Trident +5 (1 (Dex) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item)) [T]
damage (d8 + 3 (Str)) [S] (thrown 20 feet)
Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [T], Trident: [T], Unarmed: [T], Other: [U]
Magic Traditions
Arcane: 0
Divine: 2
Occult: 0
Primal: 0
Spell Attack Roll (divine): +8 = (4 (Wis) + 4 (prof)) [T]
Spell DC (divine): 18 = (10 + 4 (Wis) + 4 (prof)) [T]
Spell Slots per Day
1st: 3
Cantrip: 5
Athletics: +7 = 3 (Str) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
Diplomacy: +4 = 0 (Cha) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
Lore (Mountain): +4 = 0 (Int) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
Lore (Pathfinder): +4 = 0 (Int) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
Medicine: +8 = 4 (Wis) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
Nature: +8 = 4 (Wis) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
Religion: +8 = 4 (Wis) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
Survival: +8 = 4 (Wis) + 4 (prof) + 0 (item) [T]
STR +3, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +0, WIS +4, CHA +0
Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Heritage: Versatile human (Fleet)
1st: Natural Ambition (Healing Hands)
Skill Feats
Background: Assurance (Survival)
2nd: Battle Medicine
General Feats
Class Feats and Abilities
1st: Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, cleric spellcasting, warpriest doctrine, Gozreh deity
2nd: Warpriest's Armor
Combat Gear: healer’s toolkit, trident, steel shield
Magic Items: wayfinder
Other Gear: splint mail armor, adventurer's pack (1 Bulk in backpack)
Bulk: 5 (Encumbered at: 8 = 5 + 3 (Str); Maximum at: 13 = 10 + 3 (Str))
Coins: 0 copper, 1 silver, 26 gold, 0 platinum (or 26.10 gp)
Long Term Plans