Born to the upper-class in Taldan’s elite during a meteor shower of great portent, Moredeki was a disgrace to his father and a blight on his mother’s virtue. They attempted to squelch the information of the affair by sending Mordeki to live with an out of the way cousin. This effectively banished him to an island a few miles wide and a few hundred miles long.
Here he was allowed to roam free with little to know parenting or education. He was constantly berated for his “nobility” and accused of being a bastard blood. The cousin would then proceed to explain the lineage of the “true” noble born. He learned to envy his siblings for their “proper births.”
He spent much of his time in the water and on boats out upon the water during his formative years. It was here that his fascination for sharks and the big killers of the deep began to fester and take over his soul. Realizing he would never look like other “humans” he took to sharpening his fangs, the only obvious indication of his mixed heritage. He learned they were a weapon as sure as his tiger fork was a weapon.
It wasn’t till he was old enough to hide his mixed heritage from the casual glance that he was permitted back in Taldan high society. He was provided with money to bribe his silence and his absence from his family’s social forays. He learned to make that money last often times bargaining for items way priced higher than his funds. He never quiet ran out of money though always having a few coppers to spend.
He became upset one day at a slight to his upbringing and “passed out.” When he came to it was to see the absolute destruction he had caused to the facility. There was blood on walls, floor, and tables. The tables and many of the stools were in shambles. Those people that remained were scared and talking about his raging anger and bestial eyes. Knowing he wouldn’t be tolerated in high society any more, he took off to the coasts. It was Freeport that he ended up in. It was here that his swimming prowess and his anger fits were noticed by the Bountiful Venture Company.
Knowing the potential hazards of the new land, they were looking for a few people that could hold their own against whatever creature may be threatening the settlement. He was approached by the smith that would be going with them. The uppers wanted to see him and offer him a job as a protector and hunter for the new settlement. He met and the journey began.
An average 5ft 5inches, 150 lithe pounds of flesh, Mordeki appears little more at a glance than a rather slightly paled version of a human youth. The cloak and silk shirt that he wears lend air to him being of nobility and thus the lack of true pallor to his skin, “untouched by the laborer’s sun.”
A casual glance would reveal a youth with crooked and damaged teeth that fit ill with in his mouth. A closer examination, something that rarely happens because of his intimidating way of glaring back, reveals the teeth are merely props to cover the real sharpened teeth beneath.
He wears a coat of midnight blue that almost is black. It is made from the thick “leathery” skin of a great white shark. Around his wrists and neck are carved bracelets and necklaces of shark and killer whale bone. These are quite detailed and seem to be a part of the youth more than accessories. His feet are clad in seal skin sandals that remain loosely clasped as if they were not common foot wear for the lithe lad and could easily be slipped out of if so desired.
His face is scarred where he was once bitten by a predator of the deep. He will not say what they are from merely that they were earned through stupidity of motion. The bone in places sticks out from his jaw line. He often wears a bandanna across the face to hide the scars.
His head is close shorn on both sides but a mohawk, allowed to lope over sloppily, splits the shaved sides. He has many piercing in his ears all are jewelry of bone. He will tell those that ask that it is bones of his ancestors and his friends. Few know that he refers to the predators of the deep, sharks and killer whales as his ancestors or his friends.
When he becomes angry, he grins and initiates a fight of dominance. In his view there can oly be one matriarch or one patriarch to the pod. He intends in time to be that one. In battle he smears the blood of enemies across his chest and face to accentuate the gruesome features that his bandana conceals. The false teeth come out as well showing well filed and needle pointed fangs.