About Caroline CallingwoodThe Party:
• Baern Holderhek CG (Male/Dwarf) Brawler 1 - Set Mind
• Caroline Callingwood NG (Female/Human) Druid 1 - Following in the Footsteps
• Chaytah "Rock" Dives NG (Male/Human (Shoanti)) Wizard (Shapechange Specialist) 1 - Set Mind
• Kriznox Haab ?? (Male/Gnome) bard 1 -
• Tálan of Cormentyn LN (Male/Human(Chelish)) Psychic 1 - Azlanti Scholar
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Description:
The young woman of some twenty years has shoulder length dark auburn hair and has a piercing gaze of grey colored eyes. She has a full figure dressed in simple green robes with a brown cloak. Caroline wears simple clothing that is functional for what she intends to do. She has a suit of studded leather armor that she gifted for her journey ahead of her. She walks with a warn staff but perfers to fight with her scimitar and shield. The rucksack is often full of the potions that she is able to make through her druid skills. Race: Human
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Human, Druid 1
Hit Points: 10 (8(1st) +2 con) Armor Class: 16 = 10 +2 dex +2 armor +2 shield
Fortitude: +4 = +2 class +2 con
Damage Reduction: none
----------------------- Ability Score -----------------------
----------------------- Combat -----------------------
BAB: +0 = +0 class
Quarterstaff +2 (1d6+2, bludgeoning /x2) Ranged Other Abilities Spells
1st-level (2+1; DC 15) Entangle, Liberating Command, Cure Light Wounds ----------------------- Skills -----------------------
Skills Total Rank CS Ability ACP Misc Appraise +2 = +0 rank +1 ability
----------------------- Feats -----------------------
• Precise Shot You are adept at firing ranged attacks into melee.
----------------------- Traits -----------------------
• Wisdom in the Flesh: Use Wisdom instead of Strength or Dexterity on a single skill (Disable Device) • Heirloom Trait Weapon feat: Long Bow • Naive (drawback)Your perception that everyone is innately good does not bode well in the heat of battle, when less scrupulous foes might take advantage of your misguided optimism. Effect: You take a –2 penalty to AC against attacks with improvised weapons and a –2 penalty to CMD against dirty trick combat maneuvers. ----------------------- Racial Abilities -----------------------
----------------------- Class Abilities ----------------------- • Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Druids are proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. They are also proficient with all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below). Druids are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may wear only padded, leather, or hide armor. A druid may also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as though it were steel. Druids are proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only wooden ones. A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter. • Spells:
• Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature’s ally spell of the same level or lower. • Nature Bond (Ex) Druidic Herbalism Nature Bond Variant Druidic herbalism is a nature bond option that can be taken by any druid at 1st level except those with archetypes or alternate class features that alter or replace nature bond or mandate a specific nature bond choice. Instead of granting access to a domain or an animal companion, a druid’s bond with nature can take a third form: access to druidic herbalism. A druid who chooses to learn druidic herbalism can use combinations of nuts, berries, dried herbs, and other natural ingredients along with appropriate containers to create herbal concoctions or magic consumables that function like potions. This acts like the Brew Potion feat, but only for spells on the druid spell list. Herbal concoctions are typically thick and sludgy, and their creation time, caster level, spell duplication capabilities, and all other variables and properties are identical to those of potions created using Brew Potion. Herbal concoctions created with herbs that cause special effects when ingested retain those effects as well as the appropriate spell effect. A druid can create a number of free herbal concoctions per day equal to her Wisdom modifier. Additional concoctions cost the same as creating an equivalent potion using Brew Potion. Druids can sell their herbal concoctions just as if they were potions (though NPCs unfamiliar with druidic herbalism may need some convincing before purchasing these wares). At 4th level, a druid’s increasing skill with herbalism means that she can disguise the effects of her herbal concoctions. When a creature attempts a Perception or Spellcraft check to identify one of the druid’s concoctions, the concoction appears to be a different herbal concoction of the druid’s choice unless the creature exceeds the identification DC by 5 or more. The druid must designate this false result when creating the concoction. If a creature exceeds the identification DC by 5 or more, it correctly identifies the concoction, though not that the druid tried to fool it. Additionally, at 4th level, when the druid creates additional concoctions, she need pay only half the normal cost to create them. It takes her only half the normal time to create her concoctions, and she can create concoctions of spells from any spell list, as long as she can cast the spell. At 7th level, when the druid creates concoctions with potential false identification results, a creature attempting to identify the concoction must exceed the identification DC by 10 or more to determine the concoction’s true identity. Additionally, at 7th level, a druid can create any herbal concoction in 1 minute. She can also create a special concoction of any spell higher than 3rd level that she can cast, but to do so, she must expend a spell slot of the same level. These special concoctions do not cost her anything to create and function like extracts created by an alchemist with the infusion • Nature Sense (Ex): A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. • Wild Empathy (Ex) - A druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check. ----------------------- Equipment -----------------------
Coins 8 gp 2sp studded leather armor 20.0 - 25g
scimitar 4 - 15g
Spell Component 2 - 5g Vial, Iron 8 - 8s
Kit, Ranger’s 14 - 9gp
Current load: light (60.0)
Background and concept elements important to Caroline Callingwood. • Caroline has always had an affinity to nature and the animals and plants since she was a small child. Her parents and many of the small village encouraged her including the local cleric of Erastil Tohall and his apprentice Jelena, a girl a few years older than Caroline. The pair were often found together roaming and exploring the surrounding area. • Caroline's parents and many of the small village of Sweetwater were killed in a raid of goblinoids that moved into the area. Tohall took the child into his care and raised her as his own daughter. She was treated well and always felt loved.Though Jelena was not kin to her or Tohall, she accepted her as a sister, in her new family. She has always been grateful to both for accepting her into their lives. • As she entered her teens Caroline fell in love with a traveling druid named Koltar. He remained in the vicinity of the small village. When he was around the two seemed to spend all their time together. Tohall did not approve which only pushed the girl closer to the young man. Koltar was showing Caroline many interesting things with his druidic magics and skills and mesmerized the young woman to learn for herself. Jelena came to her one evening as she had witnessed Koltar sacrificing animals in the forest with several others. Of course Caroline thought it was jealousy or a made up story. In laters days when confronted he admitted he was part of a cult of Lamashtu and wanted her to join him to make those who did not respect nature paid for their ignorance. Caroline was appalled and ran all the way back and told Tohall all that she had seen and heard. He immediately left after being told and was gone for most of the next day and when he returned had said that the group was gone with no trace. Caroline was heart broken. • Tohall had listened to Caroline’s interest in the druidic arts and arranged to have his aunt, Raina, a druid from several villages away. She would come to evaluate the girl. While Raina was a small woman she looked over the young woman before and her said she would take her as an apprentice. She moved with and started to learn from her new mentor. She took to all things druid like water. Nothing seemed too much for her. She worked hard to understand and practice her new art. • Jelena and Caroline kept in touch as much as their mentor’s let them. The villages were more than a day apart but the pair continued their close friendship and told one another everything. Jeleena had news, she had been chosen by the Bountiful Venture Company to establish Talmandor’s Bounty. The first wave of settlers to somewhere new. While happy for a friend she was also saddened that her best friend was leaving, perhaps for good. As a parting gesture, she gave Jelena her mother's bow, an heirloom that had been in the family for generations. Something that would aid a cleric of Erastil in a new land. She said she would come looking for that bow one day and she meant it. Goals that are important to Caroline. • Continue her druidic arts and become someone that those she considers family could respect. • Find a way to get to Talmandor’s Bounty and find her friend Jelena • Travel beyond Sweetwater and explore (the world and herself) Secrets about Caroline, one that she knows, and one that he not yet aware of. • She believes that she loves Jelena. The pair grew up together and called one another sister. They told one another everything. Their time apart learning and serving their communities she missed her friend. It has been months now they Jelena has been gone that she relizes how much she cares for this person. • Koltar is still out there and intends to corrupt Caroline or make her suffer. After refuting his offer of love and embarrassing him in front of his peers, he has it out for the young woman. People that are tied to Caroline • Tohall (human/male/53 years old): Caroline’s adopted father. A cleric a of Erastil. He was a kind and gentle man. He would perhaps be disappointed in the actions of Jelena and Caroline, but could never be angry at either. • Jelena (half-elf/female/23 years old): Best friend and sister. Caroline grew up with Jelena as a friend and later in life when she lost her parents grew up in the same house becoming a sister. The pair tell each other everything. • Raina (appears human/female/appears to be in late age) Caroline's mentor of the drudic arts and how to brew potions. The first year all she did was gather herbs from the woman, but she came to understand a large swath of the land around her in its entirety. Raina was not a personalably woman, but when needed for whatever reason, she was there to offer her help. Be it her magics to heal a graciously wonder child or to keep maurding goblins at bay. To help in the delivery of a baby in the middle of a snowstorm to presiding over a couple in love. She was a strict task master but there were always goals or lessons to learn. Failures and successes brought their own consequences, but it was living and the helping of others that made it all the sweeter. • Koltar (human/male/25 years old): Former lover of Caroline. A known worshipper of Lamashtu. He current motives and whereabouts are unknown. Quirks and mannerisms Caroline possess. • Caroline is normally quite pleasant. She will rarely use vulgarities and finds that others do so distasteful but will not normally call anyone on the issue. • As a rule Caroline will not lie to other people. • Is rather a simple girl with simple tastes • She does not drink alcohol *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Important Colonists:
• Ramona Avandth - Employee of the Bountiful Venture Company and head of the colony. Always projects an aura of calm and control, and works to know each of the colonists by name. Has short cut brown hair and a tan complexion. Has a fine ear and singing voice. • Lyra Heatherly - Employed by the Bountiful Venture Company as an explorer and mapmaker. Generally cheerful and something of a daredevil. A half-elf with long strawberry blonde hair and blue-green eyes. Rarely seen without her trusty pack. • Perrell Beys - Employed by the Bountiful Venture Company as a colony historian and scholarly advisor to Ramona. Soft-spoken but stubborn, and exactingly precise. A human woman with short-cropped red hair, a smattering of freckles, and a simple, practical shirt and vest. • Eamon Caranth - A priest of Erastil who volunteered to join the colony as a missionary. Easygoing and relaxed in demeanor. A friend to Father Nurpico, and the “defense attorney” in colonial trials. A tall half-elf with straw-colored hair and a pale complexion. • Kurvis Nurpico - A priest of Abadar who also volunteered to provide spiritual support for the colony. Generally perceived among the other colonists as gruff and curmudgeonly, but a friend to Father Caranth. A man with steel-gray hair and formal attire, and among the oldest of the colonists. For Caroline Only (please respect):
•Alba Divenvaar - As an alchemist and a traveler finally ready to set down roots, Alba almost instantly took a liking to you. She’s traveled across much of Avistan and Garund, and takes great enjoyment in sharing stories of her adventures and alchemical and herbal tips with you over the course of the voyage. •Eamon Caranth - A missionary to the colony, the cleric of Erastil has an appreciation for nature that allows a lot of common ground with you, aside from the faith of your friend. If you confide in him about Jelena, he would encourage you to remember the importance of supporting family and building community, but not give any definite guidance on what exactly to do. |