Elena Neidhardt |
Apologies, I should have clarified. This specifically is an interaction between Blur or Displacement and Mirror image, from which you always have concealment from the magic of the prior two, not per cover. Thanks for the answers regardless.
Also, I'll try and be more clear about the Bit of Luck domain ability though I believe my post was fairly clear in stating which actions she took and heavily implied the rolls were extra rolls for Elathras.
Elathras Narcinal |
so the question of displacement and mirror images came up in the game I'm running, two of the other three players are gm's and very familiar with rules. They agreed mirror images come off if hit, then if the character is hit the displacement is rolled. Here is our conversation
robert henry — Yesterday at 1:06 PM
back to GM stuff, should I roll displacement first or mirror image?
Euan — Yesterday at 1:06 PM
mirror image.
displacement only when the images expire, or if you roll a one and 'hit' the target.
Bharak Slagsun |
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This is Mike's 8th round. 2 to go.
Mike nearly kills Yellow, then Axton summons a dagger which finishes the Wraith.
Vhane & Elena?
I absolutely love that it was the 2 points of force damage that took it out. Truly a wizard who knows the exact amount needed.
Axton Vendian |
GM_DBH wrote:I absolutely love that it was the 2 points of force damage that took it out. Truly a wizard who knows the exact amount needed.This is Mike's 8th round. 2 to go.
Mike nearly kills Yellow, then Axton summons a dagger which finishes the Wraith.
Vhane & Elena?
And a sorcerer has the charisma to make it look like he knew that even though he really didn't.
Apologies, I should have clarified. This specifically is an interaction between Blur or Displacement and Mirror image, from which you always have concealment from the magic of the prior two, not per cover. Thanks for the answers regardless.
Also, I'll try and be more clear about the Bit of Luck domain ability though I believe my post was fairly clear in stating which actions she took and heavily implied the rolls were extra rolls for Elathras.
After thinking about your problem, and talking it over with a GM friend I think that:
Mirror image means there are copies of you floating around. Blur & Displacement give a percentage miss chance to your being hit.
If you cast Blur or Displacement and then Mirror image I would give the images the same percentage chance of being missed. They roll to attack you, they hit an image. Roll the percentage chance of a miss for the image.
If Mirror image is cast first and then Blur or Displacement I wouldn't give the images the benefit of the miss chance.
Hope that helps you a little.
Elena Neidhardt |
Thanks dbh. That seems like a good ruling.
On this fight, i thought the wraith couldnt move from the daylight spell? Not that it matter much on a summon i suppose.
Elathras Narcinal |
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Gonna have to delay for now. Just way too exhausted and can hardly stay awake. Apologies.
Dude, at least you dropped in and kept things moving, good on ya!
Bharak Slagsun |
+1 constitution. Good for anyone! Who wants it?
While it would be nice for Bharak (+1 round of rage), he has Str19 and at lvl12 I'd like to get it to 20. So it's not a big deal to me if someone else gets it (if it went to Bharak I'd retrain the choice to make use of the tome). But whomever gets it should read it before we leave the keep, as the last post makes it sound like taking it from the keep is a bad idea.
Axton Vendian |
If anyone removes a book from the keep, its covers begin to softly weep blood.
Removing his pack long enough to tuck the 'primer' inside
Elathras is in for a surprise the next time he wants a snack.
Elena Neidhardt |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hey everyone, i'm sorry about my absense as of late. I have been extremely busy meeting multiple end of year deadlines for work amd havr had barely any time or energy to write. I have this improved after the coming two weeks, when my vacation starts. I'll try and make some posts if i can but please do not hesitate to bot me.
On the book, Elena has even con and wouldn't retrain her wis increases so she can't make use of it and i'm happy with someone else taking it if it benefits them. I would like to read the int tome when it comes off cooldown, which is in like 2 ingame days i believe.
Axton Vendian |
Totally understandable, Elena. This time of the year almost always results in a slow down for PbPs.
I'll be going out of town myself from 12/23 through 01/03. My posting will almost certainly take a hit.
Bharak Slagsun |
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As a Christmas gift, could I just spend the gold to retrain my +1 str from lvl 8 to +1 con? Say it is part of the magic of the book, and it took the gold with it as it vanished?
Bharak Slagsun |
I take it that turns your Con uneven and then reading the book will bump it up back to even again. Giving you the + to Fort and so on.
I will allow it. :)
Thank you! This is very much appreciated:D
Bharak Slagsun |
Indeed, Happy New Year to you all!
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Long story short, this is changing Axton from Sorcerer to Arcanist. Switching some stats around, getting more Knowledges etc.
Axton is a great character, but Sorcerer is starting to lag behind on what the party needs. So instead of retraining for months Axton is going to have a 10th level Wizard dump all his skills and magic in his head. :)
If you cross a Wizard and a Sorcerer you get an Arcanist. Everyone knows this. :)
Bharak Slagsun |
If that makes the game more enjoyable then good for him. :)
Axton Vendian |
DBH, I was looking for some sort of prompt to show the merging of consciousnesses and how Axton reacts to that. Sorry, I should have communicated that better. I'll try and write something to that effect tonight.
Axton Vendian |
Long story short, this is changing Axton from Sorcerer to Arcanist. Switching some stats around, getting more Knowledges etc.
Axton is a great character, but Sorcerer is starting to lag behind on what the party needs.
The knowledges were a sticking point. We had that conversation a while back where I mentioned playing the arcanist class, and then we had two or three knowledge checks where nobody was proficient in the skill in question, so DBH proposed this shake-up and I accepted. I didn't even know the in-game method that would change Axton into an arcanist until we first encountered Maligast.
All that said, this is just to facilitate the mechanical change to a new class. Any other in-game or personality, um, "quirks" that pop up are just from me roleplaying, not anything DBH is requiring. (I asked, and he didn't say no.)
Finally, here's a snapshot of Axton's sorcerer character sheet in case it ever needs to get referenced.
Initiative 6/8 = 2 (Dex) + 4 (Feat) (+ 2 in ruins from trait)
STR 10 | DEX 14(12) | CON 15(13) | INT 12 | WIS 12 | CHA 24/20
Strength score is currently 5
AC 16 = 10 + 1 (armor) + 2 (Dex) + 1 (deflection) + 1 natural armor + 1 Monk's Robe, touch 14, flat-footed 14[/ooc]
HP 62 = (6+6+4+4+4+4+4+6+6+4) + 1/lvl (Con) + 1/lvl (Feat)
Fort 7 = 3 (Sor10) + 2 (Con) + 2 (item)
Ref 7 = 3 (Sor10) + 2 (Dex) + 2 (item)
Will 10 = 7 (Sor10) + 1 (Wis) + 2 (item)
CMD 17 = 10 + 5 (BAB) + 2 (Dex)
Concentration 18 = 10 (Sor10) + 7 (Cha) + 1 (Trait)
Speed 30
CMB 7 = 5 (BAB) + 2 (Dex)
Crossbow, light: +9 1d8 (19-20/x2)
Cestus: +9 1d4 (19-20/x2)
- Melee: +9 1d4 (19-20/x2)
- Ranged: +9 1d4 (19-20/x2)
Spell slots per day: 1st: 6+2, 2nd: 6+2, 3rd: 6+1, 4th: 5+1**, 5th: 3+1, 6th: 0+1
Spells known (bold spells are bloodline spells)
0 (DC = 17/18): Acid Splash, Arcane Mark Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1 (DC = 18/19): Charm Person, Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Grease, Unseen Servant, Mage Armor, Mount
2 (DC = 19/20): Ghoul Touch, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray
3 (DC = 20/21): Dispel Magic, Fireball, Stinking Cloud, Slow
4 (DC = 21/22): Black Tentacles, Confusion, Dimension Door, Emergency Force Sphere
5 (DC = 22/23): Feeblemind
Bloodline: Arcane Bond (familiar), Metamagic Adept
PFS: 8 fame points, 8 prestige points
Monument Scholar, Influence (Diplomacy), Magical Lineage (fireball), Spirits in the Stone
FEATS (Elephant in the Room feat rules)
Additional Traits, Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Reach Spell, Spell Focus (evocation)
Bluff 11 = 2 + 6 (Cha) + 3
Diplomacy 16 = 7 + 6 (Cha) + 1 (trait) + 3
Intimidate 11 = 2 + 6 (Cha) + 3
Knowledge (arcana) 8 = 5 + 0 (Int) + 3
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 7 = 4 + 0 (Int) + 3
Perception 1 = 0 + 1 (Wis)
Sense Motive 1 = 0 + 1 (Wis)
Spellcraft 11 = 8 + 0 (Int) + 3
Use Magic Device 11 = 2 + 6 (Cha) + 3
Appraise 7 = 8 + 3
Knowledge (history) 5 = 5
Knowledge (geography) 5 = 5
Linguistics 1 = 2
Lore (Thassilon) 9 = 6 + 3
Languages Common, Varisian, Thassilonian, Draconic
Weapons and armor: light crossbow (mw), bolts (x10), dagger, cestus, haramaki
General: Backpack, Bedroll, Belt pouch, Caltrops, Chalk (x3), Compass, Explorer's outfit, Familiar satchel (w/ cork plugs), Flint and steel, Hammer, Ink (black), Inkpen, Journal, Iron spike (x3), Mess kit, Poncho, Pot, Satchel (familiar), Signal whistle, Silk rope, Soap, Torch (x5), Trail rations (x5), Waterskin, Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (wand of lightning bolt)
Annoying Dhampir's spellbook]3rd: Displacement, Vampiric touch
2nd: Bear's endurance, Bull's strength, Invisibility, scorching ray, spider climb
1st: Burning hands, Chill touch, Magic missile, Shield, Shocking grasp
0; Dancing lights, Detect magic, Mage hand, Prestidigitation, Ray of frost.
Magic items: Wayfinder, Headband of alluring charisma +4, Cloak of resistance +2, Whispering Coin, Dust of Appearance (x2), Dust of Illusion (x2), Dust of Appearance (x2), Rod of Metamagic, Selective (lesser), Dweomer's Essence (x2), Handy Haversack, ring of protection +1, amulet of natural armor +1, Mnemonic Vestment, Belt of Physical Might +2 (Dex/Con)
Potions: Potion of cure light wounds, Potion of mage armor
Wands: Wand of mage armor (17 charges), Wand of spiritual weapon (5 charges), Wand of Monster Summoning IV (14 charges), Wand of acid arrow (7th, 11 charges), Wand of fly (7th, 4 charges), Wand of fly (6th level, 10 charges), Wand of lightning bolt (7th, 4 charges),
Wealth: gp 8,366; sp 1; cp 1
DBH, I was looking for some sort of prompt to show the merging of consciousnesses and how Axton reacts to that. Sorry, I should have communicated that better. I'll try and write something to that effect tonight.
Thanks, I was waiting for you to check in and let me know you were ready to do the Eoxian mind merge.
Elathras Narcinal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Well done, a couple of very fun posts in game.
I'd posted that Elathras opened the door to C12 (following Bharak's recommendation several posts back). Can Elathras' post stand, or should I have him reopen the door?
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Actually we won't use that post because between Elena's bits of foreknowledge and Axton's just gained knowledge of the manor you don't open the door. He raises his hand and says "Don't!"
Once we get everyone's reaction to Axton's brain passenger we'll move on, but you now have complete knowledge of what is in each room.
Elathras Narcinal |
Actually we won't use that post because between Elena's bits of foreknowledge and Axton's just gained knowledge of the manor you don't open the door. He raises his hand and says "Don't!"
Once we get everyone's reaction to Axton's brain passenger we'll move on, but you now have complete knowledge of what is in each room.
Cool, at the moment I'll leave Elathras reaction as I posted. If something brilliant comes to mind I'll work it in my next post.
Does Axton know what the 'complete knowledge of what is in each room' so he can inform us, or are we still waiting on that.
Axton Vendian |
Hey everyone, i'm sorry about my absense as of late. I have been extremely busy meeting multiple end of year deadlines for work amd havr had barely any time or energy to write. I have this improved after the coming two weeks, when my vacation starts. I'll try and make some posts if i can but please do not hesitate to bot me.
On the book, Elena has even con and wouldn't retrain her wis increases so she can't make use of it and i'm happy with someone else taking it if it benefits them. I would like to read the int tome when it comes off cooldown, which is in like 2 ingame days i believe.
Elena, you good?
At what point should DBH bot?
Axton Vendian |
Amulet of natural armor +2
Who wants this? Axton and Bharak have a +1, and I don't see it on any of the other PCs. Elathras actually sold his (I presume a +1) to purchase a swarmbane clasp we needed, so I'm fine with this amulet going to him.
Spellbook: (contains only spells prepared, since as a simulacrum, Maligast can not learn more spells than that)
5th-dismissal, Summon monster V, Waves of fatigue.
4th-Detect scrying, Dimension door, Enervation, Scrying.
3rd-Dispel magic, Fireball, Lightning bolt, Vampiric touch.
2nd-Command undead, Scorching ray, See invisibility.
1st-Identify, Magic missile, Ray of enfeeblement, Shield.
0-Acid splash, Arcane mark, Detect magic, Read magic, Prestidigitation
DBH, how do we want Axton's existing spells to work? One suggestion I have is that he currently has memorized the sorcerer spells that were in his head he took in Maligast, but he can only prepare spells from Maligast's (or any other) spellbook he has the next time he prepares spells. However, he can add his known sorcerer spells to a spellbook for the standard cost the next time they're in town.
GM_DBH wrote:Loot:
Amulet of natural armor +2Who wants this? Axton and Bharak have a +1, and I don't see it on any of the other PCs. Elathras actually sold his (I presume a +1) to purchase a swarmbane clasp we needed, so I'm fine with this amulet going to him.
Quote:DBH, how do we want Axton's existing spells to work? One suggestion I have is that he currently has memorized the sorcerer spells that were in his head he took in Maligast, but he can only prepare spells from Maligast's (or any other) spellbook he has the next time he prepares spells. However, he can add his known sorcerer spells to a spellbook for the standard cost the next time they're in town.Spellbook: (contains only spells prepared, since as a simulacrum, Maligast can not learn more spells than that)
5th-dismissal, Summon monster V, Waves of fatigue.
4th-Detect scrying, Dimension door, Enervation, Scrying.
3rd-Dispel magic, Fireball, Lightning bolt, Vampiric touch.
2nd-Command undead, Scorching ray, See invisibility.
1st-Identify, Magic missile, Ray of enfeeblement, Shield.
0-Acid splash, Arcane mark, Detect magic, Read magic, Prestidigitation
That sounds like the best solution. A new spellbook combining the old and new spells.
Bharak Slagsun |
If Elathras wants the amulet then go for it. I can upgrade later.
Elathras Narcinal |
GM_DBH wrote:Who wants this? Axton and Bharak have a +1, and I don't see it on any of the other PCs. Elathras actually sold his (I presume a +1) to purchase a swarmbane clasp we needed, so I'm fine with this amulet going to him.Loot:
Amulet of natural armor +2
My intent was for Elathras to wear the swarmbane clasp, if Bharak can use the amulet of natural armor that would be great, if not let's sell it.
Bharak Slagsun |
I'll take it then, and we can move his +1 amulet into the loot pile.
Elathras Narcinal |
a little confused,
Finally, Axton makes an inviting gesture for Elathras and Bharak to proceed.
Are we dimensional dooring to the big bad or cutting our way through the minions?