Bountiful (Ad)venture: DM Yttras's Ruins of Azlant Table 1

Game Master Yttras

Current Date: 25th Gozreh, 4717 AR

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I'm putting together a Taldan Psychic with the Faith discipline who is one of those fools who still worship Aroden. He'll be using the Azlanti Scholar trait and will be a knowledge+support character.

On that topic: are you okay with occult classes? I've never played one before, so I got no clue how strong/weak they are. I'll work out his background beats today or tomorrow and then post the whole thing.

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(Mr. Minotaur here)

Should be posting particulars later today, but the short version is (unintentional pun amuses me - ftw), I'll be submitting Kriznox Haab, a gnomish gambler, minstrel-historian, and explorer.

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Greetings friends, I did some collation and statistics on peoples point rolls, so without further ado:

Here are the rolls:
Name Point buy total
JonGarrett 42
ElbowtotheFace 8
Malinor. 37
Solicitor 29
Rabscuttle 33
drbuzzard 39
rorek55 29
hustonj 45
SodiumTelluride 21
AceofMoxen 42
Ironperenti 4
polyfrequencies 46
Mr. Minotaur 23
Mythicman19 29
Songdragon 35
Nazard 27
DoubleGold 41
Herkymr the Silly -1
Mightypion 41
Linnea the Diviner 27
KingHotTrash 29
Patrickthekid 26
Aldizog 44

Shoutout to Herkmyr the Silly, who managed to roll a negative point buy!
And to Polyfrequencies who managed to bag a 46 point buy, currently the highest!
The average point buy is 30.26
If one exludes sub 20 rolls from the average calculations, the average becomes 34.25 .

Interesting for me, despite having a really high roll of 41, 5 people did roll even higher o.O. Maybe I dont have to dumb wisdom that hard to be controllable for the GM!

Here is Nazard's wizard: Chaytah Dives Like Rock, though known simply as Rock.

I must admit this guy is the strangest wizard I've ever built. He will have some buffs in the beginning and his 20 strength and earthbreaker will allow him to fake being a warrior quite well. Eventually, he will gain the ability to polymorph into all sorts of useful forms and become a melee monster.

Just a question as I thinking of a fighter, possibly A child of Acavna and Amaznen archetype though not sure. What is your stance on Combat Stamina, unchained rules make mention of giving it to fighters for free, and haven’t really spent much time till now. Figured I’d ask if it is in play and if so the degree.

Mythicman19 wrote:
Just a question as I thinking of a fighter, possibly A child of Acavna and Amaznen archetype though not sure. What is your stance on Combat Stamina, unchained rules make mention of giving it to fighters for free, and haven’t really spent much time till now. Figured I’d ask if it is in play and if so the degree.

I've never used it before, but after giving it a look over, I'll put in the feat access option for it. So not a free feat for fighters, but it is available.

@Lazard and Mr. Minotaur:
Thank you for your submissions.

Solicitor wrote:
Are you okay with occult classes? I've never played one before, so I got no clue how strong/weak they are. I'll work out his background beats today or tomorrow and then post the whole thing.

I am okay with the occult classes, so go for it. As for their strength/weakness, they can have difficulty finding a clear party role, but a psychic should be fine.

Liberty's Edge

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Any game that offers the chance to roll for stats has to be worth a look. Some of the greatest characters of all time have come from rolling stats. Let's see what the dice gods throw back at me today!

4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 1) = 10 9 so that one's out...
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 5) = 17 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 6) = 18 16
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4, 6) = 16 14
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 6) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 1) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2, 6) = 14 13

So 16, 14, 14, 13, 11, 10...I've built characters off of MUCH worse than that. Time to see what strikes me and get back to ya.

Also: YE GODS, a negative PB equivalent? And a 46? As in, Four six? I wouldn't even know WHAT to do with 46 point buy; that's some 'outer realms' level insanity right there.

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Yeah, I was like "Woooot, a 41 point buy! I kind of need to intentionally gimp my character somehow, ok, so lets make wis a dump stat and pick mixed bloodrager for another -2 to will saves so the GM can actually shut me down".

3 hours later "Woot, I am barely in the top 5 point buys with this?".

Grand Lodge

AceofMoxen's submission:

background, personality, and appearance:
Bethany Ramil was born and raised in Almas. Her parents were merchants who venerated Abadar, but Bethany never felt much joy in commerce. She loved swimming and playing on the beach. When she came of age, she left a well-paying job at her mother’s company to sail on a boat named The Matters Worse.
Bethany loved the sailing life, but dreaded every return to big ports. She become close with the ship’s priest, Eric Champbit, who prayed to Gozreh for the crew. Bethany aided the old man in his daily prayers. He told her of a sacred relic of Gozreh, a tree branch split by lightning with the lightning still contained within it. He had lost it gambling in Almas, and felt his spirit could never be at rest until it was returned. Eventually, Eric died in a particularly bad storm, and Bethany took up the role of the ship’s priest, praying to Gozreh and tending to the crew’s injuries.

Years passed, and Bethany learned that her mother was ill. She returned to Almas, intending to say goodbye. Her mother told her of the Bountiful Venture Company’s attempt to settle a colony. She wanted to get a merchant in, and felt Bethany’s skills as a sailor and priest would earn a spot among the tough competition. Bethany refused. They went to the church of Abadar. Bethany’s Mother had made a huge donation to the church, and would receive powerful magical healing, guaranteeing her life for many years to come. Inside, the church, Bethany spotted the branch of Gozreh’s lightning that Eric had lost. Bethany made a deal with her mother. Buy the branch, and Bethany would join the Bountiful Venture Company’s voyage.

Personality: Bethany prefers the company of animals and nature to people and cities, but is used to serving with a crew. To those she accepts as a crew, she will be protective and straightforward with.

Appearance: Bethany has blonde hair in a short style. She’s a tall human with tanned skin. She wears Scale mail adorned with the holy symbol of Gozreh.


Neutral Good Medium Human Cleric 1;

Init 2; Senses Perception: +6


AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17

hp 11

Fort 5, Ref 2, Will 7


Speed 20 ft.

Melee Trident +5 (1d8+1 ),
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)

Cleric spells prepared (CL 1; concentration +6)

1st (3+1/day)- Bless (DC 16); Murderous Command (DC 16); Obscuring Mist (DC 16); Protection from Evil (DC 16);

0th (at will)- Create Water (DC 15); Guidance (DC 15); Vigor (DC 15);


Str 13, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 12

Base Atk + +0; CMB +1; CMD 13

Feats Channel Smite; Guided Hand;

Traits: Athlete (acrobatics), Strong swimmer

SQ Aura; Channel Energy (Cleric) +1d6; Speak with Animals; Surge; Domains: Animal; Water (Oceans);

Skills Acrobatics (0) +3 Handle Animal (1) +2; Knowledge (history) (1) +5; Knowledge (nature) (1) +5; Knowledge (religion) (1) +5; Perception (1) +6; Spellcraft (1) +5; Swim (1) +4
Trident (15)
Scale mail (50)
Heavy wood shield (7)
Cleric Kit (16) (This includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol.)
Light Crossbow (35)
20 Bolts (2)
15 GP

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So the stats won't let me do as much as I'd like to, but I do have a build that will work.

I'm bringing out Lily Le, Tien human psychic, a cheerful person who hopes to work as a psychiatrist for the party and others at large. I'll have stats and a background up later.

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Patrickthekid wrote:
Psychatric help

She should read up on imposter syndrome if we both get selected :).

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Here's an update for all of you:

List of Submissions

Done or Mostly Done
Alexio Casara (Ironperenti)
Alexandr Seregejevich Kerensky (mightypions)
Luimener (hustonj)
Mordeki (Herkmyr the Silly)
Bethany Ramil (AceofMoxen)
Kriznox Haab (Mr. Minotaur)

Partly Done/Concept
Linnea the Diviner

A good number of submissions so far. As I said in the OP, I was thinking of running this recruitment through the end of the month, subject to shortening if there was a great deal of interest. So far, I'm thinking that we may still go through the end of the month. There's been enough interest, for sure, but I will be with family for the second half of the month, and won't have as much time to dedicate to setting up the campaign. I don't want to end this week, select a party, and then leave everyone hanging for two weeks before starting.

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DM Yttras wrote:

Here's an update for all of you:

List of Submissions

Done or Mostly Done
Alexio Casara (Ironperenti)
Alexandr Seregejevich Kerensky (mightypions)
Luimener (hustonj)
Mordeki (Herkmyr the Silly)
Bethany Ramil (AceofMoxen)
Kriznox Haab (Mr. Minotaur)

Partly Done/Concept
Linnea the Diviner

You missed me. Typical tyrannical Chel...

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You're absolutely correct! Sorry :( I wanted to get the list out last night, but sleep got the better of me, so I'll chalk it up to splitting up the process into to timeframes.

Aldizog's submission here. A Caydenite brewer and barkeeper.

One mechanical question: I have considered taking the alternate human trait "Military Tradition" in place of his human bonus feat. This feature gives humans proficiency with "up to two martial or exotic weapons appropriate to their culture." That sounds like a GM call. I was considering taking a Butchering Axe and naming it Last Call. Andoran is cosmopolitan enough that it is entirely plausible the Bottom Rock (his father's pub) had a longtime half-orc bouncer and family friend who showed young MacLaren how to use this gigantic weapon. He does have the Strength to use it, and it would be good to have a solid two-handed weapon to use against foes with DR. If the butchering axe is too far from Andoran culture, then I might skip that idea and just keep the bonus feat.

This is Malinor's Submission. A Half Elf Oracle of the Waves and Eagle Knight recruit!

Making final updates to Alexio in word. I was trying to just use the profile editor but it said I backtracked too far and I lost a good 15mins of typing. Should have him done by this evening.

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I am thinking of a Visectionist alchemist who wishes to explore new lands, encounter new beings, and then cook and eat them.

I know I didn’t make it onto the submissions list, but I’m going to drop out of consideration. Have fun all!

Brother MacLaren wrote:
One mechanical question: I have considered taking the alternate human trait "Military Tradition" in place of his human bonus feat. This feature gives humans proficiency with "up to two martial or exotic weapons appropriate to their culture." That sounds like a GM call. I was considering taking a Butchering Axe and naming it Last Call. Andoran is cosmopolitan enough that it is entirely plausible the Bottom Rock (his father's pub) had a longtime half-orc bouncer and family friend who showed young MacLaren how to use this gigantic weapon. He does have the Strength to use it, and it would be good to have a solid two-handed weapon to use against foes with DR. If the butchering axe is too far from Andoran culture, then I might skip that idea and just keep the bonus feat.

That would be fine by me.

I'm still working on my Dwarven Brawler but I am wondering if we're randomizing gold or just going with average amount. I'm fine with either, just a bit more gold may get me a dwarven war-shield rather than a normal shield...because it looks cooler.

Nevermind on the wealth, must've missed it in the creation rules initially.

Here is the full writeup in the recruitment thread for faster reference.

"Yeah, you know what? Forget the 'Jasper.' Call me Brother MacLaren, or just MacLaren, or Mac, or Brother Mac. All of those are good.
I'm from Triela. No better pubs and taverns in Andoran than you'll find there. Also no worse ones... you get the whole range.

My mother's family were tenant farmers in Taldor. They saved up some money and got her passage to Andoran for a better life. She made it just across the border to Triela. She worked as a maid for the rich families up on the Bluff. My father worked a stint with the Band of the Mauler, helping keep order, before saving up enough to open his own pub. The Bottom Rock, it's called, but it's actually a pretty nice place.

I worked at the Bottom Rock, learned the craft, and figured that's what Talmandor's Bounty could use. A really good pub. With good food. I can brew, and I can cook. Back home, it would often be fish and chips or beef stew, of course. But this place we're going to is a lot warmer. I'm interested to see what fruits grow well in Ancorato, and see how they go with the local fish or game. And of course, I'll see what I can brew with the local ingredients.

People talk when they drink. And they need to talk. We need to know who is upset, who is planning something bad, who has heard rumors... the barkeeper hears a lot."

Description and Personality:
Brother MacLaren is a big man. He stands about 6'4" and weighs about 200 lbs. He is strikingly handsome, and graceful for his size. His sleeves are usually rolled up, either because he was brewing beer, washing dishes, or doing any of the other work in a brewpub. His rapier is of polished steel, and his ever-present tankard is heavy brass. He is outgoing and gregarious, but it becomes clear after a while that he is also a very good listener and quite astute.

Brother MacLaren wishes for Talmandor's Bounty to have a strong spirit of community, and he knows that many might chafe at the old-fashioned ways of Erastil or Abadar. Many in Andoran prefer the free-spirited ways of Cayden Cailean. Even so, he is on good terms with Eamon Caranth, and is at least polite with Kurvis Nurpico (it helps that his father's pub had a reputation for spotless bookkeeping and prompt payment of taxes). He intends to build a pub in the Colony and listen for gossip. That's what a barkeeper does, right?

Future Mechanical Development:
Brother MacLaren will go into the Brewkeeper prestige class. Combined with Cayden Cailean's fighting style and a specific magic tankard, this would be a fairly interesting build, with good action economy for self-buffs or heals through his tankard. Kind of like a divine Spell Combat. I think it will be pretty cool. He'll be a primary spellcaster and a decent combatant. Channeling will not progress with Brewkeeper, but will be good for low-level out-of-combat healing.

How it comes together at Level 7:
Brother MacLaren would start the day by brewing several of his spells into potions through the Brewkeeper "Distilled Spells" ability - let's say 2 CLW, 1 Shield of Faith, 1 Enlarge Person, 1 Bull's Strength, and 1 Fly. He is finally able to afford a Caydenite Fighting Tankard and has spent half his WBL on it. He loads each of these potions into the mug's magic spaces. Then, during a fight, he can drink any of these as a move action (Accelerated Drinker trait) or as his off-hand attack during a full attack (Blade and Tankard Style). He might even drink (move action) and cast (standard action) in the same round for faster buffing than a regular cleric would have. If things got dire he would pull out Last Call, but it's not as stylish in his mind as the blade and tankard style. Before Level 7, he could do this sort of well by just pouring potions into his regular tankard, but he'll only have one in the tankard during any particular fight.

Character Sheet:

Brother Jasper MacLaren
Human Cleric
CG Medium Humanoid
Deity: Cayden Cailean (Domains: Strength, Travel)
Init +3; Perception +3
AC 17, touch 12, flatfooted 15 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
HP 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +3 (1d6+4/18-20) and Tankard +3 (1d6+2) or Last Call +5 (3d6+6/x3)
Ranged Javelin +2 (1d6+4)
Str 19, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15
BAB +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats TWF, Divine Fighting Technique (gained first benefit by giving up Strength domain 1st-level ability)
Traits Accelerated Drinker, Set Mind
FCB Cleric +1 Skill Point
Skills (5 per level)
Sense Motive 1 +7
Knowledge (Religion) 1 +6
Heal 1 +7
Diplomacy 1 +6
Swim 1 +5 (-4 ACP)
Background Skills Profession (Brewer) +7, Profession (Cook) +7
Languages Common, Celestial
Equipment Scale Armor (50), Rapier (20), 2 Javelins (2), Waterskin (1), Wooden Holy Symbol (1), Explorer’s Outfit, Butchering Axe (65), Bedroll (0.1), Brass Mug (0.1?)
Spells (3/3) Stabilize, Guidance, Create Water*, Bless, Divine Favor, Enlarge Person (D)
Special Channel 1d6 5/day (DC 12), Aura, Spells, Agile Feet 6/day, Military Tradition (Butchering Axe and Composite Longbow)
Money 0.8 gp

Songdragon's Character In Progress (the bulk is done, I am polishing stages.)

DM Yttras:
Question: Are you okay with the Druidic Herbalism Nature Bond variant (Optional) of the Nature Bond variant? I am not looking to make lots of gold or the like with this, as I have read c

If "yes you are fine", would the Vaporous Potion work with this?

I am also a player that likes to help round out a part. As such the Wisdom in the Flesh trait (which is making a Dex or Str based skill work off of Wis and makes it a class skill: Currently stealth, but if we have no one with a good disable device I would take that and help there if needed as well.

KHT here with my submission for the game! Baern is ready to punch, drink, and work hard to get the colony up and running.

It is complete I think.

Here is a pic of Mordeki or as close as I could find.Mordeki

I've decided to change things up a bit


Lily Le

CG female (Tian-Shu) human sorcerer (psychic bloodline) 1
Init +2
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp:7 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3;
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Quarterstaff +0 (1d6x2)
Ranged: Light crossbow +2 (1d8/19x20)
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 11
INT 10
WIS 13
CHA 18
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 12
Sorcerer Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)

0th- Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, guidance, light
1st—magic missle, color spray (4/day)

Skills: Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +8, Sense Motive +5, Knowledge (arcana) +7 Knowledge (history) +1, Spellcraft +4
Traits: Set Mind, Deft Dodger

Feats: Dodge, Skill Focus (Diplomacy)

Languages: Common

Items:: Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (5), chalk (5 pieces), flint and steel, ink, inkpen, ioun torch, journal, magnifying glass, mess kit, scroll box, silk rope (50 ft.), spell component pouch, trail rations (5 days), waterskin, 3 gp.

Psychic Strike (Su)

At 1st level, you can overwhelm the minds of those nearby. You can target one creature within 30 feet that you can see; that creature must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier) or it takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point for every 2 sorcerer levels you possess and becomes shaken for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Appearance & Personality:
Lily is a fairly thin Tien woman of a height of 5'3". She tends to keep her hair at chest length, either letting them hang on the side or in a ponytail. While not above wearing dresses, she puts on clothes for comfort above all else with simple clothes whether it's dresses or a shirt and loose pants.

Lily is a cheerful person who tries her best to convey positivity. She strives to empathize with other people's plights, helpful for her job as a psychiatrist. She is a people-pleaser, sometimes to a fault that it negatively effects her. With that said, she does have a mean streak in combat and often enjoys the heat of battle. That extends to others if pushed hard enough, though it is rare for her to act out in anger on her friends.

Lily's family go well back from a line of ancestors who moved from Quain. While they never rose above middle class, they are a well-respected group in society due to their older generations' involvement of the liberation of Andoran from Thrune rule.

The family's most prominent trait were their psychic powers, something that most people in the family possess. Lily's powers manifested not only later but also worked differently, depending on her natural charisma rather than her intellect.

That didn't stop her from delving into her studies. One thing in particular that interested her were subjects of the mind. She found the concept of how people think interesting and hoped that her skills may help people feel better about themselves. Thus she began her own business as a mind doctor, talking with people about their mental health.

It was this unique position that got her chosen on the voyage. Still, she was more than happy to go on a journey of a lifetime to explore new places and meet new people.

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Alexandr Sergejevich Kerensky wrote:

Greetings friends, I did some collation and statistics on peoples point rolls, so without further ado:

Here are the rolls:
Name Point buy total
JonGarrett 42
ElbowtotheFace 8
Malinor. 37
Solicitor 29
Rabscuttle 33
drbuzzard 39
rorek55 29
hustonj 45
SodiumTelluride 21
AceofMoxen 42
Ironperenti 4
polyfrequencies 46
Mr. Minotaur 23
Mythicman19 29
Songdragon 35
Nazard 27
DoubleGold 41
Herkymr the Silly -1
Mightypion 41
Linnea the Diviner 27
KingHotTrash 29
Patrickthekid 26
Aldizog 44

Shoutout to Herkmyr the Silly, who managed to roll a negative point buy!
And to Polyfrequencies who managed to bag a 46 point buy, currently the highest!
The average point buy is 30.26
If one exludes sub 20 rolls from the average calculations, the average becomes 34.25 .

Interesting for me, despite having a really high roll of 41, 5 people did roll even higher o.O. Maybe I dont have to dumb wisdom that hard to be controllable for the GM!

I thought the use of dirty four letter words like MATH wasn't allowed on the forumn!! ah must be witch craft.

Caroline Callingwood wrote:

Songdragon's Character In Progress (the bulk is done, I am polishing stages.)

** spoiler omitted **

That is a yes to both of your questions.

4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 5, 6) = 20 17
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 4) = 16 13
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 6) = 17 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 5) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 4) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 5) = 20 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 5) = 14 13

nice! I always wanted to play a more aquatic focused campaign with a druid.

Dark Archive

4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 3) = 17 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 4) = 13 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 3) = 18 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 4) = 16 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 1) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 4) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 4) = 13 = 11

Interesting. A 30 point build but even after racials no 18s.

I am thinking a community focused ranger for this one. Lets see what I can come up with.

Rock is finished, including stats for Screaming Arrow, his pterosaur familiar.

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4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 1) - 1 = 5
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 3) - 3 = 15
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 6) - 2 = 15
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 2) - 1 = 6
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 5) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 6) - 2 = 14
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 1) - 1 = 10

I would guess that a 6 is worth 2 points less than a 7, thus a -5 for a total equivalent of a 15 point buy. Am I right?

That does match what I see.

Ended up attacking the idea from a different angle. I have a Eldritch Guardian/Mutation Warrior fighter. I am finishing up the crunch and will post a sheet and a background with personality summary. Just a question, do you have a link to the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax page? I’ve seen a. Couple variants and wasn’t sure which one you had in mind.

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Mythicman19 wrote:
Just a question, do you have a link to the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax page? I’ve seen a. Couple variants and wasn’t sure which one you had in mind.

Here's the site I'll be using for this campaign.

Here's Jon's character. I went with Brawler in the end, and he likes to hit things with a hammer.

The Player's Guide suggests forest as a common terrain. Is that true? Or is it rather jungle?

4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 3) = 17 14
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 1) = 8
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 6) = 18 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 3, 4) = 19 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 5) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 2) = 8 7
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 1) = 19 18

Uh. Huh. Interesting slew of rolls, but I think I'll go with it. With that I can do lots of things... thinking about a halfling or elf of some kind.

Silver Crusade

scratch that, I've been wanting to try a kineticist, and this seems a good time to test one out. Fairly similar background though. I think I may go against the grain and take air as my element. Not sure yet.

Ellioti wrote:
The Player's Guide suggests forest as a common terrain. Is that true? Or is it rather jungle?

That is correct. Though an exact position isn't given for the island, it appears to be more of a semi-tropical or warm temperate climate based on the terrain and animals listed in the AP itself.

Tálan of Cormentyn is a Chelish academic/psychic and a faithful of Aroden who is aching to get into the expedition to Lost Azlant for various (obvious!) reasons.


NAME Tálan of Cormentyn
RACE Human (Chelish)
CLASS Psychic (Faith - Aroden)

STR 11 INT 19
DEX 12 WIS 15
CON 12 CHA 11

BAB +0
HD 8 (1D6+CON+FCB)
F +4 / R +1 / W +4

1 Great Fortitude
H Skill Focus: Knowledge History

1 Perception +6
2 Swim +6
I Spellcraft +8
I Knowledge Local +9
I Knowledge Arcana +8
I Knowledge Religion +8
BG Knowledge History +12
BG Linguistics +8
bonuses: +1 on Knowledge Local and UMD, +2 on Swim and Prof Sailor, +4 on Knowledge History

Common, Azlanti, Aquan, Elven, Celestial, Infernal

1 Azlanti Scholar (+1 bonus on History, Local and UMD checks. UMD is a class skill. Gain Azlanti as a bonus language.)
2 Resilient (+1 bonus on Fortitude saves)

0: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Virtue
1: Sleep, Magic Missile, Bless, (Cure Light Wounds*)

Spells Per Day:
0: unlimited
1: 4

-Bonus Spells: bless (1st), spiritual weapon (4th), magic vestment (6th), guardian of faith (8th), commune (10th), psychic surgery (12th), greater scrying (14th), greater planar ally (16th), miracle (18th).
-Deity (Ex): At 1st level, choose a deity to worship: Aroden. Your alignment must remain within one step of your deity’s or you lose access to all this discipline’s bonus spells and discipline powers.
-Divine Energy: You can channel spell energy into cure or inflict spells. This ability functions similarly to the cleric’s ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells, and the type of spells you can convert depends on your alignment in the same way. The cure or inflict spells don’t count as being on your psychic spell list for the purposes of any other effects. Each day, you can convert up to one spell from each spell level you can cast. Each time you use this ability to convert a spell, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool. The maximum number of points you can regain in this way per day is equal to your Wisdom modifier.
-Knacks: can cast cantrips
-Phrenic Pool (Su): 2 (half level plus WIS mod). Replenished after 8 hours of rest or meditation.
-Phrenic Amplifications:
-Perfect Body: can spend 1 point from her phrenic pool to gain a +2 bonus on her next Reflex or Fortitude save after casting a transmutation spell.
Race (Human)
-Focused Study: gain Skill Focus at levels 1, 8 and 16th.
-Heart of the Sea: +2 on Profession Sailor and Swim checks, both are class skills. Can hold breathe twice as long. Gain a +4 bonus on concentration checks when attempting to cast spells underwater.


Tálan is the third son of a seafaring family from Corentyn, Cheliax, that has spawned forth many a captain, first-mate, explorer and adventurer over many generations. That, and plenty of sailors, unsuccesful merchants, and individuals of ill-repute, but grandfather never talked about them. What he did talk about was Aroden, and how it is a sign of worse yet to come that He is almost completely forgotten by the people.

Both blessed and cursed with access to Aroden’s Eye, Tálan is not the first in his family born with psychic powers. While not a gifted psychic, his granduncle taught him the basics of the craft. Many a swim was had in the cold waters of Cormentyn to awaken Tálan’s inner focus, but eventually his granduncle told him to seek guidance elsewhere if he wanted to master his gift. He simply had nothing more to teach.

Over the years more and more former temples and shrines to Aroden were demolished, repurposed or worse, rededicated to Asmodeus. Those who dared to raise their voice were made to shut up, and what little remained of Aroden’s faith was snuffed out like a candle in the night. When the inquisitors came for the family’s prayer books, Tálan knew he had to escape Cheliax.

Tálan left Cheliax to try his hand at a scholarship in Andoran, the fabled land of freedom. He had always dreamt of studying the history of Golarian, digging into ancient tomes and manuscripts, and hopefully one day, writing a revelatory work on Aroden and his imminent return. But now, through life’s harsh lessons, he knows that preserving knowledge and tradition is invaluable.

While in Andoran he managed to acquire a scholarship. He passed the entry test, got enough financial backing from his family to make it work, and earned some money on the side translating documents and texts. At the university, he swears it was fate, he ran into an elderly Vudrani tutor who agreed to help him understand more of his powers in return for opening his mind to the teachings of Irori. Diligent and dutiful, and bursting with ambition, Tálan threw himself into his academic and psychic studies, unaware of how fast days and weeks were going by.

The wakeup call that pulled him out of his flow came in the way of a call for adventurers and colonists by the Bountiful Venture Company. The academical world was buzzing with speculation of what could be find overseas, and whether or not it was too early for academics to go over there right away. But if he’d wait, wouldn’t someone else go first?

While technically being neither colonist nor adventurer, Tálan knows he’ll have to embrace aspects of both if he wants to have a chance at unearthing the secrets of lost Azlant and get his chance at fame and glory. Not that he necessarily cares for either, but deep down in his soul he can feel how this venture is important.

And so he signed up.


-Humble and hardworking but ambitious, takes solace and joy in his academical pursuits.
-More of a book than a peoples person.
-Curious about Vudrani culture and Irori. Tries to incorporate their wisdom into his approach of life, work, and self. Knows his family would disapprove, but doesn’t care.
-He likes structure, order, and a methodical approach to problems. He is patient, and has troubles with reckless pursuits and things that aren’t thought-through.
-Loves quiet get-togethers, spending hours at the dinner table with wine and conversation, especially when it is to discuss history and philosophy.
-Favorite things are reading, swimming, and starting the day with coffee.
-Curious about the world, other professions, and how things ’work’.
-Dislikes busybodies, bullies, intolerance, and cheese. The latter causes flatulence, how awful.
-Fears one day his academical works might cause his family to get into trouble in Cheliax. Fears big dogs - the type Chelish soldiers use to break up protests and or terrorize ’unruly’ citizens with.
-Awkward with compliments, larger groups of people, and low-brow humor.


-Violet eyes. Curly jet-black hair. Strong straight nose. Unimpressive growth of facial hair that requires him to stay clean-shaven or look ridiculous.
-Slightly below medium height, somewhat toned and fit thanks to his love for swimming, but not a physical wonder. His Vudrani teacher has managed to get him out of his comfy reading chair and turned daily exercise into a cherished habit.
-Wears a silver bracer decorated with a winged eye - the symbol of Aroden.
-Regularly has ink-stains on his hands, fingers and sleeves.
-Likes to wear non-flashy clothes, perhaps from having to avoid notice for years back in Corentyn. The one exception is his bracer.
-Wears typical Chelish footwear: sturdy black leather boots.

All set with the character I plan to make an alias if I’m selected.

Karsten Monsen:

Character sheet

Karsten was born on the Ironbound archipelago, his father a sailor for a ship pledged to a Linnorm King and his mother a herbalist. He spent many years journeying around the islands, often hearing stories about the Mordant Spire elves and the great ruins beneath the sea. His father teaching him to fight while his mother the practical use of mixtures to help gave him the first taste of the potential magic offered.

Curious by nature and hardy he took to swimming and studying what ruins he could find close to their island. Though one day he was swept out to sea further than he had been as he dived for treasures amidst the rocks. Swimming as hard as he could he managed to not drown and washed up on a small island. It was here he found his first ruin. A small cave hidden beneath the craggy rocks led to the remains of some structure long buried. It was here he found writing on the wall. He examined it and miraculously it sprang to life, emitting light. He watched as words danced across the walls and he began to understand them. It was later that he realized he somehow had learned the ancient Azlanti language. With newfound ability to read the walls he found a carving of a hawk. That spoke of a loyal ally and friend. Again curious he examined it as a flash of light happened and he found a hawk sitting atop his arm. Somehow the bird was calm and even friendly to him. And he felt connected as he read the stone it said it’s name was Drusu, with enough a adventure for the boy he returned to see the seas had calmed. Swimming back he retold his story to his parents.

Taking it as a good omen his mother began to teach him more about not just herbalism but some of the history of the islands and what she knew. His father helping him by having the villages Seer teach the boy to sharpen his mind. It was with this information he set off, and began to explore the cave, eventually finding more about Azlant and of a great continent to the west. Unsure of how to reach it he set out and eventually heard of the discovery of islands amid the Steaming Sea. Desperate to learn more he made his way southward until he met a man asking for volunteers to go West to the work the colony of Talmandor’s Bounty. Hoping that the islands this colony rested on might hold secrets or even better actually be Azlant he signed on as an extra sword hand.

Karsten looks and acts very much the 29 year old, eager to learn and quick to pick things up he has spent most of his life learning. Whether it be swordsmanship, basic herbalism, to history. He has a voracious appetite for knowledge. Friendly to all he gets along with most people though he doesn’t take kindly to thinking him dull despite the way he looks. Built rough from years in the cold and worn by sea salt he is the picture of a Ulfen man. His hair however belies a growing wisdom from what he’s learned. Magic despite what it gave him is not always benevolent. And he hopes that learning all he can will help to keep others safe, something that he always admired about the Mordant Spire elves.

Drusu despite seeming a normal Hawk is very intelligent and comfortable with people. However he holds a bit of pride and resents others assuming they can touch him. Lover of attention and of snacks it’s not difficult to win his trust. There is something uncanny though about him that can’t be shaken though.

Build and Ideas:
Generally he will be a sword and board fighter helping tank and providing help when he can. Nothing particularly noteworthy about his fighting style just I may work in intimidate stuff to add some debuff. I would like to get magic on him if possible or atleast magical like abilities so eldritch heritage or something along those lines may be in the cards.

For his familiar I plan to take improved familiar eventually and if possible would like to flavor and somehow work into the story or the background that he is woke kind of ancient familiar or magical creature eventually revealing itself as such.

The mutagens I would also like to flavor as less him coming up with concoctions but learning an azlanti magic meant to improve oneself and eventually achieve perfection via potions or incantations or whatever.

@Mythicman19, FYI, you forgot to drop the lowest die for each roll, as hustonj pointed out.
So your rolls are not 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14, (57-point buy) but rather 15, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12 (29-pt buy, still well above standard).

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@DM yttras, if I wanted to play an Oracle with the Ocean's Echo archetype, do you require the Racial Heritage (Merfolk) feat, or would you handwave that race restriction?

Aldizog wrote:

@Mythicman19, FYI, you forgot to drop the lowest die for each roll, as hustonj pointed out.

So your rolls are not 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14, (57-point buy) but rather 15, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12 (29-pt buy, still well above standard).

My bad! Made a mistake there thanks for catching it, should be all set now. Edited the sheet to reflect the correct stats.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alexandr watches with great interest as the recruitment plane between the planes slowly fills up with people.

Immediatly he notices a rather large and merry fellow who...
Has an Orc Butchering Axe.

Sensing a possibly kindred soul Alexandr walks over to Brother McLaren and asks

Greetings, a fellow admirer of drink? And oversized axes? Why I believe we have some things in common Good Sir, I am Alexandr Sergejevich Kerensky, formerly of the Irriseni Armed forces, who might you be?

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