.

I wanna be a pirate too!

Female Human (Garundi) Aquakineticist 1/Rogue* | HP 12/12 NL 0 | AC 16 TO 13 FF 13 | F +5 R +5 W +1 | CMD 14 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Burn 6/6

Did someone take the plate numbers for the truck that punched me in the face? :) Not sure Katara will have a nose this afternoon, and she's already missing some pulled hair. At least carpenters can be bald and work with a broken nose! As a player, I still feel she should be holding on her blasts. No way to do them nonlethally, and at our level they can be deadly! As a character, however, I think I can't justify her pulling back anymore hehe :(

I won’t be able to post today or tomorrow unfortunately!

NG M Female Oracle of Lore 3 HP: 31/31 AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:12 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+5 WL: +7 Int: -1 Perc: +6

That crit scared the hell out of me. I half expected to get a scar from it.

NG M Female Oracle of Lore 3 HP: 31/31 AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:12 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+5 WL: +7 Int: -1 Perc: +6

Does the fatigue from rum rations stack with the fatigue from failing a Constitution check?

Yes, if you are fatigued and do something else that'd give you fatigued you become exhausted.

The problem then is, you're still fatigued when you wake, since they aren't letting you sleep in, so the next day's told are affected.

Okay, so discussion topic before it becomes relevant: Uneventful days.

As written, you spend three weeks aboard the Wormwood before a solid opportunity to do something about your unfortunate position arises (spoilers >.>). There are a plethora of interesting events sprinkled over those days, but there are as many or more days that are uneventful as published.

We have a few options for how we run those days, and I wanna run them by you guys and go with what people most lean towards.

Option One: The Scenic Route People across the internet have come up with all sorts of fun, extra ideas to fill in those days so that something of interest happens each day. In this option, we play through the whole three weeks similarly to how we have been, with NPC conversations and details and all. Pros: More time for character development. Cons: A long time irl spent under the thumb of Harrigan and his crew.

Option Two: Fast Forward We play out the eventful days as we have been. When we get to days that are not written to have events, we treat them like downtime. Folks will roll x # of days worth of job checks and daytime/nighttime action checks like diplomacy, stealth, etc. Short snippets of RP with the NPCs you are trying to befriend. Pros: Irl we'll get off the ship faster Cons: Lots of big crunchy dice posts that make for less RP.

Option Three: Skip It You are eager to get the heck off this ship OOC, and would rather not even bother with the uneventful days -- squeeze time together and just play the eventful days and act like the off days weren't even written into the story. Ex. Event on Day 5 and Day 8? Just call Day 8 Day 6 and ignore the gap of time. Spend more like a week and a half on the Wormwood. Pros: Less time irl being bullied and no crunchy posts to slow things down Cons: Less opportunity to make friends and steal stuff.

What do you guys lean towards? Or is there an option I've not listed that you want to suggest?

While we're at it, how are we finding the pacing of things so far? Want more RP each day? Want to speed it up? Or are we just right? I am open to your opinions and willing to adjust how folks want to. My other campaigns are much slower paced, RP-wise (one's been going since February and they're on Day 4 of their adventure, and two I started in March and it's been like two days worth of stuff so far), but they also aren't slaves stuck on a somewhat railroady routine aboard a ship. =D

Also I'm going to go out on a limb and pronounce Randall as lost at sea, lol. Should he see this and still want to play with us, we can bring him in later, but it's been a couple weeks and I never heard back when I PMed him, so going forward, unless he speaks up, he is fading out of existence. There are enough people on this ship to juggle without turning him into an NPC.

Female Human (Garundi) Aquakineticist 1/Rogue* | HP 12/12 NL 0 | AC 16 TO 13 FF 13 | F +5 R +5 W +1 | CMD 14 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Burn 6/6

I'm torn between option #2 (my preferred, I think) and option #1. I dislike option #3 because it cuts too much on the RP opportunities - as much as I like the die rolling and mechanics, I actually prefer the scenes, chatting, etc. (plus it helps also base our own group - we don't actually know each other at all, as characters or players, and without the RP it will be awkward to define ship roles etc. later on).

M Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Pirate) 2 / Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 0 | AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:15 HP:13/13 | FO:+0 RE:+7 WL: +1 | Defenses: Immune to Sleep, Resistant to Enchantments

My main concern with the quickest path of the 3 is how much harder it could be to throw off the yoke without the friends we might be able to make. My second with either quicker option is that somebody could get trapped in an exhaustion loop and not have a day to make up for it.

Other than that, I'm not too worried about the differences.

As far as the RP pace . . .. I've dropped the conversation starters and thoughts specifically to avoid slowing things down but still bring a little flavor. We could expand that, some, but I'm afraid of trapping ourselves into role-playing cocktail party small talk. Also, I'm pretty confident that I am neither as glib nor as smooth as Terry should be.

NG M Female Oracle of Lore 3 HP: 31/31 AC:17(T:14/FF:13) CMD:12 Saves-FO:+2 RE:+5 WL: +7 Int: -1 Perc: +6

I think the current pace is going fairly well. It took us nearly a month to get through the first day in the second run and I bet we can do three days at the same time period. I think option 1 is doable I'd we can keep things short and both sides keep on top of each other in posting.

Also, we all should be healed up by now since we heal 1 hp of non-lethal per hour. Whether or not you guys want to keep the injuries as scars is up to you.

Female Elven Witch (Cartomancer) | HP 17/17 | AC 12 TO 12 FF 10 | F +1 R +3 W +3 | CMD 12 | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Con 10/10 | Conditions: None

I like option 2 best probably, or possibly option 1, I'd say uneventful in game days being limited to 2 out of game days could be a nice compromise. and pacing has been great in my opinion!

CN female Kitsune UC Rogue AC 14/14/10 | hp 10/10 | Con 14/14 | Fort +2 (+2 vs. poison or drugs (+4 alcohol)), Ref +6, Will +1 | Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 | Current Conditions: none

My suggestion is make 1 day aboard 1 day real time for that phase. Or maximum 2 days, depending on posting rates and opportunities.
Needs to be really organized and mainly split into day and night stuff, but with 2 posts a day we would be cool.
That would be like going fast forward through that phase. After that we can relax and loosen up a bit.

With anything but #1 i would ask how the grog, fatigue, etc. will all be handled.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Option #1. ;)

CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

I think our current pace has been pretty good & I'm not getting burnt out. There is enough variety in NPC crew and our party crew to keep things interesting in terms of talk. I'm an RP fiend, so I agree with Javell on solidly going for option 1 lol

General Stuff:
HP36/36; AC 17 T 12, FF 15 (+2 vs Aquatic), CMD 19+4 vs Rush/Trip; Saves F6, R6, W2 +4 vs spell and SLA, +2 vs poison; Percept 9, +2 unusual stonework, +1 for loot
Dwarf Ranger 4

I am flexible any way.

Monday I was just slammed at work, and it took me 3 hours just to manage to type the small amount that I was able to.

But I do know that I will require those that are a little more charismatic to assist me in getting my items back.

CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

Things Pathfinder/D&D makes me Google: "Can an eagle take on a leatherback turtle"

CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

Mechanics question:

Con damage - at what point does it start impacting HP totals, etc? Atia is 13/14 con due to -1 (in the morning). I'm reading that Atia would need to drop to 12/14 for it to impact HP totals, but the rules are a little vague/I'm running on two hours of sleep, so if anyone can help out the non-math person, I'd be very grateful lol

General Stuff:
HP36/36; AC 17 T 12, FF 15 (+2 vs Aquatic), CMD 19+4 vs Rush/Trip; Saves F6, R6, W2 +4 vs spell and SLA, +2 vs poison; Percept 9, +2 unusual stonework, +1 for loot
Dwarf Ranger 4

I get a little hazy about that as well.

I am thinking that it is con loss, as opposed to damage that affects hp totals.

If you can give me a couple of days, I will look to see if I can find an answer.

Or we can go with the GM's answer.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Here you go, Atia, from d20psfrd: For every 2 points of damage you take to a single ability, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics listed with the relevant ability.

So you're good until you hit -2, -4, etc...

So, in essence, you read it right. :)

2 hours sleep! It sounds like you're talking about you which would then make me wonder how you're still even functioning. :P Because I'd just be a goner. There's no way I could function on that. Passed out. Instantly. No questions asked. And if there were questions, I wouldn't hear them because I'd be passed out. :P

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Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

There's also these two links here dealing with Con:



This is at the bottom of the second link:

If a character's Constitution score changes enough to alter his or her Constitution modifier, the character's hit points also increase or decrease accordingly.

So since you did drop from a 14 to a 13, it looks like you would lose 1 hp.

You know, that above line I posted seems to contradict a bit. What do they specifically mean by "statistics" then? Heck, I don't know. I read the stupid rules and I STILL don't know. Ugh. :P

When you determined your hp, it was your class based die plus your con modifier. So, if your con modifier changes, your hp do too, by 1hp/lvl. So going from 14 to 13 would drop your hp max until the con damage heals. Going from 13 to 12 would not.

CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning
Javell DeLeon wrote:

2 hours sleep! It sounds like you're talking about you which would then make me wonder how you're still even functioning. :P Because I'd just be a goner. There's no way I could function on that. Passed out. Instantly. No questions asked. And if there were questions, I wouldn't hear them because I'd be passed out. :P

I'm wide awake! It makes no sense. I try not to think about it too much. Rofl

DM Fern wrote:
When you determined your hp, it was your class based die plus your con modifier. So, if your con modifier changes, your hp do too, by 1hp/lvl. So going from 14 to 13 would drop your hp max until the con damage heals. Going from 13 to 12 would not.

From the links he linked above and my reading, I thought that was the case, but I'm insecure about my math skills :P word problems and all - I'll be sure to adjust in my stats asap

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

And THIS is what I get for not continuing to read onward with the rules...

The only exception to this is your Constitution score. :P

Female Human (Garundi) Aquakineticist 1/Rogue* | HP 12/12 NL 0 | AC 16 TO 13 FF 13 | F +5 R +5 W +1 | CMD 14 | Init +3 | Perc +6 | Burn 6/6

For Katara, she only lost 1 point of CON both times, she has an odd CON, and she basically recovered it during the overnight sleep... So I guess it's a little easier for me as I don't have to really change anything.

@GM Fern: Katara gave the kitchen knife to Joran. Should it be treated like an improvised dagger? She just wanted to make sure she started the arm her companions in case someone decides to jump them again.

To simplify things we can count it as an actual dagger, mechanically.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Dagger. Got it. Thanks!

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