GM Doug's Fire & Bone (MoTD) (Inactive)

Game Master Doug Hahn

Macros | Maps

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

1. Fill in the macros sheet here — each PC has a tab. Check "Send to GM" for all skills you are comfortable with me using for secret checks like recall knowledge.
2. Fill in the character reference here with your PCs' tokens and marching order. We'll hand out extra hero points for PFS glyphs and campaign coins too because I want to recognize everyone's efforts.
3. Sign in here. You must include your exact XP for the PC you are putting the credit on. It will be 8 XP / 20 bundles. You can sign in when we get close to the end.


Character Building

• Please use Treasure for new Characters (either the item array or lump sum) for your gear; you are level 3.
• I want to use Ancestral Paragon for this as well, essentially giving everyone an extra ancestry feat. Just a little something extra to build with since we won't be leveling during the module!
• Uncommon options from rule or campaign settings books are fine; anything rare or from an AP should be cleared with me first.

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

As mentioned in Slack Crafting will be an important skill in this module. Not everyone needs to have it, but you probably want at least a couple players decent at it.


Looking forward to it!

SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

Me too! looking like we can start around the end of the month.

CG Male (he/him) gnoll ifrit Magaambya Academic Laughing Shadow Magus 3 | HP 15/32 | AC 22 | Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7| Perc: +5 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 1/3 | Exploration Mode: Scouting | Active conditions: Arcane Cascade(bludgeoning), Shield

Still working on the character, mostly just have to make his purchases.

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CG Male (he/him) gnoll ifrit Magaambya Academic Laughing Shadow Magus 3 | HP 15/32 | AC 22 | Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7| Perc: +5 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 1/3 | Exploration Mode: Scouting | Active conditions: Arcane Cascade(bludgeoning), Shield

Almost there… he is fleshing out to be interesting

Male Gnoll Champion 3 | hp 49/49, hero 2/3 | AC 21, F+10 R+6 W+7 | Speed 20ft | Perception +5, Athletics +11, Crafting +6, Intimidation +5, Undead Lore +5, Religion +5, Stealth +6 | Current Conditions:


NG Duskwalker Human Summoner 3 | HP 44/44| AC 16 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +10| Perc: +10 | Focus Points: 2 | Speed 25ft | Spell DC: 19 | Active conditions: None

Almost set

| HP 32/35 AC: 18 | F: +8 R: +6, W: +11 | Perc: +9 (T, LLV)
Class Abilities:
  • Focus Pool: 1/1
  • Healing Font: 1/4
  • Default Exploration: Search

    Just need gear!

    SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

    Looks like we're ready to start.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

    About an hour in. Hero point to Graax who had epic reactions in the last combat, and also for cat allergies and getting trolled by the cat. Which may keep happening for the whole mod so I better pay it forward now!

    Dark Archive

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    Heads Up:

    I'll be leaving town on Friday for a week. I expect to be able to post at least once per day (probably in my evening time), but Saturday and next Friday are likely to be bereft of wi-fi.

    Too-tuk's profile is fully bot-ified.

    EDIT: Since we haven't seen him fight much, he uses his Fauchard to take advantage of reach where he can and uses Power Attack unless there's a tactical necessity to spend more than 1 action Step/Striding. He has AOO.

    CG Male (he/him) gnoll ifrit Magaambya Academic Laughing Shadow Magus 3 | HP 15/32 | AC 22 | Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +7| Perc: +5 | Speed 25ft| Hero Points 1/3 | Exploration Mode: Scouting | Active conditions: Arcane Cascade(bludgeoning), Shield

    I'll Gen Con bound Tuesday afternoon, back Monday Aug 8th (evening)

    likely few if any posts from me in that time

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    SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

    Hero point to Zher’myeh!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

    Overdue hero points; this takes about 6 hours to run live and so 6 hero points should be distributed!

    Hero point to Too-tuk for critting 9/10 times int his module.

    Hero point to Jakobi for being creative with traps.

    Hero point to Nar for healing and finding the book.

    SoT (Year 4, Sem. 1): Maps & Slides, Handouts, Macros

    Game reported. Chronicles here.

    Thank you for playing!

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