![]() Looking through wrath I'm not sure I'm quite equip to make the adjustments I think it would need so I'm probably going to have to dip out of Wrath but what I'll do instead is offer a few other options and take votes. Iron Gods
Sorry to disappoint on Wrath though! ![]()
![]() Hello! I'm quite interested! I also don't know the system at all but I generally like learning new systems and love Cthulhu! should we be trying to put together characters at this point or just basic outlines? my initial thought is a professorial type but I'm happy to shift that around to the needs of the party! ![]()
![]() Okay, I think I figured everything out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nQ5K6XIueP2LkCpoByhsFzzQB7zID_Ee/view?usp= sharing This should be Stevee a Well to do local political Speechwriter who was turned by the Ventrue well working for Eugene McCarthy. She is well connected in the city and has kept close with many of her national political contacts, She keeps a small heard in a family home in South Saint Paul, the trait that her prey all have to share is having butchered an animal in the past 24 hours which is why she chose South Saint Paul home to the largest Slaughterhouse in the state (and in 1980 I think the world? Contradictory info there.). Does everything look rightish here? ![]()
![]() It’s not uncommon and can help to balance casters vs martial in the mid game, it makes martial much stronger at low level but also more diverse in my experience (twf, dex based and ranged are less feat intensive). Personally I’m on the take it or leave it boat, allows more diversity but takes extra monitoring from the DM ![]()
![]() Brief background on my character Marsyas background (that he knows):
I am a collector I doesn't know exactly what I should be collecting or why I collect them but I knows that sometimes the things I collects do magic for me. So I keeps collecting, Knick knacks, relics, heirlooms anything that looks like it might have been significant to someone but wouldn't be worth significant things to others I take. why do I do this? … why do I do this? Because? … Because I am a collector. background that he doesn't know/ideas for background:
Marsyas is a kellid Occultist (Haunt collector), he studied at the University of Lepidstadt primarily in history specializing in the latent power left in items that belonged to those with great power, he graduated well respected and went on to join the Pathfinder society for a brief time to try and get access to the Dark Archives collection, instead he found that they kept sending him on expeditions that seemed beyond his capacity and he retired and started working as a researcher at different institutions around Avistan. eventually he found himself back in Ustlav in the expeditions wing of the Sincomakti School of Sciences where on an expedition down the Danver river he fell off a boat and woke up remembering nothing and in an asylum. questions: 1. What did you do before you became amnesiac? Who or what landed the blow to your head? I was an academic and I fell off a boat 2. If you were in Ustalav's armies, did you see any action? How did Ustalav's wars affect you? I was not in the arimes 3. Were you a researcher (good for Alchemists)? Were you working on a breakthrough with your alchemy? I was a researcher and I wasn't working with alchemy but I was on the way to an important occult sight in Lake Encarthan. 4. Did you have a rival in your earlier life? If you were married, was it a rocky marriage? Are you in a homosexual relationship that was going south? I made a few rivals within the Pathfinder society in my brief period there, I tried to gain access to things I shouldn't have been going near, there are a fair few people in the Dark Archive that would rather I disappeared. 5. Were you comfortable and had the blessings of wealth? I was never poor but never wealthy enough to retire either. 6. What is your religion? Did you worship one of Golarion's many gods? Or was like Wiccanism? Was your worship casual? Are you an atheist and did not believe in any god or religious movement? Are you more spiritual? I think that all the gods are worthy of praise but looking to one over all the others would be insanity, all the great gifts of all the gods can be gained if you stay neutral. 7. What are your dreams or aspirations? To do anything of note, I wrote a thesis that wasn't worth a damn after doing work following others at a noteworthy institution and did well but never did anything that truly mattered, I want to become someone who can make the things I find. 8. A question for players: What are you looking for in this AP? Hack and Slash Combat? Intrigue? Roleplaying? I like the idea of intrigue and roleplaying most but a balance of all three would be ideal ![]()
![]() I shifted ideas significantly for this, I'm now thinking of a Tortured Crusader Paladin who is older and who's wife died when their village was overtaken and who's only son died in the retreat of the second crusade. He then enlisted hoping to help push back the threat and join them. This will be fleshed out significantly more but I wanted to ask if I could reflavor Tales from the sea to be an item that his son had and have him believe that it is his sons consciousness in the item? |