Bountiful (Ad)venture: DM Yttras's Ruins of Azlant Table 1
Game Master
Current Date: 25th Gozreh, 4717 AR
Roll20 link
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I will make a map of the smithy on Roll20 sometime tomorrow.
Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1
Let me know if you are still having difficulty. I have a map of the smithy area up, and you can place yourselves appropriately. I also made character sheets for each of you, so you can choose an image for your character as well as import your info if you so desire.
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
I can log in, but cannot edit or move my token yet.
M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank
I also can't edit my sheet or add a token to the map.
I tend to use Google Slides for most games. I am in a few with Roll20 but it seems harder to use.
Is the mobile app any good?
Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8
I'm logged in. I have never managed a character sheet in Roll20 so I don't know how that works or how to add tokens to my sheet or to the map.
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
I have a fair bit of experience with roll 20. My understanding is that we dont have access to our sheets yet, which is why we cannot drag and drop them or edit them.
Yeah, it looks like I forgot to add permission to edit when I made them visible, which I will do after work today. As gor the sheet itself, since I have your stats here on the forum, I don't need you to add them on Roll20, though you can if you'd like. It's mostly so you can have a token on maps, so once you have edit access, you can take an image and add it to the main page of the sheet.
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
I will probably add my stats, it does have a degree of utility for automatically tracking weight and stuff.
Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8
Excited to start some map combat!
Having seen him in action, I know MacLaren does a great job with maps on Google Slides. I think Roll20 is not as good for mobile. But I usually am playing on a computer anyway.
Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1
Sorry, I should clarify. I was having trouble logging into Paizo. Clearing cookies fixed it.
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
Just noticed that runestones of power exist and are really cheap and slotless. Lets see if we find any.
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
For what its worth I can access the sheet now!
Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8
I updated my character sheet as best as I could, most importantly adding my avatar image!
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
I am assuming that the main entrance to the smithy is to the south (slightly larger door shape there). Can other people see the position of my character?
Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1
I positioned Ana and could only see Brother at the time. Do we still have everyone?
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
I see myself, Brother, and someone without an Icon directly next to a window. Alex is 6 squares South and one square west of the iconless person.
Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision
I am here. I haven’t had a chance to fill out the roll20 sheet so the icon-less character might be me then.
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
I would recommend just puttin in an image.
I am guessing that not all player icons are set as visible for all players.
Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8
I see some bad guys, Alexandr, and MacLaren.
Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision
I’ve got most of my character sheet transferred over.
GN, can you post my image on roll20? I post from my phone and don’t think I can achieve that. Thanks!
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
Can we have a short roll call? Is anyone missing?
Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision
I’m here, just wondering what’s going on….
M Human Cleric 6/Brk4 | HP 73/73 | AC 24 (T 15, FF 21, CMD 26) | F +12 R +10 W +12 | Mv 30' | Init +3 | Per +13 Spells 4/6/6/5/4/3 | Channel 3d6 4/4 | Agile Feet 6/6 | Active: Outflank
Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8
Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
I think he was gone since the big Paizo issues, roughly?
GM, you may need to delete cookies/remove cache to access the site again.
Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11
For what its worth, one of Yttras Alias is posting again.
Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision
I’m afraid we have lost our GM.
Female Human (Alchemically Enhanced) Alchemist (Ragechemist) / Barbarian (Armored Hulk) 1
Seems like. Gentlemen, it was an honor.
Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision
It was really fun, even though it was just a short period of time.
Male Duskwalker U. Monk (Flowing Monk) | Shaman 8
Aye, good gaming with you all!
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