Catastrophes Spark with DM Deevor PFS2 #02-03 - T1 (Inactive)

Game Master Deevor

Handouts, Maps and Stuff

Challenge Rating: 11

Hero Points: Incendia Pyreclast 1, Nal Bagura 1, Rannarix 1, Redd Appleblossom 1

GM Helper:

[.spoiler=Player Initiatives, if required]
Perception [.dice]1d20+4+1[/dice] Incendia - Investigate
Perception [.dice]1d20+7+1[/dice] Nal - scout
Perception [.dice]1d20+5+1[/dice] or Stealth [dice]1d20+7+1[/dice] Rannarix - Search
Perception [.dice]1d20+6=1[/dice] Redd - search

[.spoiler=GM Screen]
Incendia 28 AC17
Nal 28 AC19 - 6
Rannarix 16 AC18 - 3
Redd 24 AC18


Resource > Additional Character Options for PFS, including Schools
Resource > Action / Activity Summary
Resource > (GM Numbat's) Org Play PbP intro
Resource > (GM Doug H's) PFS Society Guide Reader
Resource > Joining Pathfinder Society: Faction plus School Training and Items
Resource > Earn Income Calculator (AoN)

Maps > Maps >

Start June 1st 2021
Symbols > Single Action (◆), Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

Sovereign Court

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Not open for recruiting yet

Horizon Hunters

Hey @DM, I would gladly play both 2-01 and 2-03. So far I haven't played anything from that metaplot besides Lost in Flames.

I have level 1 Wild Druid

Horizon Hunters

I have a level 1 animal druid too. Haven't done any of early Season 2. Happy to sit out if there are too many druids.

Horizon Hunters

Nal here is a rogue who has played 2-01 Citadel of Corruption and would be keen to continue exploring that plotline.

Horizon Hunters

Anybody call a cleric? :D Would also like to play 2-01 as well as 2-03.

Vigilant Seal

I would be keen to play.
Leve1 one champion here.

Happy to play 02-01 as well.

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Played 2-01. Wanting to do 2-03.
Nal Bagura was in my team for 2-01.
*Waves at Nal*

Verdant Wheel

I've played 2-01. Would like to do 2-03.

Sovereign Court

OK, so we have

3 who have played 2-01, so hopefully will get at at least one more for just 2-03 and get a table.
Redd Appleblossom
Nal Bagura

We have a table for 2-01 then 2-03.
Tonraq White-bear
Rashid ibn Azhar
Khaul Irontoe

I want to fill the 2-03 game before I accept anymore on the 2=01/2-03 combo games, so depending on how many more we get applying I'll allocate accordingly.

Horizon Hunters

Tossing my hat into the ring for the #2-01 & #2-03 run, should you end up accepting additional players. Pooka is a Level 2 Bard :)

Vigilant Seal

I'd love to play 2-03. Would we be starting after PaizoCon?

Vigilant Seal

Sorry, confusion with another game I was applying for that ended up low tier. My spot is now free.

Sovereign Court

@Incendia Pyreclast I was planning to start 1st June, which is after PaizoCon Online 2021, so you should be finished with any Con games by the time we start. Being in the UK I'm not participating in PaizoCon, so it's purely accidental that I ws planning to start on the 1st, It is fate. ​

The group who are down to play #2-03
Redd Appleblossom
Nal Bagura
Incendia Pyreclast

We have a table for 2-01 then 2-03.
Tonraq White-bear
Rashid ibn Azhar
Pooka Palooka

Whilst we are about it, can you all add the following details:
(this includes any new applications)

Paizo Handle:
Character Name:
PFS / Character Number / Faction:
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level:

Horizon Hunters

Paizo Handle: Farol
Character Name: Rangi
PFS / Character Number / Faction: 2359780-2005 Horizon Hunter
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level: Orc/Warrior/Druid/1

Vigilant Seal

Sounds perfect.

Paizo Handle: Matt Morris
Character Name: Incendia "Aunt Cindy" Pyreclast
PFS / Character Number / Faction: 48019-2007 Vigilant Seal
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level: Gnome/Hunter/Oracle 2008

Vigilant Seal

If a spot is still open for the 2-01 and 2-03, I have a 2nd level Cleric that is available.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi Redd!

Paizo Handle: Warah
Character Name: Nal Bagura
PFS / Character Number / Faction: 289224-2001 / Horizon Hunters
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level: Human (half-elf) / Criminal / Rogue (Sorcerer) 2

@Aunt Cindy: Wow! I didn't know Pathfinders could level up that far! ;)

@DM Deevor: Thanks for running this! Which group should check into Gameplay on this thread?

Sovereign Court

No checking in yet, I'll open up both games threads at the weekend.

This game will be for the PFS #2-03 game, I'll be creating the new game for both #2-01 and #2-03 later.

I usually run games with Google slides for handouts and battle maps, but I could run these with Roll20, let me know if you have any preferences

@Jak, a cleric is always welcome, please add your PFS details as requested.

Envoy's Alliance

Player Handle: Roll4initiative
Character Name: Redd Appleblossom
PFS / Character Number / Faction: 17148-2005 Envoy's Alliance.
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level: Halfling (emissary), Bard 2

Can only do Google Slides. No Roll20, please.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

OK we'll go with Google slides all round ...

Horizon Hunters

Paizo Handle: Lady Ladile
Character Name: Pooka Palooka
PFS/Character Number/Faction: 192133 - 2001 Horizon Hunters
Character Ancestry/Background/Class/Level: Goblin Barkeep Bard 2

Thank you for running, GM! :)

Vigilant Seal

Paizo Handle: Banesama
Character Name: Jak Tlooly
PFS / Character Number / Faction: 138079-2001 Vigilant Seal
Character Ancestry / Background / Class / Level: Human Scholar of the Ancients Cleric 2

Horizon Hunters

Yeah, thanks for running this GM! Btw. I see that the S02-01&S02-03 consist of two druids, two warpriests and a bard :D

4 WIS characters, sound fun. I could free up my investigator (lvl 2) to bring in some skills. But let us discuss it when we have a separate thread.

Hi! Is this still recruiting? I'm a bit (completely) new to these parts.

Envoy's Alliance

Colorfoot wrote:
Hi! Is this still recruiting? I'm a bit (completely) new to these parts.

Hopefully GM Deevor will chime in soon with an answer for you. I hope you can join us.

Sovereign Court

Yep add your details we can fit you in Colorfoot.

Under the Campaign tag is a spoiler full of resources.
Use the link to (GM Numbat's) Org Play PbP intro, which is a helpful starting point.

Any difficulties please shout.

Further applications will be placed on a wait list

Awesome! Thank you! Is there a character class we “need?” I was looking at monk, fighter, or rogue, but I haven’t registered a character yet with PFS so I have some flexibility.

Sovereign Court

It doesn't really matter what class you pick, you should pick the class you want to play. Both Monks and Fighters are pretty fearsome classes, either would be a great addition to the party.

The party is made up of
Rannix - Ranger
Nal Bulgara - Rogue
Incendia Pyreclast - Oracle'
Redd Appleblossom - Bard

But I go with my first sentence 'you should pick the class you want to play'

Monk it is! I’ll get everything formatted and submitted today.

Sovereign Court

No worries, there's plenty of help in the group as well, so just ask if you want.

Envoy's Alliance

Just a suggestion, since Colorfoot is just starting out, you might want to put him in the 2-01 group.

Sovereign Court

The reason I chose this game, was more to get support from the experienced players in this group. I think there are other GMs in the group who can help if required.

I can easily change it to the other game, if Colorfoot is comfortable with that.

Oh, I’m happy to play in either. I’m new to PF (I played 2e at a con a couple of years ago and I played the 1e Beginners Box many years before that) but not new to TTRPGs or pbp in general. I’m hoping I’ll pick up the mechanics pretty quickly, especially if folks don’t mind my newbie questions.

Horizon Hunters

Heck, your questions will help all of us either remember details we may have overlooked or cement useful info in our minds. Ask away! :)

Vigilant Seal

Still looking for more players? I've got 2 Vigilant Seal characters I'd like to play, so I'll go with Nurten, who's lower level.

Player Name : Crunch
Character Name : Nosepicker Nurten
PFS Number : 150618
Character Number : 2004
Faction : Vigilant Seal
Class and Level : Oracle (cosmos) 2

Sovereign Court

Nosepicker, you managed to get this on the wrong game ....

Vigilant Seal

Oof, guess I read too far into this post then. Where to, then, if you still have spots?

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