GM Zoomba's SFS 4-09 Through Sea & Storm (Inactive)

Game Master Zoomba


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VC - Sydney, Australia

…that’s a fresh change!

Operative Giants was just mean though :)

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Male CN Human Solarian 12 (Themeless) Character Sheet | SP 71/144, HP 88/88, RP 10/10 | EAC: 29 KAC: 29 | Fort: +13, Ref: +10, Will: +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10, SM: +7 | Speed 30 ft | Tracked Resources: Shirt Reroll 1/1, +2 Skill Check 0/1, Skill Reroll 1/1, Corona Las Pistol 20/20 | Active conditions: Photon: 1, Grav 0, Sidereal (?)

Thanks for running, GM, that was a blast! And a great group of role-players too.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

My pleasure!

Chronicles are HERE. Let me know if there are any issues!

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Male Android Technomancer 11: Speed:50, Init:8, SP:99/99, HP:59/59, RP:9/9, DR:3, 11 Fire Resistance, EAC:26, KAC:30, Fort:6, Ref:7, Will:7, Perc:10, Exceptional vision, electrolocation

Looks good thanks.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Looks good! :)


Male NG ysoki icon envoy 11 | SP 70/88 HP 68/68 | RP 8/10 | EAC 28; KAC 30; DR 2/- | Fort +5; Ref +12; Will +8 | Init: +9 | Perc: +11, darkvision 60 ft., SM: +15+1d6+2 | Speed 40ft | Expendables: Gelid Hail 20/20, Pulsecaster 20/20, Radshot 40/40, mk1 healing 5/5, mk2 healing 2/2, sp. amp. remove condition 2/2 | Active conditions: Con -1, -11 SP (

Sorry, realized when looking at the sheet that I never rolled my day job. Here it is:

Profession(comedian): 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (6) + 25 = 31


Male CG Human Ace Pilot Operative 13 | SP 104/104 HP 82/82 | RP 10/12 | EAC 32; KAC 33 | Fort +8; Ref +14; Will +11 | Init: +14 | Darkvision; Perc: +23, SM: +15 | Speed 70 ft. (Land, Fly) 40 ft. (Swim, Climb) | Active Conditions: none.

Do we need to roll the day job check here? I thought the new rules said we can just do that on our own.

The End Awakens | The Day the River Died

I threw it in if you already rolled it, but yeah: now you're free to do so on your own and just write it in.

Also going to be marking this Campaign deactive. Still please reach out if any issues or questions. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll see you around on the boards!

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