About Atia LeroungBasics
Atia is a 5-foot-nothing young woman with long, straight dirty-blonde hair usually pulled up into a ponytail. She has blue eyes, a rather delicate frame, and carries herself with an odd combination of both confidence and uncertainty - she wants people to perceive her as confident; however, she is generally screaming internally most of the time, and sometimes her face betrays it. Her clothing, though plain traveler’s gear, is of high-quality and well-maintained, details that hint at both fastidiousness and wealth. She carries her spellbook in a waterproof bag strapped to her side, along with various spell-component pouches.
Atia has two pretty distinct sides: * The general face she shows the world, which is that cross between confident and terrified that makes her slightly unpredictable. It can be hard to tell what she's truly ignorant and naive about. * The darker side - representative of her Chelish heritage, especially with nobility. Cruelty doesn't phase her much unless it's directed at her. Struggles to maintain attachments. Power-hungry. Very slow to trust. Background:
Atia is one of several children belonging to the Leroung House in Cheliax. Her family is deeply entrenched in the University in the Chelish capital, which is where she received her education and training as a wizard. Her childhood was spoiled and relatively uneventful: parents who love her, siblings she generally gets along with. Where she fell short, however, was with her lack of desire to pursue the family interests - devils, etc. Typical Cheliax things. Atia was a student of the ancient history of Golarian, and under the pretense of investigating the ruins of Ghol-Gan, she headed to the isles of The Shackles alone to meet a rather dubious contact who claimed to have an old map of ruins she wanted to explore. Upon arrival to Port Peril, where she was set to meet the contact, Atia headed to a tavern called the Formidably Maid. While trying to appear a bit less naive and childish, she had a bit too much to drink and ended up passed out before making the deal. Her parents are aware of her traveling to this area, but they are unaware of any of the details of her travel. Defense
Weapons: Dagger (Masterwork); critical 19-20/x2; piercing/slashing
Light Crossbow: 19-20/x2, 80ft range
Pages: 43/100 Spell List Spells per Day: unlimited cantrip, 1st: 5/day + 1 extra conjuration spell (due to specialization); 2nd: 3/day. Opposing schools: necromancy, enchantment Cantrips (* denotes prepared):
1st Level Spells (* denotes prepared): Air bubble*; color spray; fumblestep; grease; mage armor*; magic missile*; shield; summon monster I; obscuring mist; burning disarm*; touch of the sea*; identify; enlarge person 2nd level spells (* denotes prepared): cloud of seasickness; scorching ray*; *summon monster II; blur; alter self 3rd level spells (* denotes prepared): slow Abilities
Skill: Total (Ability/Modifier/Ranks/Misc) | (*) Trained only Acrobatics: 2 (Dex/2/0/0) Appraise: 5 (Int/5/0/0) Artistry: 5 (Int/5/0/0) Bluff: -1 (Cha/-1/0/0) Climb: -2 (Str/-2/0/0) Craft A/B/C: 5 (Int/5/0/0) (magic items) Diplomacy: -1 (Cha/-1/0/0) *Disable Device: Dex, not trained Disguise: -1 (Cha/-1/0/0) Escape Artist: 2 (Dex/2/0/0) Fly: 2 (Dex/2/0/0) *Handle Animal: Cha, not trained Heal: 2 (Wis/2/0/0) Intimidate: -1 (Cha/-1/0/0) Knowledge Arcana: 12 (Int/5/4/3) Dungeoneering: 11 (Int/5/3/3) Georgraphy: 12 (Int/5/4/3) History: 12 (Int/5/3/4) Local: 11 (Int/5/2/4) Nature: 9 (Int/5/1/3) Nobility: 10 (Int/5/2/3) Planes: 10 (Int/5/2/3) Religion: 9 (Int/5/1/3) *Engineering Int, no ranks *Linguistics: Int, no ranks *Lore: Int, no ranks Perception: 2 (Wis/2/0/0) Perform A/B: -1 (Cha/-1/0/0) *Profession: Cook: 7 (Wis/2/2/3) *Profession: Sailor: 9 (Wis/2/4/3) Ride: 2 (Dex/2/0/0) Sense Motive: 2 (Wis/2/0/0) *Sleight of Hand: Dex, not trained Spellcraft: 12 (Int/5/4/3) Stealth: 2 (Dex/2/0/0) Survival: 2 (Wis/2/0/0) Swim: 6 (Str/-2/0/8) *Use Magic Device: Cha, not trained Feats, Traits, Languages, and Abilities:
Feats: Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus: Conjuration (+1 DC for all saving throws against spells from conjuration), Spell Penetration (+2 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance); Augment Summoning (+4 enhancement bonus to strength and constitution on any creature conjured with a summon spell) Traits: Skilled (Human); Ancient Explorer (+1 trait bonus on knowledge (history/local) checks and one is always a class skill (history), also get polyglot or cyclops as bonus language; Reactionary (+2 init); Hedge Magician (reduce gp cost of crafting a magic item by 5%) Languages: Aquan, common, cyclops, dwarven, elven, polygot, infernal Abilities:
Parrot Familiar: Asmodeus:
Scarlet Macaw - Pic Defense: AC 16; T 14; FF 14 HP 9/9 Saves: Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +5 Offense Speed: 10ft; 40ft fly Melee: bite + 5; 1d4 Stats STR 2; DEX 15; CON 8; INT 6; WIS 15; CHA 7 BAB +1; CMB 1; CMD 7 Feats: Skill Focus, Weapon Finesse Skills: Swim +2; Climb +2; Stealth +10; Perception +9 Adds +3 to swim checks for master Campaign Notes:
+4 to profession cook checks from galley kitchen, +1 int/cooking from the massive cookbook. obtained a masterwork dagger. |